2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

164 lines
4.6 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# Rep045 script - replication with version dbs.
# Usage: rep045script clientdir vfile
# clientdir: client env directory
# vfile: name of version file
source ./include.tcl
source $test_path/test.tcl
source $test_path/testutils.tcl
source $test_path/reputils.tcl
set usage "repscript clientdir vfile"
# Verify usage
if { $argc != 3 } {
puts stderr "FAIL:[timestamp] Usage: $usage"
# Initialize arguments
set clientdir [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set vfile [ lindex $argv 1 ]
global databases_in_memory
set databases_in_memory [ lindex $argv 2 ]
set niter 50
# Join the queue env. We assume the rep test convention of
# placing the messages in $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR.
set queueenv [eval berkdb_env -home $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR]
error_check_good script_qenv_open [is_valid_env $queueenv] TRUE
# We need to set up our own machids.
repladd 3
# Join the client env.
set cl_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $clientdir \
-txn -rep_client -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
# set cl_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $clientdir \
# -verbose {rep on} -errfile /dev/stderr \
# -txn -rep_client -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $cl_cmd]
error_check_good script_cenv_open [is_valid_env $clientenv] TRUE
# Start up deadlock detector.
set dpid [exec $util_path/db_deadlock \
-a o -v -t 5 -h $clientdir >& $testdir/dd.out &]
# Initialize version number. Don't try to open the first
# version database until the master has completed setting it up.
set version 0
while {[catch {eval {berkdb_open_noerr} -env $clientenv -rdonly $vfile} vdb]} {
if { [is_substr $vdb DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK] == 1 } {
# We're deadlocked. Just wait for the
# deadlock detector to break the deadlock.
tclsleep 1
} else {
puts "FAIL: vdb open failed: $vdb"
while { $version == 0 } {
tclsleep 1
if { [catch {$vdb get VERSION} res] } {
# If we encounter an error, check what kind of
# error it is.
if { [is_substr $res DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK] == 1 } {
# We're deadlocked. Just wait for the
# deadlock detector to break the deadlock.
} elseif { [is_substr $res DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD] == 1 } {
# Handle is dead. Get a new handle.
error_check_good vdb_close [$vdb close] 0
set vdb [eval {berkdb_open} -env $clientenv\
-rdonly $vfile]
} else {
# We got something we didn't expect.
puts "FAIL: Trying to get version, got $res"
} else {
# No error was encountered.
set version [lindex [lindex $res 0] 1]
error_check_good close_vdb [$vdb close] 0
# If the parent has gotten really far ahead, it may be done.
# Clean up and exit.
if { $version == "DONE" } {
error_check_good kill_deadlock_detector [tclkill $dpid] ""
error_check_good script_client_close [$clientenv close] 0
if { $databases_in_memory } {
set dbfile [concat \"\" db.$version]
} else {
set dbfile db.$version
# Open completed database version $version.
if {[catch {eval {berkdb_open} -rdonly -env $clientenv $dbfile} db]} {
puts "FAIL: db open failed: $db"
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
# While parent process is not done, read from current database.
# Periodically check version and update current database when
# necessary.
while { 1 } {
set dbc [$db cursor]
set i 0
error_check_good cursor_open [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
for { set dbt [$dbc get -first] } { $i < $niter } \
{ set dbt [$dbc get -next] } {
incr i
error_check_good cursor_close [$dbc close] 0
while {[catch {eval {berkdb_open} -env $clientenv -rdonly $vfile} vdb]} {
puts "open failed: vdb is $vdb"
tclsleep 1
set ret [$vdb get VERSION]
set newversion [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
error_check_good close_vdb [$vdb close] 0
error_check_bad check_newversion $newversion ""
if { $newversion != $version } {
if { $newversion == "DONE" } {
} elseif { $newversion == 0 } {
puts "FAIL: version has reverted to 0"
} else {
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
set version $newversion
if { $databases_in_memory } {
set dbfile [concat \"\" db.$version]
} else {
set dbfile db.$version
while {[catch {eval \
{berkdb_open} -env $clientenv -rdonly $dbfile} db]} {
puts "db open of new db failed: $db"
tclsleep 1
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
# Pause a few seconds to allow the parent to do some work.
tclsleep 3
# Clean up.
error_check_good kill_deadlock_detector [tclkill $dpid] ""
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
error_check_good script_client_close [$clientenv close] 0