2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

416 lines
12 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2006, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# rep065script - procs to use at each replication site in the
# replication upgrade test.
# START starts up a replication site and performs an operation.
# the operations are:
# REPTEST runs the rep_test_upg procedure on the master.
# REPTEST_GET run a read-only test on a client.
# REPTEST_ELECT runs an election on the site.
# PROCMSGS processes messages until none are left.
# VERIFY dumps the log and database contents.
# role: master or client
# op: operation to perform
# envid: environment id number for use in replsend
# allids: all env ids we need for sending
# ctldir: controlling directory
# mydir: directory where this participant runs
# reputils_path: location of reputils.tcl
proc rep065scr_elect { repenv oplist } {
set ver [lindex $oplist 1]
set pri [lindex $oplist 2]
proc rep065scr_reptest { repenv oplist markerdb } {
set method [lindex $oplist 1]
set niter [lindex $oplist 2]
set loop [lindex $oplist 3]
set start 0
puts "REPTEST: method $method, niter $niter, loop $loop"
for {set n 0} {$n < $loop} {incr n} {
puts "REPTEST: call rep_test_upg $n"
eval rep_test_upg $method $repenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 0
incr start $niter
tclsleep 3
# Sleep a bunch to help get the messages worked through.
tclsleep 10
puts "put DONE to marker"
error_check_good marker_done [$markerdb put DONE DONE] 0
error_check_good marker_sync [$markerdb sync] 0
proc rep065scr_repget { repenv oplist mydir markerfile } {
set dbname "$mydir/test.db"
set i 0
while { [file exists $dbname] == 0 } {
tclsleep 2
incr i
if { $i >= 15 && $i % 5 == 0 } {
puts "After $i seconds, no database exists."
if { $i > 180 } {
error "Database never created."
set loop 1
while { 1 } {
set markerdb [berkdb_open $markerfile]
error_check_good marker [is_valid_db $markerdb] TRUE
set kd [$markerdb get DONE]
error_check_good marker_close [$markerdb close] 0
if { [llength $kd] != 0 } {
set db [berkdb_open -env $repenv $dbname]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set dbc [$db cursor]
set i 0
error_check_good curs [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
for { set dbt [$dbc get -first ] } \
{ [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
{ set dbt [$dbc get -next] } {
incr i
error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
puts "REPTEST_GET: after $loop loops: key count $i"
incr loop
tclsleep 2
proc rep065scr_starttest { role oplist envid msgdir mydir allids markerfile } {
global qtestdir
global util_path
global repfiles_in_memory
puts "repladd_noenv $allids"
set qtestdir $msgdir
foreach id $allids {
repladd_noenv $id
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
set markerdb [berkdb_open -create -btree $markerfile]
error_check_good marker [is_valid_db $markerdb] TRUE
puts "set up env cmd"
set lockmax 40000
set logbuf [expr 16 * 1024]
set logmax [expr $logbuf * 4]
if { $role == "MASTER" } {
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $mydir \
-log_max $logmax -log_buffer $logbuf $repmemargs \
-lock_max_objects $lockmax -lock_max_locks $lockmax \
-errpfx MASTER -txn -rep_master \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $mydir \
-log_max $logmax -log_buffer $logbuf $repmemargs \
-lock_max_objects $lockmax -lock_max_locks $lockmax \
-errpfx MASTER -txn -rep_master \
-verbose {rep on} -errfile /dev/stderr \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
} elseif { $role == "CLIENT" } {
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $mydir \
-log_max $logmax -log_buffer $logbuf $repmemargs \
-lock_max_objects $lockmax -lock_max_locks $lockmax \
-errpfx CLIENT -txn -rep_client \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $mydir \
-log_max $logmax -log_buffer $logbuf $repmemargs \
-lock_max_objects $lockmax -lock_max_locks $lockmax \
-errpfx CLIENT -txn -rep_client \
-verbose {rep on} -errfile /dev/stderr \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
} else {
puts "FAIL: unrecognized replication role $role"
# Change directories to where this will run.
# !!!
# mydir is an absolute path of the form
# <path>/build_unix/TESTDIR/MASTERDIR or
# <path>/build_unix/TESTDIR/CLIENTDIR.0
# So we want to run relative to the build_unix directory
cd $mydir/../..
puts "open repenv $rep_env_cmd"
set repenv [eval $rep_env_cmd]
error_check_good repenv_open [is_valid_env $repenv] TRUE
puts "repenv is $repenv"
# Indicate that we're done starting up. Sleep to let
# others do the same.
puts "put START$envid to marker"
error_check_good marker_done [$markerdb put START$envid START$envid] 0
error_check_good marker_sync [$markerdb sync] 0
puts "sleeping after marker"
tclsleep 3
# Here is where the real test starts.
# Different operations may have different args in their list.
# REPTEST: Args are method, niter, nloops
set op [lindex $oplist 0]
if { $op == "REPTEST" } {
# This test writes the marker, so close after it runs.
rep065scr_reptest $repenv $oplist $markerdb
error_check_good marker_close [$markerdb close] 0
if { $op == "REPTEST_GET" } {
# This test needs to poll the marker. So close it now.
error_check_good marker_close [$markerdb close] 0
rep065scr_repget $repenv $oplist $mydir $markerfile
if { $op == "REP_ELECT" } {
# This test writes the marker, so close after it runs.
rep065scr_elect $repenv $oplist $markerdb
puts "Closing env"
$repenv mpool_sync
error_check_good envclose [$repenv close] 0
proc rep065scr_msgs { role envid msgdir mydir allids markerfile } {
global qtestdir
global repfiles_in_memory
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
# The main test process will write the marker file when it
# has started and when it has completed. We need to
# open/close the marker file because we are in a separate
# process from the writer and we cannot share an env because
# we might be a different BDB release version.
set markerdb [berkdb_open -create -btree $markerfile]
error_check_good marker [is_valid_db $markerdb] TRUE
set s [$markerdb get START$envid]
while { [llength $s] == 0 } {
error_check_good marker_close [$markerdb close] 0
tclsleep 1
set markerdb [berkdb_open $markerfile]
error_check_good marker [is_valid_db $markerdb] TRUE
set s [$markerdb get START$envid]
puts "repladd_noenv $allids"
set qtestdir $msgdir
foreach id $allids {
repladd_noenv $id
puts "set up env cmd"
if { $role == "MASTER" } {
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $mydir \
-errpfx MASTER -txn -rep_master $repmemargs \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $mydir \
-errpfx MASTER -txn -rep_master $repmemargs \
-verbose {rep on} -errfile /dev/stderr \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
} elseif { $role == "CLIENT" } {
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $mydir \
-errpfx CLIENT -txn -rep_client $repmemargs \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $mydir \
-errpfx CLIENT -txn -rep_client $repmemargs \
-verbose {rep on} -errfile /dev/stderr \
-rep_transport \[list $envid replsend_noenv\]"
} else {
puts "FAIL: unrecognized replication role $role"
# Change directories to where this will run.
cd $mydir
puts "open repenv $rep_env_cmd"
set repenv [eval $rep_env_cmd]
error_check_good repenv_open [is_valid_env $repenv] TRUE
set envlist "{$repenv $envid}"
puts "repenv is $repenv"
while { 1 } {
if { [llength [$markerdb get DONE]] != 0 } {
process_msgs $envlist 0 NONE NONE 1
error_check_good marker_close [$markerdb close] 0
set markerdb [berkdb_open $markerfile]
error_check_good marker [is_valid_db $markerdb] TRUE
tclsleep 1
# Process messages in case there are a few more stragglers.
# Just because the main test is done doesn't mean that all
# the messaging is done. Loop for messages as long as
# progress is being made.
set nummsg 1
while { $nummsg != 0 } {
process_msgs $envlist 0 NONE NONE 1
tclsleep 1
# First look at messages from us
set nummsg [replmsglen_noenv $envid from]
puts "Still have $nummsg not yet processed by others"
error_check_good marker_close [$markerdb close] 0
replclear_noenv $envid from
tclsleep 1
replclear_noenv $envid
$repenv mpool_sync
error_check_good envclose [$repenv close] 0
proc rep065scr_verify { oplist mydir id } {
global util_path
set rep_env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -home $mydir -txn \
-rep_transport \[list $id replnoop\]"
# Change directories to where this will run.
# !!!
# mydir is an absolute path of the form
# <path>/build_unix/TESTDIR/MASTERDIR or
# <path>/build_unix/TESTDIR/CLIENTDIR.0
# So we want to run relative to the build_unix directory
cd $mydir/../..
foreach op $oplist {
set repenv [eval $rep_env_cmd]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $repenv] TRUE
if { $op == "DB" } {
set dbname "$mydir/test.db"
set db [berkdb_open -env $repenv -rdonly $dbname]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set txn ""
set method [$db get_type]
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
dump_file $db $txn $mydir/VERIFY/dbdump \
} else {
dump_file $db $txn $mydir/VERIFY/dbdump \
error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0
if { $op == "LOG" } {
set lgstat [$repenv log_stat]
set lgfile [stat_field $repenv log_stat "Current log file number"]
set lgoff [stat_field $repenv log_stat "Current log file offset"]
puts "Current LSN: $lgfile $lgoff"
set f [open $mydir/VERIFY/loglsn w]
puts $f $lgfile
puts $f $lgoff
close $f
set stat [catch {eval exec $util_path/db_printlog \
-h $mydir > $mydir/VERIFY/prlog} result]
if { $stat != 0 } {
puts "PRINTLOG: $result"
error_check_good stat_prlog $stat 0
error_check_good envclose [$repenv close] 0
# Run recovery locally so that any later upgrades are ready
# to be upgraded.
set stat [catch {eval exec $util_path/db_recover -h $mydir} result]
if { $stat != 0 } {
puts "RECOVERY: $result"
error_check_good stat_rec $stat 0
set usage "upgradescript type role op envid allids ctldir mydir reputils_path"
# Verify usage
if { $argc != 8 } {
puts stderr "Argc $argc, argv $argv"
puts stderr "FAIL:[timestamp] Usage: $usage"
# Initialize arguments
set type [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set role [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set op [ lindex $argv 2 ]
set envid [ lindex $argv 3 ]
set allids [ lindex $argv 4 ]
set ctldir [ lindex $argv 5 ]
set mydir [ lindex $argv 6 ]
set reputils_path [ lindex $argv 7 ]
set histdir $mydir/../..
puts "Histdir $histdir"
set msgtestdir $ctldir/TESTDIR
global env
cd $histdir
set stat [catch {eval exec ./db_printlog -V} result]
if { $stat != 0 } {
set env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ":$histdir:$histdir/.libs:$env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)"
source ./include.tcl
source $test_path/test.tcl
# The global variable noenv_messaging must be set after sourcing
# test.tcl or its value will be wrong.
global noenv_messaging
set noenv_messaging 1
set is_repchild 1
puts "Did args. now source reputils"
source $reputils_path/reputils.tcl
source $reputils_path/reputilsnoenv.tcl
set markerdir $msgtestdir/MARKER
set markerfile $markerdir/marker.db
puts "Calling proc for type $type"
if { $type == "START" } {
rep065scr_starttest $role $op $envid $msgtestdir $mydir $allids $markerfile
} elseif { $type == "PROCMSGS" } {
rep065scr_msgs $role $envid $msgtestdir $mydir $allids $markerfile
} elseif { $type == "VERIFY" } {
file mkdir $mydir/VERIFY
rep065scr_verify $op $mydir $envid
} else {
puts "FAIL: unknown type $type"