2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

306 lines
8.9 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST rep097
# TEST Replication and lease data durability test.
# TEST Set leases on master and 2 clients.
# TEST Have the original master go down and a client take over.
# TEST Have the old master rejoin as client, but go down again.
# TEST The other two sites do one txn, while the original master's
# TEST LSN extends beyond due to running recovery.
# TEST Original Master rejoins while new master fails. Make sure remaining
# TEST original site is elected, with the smaller LSN, but with txn data.
proc rep097 { method { tnum "097" } args } {
source ./include.tcl
# Valid for all access methods. Other lease tests limit the
# test because there is nothing method-specific being tested.
# Use all methods for this basic test.
if { $checking_valid_methods } {
return "btree"
# This test depends on recovery, so can not be run with
# in-memory logging or with rep files in-memory.
global mixed_mode_logging
if { $mixed_mode_logging > 0 } {
puts "Rep$tnum: Skipping for mixed-mode logging."
global repfiles_in_memory
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
puts "Rep$tnum: Skipping for in-memory replication files."
set args [convert_args $method $args]
# Set up for on-disk or in-memory databases.
set msg "using on-disk databases"
foreach r $test_recopts {
puts "Rep$tnum ($method $r): Replication\
and durability of leases $msg."
rep097_sub $method $tnum $r $args
proc rep097_sub { method tnum recargs largs } {
source ./include.tcl
global testdir
global databases_in_memory
global rep_verbose
global verbose_type
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
env_cleanup $testdir
set qdir $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
replsetup $qdir
set env0dir $testdir/ENV0
set env1dir $testdir/ENV1
set env2dir $testdir/ENV2
file mkdir $env0dir
file mkdir $env1dir
file mkdir $env2dir
# Set leases for 3 sites, 3 second timeout, 0% clock skew
set nsites 3
set lease_to 3000000
set lease_tosec [expr $lease_to / 1000000]
set clock_fast 0
set clock_slow 0
set testfile test.db
# Since we have to use elections, the election code
# assumes a 2-off site id scheme.
# Open the site that will become master, due to priority.
repladd 2
set err_cmd(0) "none"
set crash(0) 0
set pri(0) 100
set envcmd(0) "berkdb_env -create -txn nosync \
$verbargs -errpfx ENV0 -home $env0dir \
-rep_nsites $nsites -rep_lease \[list $lease_to\] -event \
-rep_client -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $envcmd(0) $recargs]
error_check_good master_env [is_valid_env $masterenv] TRUE
# Open two clients.
repladd 3
set err_cmd(1) "none"
set crash(1) 0
set pri(1) 70
set envcmd(1) "berkdb_env -create -txn nosync \
$verbargs -errpfx ENV1 -home $env1dir -rep_nsites $nsites \
-rep_lease \[list $lease_to $clock_fast $clock_slow\] -event \
-rep_client -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $envcmd(1) $recargs]
error_check_good client_env [is_valid_env $clientenv] TRUE
repladd 4
set err_cmd(2) "none"
set crash(2) 0
set pri(2) 30
set envcmd(2) "berkdb_env -create -txn nosync \
$verbargs -errpfx ENV2 -home $env2dir \
-rep_nsites $nsites -rep_lease \[list $lease_to\] -event \
-rep_client -rep_transport \[list 4 replsend\]"
set clientenv2 [eval $envcmd(2) $recargs]
error_check_good client_env [is_valid_env $clientenv2] TRUE
# Bring the clients online by processing the startup messages.
set envlist "{$masterenv 2} {$clientenv 3} {$clientenv2 4}"
process_msgs $envlist
# Run election to get a master. Leases prevent us from
# simply assigning a master.
set msg "Rep$tnum.a"
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Run initial election."
set nvotes $nsites
set winner 0
set elector [berkdb random_int 0 2]
# Note we send in a 0 for nsites because we set nsites back
# when we started running with leases. Master leases require
# that nsites be set before calling rep_start, and master leases
# require that the nsites arg to rep_elect be 0.
run_election envlist err_cmd pri crash $qdir $msg \
$elector 0 $nvotes $nsites $winner 0 NULL
puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Spawn a child tclsh to do txn work."
set pid [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
rep097script.tcl $testdir/rep097script.log \
$env0dir $env1dir $testfile $method &]
# Let child run, create database and put a txn into it.
# Process messages while we wait for the child to complete
# its txn so that the clients can grant leases.
puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Wait for child to write txn."
while { [file exists $testdir/marker.db] == 0 } {
tclsleep 1
set markerenv [berkdb_env -home $testdir -txn]
error_check_good markerenv_open \
[is_valid_env $markerenv] TRUE
set marker [berkdb_open -unknown -env $markerenv \
-auto_commit marker.db]
set kd [$marker get CHILD1]
while { [llength $kd] == 0 } {
process_msgs $envlist
tclsleep 1
set kd [$marker get CHILD1]
process_msgs $envlist
# Close the master env handle (simulate a crash). Run an election
# with the remaining 2 sites.
set msg "Rep$tnum.d"
puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Run election after master crash."
error_check_good masterenv_close [$masterenv close] 0
set envlist [lreplace $envlist 0 0]
set nvotes [expr $nsites - 1]
set winner 1
set elector 1
run_election envlist err_cmd pri crash $qdir $msg \
$elector 0 $nvotes $nsites $winner 0 NULL
# Let child process know that the new master is elected.
error_check_good timestamp_done \
[$marker put PARENT1 [timestamp -r]] 0
# Wait for child to open db and write txn on new master. We still
# have two sites so leases should be able to be granted successfully.
set kd [$marker get CHILD2]
while { [llength $kd] == 0 } {
process_msgs $envlist
tclsleep 1
set kd [$marker get CHILD2]
process_msgs $envlist
# Restart the original master env as a client.
# Synchronize with the rest of the group.
puts "\tRep$tnum.e: Resync newly rejoined site."
set envstart0 [eval $envcmd(0) -recover]
error_check_good orig_env [is_valid_env $envstart0] TRUE
lappend envlist "$envstart0 2"
process_msgs $envlist
# Close env again after synchronizing.
puts "\tRep$tnum.f: Abandon new site."
$envstart0 log_flush
error_check_good masterenv_close [$envstart0 close] 0
set envlist [lreplace $envlist end end]
# Tell child process to write a txn with just these two sites again.
error_check_good timestamp_done \
[$marker put PARENT2 [timestamp -r]] 0
set kd [$marker get CHILD3]
while { [llength $kd] == 0 } {
process_msgs $envlist
tclsleep 1
set kd [$marker get CHILD3]
process_msgs $envlist
# Child sends us the key it used as the data
# of the CHILD3 key. This key should be durable.
set key [lindex [lindex $kd 0] 1]
# Close the new master and restart the original site again.
# Run an election between the remaining two sites. The
# original site should be ahead in LSN but behind in txns
# and should lose the election.
puts "\tRep$tnum.g: Abandon new master and restart old site again."
set envlist [lreplace $envlist 0 0]
error_check_good clientenv_close [$clientenv close] 0
set envstart1 [eval $envcmd(0) -recover]
error_check_good orig_env [is_valid_env $envstart1] TRUE
lappend envlist "$envstart1 2"
# Make sure recovered env is ahead of client2.
set c2file [stat_field $clientenv2 log_stat "Current log file number"]
set c2off [stat_field $clientenv2 log_stat "Current log file offset"]
set e1file [stat_field $envstart1 log_stat "Current log file number"]
set e1off [stat_field $envstart1 log_stat "Current log file offset"]
if { $e1file == $c2file } {
error_check_good offchk [expr $e1off > $c2off] 1
} else {
error_check_good filechk [expr $e1file > $c2file] 1
set msg "Rep$tnum.h"
puts "\tRep$tnum.h: Run election."
set nvotes [expr $nsites - 1]
set winner 2
set elector 0
run_election envlist err_cmd pri crash $qdir $msg \
$elector 0 $nvotes $nsites $winner 0 NULL
# Tell child to exit.
error_check_good timestamp_done \
[$marker put PARENT3 [timestamp -r]] 0
set newmaster $clientenv2
set newstate [stat_field $newmaster rep_stat "Role"]
error_check_good newm $newstate "master"
set masterdb [eval \
{berkdb_open_noerr -env $newmaster -rdonly $testfile}]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $masterdb] TRUE
check_leaseget $masterdb $key "-nolease" 0
watch_procs $pid 5
# Clean up.
error_check_good marker_db_close [$marker close] 0
error_check_good marker_env_close [$markerenv close] 0
error_check_good masterdb_close [$masterdb close] 0
error_check_good masterenv_close [$envstart1 close] 0
error_check_good clientenv_close [$clientenv2 close] 0
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
# Check log file for failures.
set errstrings [eval findfail $testdir/rep097script.log]
foreach str $errstrings {
puts "FAIL: error message in rep097 log file: $str"