2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

134 lines
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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# TEST repmgr101
# TEST Repmgr support for multi-process master.
# TEST Start two processes at the master.
# TEST Add a client site (not previously known to the master
# TEST processes), and make sure
# TEST both master processes connect to it.
proc repmgr101 { } {
source ./include.tcl
set tnum "101"
puts "Repmgr$tnum: Two master processes both connect to a client."
set site_prog [setup_site_prog]
env_cleanup $testdir
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR
file mkdir $masterdir
file mkdir $clientdir
set ports [available_ports 2]
set master_port [lindex $ports 0]
set client_port [lindex $ports 1]
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.a: Set up the master (on TCP port $master_port)."
set master [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $master -buffering line
puts $master "home $masterdir"
make_dbconfig $masterdir \
[list [list repmgr_site localhost $master_port db_local_site on] \
"rep_set_config db_repmgr_conf_2site_strict off"]
puts $master "output $testdir/m1output"
puts $master "open_env"
puts $master "start master"
set ignored [gets $master]
puts $master "open_db test.db"
puts $master "put myKey myValue"
# sync.
puts $master "echo setup"
set sentinel [gets $master]
error_check_good echo_setup $sentinel "setup"
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.b: Start a second process at master."
set m2 [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $m2 -buffering line
puts $m2 "home $masterdir"
puts $m2 "output $testdir/m2output"
puts $m2 "open_env"
puts $m2 "open_db test.db"
puts $m2 "put sub1 abc"
puts $m2 "echo firstputted"
set sentinel [gets $m2]
error_check_good m2_firstputted $sentinel "firstputted"
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.c: Set up the client (on TCP port $client_port)."
set client [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $client -buffering line
puts $client "home $clientdir"
make_dbconfig $clientdir \
[list [list repmgr_site localhost $client_port db_local_site on] \
[list repmgr_site localhost $master_port db_bootstrap_helper on] \
"rep_set_config db_repmgr_conf_2site_strict off"]
puts $client "output $testdir/coutput"
puts $client "open_env"
puts $client "start client"
error_check_match start_client [gets $client] "*Successful*"
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.d: Wait for STARTUPDONE."
set clientenv [berkdb_env -home $clientdir]
await_startup_done $clientenv
# Initially there should be no rerequests.
set pfs1 [stat_field $clientenv rep_stat "Log records requested"]
error_check_good rerequest_count $pfs1 0
# At this point we know that the master (in its main process) knows
# about the client, so the client address should be in the shared
# region. The second master process will discover the address as a
# result of being asked to send out the log records for the following
# transaction. At that point, it will initiate a connection attempt,
# though without blocking the commit() call of the transaction. This
# means that this first transaction may or may not (probably won't) get
# transmitted directly (as a "live" log record) to the client; it will
# have to be "re-requested". However, we can then wait for the
# connection to be established, and thereafter all transactions should
# be transmitted live; and we know that they must have arrived at the
# client by the time the commit() returns, because of the ack policy.
puts $m2 "put sub2 xyz"
set count 0
puts $m2 "is_connected $client_port"
while {! [gets $m2]} {
if {[incr count] > 30} {
error "FAIL: couldn't connect within 30 seconds"
tclsleep 1
puts $m2 "is_connected $client_port"
puts $m2 "put sub3 ijk"
puts $m2 "put sub4 pqr"
puts $m2 "echo putted"
set sentinel [gets $m2]
error_check_good m2_putted $sentinel "putted"
puts $master "put another record"
puts $master "put and again"
puts $master "echo m1putted"
set sentinel [gets $master]
error_check_good m1_putted $sentinel "m1putted"
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.e: Check that replicated data is visible at client."
puts $client "open_db test.db"
set expected {{myKey myValue} {sub1 abc} {sub2 xyz} {another record}}
verify_client_data $clientenv test.db $expected
# make sure there weren't too many rerequests
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.f: Check rerequest stats"
set pfs [stat_field $clientenv rep_stat "Log records requested"]
error_check_good rerequest_count [expr $pfs <= 1] 1
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.g: Clean up."
$clientenv close
close $client
close $master
close $m2