2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

144 lines
4.3 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# TEST repmgr102
# TEST Ensuring exactly one listener process.
# TEST Start a repmgr process with a listener.
# TEST Start a second process, and see that it does not become the listener.
# TEST Shut down the first process (gracefully). Now a second process should
# TEST become listener.
# TEST Kill the listener process abruptly. Running failchk should show that
# TEST recovery is necessary. Run recovery and start a clean listener.
proc repmgr102 { } {
source ./include.tcl
source $test_path/testutils.tcl
set tnum "102"
# QNX does not support fork() in a multi-threaded environment.
if { $is_qnx_test } {
puts "Skipping repmgr$tnum on QNX."
puts "Repmgr$tnum: Ensuring exactly one listener process."
set site_prog [setup_site_prog]
env_cleanup $testdir
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
file mkdir $masterdir
set ports [available_ports 1]
set master_port [lindex $ports 0]
make_dbconfig $masterdir \
[list [list repmgr_site localhost $master_port db_local_site on] \
"rep_set_config db_repmgr_conf_2site_strict off"]
set masterenv [berkdb_env -rep -txn -thread -home $masterdir \
-isalive my_isalive -create]
$masterenv close
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.a: Set up the master (on TCP port $master_port)."
set master [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $master -buffering line
puts $master "home $masterdir"
puts $master "output $testdir/m1output"
puts $master "open_env"
puts $master "start master"
error_check_match ok1 [gets $master] "*Successful*"
# sync.
puts $master "echo setup"
set sentinel [gets $master]
error_check_good echo_setup $sentinel "setup"
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.b: Start a second process at master."
set m2 [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $m2 -buffering line
puts $m2 "home $masterdir"
puts $m2 "output $testdir/m2output"
puts $m2 "open_env"
puts $m2 "start master"
set ret [gets $m2]
error_check_match ignored "$ret" "*DB_REP_IGNORE*"
puts $m2 "echo started"
set sentinel [gets $m2]
error_check_good started $sentinel "started"
close $m2
close $master
# Hmm, actually it'd probably be better to send them an "exit" command,
# and then read until we get an EOF error. That we we're sure they've
# had a chance to finish the close operation. This is a recurring
# theme, doing stuff synchronously. There should be a way to wrap this
# up to make it the default behavior.
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.c: Restart 2nd process, to act as listener this time"
set m2 [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $m2 -buffering line
puts $m2 "home $masterdir"
puts $m2 "output $testdir/m2output2"
puts $m2 "open_env"
puts $m2 "start master"
set answer [gets $m2]
error_check_match ok2 "$answer" "*Successful*"
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.d: Clean up."
close $m2
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.e: Start main process."
set master [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $master -buffering line
puts $master "home $masterdir"
puts $master "output $testdir/m1output3"
puts $master "open_env"
puts $master "start master"
set answer [gets $master]
error_check_match ok3 $answer "*Successful*"
# This seems to require $KILL; tclkill does not work.
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.f: Kill process [pid $master] without clean-up."
exec $KILL [pid $master]
catch {close $master}
# In realistic, correct operation, the application should have called
# failchk before trying to restart a new process. But let's just prove
# to ourselves that it's actually doing something. This first try
# should fail.
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.g: Start take-over process without failchk."
set m2 [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $m2 -buffering line
puts $m2 "home $masterdir"
puts $m2 "output $testdir/m2output3"
puts $m2 "open_env"
puts $m2 "start master"
set answer [gets $m2]
error_check_match ignored3 $answer "*DB_REP_IGNORE*"
close $m2
set masterenv [berkdb_env -thread -home $masterdir -isalive my_isalive]
$masterenv failchk
# This time it should work.
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.h: Start take-over process after failchk."
set m2 [open "| $site_prog" "r+"]
fconfigure $m2 -buffering line
puts $m2 "home $masterdir"
puts $m2 "output $testdir/m2output4"
puts $m2 "open_env"
puts $m2 "start master"
set answer [gets $m2]
error_check_match ok4 $answer "*Successful*"
close $m2
$masterenv close