2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

63 lines
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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# This is a very cut down version of wrap.tcl. We don't want to
# use wrap.tcl because that will create yet another Tcl subprocess
# to execute the test. We want to open the test program directly
# here so that we get the pid for the program (not the Tcl shell)
# and watch_procs can kill the program if needed.
source ./include.tcl
source $test_path/test.tcl
# Arguments:
if { $argc != 3 } {
puts "FAIL: wrap_reptest.tcl: Usage: wrap_reptest.tcl argfile dir log"
set argfile [lindex $argv 0]
set homedir [lindex $argv 1]
set logfile [lindex $argv 2]
# Create a sentinel file to mark our creation and signal that watch_procs
# should look for us.
set parentpid [pid]
set parentsentinel $testdir/begin.$parentpid
set f [open $parentsentinel w]
close $f
# Create a Tcl subprocess that will actually run the test.
set argf [open $argfile r]
set progargs [read $argf]
close $argf
set topdir [pwd]
cd $homedir
set cmd [open "| ../../$util_path/db_reptest $progargs >& ../../$logfile" w]
set childpid [pid $cmd]
cd $topdir
puts "Script watcher process $parentpid launching db_reptest process $childpid to $logfile in dir $homedir."
set childsentinel $testdir/begin.$childpid
set f [open $childsentinel w]
close $f
# Close the pipe. This will flush the above commands and actually run the
# test, and will also return an error a la exec if anything bad happens
# to the subprocess. The magic here is that closing a pipe blocks
# and waits for the exit of processes in the pipeline, at least according
# to Ousterhout (p. 115).
set ret [catch {close $cmd} res]
# Write ending sentinel files--we're done.
set f [open $testdir/end.$childpid w]
close $f
set f [open $testdir/end.$parentpid w]
close $f
error_check_good "($childpid: db_reptest $progargs: logfile $logfile)"\
$ret 0
exit $ret