EMDB is a NIF library for the [Memory-Mapped Database](http://highlandsun.com/hyc/mdb/) database, aka. MDB.
The main purpose of this package is to provide a **very fast** Riak [backend](http://wiki.basho.com/Storage-Backends.html).
But this module could also be used as a general key-value store to replace:
*`open/1`: equivalent to `emdb:open(DirName, 10485760)`.
*`open/1`: equivalent to `emdb:open(DirName, 10485760, 0)`.
*`open/3`: creates a new MDB database. This call also re-open an already existing one. Arguments are:
* DirName: database directory name
* MapSize: database map size (see [map.hrl](http://gitorious.org/mdb/mdb/blobs/master/libraries/libmdb/mdb.h))
* EnvFlags: database environment flags (see [map.hrl](http://gitorious.org/mdb/mdb/blobs/master/libraries/libmdb/mdb.h)). The possible values are defined in **emdb.hrl**.
This code below create a new database with **80GB** MapSize, **avoid fsync**
after each commit (for max speed) and use the experimental **MDB_FIXEDMAP**.
{ok, Handle} = emdb:open("/tmp/emdb2", 85899345920, ?MDB_NOSYNC bor ?MDB_FIXEDMAP).