%%-*- mode: erlang -*- %% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et %% How to: %% * put the lmdb.config file into basho_bench/examples %% * put the basho_bench_driver_lmdb.erl into basho_bench/src %% * make clean in basho_bench, then make %% * edit examples/lmdb.config %% - change {code_paths, ["../lmdb"]}. to be a relative path to your %% lmdb directory %% - change {lmdb_dir, "/home/gburd/ws/basho_bench/data"}. to a fully %% qualified location for your test data files (mkdir that directory %% yourself, if it doesn't exist the test will fail 'enoent') %% * to run, replace this path with the proper path on your system: %% LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/you/lmdb/priv ./basho_bench examples/lmdb.config %% * the test should run for 10 minutes (as it is configured right now) %% with 4 concurrent workers accessing the same table %% %% Note: %% There are two config sections in wt.config {lmdb, [ ... ]}. and %% {lmdb_, [ ... ]}. The one being used is named "lmdb" the other %% config is ignored. I setup an LSM and BTREE config and to choose %% which is run you just rename those two sections (turn one off by %% adding a "_" to the name and take the "_" out of the other's name). {mode, max}. {duration, 480}. {concurrent, 32}. {driver, basho_bench_driver_lmdb}. {key_generator, {int_to_bin_littleendian,{uniform_int, 5000000000}}}. {value_generator, {highly_compressible_bin, 2048}}. %{value_generator, {fixed_bin, 1024}}. {operations, [{get, 25}, {put, 70}, {delete, 5}]}. %{operations, [{put, 1}]}. {code_paths, ["../lmdb"]}. {lmdb_dir, "/home/gburd/ws/basho_bench/data"}. {lmdb, [ ]}.