
360 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Machi: a small village of replicated files
%% Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(RETURN1(X), begin put(why1, [?LINE|get(why1)]), X end).
%% This is old code, and it's broken. We keep it around in case
%% someone wants to execute the QuickCheck property
%% machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check().
%% In all counterexamples, this legacy code returns 'true' (i.e., the
%% state transition is OK) where the v2 new code correcly returns
%% 'false' (i.e. the state transition is BAD). Fun, good times.
%% Hooray about more systematic/mathematical reasoning, code
%% structure, and property-based testing.
dbg=Dbg1} = P1,
dbg=Dbg2} = P2,
RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP) ->
put(why1, []),
%% General notes:
%% I'm making no attempt to be "efficient" here. All of these data
%% structures are small, and they're not called zillions of times per
%% second.
%% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't
%% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident
%% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity.
true = is_integer(Epoch1) andalso is_integer(Epoch2),
true = is_binary(CSum1) andalso is_binary(CSum2),
{_,_,_} = CreationTime1,
{_,_,_} = CreationTime2,
true = is_atom(AuthorServer1) andalso is_atom(AuthorServer2), % todo type may change?
true = is_list(All_list1) andalso is_list(All_list2),
true = is_list(Down_list1) andalso is_list(Down_list2),
true = is_list(UPI_list1) andalso is_list(UPI_list2),
true = is_list(Repairing_list1) andalso is_list(Repairing_list2),
true = is_list(Dbg1) andalso is_list(Dbg2),
true = Epoch2 > Epoch1,
All_list1 = All_list2, % todo will probably change
%% No duplicates
true = lists:sort(Down_list2) == lists:usort(Down_list2),
true = lists:sort(UPI_list2) == lists:usort(UPI_list2),
true = lists:sort(Repairing_list2) == lists:usort(Repairing_list2),
%% Disjoint-ness
true = lists:sort(All_list2) == lists:sort(Down_list2 ++ UPI_list2 ++
[] = [X || X <- Down_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
[] = [X || X <- UPI_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
[] = [X || X <- Repairing_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
DownS2 = sets:from_list(Down_list2),
UPIS2 = sets:from_list(UPI_list2),
RepairingS2 = sets:from_list(Repairing_list2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(DownS2, UPIS2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(DownS2, RepairingS2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(UPIS2, RepairingS2),
%% Additions to the UPI chain may only be at the tail
UPI_common_prefix = find_common_prefix(UPI_list1, UPI_list2),
true =
if UPI_common_prefix == [] ->
if UPI_list1 == [] orelse UPI_list2 == [] ->
%% If the common prefix is empty, then one of the
%% inputs must be empty.
true ->
%% Otherwise, we have a case of UPI changing from
%% one of these two situations:
%% UPI_list1 -> UPI_list2
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% [d,c,b,a] -> [c,a]
%% [d,c,b,a] -> [c,a,repair_finished_added_to_tail].
NotUPI2 = (Down_list2 ++ Repairing_list2),
case lists:prefix(UPI_list1 -- NotUPI2, UPI_list2) of
true ->
false ->
%% Here's a possible failure scenario:
%% UPI_list1 -> UPI_list2
%% Repairing_list1 -> Repairing_list2
%% -----------------------------------
%% [a,b,c] author=a -> [c,a] author=c
%% [] [b]
%% ... where RelativeToServer=b. In this case, b
%% has been partitioned for a while and has only
%% now just learned of several epoch transitions.
%% If the author of both is also in the UPI of
%% both, then those authors would not have allowed
%% a bad transition, so we will assume this
%% transition is OK.
lists:member(AuthorServer1, UPI_list1)
lists:member(AuthorServer2, UPI_list2)
true ->
true = lists:prefix(UPI_common_prefix, UPI_list1),
true = lists:prefix(UPI_common_prefix, UPI_list2),
UPI_1_suffix = UPI_list1 -- UPI_common_prefix,
UPI_2_suffix = UPI_list2 -- UPI_common_prefix,
_ = ?RETURN1(yo),
MoreCheckingP =
RelativeToServer == undefined
not (lists:member(RelativeToServer, Down_list2) orelse
lists:member(RelativeToServer, Repairing_list2)),
_ = ?RETURN1(yo),
UPIs_are_disjointP = ordsets:is_disjoint(ordsets:from_list(UPI_list1),
case UPI_2_suffix -- UPI_list1 of
[] ->
[_|_] = _Added_by_2 ->
if RetrospectiveP ->
%% Any servers added to the UPI must be added from the
%% repairing list ... but in retrospective mode (where
%% we're checking only the transitions where all
%% UPI+repairing participants have unanimous private
%% projections!), and if we're under asymmetric
%% partition/churn, then we may not see the repairing
%% list. So we will not check that condition here.
not RetrospectiveP ->
%% We're not retrospective. So, if some server was
%% added by to the UPI, then that means that it was
%% added by repair. And repair is coordinated by the
%% UPI tail/last.
%io:format(user, "g: UPI_list1=~w, UPI_list2=~w, UPI_2_suffix=~w, ",
% [UPI_list1, UPI_list2, UPI_2_suffix]),
%io:format(user, "g", []),
?RETURN1(true = UPI_list1 == [] orelse
UPIs_are_disjointP orelse
(lists:last(UPI_list1) == AuthorServer2) )
if not MoreCheckingP ->
MoreCheckingP ->
%% Where did elements in UPI_2_suffix come from?
%% Only two sources are permitted.
Oops_check_UPI_2_suffix =
[lists:member(X, Repairing_list1) % X added after repair done
lists:member(X, UPI_list1) % X in UPI_list1 after common pref
|| X <- UPI_2_suffix],
%% Grrrrr, ok, so this check isn't good, at least at bootstrap time.
%% TODO: false = lists:member(false, Oops_check_UPI_2_suffix),
%% The UPI_2_suffix must exactly be equal to: ordered items from
%% UPI_list1 concat'ed with ordered items from Repairing_list1.
%% Both temp vars below preserve relative order!
UPI_2_suffix_from_UPI1 = [X || X <- UPI_1_suffix,
lists:member(X, UPI_list2)],
UPI_2_suffix_from_Repairing1 = [X || X <- UPI_2_suffix,
lists:member(X, Repairing_list1)],
%% true?
UPI_2_concat = (UPI_2_suffix_from_UPI1 ++ UPI_2_suffix_from_Repairing1),
if UPI_2_suffix == UPI_2_concat ->
true ->
%% 'make dialyzer' will believe that this can never succeed.
%% 'make dialyzer-test' will not complain, however.
if RetrospectiveP ->
%% We are in retrospective mode. But there are
%% some transitions that are difficult to find
%% when standing outside of all of the FLUs and
%% examining their behavior. (In contrast to
%% this same function being called "in the path"
%% of a projection transition by a particular FLU
%% which knows exactly its prior projection and
%% exactly what it intends to do.) Perhaps this
%% exception clause here can go away with
%% better/more clever retrospection analysis?
%% Here's a case that PULSE found:
%% FLU B:
%% E=257: UPI=[c,a], REPAIRING=[b]
%% E=284: UPI=[c,a], REPAIRING=[b]
%% FLU a:
%% E=251: UPI=[c], REPAIRING=[a,b]
%% E=284: UPI=[c,a], REPAIRING=[b]
%% FLU c:
%% E=282: UPI=[c], REPAIRING=[a,b]
%% E=284: UPI=[c,a], REPAIRING=[b]
%% From the perspective of each individual FLU,
%% the unanimous transition at epoch #284 is
%% good. The repair that is done by FLU c -> a
%% is likewise good.
%% From a retrospective point of view (and the
%% current implementation), there's a bad-looking
%% transition from epoch #269 to #284. This is
%% from the point of view of the last two
%% unanimous private projection store epochs:
%% E=269: UPI=[c], REPAIRING=[], DOWN=[a,b]
%% E=284: UPI=[c,a], REPAIRING=[b]
%% The retrospective view by
%% machi_chain_manager1_pulse.erl just can't
%% reason correctly about this situation. We
%% will instead rely on the non-retrospective
%% sanity checking that each FLU does before it
%% writes to its private projection store and
%% then adopts that projection (and unwedges
%% itself, etc etc).
if UPIs_are_disjointP ->
true ->
exit({todo, revisit, ?MODULE, ?LINE,
{oops_check_UPI_2_suffix, Oops_check_UPI_2_suffix},
{upi_2_suffix, UPI_2_suffix},
{upi_2_concat, UPI_2_concat},
{retrospectivep, RetrospectiveP}
io:format(user, "|~p,~p TODO revisit|",
true ->
%% The following is OK: We're shifting from a
%% normal projection to an inner one. The old
%% normal has a UPI that has nothing to do with
%% RelativeToServer a.k.a. me.
%% Or else the UPI_list1 is empty, and I'm
%% the only member of UPI_list2
%% But the new/suffix is definitely me.
%% from:
%% {epoch,847},{author,c},{upi,[c]},{repair,[]},
%% {down,[a,b,d]}
%% to:
%% {epoch,848},{author,a},{upi,[a]},{repair,[]},
%% {down,[b,c,d]}
FirstCase_p = (UPI_2_suffix == [AuthorServer2])
((inner_projection_exists(P1) == false
inner_projection_exists(P2) == true)
orelse UPI_list1 == []),
%% Here's another case that's alright:
%% {a,{err,exit,
%% {upi_2_suffix_error,[c]}, ....
%% from:
%% {epoch,937},{author,a},{upi,[a,b]},{repair,[]},
%% {down,[c]}
%% to:
%% {epoch,943},{author,a},{upi,{a,b,c},{repair,[]},
%% {down,[]}
%% The author server doesn't matter. However,
%% there were two other epochs in between, 939
%% and 941, where there wasn't universal agreement
%% of private projections. The repair controller
%% at the tail, 'b', had decided that the repair
%% of 'c' was finished @ epoch 941.
SecondCase_p = ((UPI_2_suffix -- Repairing_list1)
== []),
if FirstCase_p ->
SecondCase_p ->
UPIs_are_disjointP ->
%% If there's no overlap at all between
%% UPI_list1 & UPI_list2, then we're OK
%% here.
true ->
exit({upi_2_suffix_error, UPI_2_suffix})
_Type:_Err ->
S1 = machi_projection:make_summary(P1),
S2 = machi_projection:make_summary(P2),
Trace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
{err, _Type, _Err, from, S1, to, S2, relative_to, RelativeToServer,
history, (catch lists:sort([no_history])),
stack, Trace}
find_common_prefix([], _) ->
find_common_prefix(_, []) ->
find_common_prefix([H|L1], [H|L2]) ->
[H|find_common_prefix(L1, L2)];
find_common_prefix(_, _) ->
inner_projection_exists(#projection_v1{inner=undefined}) ->
inner_projection_exists(#projection_v1{inner=_}) ->