Change checksum algorithm to exclude 'flap' also

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-08-27 20:27:24 +09:00
parent 12b74a52fd
commit 0eaa008810

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@ -111,8 +111,19 @@ new(EpochNum, MyName, [] = _MembersDict0, _Down_list, _UPI_list,_Repairing_list,
%% @doc Update the checksum element of a projection record.
update_checksum(P) ->
%% Fields that we ignore when calculating checksum:
%% * epoch_csum
%% * dbg2: humming consensus participants may modify this at will without
%% voiding the identity of the projection as a whole.
%% * flap: In some cases in CP mode, coode upstream of C120 may have
%% updated the flapping information. That's OK enough: we aren't
%% going to violate chain replication safety rules (or
%% accidentally encourage someone else sometime later) by
%% replacing flapping information with our own local view at
%% this instant in time.
CSum = crypto:hash(sha,
term_to_binary(P#projection_v1{epoch_csum= <<>>,