WIP: name-game-sketch.org

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Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-04-23 22:26:34 +09:00
parent 1f82704ef8
commit 1019c659d5

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@ -237,7 +237,96 @@ is called the "Name Game" for a reason.
What if the CoC client uses a similar scheme? What if the CoC client uses a similar scheme?
** ** The details: legend
- T = the target CoC member/Cluster ID
- p = file prefix, chosen by the CoC client (This is exactly the Machi client-chosen file prefix).
- s.z = the Machi file server opaque file name suffix (Which we happen to know is a combination of sequencer ID plus file serial number.)
- A = adjustment factor, the subject of this proposal
** The details: CoC file write
1. CoC client chooses p, T (file prefix, target cluster)
2. CoC client knows the CoC Map
3. CoC client requests @ cluster T: append(p,...) -> {ok, p.s.z, ByteOffset}
4. CoC client calculates a such that rs_hash(p.s.z.A,Map) = T
5. CoC stores/uses the file name p.s.z.A.
** The details: CoC file read
1. CoC client has p.s.z.A and parses the parts of the name.
2. Coc calculates rs_hash(p.s.z.A,Map) = T
3. CoC client requests @ cluster T: read(p.s.z,...) -> hooray!
** The details: calculating 'a', the adjustment factor
*** The good way: file write
1. During the file writing stage, at step #4, we know that we asked
cluster T for an append() operation using file prefix p, and that
the file name that Machi cluster T gave us a longer name, p.s.z.
2. We calculate sha(p.s.z) = H.
3. We know Map, the current CoC mapping.
4. We look inside of Map, and we find all of the unit interval ranges
that map to our desired target cluster T. Let's call this list
MapList = [Range1=(start,end],Range2=(start,end],...].
5. In our example, T=Cluster2. The example Map contains a single unit
interval range for Cluster2, [(0.33,0.58]].
6. Find the entry in MapList, (Start,End], where the starting range
interval Start is larger than T, i.e., Start > T.
7. For step #6, we "wrap around" to the beginning of the list, if no
such starting point can be found.
8. This is a Basho joint, of course there's a ring in it somewhere!
9. Pick a random number M somewhere in the interval, i.e., Start <= M
and M <= End.
10. Let A = M - H.
11. Encode a in a file name-friendly manner, e.g., convert it to
hexadecimal ASCII digits (while taking care of A's signed nature)
to create file name p.s.z.A.
*** The good way: file read
0. We use a variation of rs_hash(), called rs_hash_after_sha().
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang
%% type specs, Erlang style
-spec rs_hash(string(), rs_hash:map()) -> rs_hash:cluster_id().
-spec rs_hash_after_sha(float(), rs_hash:map()) -> rs_hash:cluster_id().
1. We start with a file name, p.s.z.A. Parse it.
2. Calculate SHA(p.s.z) = H and map H onto the unit interval.
3. Decode A, then calculate M = A - H. M is a float() type that is
now also somewhere in the unit interval.
4. Calculate rs_hash_after_sha(M,Map) = T.
5. Send request @ cluster T: read(p.s.z,...) -> hooray!
*** The bad way: file write
1. Once we know p.s.z, we iterate in a loop:
#+BEGIN_SRC pseudoBorne
a = 0
while true; do
tmp = sprintf("%s.%d", p_s_a, a)
if rs_map(tmp, Map) = T; then
A = sprintf("%d", a)
return A
a = a + 1
A very hasty measurement of SHA on a single 40 byte ASCII value
required about 13 microseconds/call. If we had a cluster of 500
machines, 84 disks per machine, one Machi file server per disk, and 8
chains per Machi file server, and if each chain appeared in Map only
once using equal weighting (i.e., all assigned the same fraction of
the unit interval), then it would probably require roughly 4.4 seconds
on average to find a SHA collision that fell inside T's portion of the
unit interval.
In comparison, the O(1) algorithm above looks much nicer.
* Acknowledgements * Acknowledgements