WIP: fix one source of problems, now shift back to 'TODO this clause needs more review'

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-09-09 23:59:40 +09:00
parent b7aa33c617
commit 10c655ebfe

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@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
-define(LWWREG, riak_dt_lwwreg).
-define(MAP, riak_dt_map).
-define(DELAY_TIME_MS, 300). % TODO make configurable!
%% API
get_unfit_list/1, update_local_down_list/3,
@ -100,6 +102,38 @@ handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
Added_to_new = NewUnfit -- ActiveUnfit,
Dropped_from_new = ActiveUnfit -- NewUnfit,
io:format(user, "adjust_down_list: ~w: adjust ~w: add ~p drop ~p\n", [S#state.my_flu_name, FLU, Added_to_new, Dropped_from_new]),
%% We need to schedule a new round of adjustment messages. They might
%% be redundant, or they might not. Here's a case where the current
%% code needs the extra:
%% SET partitions = [{a,c},{b,c},{c,b}] (11 of 26) at {23,37,44}
%% We are stable spam/gossip at:
%% [{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,c},
%% {c,problem_with,a},{c,problem_with,b}]
%% So everyone agrees unfit=[c].
%% SET partitions = [{c,a}] (12 of 26) at {23,37,48}
%% We are stable spam/gossip at:
%% [{a,problem_with,c},{c,problem_with,a}]
%% So everyone *ought* to agree that unfit=[a].
%% In this case, when the partition list changes to [{c,a}],
%% then we will discover via spam gossip that reports by B & C will
%% change. However, our calc_unfit() via
%% make_unfit_list() algorithm will decide that *a* is the bad guy
%% and needs to go into our active_unfit list! And the only way
%% to get added is via an {adjust_down_list,...} message. The
%% usual place for generating them isn't wise enough because it
%% doesn't call make_unfit_list().
%% The cost is that there will (at least) a 2x delay to the
%% ?DELAY_TIME_MS waiting period to detect all partitions.
%% Aside: for all I know right now, there may be a corner case
%% hiding where we need this extra round of messages to *remove* a
%% FLU from the active_unfit list?
schedule_adjust_messages(lists:usort(Added_to_new ++ Dropped_from_new)),
case {lists:member(FLU,Added_to_new), lists:member(FLU,Dropped_from_new)} of
{true, true} ->
error({bad, ?MODULE, ?LINE, FLU, ActiveUnfit, NewUnfit});
@ -224,22 +258,24 @@ do_incoming_spam(Author, Map,
do_map_change(NewMap, DontSendList, MembersDict,
#state{my_flu_name=_MyFluName, pending_map=OldMap}=S) ->
send_spam(NewMap, DontSendList, MembersDict, S),
ChangedServers = find_changed_servers(OldMap, NewMap),
DelayTimeMS = 300, % TODO make configurable!
[erlang:send_after(DelayTimeMS, self(), {adjust_down_list, FLU}) ||
FLU <- ChangedServers],
ChangedServers = find_changed_servers(OldMap, NewMap, _MyFluName),
%% _OldMapV = map_value(OldMap),
%% _MapV = map_value(NewMap),
%% io:format(user, "TODO: ~w async tick trigger/scheduling... ~w for:\n"
%% " ~p\n ~p\n",[_MyFluName,ChangedServers,_OldMapV,_MapV]),
S#state{pending_map=NewMap, members_dict=MembersDict}.
find_changed_servers(OldMap, NewMap) ->
find_changed_servers(OldMap, NewMap, _MyFluName) ->
AddBad = fun({_Who, {_Time, BadList, _Props}}, Acc) -> BadList ++ Acc end,
OldBad = map_fold(AddBad, [], OldMap),
NewBad = map_fold(AddBad, [], NewMap),
lists:usort((OldBad -- NewBad) ++ (NewBad -- OldBad)).
schedule_adjust_messages(FLU_list) ->
[erlang:send_after(?DELAY_TIME_MS, self(), {adjust_down_list, FLU}) ||
FLU <- FLU_list].
map_set(Actor, Map, Key, ValTerm) ->