WIP: adjust throttle of flapping 'shut up'

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-08-25 17:01:14 +09:00
parent 9a86453753
commit 1c5a17b708
2 changed files with 18 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -727,6 +727,7 @@ calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed, Dbg,
if Simulator_p andalso SimRepair_p andalso
SameEpoch_p andalso RelativeToServer == RepChk_LastInUPI ->
D_foo=[{repair_airquote_done, {we_agree, (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number}}],
if CMode == cp_mode -> timer:sleep(567); true -> ok end,
{NewUPI_list ++ [H], T, RunEnv2};
not (Simulator_p andalso SimRepair_p)
@ -800,6 +801,7 @@ calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed, Dbg,
{up0, Up0},
{up, Up},
{all_hosed, AllHosed},
{oldepoch, OldEpochNum},
{oldupi, OldUPI_list},
{newupi, NewUPI_list},
{newupi3, NewUPI_list3},
@ -1134,6 +1136,7 @@ react_to_env_A29(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, ReadExtra,
%% io:format(user, "zerf_in @ A29: ~p: ~w\n", [MyName, machi_projection:make_summary(Zerf)]),
P_current2 = Zerf#projection_v1{
%% io:format(user, "A29 ~w cur_flap ~W, ", [S#ch_mgr.name, P_current#projection_v1.flap, 8]),
react_to_env_A30(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
ReadExtra, S#ch_mgr{proj=P_current2});
Zerf ->
@ -1678,6 +1681,8 @@ react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
%% time).
(inner_projection_exists(P_latest) orelse
inner_projection_exists(P_newprop)) andalso
%% I have been flapping for a while
S#ch_mgr.flap_count > 100 andalso
%% I'm suspected of being bad
lists:member(MyName, P_newprop_AllHosedPlus) andalso
%% I'm not in the critical UPI or repairing lists
@ -2179,11 +2184,12 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, P_latest, _P_current, CurrentUp, _FlapLimit,
_ ->
element(1, P_latest_Flap#flap_i.flap_count)
MinQueueLen = 7,
MinQueueLen = 3,
StartFlapping_p =
case {queue:len(H), UniqueProposalSummaries} of
_ when AmFlappingNow_p ->
%% I'm already flapping, therefore don't start again.
{N, _} when N >= MinQueueLen,
@ -2206,10 +2212,12 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, P_latest, _P_current, CurrentUp, _FlapLimit,
%% If the last time we saw a hard change in up/down status
%% was less than this time ago, then we do not flap. Give
%% the status change some time to propagate.
StartFlapping_p ->
%% If we're starting flapping on this iteration, don't ignore
%% that intent.
AmFlappingNow_p andalso
CurrentUp /= FlapLastUp ->
@ -2249,6 +2257,7 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, P_latest, _P_current, CurrentUp, _FlapLimit,
%% if true -> io:format(user, "CALC_FLAP: ~w: flapping_now ~w start ~w leave ~w latest-epoch ~w: ~w\n", [MyName, AmFlappingNow_p, StartFlapping_p, LeaveFlapping_p, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, [X || X={calculate_flaps,_,_} <- lists:sublist(get(react), 3)]]); true -> ok end,
%% if LeaveFlapping_p andalso (AmFlappingNow_p orelse StartFlapping_p) -> io:format(user, "CALC_FLAP: ~w: flapping_now ~w start ~w leave ~w latest-epoch ~w: ~w\n", [MyName, AmFlappingNow_p, StartFlapping_p, LeaveFlapping_p, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, [X || X={calculate_flaps,_,_} <- lists:sublist(get(react), 3)]]); true -> ok end,
AmFlapping_p = if LeaveFlapping_p -> false;
true -> AmFlappingNow_p orelse StartFlapping_p
@ -3098,7 +3107,8 @@ zerf_find_last_common(UnsearchedEpochs, Relation, MajoritySize, Up, S) ->
Rel2 = lists:foldl(
fun({E, FLU}, Rel) ->
Proxy = proxy_pid(FLU, S),
case ?FLU_PC:read_projection(Proxy, private, E, ?TO) of
case (catch ?FLU_PC:read_projection(Proxy, private,
E, ?TO)) of
{ok, Proj} ->
%% Sort order: we want inner = bigger.
CSum = Proj#projection_v1.epoch_csum,
@ -3117,7 +3127,7 @@ zerf_find_last_common(UnsearchedEpochs, Relation, MajoritySize, Up, S) ->
{error, not_written} ->
_ ->
end, Relation, lists:reverse([{E, FLU} || E <- NowEpochs, FLU <- Up])),
@ -3208,8 +3218,8 @@ perhaps_verbose_c110(P_latest2, S) ->
S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true when Summ2 /= Last2 ->
put(last_verbose, Summ2),
?V("\n~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~3..0w ~p uses inner: ~w (outer ~w auth ~w)\n",
[HH,MM,SS,MSec, S#ch_mgr.name, Summ2, P_latest2#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_latest2#projection_v1.author_server]);
?V("\n~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~3..0w ~p uses inner: ~w (outer ~w auth ~w flap ~w)\n",
[HH,MM,SS,MSec, S#ch_mgr.name, Summ2, P_latest2#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_latest2#projection_v1.author_server, P_latest2#projection_v1.flap]);
_ ->

View file

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ convergence_demo_testfun(NumFLUs, MgrOpts0) ->
%% io:format(user, "\nLet loose the dogs of war!\n", []),
io:format(user, "\nPuppies for everyone!\n", []),
[DoIt(30, 0, 0) || _ <- lists:seq(1,5)],
[DoIt(20, 0, 0) || _ <- lists:seq(1,9)],
AllPs = make_partition_list(All_list),
PartitionCounts = lists:zip(AllPs, lists:seq(1, length(AllPs))),
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ private_projections_are_stable(Namez, PollFunc) ->
io:format(user, "\nPriv1 ~P u_all_peers ~w cp_mode_agree ~w\n", [lists:sort(Private1), 20, Unanimous_with_all_peers_p, CP_mode_agree_test_p]),
io:format(user, "\nPriv1 ~P\n1==2 ~w ap_disjoint ~w u_all_peers ~w cp_mode_agree ~w\n", [lists:sort(Private1), 20, Private1 == Private2, AP_mode_disjoint_test_p, Unanimous_with_all_peers_p, CP_mode_agree_test_p]),
Private1 == Private2 andalso
AP_mode_disjoint_test_p andalso