Finish fixups to the chmgr state transition checking

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-07-07 23:03:14 +09:00
parent 3aa3e00806
commit 297d29c79b
3 changed files with 33 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ convergence_demo_testfun(NumFLUs, MgrOpts0) ->
%% Faster test startup, commented: timer:sleep(3000),
TcpPort = 62877,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir("/tmp/c/data.a"),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir("/tmp/c/not-used"),
FluInfo = [{a,TcpPort+0,"/tmp/c/data.a"}, {b,TcpPort+1,"/tmp/c/data.b"},
{c,TcpPort+2,"/tmp/c/data.c"}, {d,TcpPort+3,"/tmp/c/data.d"},
{e,TcpPort+4,"/tmp/c/data.e"}, {f,TcpPort+5,"/tmp/c/data.f"}],

View file

@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ postcondition(_S, {call, _, _Func, _Args}, _Res) ->
all_list_extra() ->
[ %% Genenerators assume that this list is at least 2 items
{#p_srvr{name=a, address="localhost", port=7400,
props=[{chmgr, a_chmgr}]}, "./data.pulse.a"}
props=[{chmgr, a_chmgr}]}, "/tmp/c/data.pulse.a"}
, {#p_srvr{name=b, address="localhost", port=7401,
props=[{chmgr, b_chmgr}]}, "./data.pulse.b"}
props=[{chmgr, b_chmgr}]}, "/tmp/c/data.pulse.b"}
, {#p_srvr{name=c, address="localhost", port=7402,
props=[{chmgr, c_chmgr}]}, "./data.pulse.c"}
props=[{chmgr, c_chmgr}]}, "/tmp/c//data.pulse.c"}
, {#p_srvr{name=d, address="localhost", port=7403,
props=[{chmgr, d_chmgr}]}, "./data.pulse.d"}
props=[{chmgr, d_chmgr}]}, "/tmp/c/data.pulse.d"}
, {#p_srvr{name=e, address="localhost", port=7404,
props=[{chmgr, e_chmgr}]}, "./data.pulse.e"}
props=[{chmgr, e_chmgr}]}, "/tmp/c/data.pulse.e"}
all_list() ->
@ -126,7 +126,10 @@ setup(Num, Seed) ->
All_list = lists:sublist(all_list(), Num),
All_listE = lists:sublist(all_list_extra(), Num),
%% shutdown_hard() has taken care of killing all relevant procs.
[machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir) || {_P, Dir} <- All_listE],
filelib:ensure_dir(Dir ++ "/not-used")
end || {_P, Dir} <- All_listE],
?QC_FMT(",z~w", [?LINE]),
%% Start partition simulator
@ -318,7 +321,11 @@ prop_pulse() ->
%% written during any given epoch, confirm that all chain
%% members appear in only one unique chain, i.e., the sets of
%% unique chains are disjoint.
AllDisjointP = ?MGRTEST:all_reports_are_disjoint(Report),
{AllDisjointP, AllDisjointDetail} =
case ?MGRTEST:all_reports_are_disjoint(Report) of
true -> {true, true};
Else -> {false, Else}
%% For each chain transition experienced by a particular FLU,
%% confirm that each state transition is OK.
@ -331,29 +338,31 @@ prop_pulse() ->
{_LastEpoch, {ok_disjoint, LastRepXs}} = lists:last(Report),
%% TODO: Check that we've converged to a single chain with no repairs.
SingleChainNoRepair = case LastRepXs of
[{_UPI,[]}] ->
_ ->
{SingleChainNoRepair_p, SingleChainNoRepairDetail} =
case LastRepXs of
[LastUPI] when length(LastUPI) == S2#state.num_pids ->
{true, true};
_ ->
{false, LastRepXs}
ok = shutdown_hard(),
?QC_FMT("PrivProjs = ~p\n", [PrivProjs]),
?QC_FMT("Report = ~p\n", [Report]),
?QC_FMT("Cmds = ~p\n", [Cmds]),
?QC_FMT("Res = ~p\n", [Res]),
?QC_FMT("Diag = ~s\n", [Diag]),
?QC_FMT("Report = ~p\n", [Report]),
?QC_FMT("PrivProjs = ~p\n", [PrivProjs]),
?QC_FMT("Sane = ~p\n", [Sane]),
?QC_FMT("SingleChainNoRepair failure =\n ~p\n", [SingleChainNoRepair])
?QC_FMT("AllDisjointDetail = ~p\n", [AllDisjointDetail]),
?QC_FMT("SingleChainNoRepair failure = ~p\n", [SingleChainNoRepairDetail])
%% ,erlang:halt(0)
conjunction([{res, Res == true orelse Res == ok},
{all_disjoint, AllDisjointP},
{sane, SaneP},
{single_chain_no_repair, SingleChainNoRepair}
{single_chain_no_repair, SingleChainNoRepair_p}

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
%% {'bummer_NOT_DISJOINT', {flat(), summaries()}
%% unique_upi_repair_lists(): list(upi_and_repair_lists_concatenated())
%% flat(): debugging term; any duplicate in this list is an invalid FLU.
%% summaries(): list(ProjectionSummary:string())
%% summaries(): list({FLU, ProjectionSummary:string() | 'not_in_this_epoch'})
%% Example:
@ -98,15 +98,14 @@ unanimous_report2(FLU_Projs) ->
Proj#projection_v1.epoch_csum} ||
{_FLUname, Proj} <- FLU_Projs,
is_record(Proj, projection_v1)],
UniqueUPIsRepairs = lists:usort([{UPI,Repairing} ||
{UPI, Repairing, _CSum} <- UPI_R_Sums]),
if length(UniqueUPIsRepairs) =< 1 ->
{ok_disjoint, UniqueUPIsRepairs};
UniqueUPIs = lists:usort([UPI || {UPI, _Repairing, _CSum} <- UPI_R_Sums]),
if length(UniqueUPIs) =< 1 ->
{ok_disjoint, UniqueUPIs};
true ->
Flat = lists:flatten([UPI++Rep || {UPI,Rep} <- UniqueUPIsRepairs]),
Flat = lists:flatten(UniqueUPIs),
case lists:usort(Flat) == lists:sort(Flat) of
true ->
{ok_disjoint, UniqueUPIsRepairs};
{ok_disjoint, UniqueUPIs};
false ->
{bummer_NOT_DISJOINT, {lists:sort(Flat), ProjsSumms}}