Getting closer to understanding why test coverage appears so poor

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2014-10-26 23:48:39 +09:00
parent b4f2d314c7
commit 342a972543
2 changed files with 151 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ calc_network_partitions(Nodes, Seed1, OldPartition,
{Cutoff3, Seed3} = random:uniform_s(100, Seed1),
if Cutoff3 < NoPartitionThreshold ->
{Seed3, []};
Cutoff3 rem 10 < 5 ->
%% case get(goofus) of undefined -> put(goofus, true), io:format(user, "~w", [Cutoff3 rem 10]); _ -> ok end,
OldSeed = case random:seed(Seed3) of undefined -> now();
Else -> Else
{Down, _} = lists:partition(fun(_) -> random:uniform() < 0.5 end, Nodes),
%% case get(goofus) of undefined -> put(goofus, true), io:format(user, "~w", [Down]); _ -> ok end,
Partitions = [{X, Y} || X <- Nodes, Y <- Down],
{Seed3, Partitions};
%% Cutoff3 rem 10 < 5 ->
%% %% case get(goofus) of undefined -> put(goofus, true), io:format(user, "~w", [Cutoff3 rem 10]); _ -> ok end,
%% OldSeed = case random:seed(Seed3) of undefined -> now();
%% Else -> Else
%% end,
%% {Down, _} = lists:partition(fun(X) -> X /= 'a' andalso random:uniform() < 0.5 end, Nodes),
%% %% case get(goofus) of undefined -> put(goofus, true), io:format(user, "~w", [Down]); _ -> ok end,
%% Partitions = [{X, Y} || X <- Nodes, Y <- Down],
%% random:seed(OldSeed),
%% {Seed3, Partitions};
true ->
make_network_partition_locations(Nodes, Seed3)

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ smoke0_test() ->
S0 = ?MGR:make_initial_state(a, [a,b,c,d], {4,5,6}),
lists:foldl(fun(_, S) ->
{P1, S1} = ?MGR:calc_projection(20, 1, S),
io:format(user, "~p\n", [?MGR:make_projection_summary(P1)]),
%% io:format(user, "~p\n", [?MGR:make_projection_summary(P1)]),
end, S0, lists:seq(1,10)).
@ -85,16 +85,23 @@ gen_rand_seed() ->
gen_num() ->
choose(1, 50000).
%% ?LET(I, oneof([int(), largeint()]),
%% erlang:abs(I)).
prop_calc_projection() ->
prop_calc_projection([a,b,c], false).
prop_calc_projection(Nodes, TrackUseTab) ->
{Seed, OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold, Steps},
{gen_rand_seed(), choose(0, 101), choose(0, 101), choose(500, 2000)},
{Seed, OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold, Steps, HeadNode},
choose(500, 2000),
S0 = ?MGR:make_initial_state(a, [a,b,c,d,e], Seed),
{RandN, _} = random:uniform_s(length(Nodes), Seed),
NodesShuffle = lists:nth(RandN, perms(Nodes)),
S0 = ?MGR:make_initial_state(HeadNode, NodesShuffle, Seed),
F = fun(_, {S, Acc}) ->
{P1, S1} = ?MGR:calc_projection(
OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold, S),
@ -103,14 +110,80 @@ prop_calc_projection() ->
{_, Projs0} = lists:foldl(F, {S0, []}, lists:seq(1,Steps)),
Projs = lists:reverse(Projs0),
if TrackUseTab == false ->
true ->
Transitions = extract_upi_transitions(Projs),
%% io:format(user, "\n~P\n", [lists:usort(Transitions), 10]),
[ets:update_counter(TrackUseTab, Trans, 1) ||
Trans <- Transitions]
true = projection_transitions_are_sane(Projs)
extract_upi_transitions([]) ->
extract_upi_transitions([_]) ->
extract_upi_transitions([P1, P2|T]) ->
Trans = {P1#projection.upi, P2#projection.upi},
calc_projection_test_() ->
{timeout, 60,
fun() ->
true = eqc:quickcheck(eqc:numtests(5,
%% Nodes = [a,b,c,d],
Nodes = [a,b],
Cs = combinations(Nodes),
Combos = lists:sort([{UPI1, UPI2} || UPI1 <- Cs, UPI2 <- Cs]),
io:format(user, "\n", []),
Rs = [begin
P1 = ?MGR:make_projection(2, 1, <<>>, HdNd, Nodes,
[], PsUPI1, Nodes -- PsUPI1, []),
P2 = ?MGR:make_projection(3, 2, <<>>, HdNd, Nodes,
[], PsUPI2, Nodes -- PsUPI2, []),
Res = case (catch projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2)) of
true -> true;
_ -> false
{Res, UPI1, UPI2}
end || HdNd <- Nodes,
{UPI1,UPI2} <- Combos,
%% We assume that the author appears in any
UPI1 /= [],
UPI2 /= [],
%% HdNd is the author for all of these
%% tests, so it must be present in UPI1 & UPI2
lists:member(HdNd, UPI1),
lists:member(HdNd, UPI2),
PsUPI1 <- perms(UPI1),
PsUPI2 <- perms(UPI2)],
%% HeadNode = hd(Nodes),
OKs = [begin
end || {true, UPI1, UPI2} <- Rs],
%% not sets:is_disjoint(sets:from_list(UPI1),
%% sets:from_list(UPI2))
%% orelse UPI1 == [] orelse UPI2 == []],
io:format(user, "OKs = ~p\n", [lists:usort(OKs)]),
%% OKs = [{UPI1,UPI2} || {true, UPI1, UPI2} <- Rs,
%% not sets:is_disjoint(sets:from_list(UPI1),
%% sets:from_list(UPI2))],
Tab = ets:new(count, [public, set, {keypos, 1}]),
[ets:insert(Tab, {Transition, 0}) || Transition <- OKs],
true = eqc:quickcheck(
eqc:numtests(500, ?QC_OUT(prop_calc_projection(Nodes, Tab)))),
NotCounted = [Transition || {Transition, 0} <- ets:tab2list(Tab)],
Counted = [X || {_, N}=X <- ets:tab2list(Tab),
N > 0],
io:format(user, "OKs length = ~p\n", [length(OKs)]),
io:format(user, "Transitions hit = ~p\n", [length(OKs) - length(NotCounted)]),
io:format(user, "Transitions = ~p\n", [lists:sort(Counted)]),
io:format(user, "NotCounted length = ~p\n", [length(NotCounted)]),
io:format(user, "NotCounted = ~p\n", [NotCounted]),
projection_transitions_are_sane([]) ->
@ -184,6 +257,13 @@ projection_transition_is_sane(
true = sets:is_disjoint(DownS2, RepairingS2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(UPIS2, RepairingS2),
%% The author must not be down.
false = lists:member(AuthorServer1, Down_list1),
false = lists:member(AuthorServer2, Down_list2),
%% The author must be in either the UPI or repairing list.
true = lists:member(AuthorServer1, UPI_list1 ++ Repairing_list1),
true = lists:member(AuthorServer2, UPI_list2 ++ Repairing_list2),
%% Additions to the UPI chain may only be at the tail
UPI_common_prefix =
lists:takewhile(fun(X) -> sets:is_element(X, UPIS2) end, UPI_list1),
@ -278,4 +358,57 @@ fail1_smoke_test() ->
fail2_smoke_test() ->
AB = [a,b],
BadSets = [{1, [b,a],[a,b]},
{2, [b],[a,b]},
%% {3, [a],[b]}, % weird but valid: [a] means b is repairing;
% so if a fails and b finishes repairing,
% swapping both at the same time is "ok".
{4, [a,b],[b,a]},
%% {5, [b],[a]}, % weird but valid: see above
{6, [a],[b,a]}
P2f= ?MGR:make_projection(2, 1, <<>>, a, AB,
[], Two, AB -- Two, []),
P3f= ?MGR:make_projection(3, 2, <<>>, a, AB,
[], Three, AB -- Three, []),
{Label, true} =
{Label, (projection_transition_is_sane(P2f, P3f) /= true)}
end || {Label, Two, Three} <- BadSets],
%% aaa_smoke_test() ->
%% L = [a,b,c,d],
%% Cs = combinations(L),
%% Combos = lists:sort([{X, Y} || X <- Cs, Y <- Cs]),
%% timer:sleep(500),
%% io:format(user, "\n", []),
%% Rs = [begin
%% P1 = ?MGR:make_projection(2, 1, <<>>, a, L,
%% [], X, L -- X, []),
%% P2 = ?MGR:make_projection(3, 2, <<>>, a, L,
%% [], Y, L -- Y, []),
%% Res = case (catch projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2)) of
%% true -> true;
%% _ -> false
%% end,
%% {Res, P1, P2}
%% end || {X,Y} <- Combos],
%% OKs = [{X,Y} || {true, X, Y} <- Rs],
%% io:format(user, "Cs are ~p\n", [length(Cs)]),
%% io:format(user, "OKs are ~p\n", [length(OKs)]),
%% Bads = [{X,Y} || {false, X, Y} <- Rs],
%% io:format(user, "Bads are ~p\n", [length(Bads)]),
%% %% [io:format(user, "~p -> ~p: ~p\n", [X, Y, Res]);
%% ok.
combinations(L) ->
lists:usort(perms(L) ++ lists:append([ combinations(L -- [X]) || X <- L])).
perms([]) -> [[]];
perms(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].