WIP: repair common file, part 0

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-05-14 14:04:31 +09:00
parent 19d3c95325
commit 358764d403

View file

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
-define(VERB(Fmt), if Verb -> io:format(Fmt ); true -> ok end). -define(VERB(Fmt), if Verb -> io:format(Fmt ); true -> ok end).
-define(VERB(Fmt, Args), if Verb -> io:format(Fmt, Args); true -> ok end). -define(VERB(Fmt, Args), if Verb -> io:format(Fmt, Args); true -> ok end).
-endif. % TEST
-export([repair_cp/4, repair_ap/6]). -export([repair_cp/4, repair_ap/6]).
repair_cp(_Src, _Dst, _MembersDict, _Opts) -> repair_cp(_Src, _Dst, _MembersDict, _Opts) ->
@ -212,33 +216,26 @@ copy_file(File, SrcProxy, MissingProxiesDict, Verb, ETS) ->
{L_K, T_K} <- EtsKeys], {L_K, T_K} <- EtsKeys],
ok. ok.
%% copy_file_proc_checksum_fun(File, SrcS, DstS, _Verbose) ->
%% fun(<<OffsetHex:16/binary, " ", LenHex:8/binary, " ",
%% CSumHex:32/binary, "\n">>) ->
%% <<Len:32/big>> = hexstr_to_bin(LenHex),
%% DownloadChunkBin = <<OffsetHex/binary, " ", LenHex/binary, " ",
%% File/binary, "\n">>,
%% [Chunk] = escript_download_chunks(SrcS, {{{DownloadChunkBin}}},
%% fun(_) -> ok end),
%% CSum = hexstr_to_bin(CSumHex),
%% CSum2 = checksum(Chunk),
%% if Len == byte_size(Chunk), CSum == CSum2 ->
%% {_,_,_} = upload_chunk_write(DstS, OffsetHex, File, Chunk),
%% ok;
%% true ->
%% io:format("ERROR: ~s ~s ~s csum/size error\n",
%% [File, OffsetHex, LenHex]),
%% error
%% end;
%% (_Else) ->
%% ok
%% end.
repair_both_present(_File, _Size, _RepairMode, Verb, _SrcS, _SrcS2, _DstS, _DstS2) -> repair_both_present(_File, _Size, _RepairMode, Verb, _SrcS, _SrcS2, _DstS, _DstS2) ->
?VERB("repair_both_present TODO\n"), ?VERB("repair_both_present TODO\n"),
ok. ok.
%% io:format("repair_both_present: ~p ~p mode ~p\n", [File, Size, RepairMode]). %% io:format("repair_both_present: ~p ~p mode ~p\n", [File, Size, RepairMode]).
make_repair_compare_fun(SrcFLU) ->
fun({{Offset_X, _Sz_a, FLU_a, _Cs_a}, _N_a},
{{Offset_X, _Sz_b, FLU_b, _CS_b}, _N_b}) ->
%% The repair source FLU always sorts less/earlier than anything else.
if FLU_a == SrcFLU ->
FLU_b == SrcFLU ->
true ->
FLU_a < FLU_b
(T_a, T_b) ->
T_a =< T_b
%% repair_both_present(File, Size, RepairMode, V, SrcS, _SrcS2, DstS, _DstS2) -> %% repair_both_present(File, Size, RepairMode, V, SrcS, _SrcS2, DstS, _DstS2) ->
%% Tmp1 = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("/tmp/sort.1.~w.~w.~w", tuple_to_list(now()))), %% Tmp1 = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("/tmp/sort.1.~w.~w.~w", tuple_to_list(now()))),
%% Tmp2 = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("/tmp/sort.2.~w.~w.~w", tuple_to_list(now()))), %% Tmp2 = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("/tmp/sort.2.~w.~w.~w", tuple_to_list(now()))),
@ -364,6 +361,28 @@ repair_both_present(_File, _Size, _RepairMode, Verb, _SrcS, _SrcS2, _DstS, _DstS
%% verb(" done\n", []), %% verb(" done\n", []),
%% ok. %% ok.
%% copy_file_proc_checksum_fun(File, SrcS, DstS, _Verbose) ->
%% fun(<<OffsetHex:16/binary, " ", LenHex:8/binary, " ",
%% CSumHex:32/binary, "\n">>) ->
%% <<Len:32/big>> = hexstr_to_bin(LenHex),
%% DownloadChunkBin = <<OffsetHex/binary, " ", LenHex/binary, " ",
%% File/binary, "\n">>,
%% [Chunk] = escript_download_chunks(SrcS, {{{DownloadChunkBin}}},
%% fun(_) -> ok end),
%% CSum = hexstr_to_bin(CSumHex),
%% CSum2 = checksum(Chunk),
%% if Len == byte_size(Chunk), CSum == CSum2 ->
%% {_,_,_} = upload_chunk_write(DstS, OffsetHex, File, Chunk),
%% ok;
%% true ->
%% io:format("ERROR: ~s ~s ~s csum/size error\n",
%% [File, OffsetHex, LenHex]),
%% error
%% end;
%% (_Else) ->
%% ok
%% end.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
file_folder(Fun, Acc, Path) -> file_folder(Fun, Acc, Path) ->
@ -397,3 +416,18 @@ mbytes(0) ->
mbytes(Size) -> mbytes(Size) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.1.0f", [max(0.1, Size / (1024*1024))])). lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.1.0f", [max(0.1, Size / (1024*1024))])).
repair_compare_fun_test() ->
F = make_repair_compare_fun(b),
List = [{{1,10,b,x},y},{{50,10,a,x},y},{{50,10,b,x},y},{{50,10,c,x},y},{{90,10,d,x},y}],
Input = lists:reverse(lists:sort(List)),
%% Although the merge func should never have two of the same FLU
%% represented, it doesn't matter for the purposes of this test.
%% 1. Smaller offset (element #1) wins, else...
%% 2. The FLU (element #2) that's the repair source always wins, else...
%% 3. The FLU with smallest name wins.
Expect = [{{1,10,b,x},y},{{50,10,b,x},y},{{50,10,a,x},y},{{50,10,c,x},y},{{90,10,d,x},y}],
Expect = lists:sort(F, Input).
-endif. % TEST