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Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-04-20 17:27:16 +09:00
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commit 36ce2c75bd

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@ -847,126 +847,6 @@ Any client write operation sends the {\tt
check\_\-epoch} API command to witness servers and sends the usual {\tt
write\_\-req} command to full servers.
\section{Chain Replication: proof of correctness}
See Section~3 of \cite{chain-replication} for a proof of the
correctness of Chain Replication. A short summary is provide here.
Readers interested in good karma should read the entire paper.
\subsection{The Update Propagation Invariant}
``Update Propagation Invariant'' is the original chain replication
paper's name for the
$H_i \succeq H_j$
property mentioned in Figure~\ref{tab:chain-order}.
This paper will use the same name.
This property may also be referred to by its acronym, ``UPI''.
\subsection{Chain Replication and strong consistency}
The three basic rules of Chain Replication and its strong
consistency guarantee:
\item All replica servers are arranged in an ordered list $C$.
\item All mutations of a datum are performed upon each replica of $C$
strictly in the order which they appear in $C$. A mutation is considered
completely successful if the writes by all replicas are successful.
\item The head of the chain makes the determination of the order of
all mutations to all members of the chain. If the head determines
that some mutation $M_i$ happened before another mutation $M_j$,
then mutation $M_i$ happens before $M_j$ on all other members of
the chain.\footnote{While necesary for general Chain Replication,
Machi does not need this property. Instead, the property is
provided by Machi's sequencer and the write-once register of each
byte in each file.}
\item All read-only operations are performed by the ``tail'' replica,
i.e., the last replica in $C$.
The basis of the proof lies in a simple logical trick, which is to
consider the history of all operations made to any server in the chain
as a literal list of unique symbols, one for each mutation.
Each replica of a datum will have a mutation history list. We will
call this history list $H$. For the $i^{th}$ replica in the chain list
$C$, we call $H_i$ the mutation history list for the $i^{th}$ replica.
Before the $i^{th}$ replica in the chain list begins service, its mutation
history $H_i$ is empty, $[]$. After this replica runs in a Chain
Replication system for a while, its mutation history list grows to
look something like
$[M_0, M_1, M_2, ..., M_{m-1}]$ where $m$ is the total number of
mutations of the datum that this server has processed successfully.
Let's assume for a moment that all mutation operations have stopped.
If the order of the chain was constant, and if all mutations are
applied to each replica in the chain's order, then all replicas of a
datum will have the exact same mutation history: $H_i = H_J$ for any
two replicas $i$ and $j$ in the chain
(i.e., $\forall i,j \in C, H_i = H_J$). That's a lovely property,
but it is much more interesting to assume that the service is
not stopped. Let's look next at a running system.
{\bf {{On left side of $C$}}} & & {\bf On right side of $C$} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Looking at replica order in chain $C$:} \\
$i$ & $<$ & $j$ \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{For example:} \\
0 & $<$ & 2 \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{It {\em must} be true: history lengths per replica:} \\
length($H_i$) & $\geq$ & length($H_j$) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{For example, a quiescent chain:} \\
length($H_i$) = 48 & $\geq$ & length($H_j$) = 48 \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{For example, a chain being mutated:} \\
length($H_i$) = 55 & $\geq$ & length($H_j$) = 48 \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Example ordered mutation sets:} \\
$[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47},\ldots,M_{53},M_{54}]$ & $\supset$ & $[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47}]$ \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf Therefore the right side is always an ordered
subset} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf of the left side. Furthermore, the ordered
sets on both} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf sides have the exact same order of those elements they have in common.} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{The notation used by the Chain Replication paper is
shown below:} \\
$[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47},\ldots,M_{53},M_{54}]$ & $\succeq$ & $[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47}]$ \\
\caption{A demonstration of Chain Replication protocol history ``Update Propagation Invariant''.}
If the entire chain $C$ is processing any number of concurrent
mutations, then we can still understand $C$'s behavior.
Figure~\ref{tab:chain-order} shows us two replicas in chain $C$:
replica $R_i$ that's on the left/earlier side of the replica chain $C$
than some other replica $R_j$. We know that $i$'s position index in
the chain is smaller than $j$'s position index, so therefore $i < j$.
The restrictions of Chain Replication make it true that length($H_i$)
$\ge$ length($H_j$) because it's also that $H_i \supset H_j$, i.e,
$H_i$ on the left is always is a superset of $H_j$ on the right.
When considering $H_i$ and $H_j$ as strictly ordered lists, we have
$H_i \succeq H_j$, where the right side is always an exact prefix of the left
side's list. This prefixing propery is exactly what strong
consistency requires. If a value is read from the tail of the chain,
then no other chain member can have a prior/older value because their
respective mutations histories cannot be shorter than the tail
member's history.
\section{Repair of entire files}
@ -1113,7 +993,7 @@ vulnerability is eliminated.\footnote{SLF's note: Probably? This is my
not safe} in Machi, I'm not 100\% certain anymore than this ``easy''
fix for CORFU is correct.}.
\subsection{Whole-file repair as FLUs are (re-)added to a chain}
\subsection{Whole file repair as servers are (re-)added to a chain}
@ -1135,6 +1015,22 @@ $
[\overbrace{\underbrace{H_1}_\textbf{Head}, M_{11}, T_1,
H_2, M_{21}, T_2,
H_n, M_{n1},
\underbrace{T_n}_\textbf{Tail}}^\textbf{Chain (U.P.~Invariant preserving)}
\caption{Representation of Figure~\ref{fig:repair-chain-of-chains}
after all repairs have finished successfully and a new projection has
been calculated.}
Machi's repair process must preserve the Update Propagation
Invariant. To avoid data races with data copying from
``U.P.~Invariant preserving'' servers (i.e. fully repaired with
@ -1175,7 +1071,7 @@ While the normal single-write and single-read operations are performed
by the cluster, a file synchronization process is initiated. The
sequence of steps differs depending on the AP or CP mode of the system.
\subsubsection{Cluster in CP mode}
\subsubsection{Repair in CP mode}
In cases where the cluster is operating in CP Mode,
CORFU's repair method of ``just copy it all'' (from source FLU to repairing
@ -1260,23 +1156,7 @@ change:
[\overbrace{\underbrace{H_1}_\textbf{Head}, M_{11}, T_1,
H_2, M_{21}, T_2,
H_n, M_{n1},
\underbrace{T_n}_\textbf{Tail}}^\textbf{Chain (U.P.~Invariant preserving)}
\caption{Representation of Figure~\ref{fig:repair-chain-of-chains}
after all repairs have finished successfully and a new projection has
been calculated.}
\subsubsection{Cluster in AP Mode}
\subsubsection{Repair in AP Mode}
In cases the cluster is operating in AP Mode:
@ -1297,56 +1177,131 @@ of chains, skipping any FLUs where the data is known to be written.
Such writes will also preserve Update Propagation Invariant when
repair is finished.
\subsection{Whole-file repair when changing FLU ordering within a chain}
\subsection{Whole-file repair when changing server ordering within a chain}
Changing FLU order within a chain is an operations optimization only.
It may be that the administrator wishes the order of a chain to remain
as originally configured during steady-state operation, e.g.,
$[S_a,S_b,S_c]$. As FLUs are stopped \& restarted, the chain may
become re-ordered in a seemingly-arbitrary manner.
This section has been cut --- please see Git commit history for discussion.
It is certainly possible to re-order the chain, in a kludgy manner.
For example, if the desired order is $[S_a,S_b,S_c]$ but the current
operating order is $[S_c,S_b,S_a]$, then remove $S_b$ from the chain,
then add $S_b$ to the end of the chain. Then repeat the same
procedure for $S_c$. The end result will be the desired order.
\section{Chain Replication: why is it correct?}
From an operations perspective, re-ordering of the chain
using this kludgy manner has a
negative effect on availability: the chain is temporarily reduced from
operating with $N$ replicas down to $N-1$. This reduced replication
factor will not remain for long, at most a few minutes at a time, but
even a small amount of time may be unacceptable in some environments.
See Section~3 of \cite{chain-replication} for a proof of the
correctness of Chain Replication. A short summary is provide here.
Readers interested in good karma should read the entire paper.
Reordering is possible with the introduction of a ``temporary head''
of the chain. This temporary FLU does not need to be a full replica
of the entire chain --- it merely needs to store replicas of mutations
that are made during the chain reordering process. This method will
not be described here. However, {\em if reviewers believe that it should
be included}, please let the authors know.
\subsection{The Update Propagation Invariant}
\subsubsection{In both Machi operating modes:}
After initial implementation, it may be that the repair procedure is a
bit too slow. In order to accelerate repair decisions, it would be
helpful have a quicker method to calculate which files have exactly
the same contents. In traditional systems, this is done with a single
file checksum; see also the ``checksum scrub'' subsection in
Machi's files can be written out-of-order from a file offset point of
view, which violates the order which the traditional method for
calculating a full-file hash. If we recall out-of-temporal-order
example in the ``Append-only files'' section of \cite{machi-design},
the traditional method cannot
continue calculating the file checksum at offset 2 until the byte at
file offset 1 is written.
``Update Propagation Invariant'' is the original chain replication
paper's name for the
$H_i \succeq H_j$
property mentioned in Figure~\ref{tab:chain-order}.
This paper will use the same name.
This property may also be referred to by its acronym, ``UPI''.
It may be advantageous for each FLU to maintain for each file a
checksum of a canonical representation of the
{\tt \{$O_{start},O_{end},$ CSum\}} tuples that the FLU must already
maintain. Then for any two FLUs that claim to store a file $S$, if
both FLUs have the same hash of $S$'s written map + checksums, then
the copies of $S$ on both FLUs are the same.
\subsection{Chain Replication and strong consistency}
The three basic rules of Chain Replication and its strong
consistency guarantee:
\item All replica servers are arranged in an ordered list $C$.
\item All mutations of a datum are performed upon each replica of $C$
strictly in the order which they appear in $C$. A mutation is considered
completely successful if the writes by all replicas are successful.
\item The head of the chain makes the determination of the order of
all mutations to all members of the chain. If the head determines
that some mutation $M_i$ happened before another mutation $M_j$,
then mutation $M_i$ happens before $M_j$ on all other members of
the chain.\footnote{While necesary for general Chain Replication,
Machi does not need this property. Instead, the property is
provided by Machi's sequencer and the write-once register of each
byte in each file.}
\item All read-only operations are performed by the ``tail'' replica,
i.e., the last replica in $C$.
The basis of the proof lies in a simple logical trick, which is to
consider the history of all operations made to any server in the chain
as a literal list of unique symbols, one for each mutation.
Each replica of a datum will have a mutation history list. We will
call this history list $H$. For the $i^{th}$ replica in the chain list
$C$, we call $H_i$ the mutation history list for the $i^{th}$ replica.
Before the $i^{th}$ replica in the chain list begins service, its mutation
history $H_i$ is empty, $[]$. After this replica runs in a Chain
Replication system for a while, its mutation history list grows to
look something like
$[M_0, M_1, M_2, ..., M_{m-1}]$ where $m$ is the total number of
mutations of the datum that this server has processed successfully.
Let's assume for a moment that all mutation operations have stopped.
If the order of the chain was constant, and if all mutations are
applied to each replica in the chain's order, then all replicas of a
datum will have the exact same mutation history: $H_i = H_J$ for any
two replicas $i$ and $j$ in the chain
(i.e., $\forall i,j \in C, H_i = H_J$). That's a lovely property,
but it is much more interesting to assume that the service is
not stopped. Let's look next at a running system.
{\bf {{On left side of $C$}}} & & {\bf On right side of $C$} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Looking at replica order in chain $C$:} \\
$i$ & $<$ & $j$ \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{For example:} \\
0 & $<$ & 2 \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{It {\em must} be true: history lengths per replica:} \\
length($H_i$) & $\geq$ & length($H_j$) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{For example, a quiescent chain:} \\
length($H_i$) = 48 & $\geq$ & length($H_j$) = 48 \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{For example, a chain being mutated:} \\
length($H_i$) = 55 & $\geq$ & length($H_j$) = 48 \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Example ordered mutation sets:} \\
$[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47},\ldots,M_{53},M_{54}]$ & $\supset$ & $[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47}]$ \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf Therefore the right side is always an ordered
subset} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf of the left side. Furthermore, the ordered
sets on both} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf sides have the exact same order of those elements they have in common.} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{The notation used by the Chain Replication paper is
shown below:} \\
$[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47},\ldots,M_{53},M_{54}]$ & $\succeq$ & $[M_0,M_1,\ldots,M_{46},M_{47}]$ \\
\caption{The ``Update Propagation Invariant'' as
illustrated by Chain Replication protocol history.}
If the entire chain $C$ is processing any number of concurrent
mutations, then we can still understand $C$'s behavior.
Figure~\ref{tab:chain-order} shows us two replicas in chain $C$:
replica $R_i$ that's on the left/earlier side of the replica chain $C$
than some other replica $R_j$. We know that $i$'s position index in
the chain is smaller than $j$'s position index, so therefore $i < j$.
The restrictions of Chain Replication make it true that length($H_i$)
$\ge$ length($H_j$) because it's also that $H_i \supset H_j$, i.e,
$H_i$ on the left is always is a superset of $H_j$ on the right.
When considering $H_i$ and $H_j$ as strictly ordered lists, we have
$H_i \succeq H_j$, where the right side is always an exact prefix of the left
side's list. This prefixing propery is exactly what strong
consistency requires. If a value is read from the tail of the chain,
then no other chain member can have a prior/older value because their
respective mutations histories cannot be shorter than the tail
member's history.