Do the slicing in flu server rather than in CR client
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 29 additions and 39 deletions
@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
-endif. % TEST.
@ -529,8 +528,7 @@ do_read_chunk2(File, Offset, Size, Opts, Depth, STime, TO,
ConsistencyMode = P#projection_v1.mode,
case ?FLU_PC:read_chunk(orddict:fetch(Tail, PD), EpochID,
File, Offset, Size, Opts, ?TIMEOUT) of
{ok, {Chunks0, []}} when is_list(Chunks0) ->
Chunks = trim_both_side(Chunks0, Offset, Offset + Size),
{ok, {Chunks, []}} when is_list(Chunks) ->
{reply, {ok, {Chunks, []}}, S};
%% {ok, BadChunk} ->
%% %% TODO cleaner handling of bad chunks
@ -926,28 +924,3 @@ timeout(infinity) ->
timeout(15*60*1000); % close enough to infinity
timeout(Timeout0) ->
{Timeout0, Timeout0 + 30*1000}.
%% @doc Trim both right and left border of chunks to fit in to given
%% range [LeftPos, RightPos]. TODO: write unit tests for this function.
trim_both_side([], _, _) -> [];
trim_both_side([{F, Offset, Chunk, _Csum}|L], LeftPos, RightPos)
when Offset < LeftPos andalso LeftPos < RightPos ->
TrashLen = 8 * (LeftPos - Offset),
<<_:TrashLen/binary, NewChunk/binary>> = Chunk,
%% CR Client is client or server?
NewChecksum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(client_sha, Chunk),
NewH = {F, LeftPos, NewChunk, NewChecksum},
trim_both_side([NewH|L], LeftPos, RightPos);
trim_both_side(Chunks, LeftPos, RightPos) when LeftPos =< RightPos ->
%% TODO: optimize
[{F, Offset, Chunk, _Csum}|L] = lists:reverse(Chunks),
Size = iolist_size(Chunk),
if RightPos < Offset + Size ->
NewSize = RightPos - Offset,
<<NewChunk:NewSize/binary, _/binary>> = Chunk,
%% CR Client is client or server?
NewChecksum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(client_sha, Chunk),
lists:reverse([{F, Offset, NewChunk, NewChecksum}|L]);
true ->
@ -281,9 +281,7 @@ handle_call({read, Offset, Length, Opts}, _From,
State = #state{filename = F,
data_filehandle = FH,
csum_table = CsumTable,
eof_position = EofP,
reads = {T, Err}
}) ->
reads = {T, Err}}) ->
NoChecksum = proplists:get_value(no_checksum, Opts, false),
NoChunk = proplists:get_value(no_chunk, Opts, false),
NeedsMerge = proplists:get_value(needs_trimmed, Opts, false),
@ -291,12 +289,9 @@ handle_call({read, Offset, Length, Opts}, _From,
case do_read(FH, F, CsumTable, Offset, Length, NoChecksum, NoChunk, NeedsMerge) of
{ok, {[], []}} ->
{{error, not_written}, Err + 1};
{ok, {Chunks, Trimmed}} ->
%% Kludge to wrap read result in tuples, to support fragmented read
%% For now we are omiting the checksum data because it blows up
%% protobufs.
{{ok, {Chunks, Trimmed}}, Err};
{ok, {Chunks0, Trimmed0}} ->
Chunks = slice_both_side(Chunks0, Offset, Offset+Length),
{{ok, {Chunks, Trimmed0}}, Err};
Error ->
lager:error("Can't read ~p, ~p at File ~p", [Offset, Length, F]),
{Error, Err + 1}
@ -664,3 +659,26 @@ do_write(FHd, CsumTable, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data) ->
[Other, Filename, Offset, Size]),
{error, Other}
%% @doc Trim both right and left border of chunks to fit in to given
%% range [LeftPos, RightPos]. TODO: write unit tests for this function.
slice_both_side([], _, _) -> [];
slice_both_side([{F, Offset, Chunk, _Csum}|L], LeftPos, RightPos)
when Offset < LeftPos andalso LeftPos < RightPos ->
TrashLen = 8 * (LeftPos - Offset),
<<_:TrashLen/binary, NewChunk/binary>> = Chunk,
NewChecksum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(client_sha, Chunk),
NewH = {F, LeftPos, NewChunk, NewChecksum},
slice_both_side([NewH|L], LeftPos, RightPos);
slice_both_side(Chunks, LeftPos, RightPos) when LeftPos =< RightPos ->
%% TODO: optimize
[{F, Offset, Chunk, _Csum}|L] = lists:reverse(Chunks),
Size = iolist_size(Chunk),
if RightPos < Offset + Size ->
NewSize = RightPos - Offset,
<<NewChunk:NewSize/binary, _/binary>> = Chunk,
NewChecksum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(client_sha, Chunk),
lists:reverse([{F, Offset, NewChunk, NewChecksum}|L]);
true ->
@ -203,8 +203,7 @@ read_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S.
read(Pid, Offset, Length) ->
case machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, Offset, Length) of
{ok, {Chunks, _}} ->
[{_, Offset, Data, Csum}] =
machi_cr_client:trim_both_side(Chunks, Offset, Offset+Length),
[{_, Offset, Data, Csum}] = Chunks,
{ok, Data, Csum};
E ->
Reference in a new issue