WIP: chain manager simulation test

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2014-10-26 12:55:10 +09:00
parent b8c87b23ad
commit 410c8ff7ce
2 changed files with 103 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -51,21 +51,24 @@
all_members :: [m_server()],
active_upi :: [m_server()],
active_repairing:: [m_server()],
dbg :: list()%proplist()
dbg :: list() %proplist()
-record(state, {
name :: m_server(),
proj :: #projection{},
seed :: timestamp(),
last_up :: list(m_server())
last_up :: list(m_server()),
runenv :: list() %proplist()
make_initial_state(MyName, All_list, Seed) ->
RunEnv = [{seed, Seed},
{network_partitions, []}],
proj=make_initial_projection(MyName, All_list, All_list, [], []),
make_initial_projection(MyName, All_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list, Ps) ->
make_projection(1, 0, <<>>,
@ -86,41 +89,103 @@ make_projection(EpochNum, PrevEpochNum, PrevEpochCSum,
CSum = crypto:hash(sha, term_to_binary(P)),
calc_projection(CurrentInfo, #state{name=MyName, proj=OldProj} = S) ->
{UpNodes, S2} = calc_up_nodes(CurrentInfo, S),
calc_projection(OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold,
#state{name=MyName, last_up=_LastUp, proj=LastProj,
runenv=RunEnv1} = S) ->
%% active_upi=UPI_list,
%% active_repairing=Repairing_list,
%% dbg=Ps
} = OldProj,
P = make_projection(OldEpochNum + 1, OldEpochNum, OldEpochCsum,
MyName, All_list, UpNodes, [], [{fubar,true}]),
{P, S2}.
#state{name=MyName, seed=Seed, last_up=LastUp} = S) ->
} = LastProj,
AllMembers = (S#state.proj)#projection.all_members,
{F, Seed2} = random:uniform_s(Seed),
Cutoff = trunc(F * 100),
if LastUp == undefined orelse Cutoff rem 3 == 0 ->
Up = calc_new_up_nodes(MyName, AllMembers, CurrentInfo, Cutoff),
{Up, S#state{seed=Seed2, last_up=Up}};
{Up, RunEnv2} = calc_up_nodes(MyName, OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold,
AllMembers, RunEnv1),
P = make_projection(OldEpochNum + 1, OldEpochNum, OldEpochCsum,
MyName, All_list, Up, [], [{fubar,true}]),
{P, S#state{runenv=RunEnv2}}.
calc_up_nodes(MyName, OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold,
AllMembers, RunEnv1) ->
Seed1 = proplists:get_value(seed, RunEnv1),
Partitions1 = proplists:get_value(network_partitions, RunEnv1),
{Seed2, Partitions2} =
calc_network_partitions(AllMembers, Seed1, Partitions1,
OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold),
UpNodes = lists:sort(
[Node || Node <- AllMembers,
not lists:member({MyName, Node}, Partitions2),
not lists:member({Node, MyName}, Partitions2)]),
RunEnv2 = replace(RunEnv1,
[{seed, Seed2}, {network_partitions, Partitions2}]),
{UpNodes, RunEnv2}.
calc_network_partitions(Nodes, Seed1, OldPartition,
OldThreshold, NoPartitionThreshold) ->
{F2, Seed2} = random:uniform_s(Seed1),
Cutoff2 = trunc(F2 * 100),
if Cutoff2 < OldThreshold ->
{F3, Seed3} = random:uniform_s(Seed1),
Cutoff3 = trunc(F3 * 100),
if Cutoff3 < NoPartitionThreshold ->
{Seed3, []};
true ->
make_network_partition_locations(Nodes, Seed3)
true ->
{LastUp, S#state{seed=Seed2}}
{Seed2, OldPartition}
calc_new_up_nodes(MyName, Nodes, CurrentInfo, Cutoff) ->
C_weights = proplists:get_value(communicating_weights, CurrentInfo),
lists:usort([MyName] ++
[Node || Node <- Nodes,
Node /= MyName,
Weight_to <- [element(1,
lists:keyfind({MyName, Node},
2, C_weights))],
Weight_from <- [element(1,
lists:keyfind({Node, MyName},
2, C_weights))],
Weight_to =< Cutoff,
Weight_from =< Cutoff]).
replace(PropList, Items) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Key, Val}, Ps) ->
lists:keyreplace(Key, 1, Ps, {Key,Val})
end, PropList, Items).
active_repairing=Repairing_list}) ->
make_network_partition_locations(Nodes, Seed1) ->
Pairs = make_all_pairs(Nodes),
Num = length(Pairs),
{Seed2, Weights} = lists:foldl(
fun(_, {Seeda, Acc}) ->
{F, Seedb} = random:uniform_s(Seeda),
Cutoff = trunc(F * 100),
{Seedb, [Cutoff|Acc]}
end, {Seed1, []}, lists:seq(1, Num)),
{F3, Seed3} = random:uniform_s(Seed2),
Cutoff3 = trunc(F3 * 100),
{Seed3, [X || {Weight, X} <- lists:zip(Weights, Pairs),
Weight < Cutoff3]}.
make_all_pairs(L) ->
make_all_pairs2([]) ->
make_all_pairs2([_]) ->
make_all_pairs2([H1|T]) ->
[[{H1, X}, {X, H1}] || X <- T] ++ make_all_pairs(T).
smoke0_test() ->
S0 = ?MODULE:make_initial_state(a, [a,b,c], {4,5,6}),
lists:foldl(fun(_, S) ->
{P1, S1} = calc_projection(555, 0, S),
io:format(user, "~p\n", [make_projection_summary(P1)]),
end, S0, lists:seq(1,10)).
%% [begin
%% %%io:format(user, "S0 ~p\n", [S0]),
%% {P1, _S1} = calc_projection(555, 0, S0),
%% io:format(user, "P1 ~p\n", [P1]),
%% ok % io:format(user, "S1 ~p\n", [S1]).
%% end || X <- lists:seq(1, 10)].
-endif. %TEST

View file

@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
-record(s, {
step = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
seed :: {integer(), integer(), integer()},
comm_weights = [] :: list()
seed :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}
gen_all_nodes() ->
@ -50,23 +49,6 @@ gen_num() ->
?LET(I, oneof([int(), largeint()]),
gen_communicating_weights(Nodes) ->
Pairs = make_all_pairs(Nodes),
Num = length(Pairs),
?LET(Weights, vector(Num, choose(1, 100)),
lists:zip(Weights, Pairs)).
%% gen_communicating_nodes(Nodes) ->
%% ?LET(Pairs, make_all_pairs(Nodes),
%% frequency([{10, Pairs},
%% { 8, gen_take_some(Pairs)}])).
%% gen_take_some(L) ->
%% Num = length(L),
%% ?LET({Weights, Cutoff}, {vector(Num, choose(1, 100)), choose(1, 100)},
%% [X || {Weight, X} <- lists:zip(Weights, L),
%% Weight < Cutoff]).
initial_state() ->
@ -74,7 +56,7 @@ initial_state() ->
command(#s{step=0}) ->
L = gen_all_nodes(),
{call, ?MODULE, init_run, [gen_rand_seed(), gen_communicating_weights(L)]};
{call, ?MODULE, init_run, [gen_rand_seed(), L]};
command(_S) ->
@ -88,13 +70,3 @@ prop_m() ->
make_all_pairs(L) ->
make_all_pairs2([]) ->
make_all_pairs2([_]) ->
make_all_pairs2([H1|T]) ->
[[{H1, X}, {X, H1}] || X <- T] ++ make_all_pairs(T).
%% [{H1, H2}, {H2, H1}|make_all_pairs([H2|T])].