WIP: more restructuring

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Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-04-20 16:54:00 +09:00
parent ed6c54c0d5
commit 451d7d458c
2 changed files with 483 additions and 438 deletions

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@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
* 1. Abstract
Yo, this is the second draft of a document that attempts to describe a
proposed self-management algorithm for Machi's chain replication.
Welcome! Sit back and enjoy the disjointed prose.
The high level design of the Machi "chain manager" has moved to the
[[high-level-chain-manager.pdf][Machi chain manager high level design]] document.
@ -41,15 +37,7 @@ the simulator.
* 8.
{epoch #, hash of the entire projection (minus hash field itself)}
* 9. Diagram of the self-management algorithm
* 3. Diagram of the self-management algorithm
** Introduction
Refer to the diagram
@ -264,7 +252,7 @@ use of quorum majority for UPI members is out of scope of this
document. Also out of scope is the use of "witness servers" to
augment the quorum majority UPI scheme.)
* 10. The Network Partition Simulator
* 4. The Network Partition Simulator
** Overview
The function machi_chain_manager1_test:convergence_demo_test()
executes the following in a simulated network environment within a

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@ -46,12 +46,11 @@ For an overview of the design of the larger Machi system, please see
We attempt to describe first the self-management and self-reliance
goals of the algorithm. Then we make a side trip to talk about
write-once registers and how they're used by Machi, but we don't
really fully explain exactly why write-once is so critical (why not
general purpose registers?) ... but they are indeed critical. Then we
sketch the algorithm, supplemented by a detailed annotation of a flowchart.
We describe the self-management and self-reliance
goals of the algorithm: preserve data integrity, advance the current
state of the art, and supporting multiple consisistency levels.
TODO Fix, after all of the recent changes to this document.
A discussion of ``humming consensus'' follows next. This type of
consensus does not require active participation by all or even a
@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ store services that Riak KV provides today. (Scope and timing of such
replacement TBD.)
We believe this algorithm allows a Machi cluster to fragment into
arbitrary islands of network partition, all the way down to 100% of
arbitrary islands of network partition, all the way down to 100\% of
members running in complete network isolation from each other.
Furthermore, it provides enough agreement to allow
formerly-partitioned members to coordinate the reintegration \&
@ -483,26 +482,11 @@ changes may require retry logic and delay/sleep time intervals.
\subsection{Projection storage: writing}
All projection data structures are stored in the write-once Projection
Store that is run by each server. (See also \cite{machi-design}.)
Writing the projection follows the two-step sequence below.
In cases of writing
failure at any stage, the process is aborted. The most common case is
{\tt error\_written}, which signifies that another actor in the system has
already calculated another (perhaps different) projection using the
same projection epoch number and that
read repair is necessary. Note that {\tt error\_written} may also
indicate that another actor has performed read repair on the exact
projection value that the local actor is trying to write!
\item Write $P_{new}$ to the local projection store. This will trigger
``wedge'' status in the local server, which will then cascade to other
projection-related behavior within the server.
\item Write $P_{new}$ to the remote projection store of {\tt all\_members}.
Some members may be unavailable, but that is OK.
Individual replicas of the projections written to participating
projection stores are not managed by Chain Replication --- if they
were, we would have a circular dependency! See
Section~\ref{sub:proj-store-writing} for the technique for writing
projections to all participating servers' projection stores.
\subsection{Adoption of new projections}
@ -515,8 +499,64 @@ may/may not trigger a calculation of a new projection $P_{p+1}$ which
may eventually be stored and so
resolve $P_p$'s replicas' ambiguity.
\section{Humming consensus's management of multiple projection store}
Individual replicas of the projections written to participating
projection stores are not managed by Chain Replication.
An independent replica management technique very similar to the style
used by both Riak Core \cite{riak-core} and Dynamo is used.
The major difference is
that successful return status from (minimum) a quorum of participants
{\em is not required}.
\subsection{Read repair: repair only when unwritten}
The idea of ``read repair'' is also shared with Riak Core and Dynamo
systems. However, there is a case read repair cannot truly ``fix'' a
key because two different values have been written by two different
Machi's projection store is write-once, and there is no ``undo'' or
``delete'' or ``overwrite'' in the projection store API. It doesn't
matter what caused the two different values. In case of multiple
values, all participants in humming consensus merely agree that there
were multiple opinions at that epoch which must be resolved by the
creation and writing of newer projections with later epoch numbers.
Machi's projection store read repair can only repair values that are
unwritten, i.e., storing $\emptyset$.
\subsection{Projection storage: writing}
All projection data structures are stored in the write-once Projection
Store that is run by each server. (See also \cite{machi-design}.)
Writing the projection follows the two-step sequence below.
\item Write $P_{new}$ to the local projection store. (As a side
this will trigger
``wedge'' status in the local server, which will then cascade to other
projection-related behavior within that server.)
\item Write $P_{new}$ to the remote projection store of {\tt all\_members}.
Some members may be unavailable, but that is OK.
In cases of {\tt error\_written} status,
the process may be aborted and read repair
triggered. The most common reason for {\tt error\_written} status
is that another actor in the system has
already calculated another (perhaps different) projection using the
same projection epoch number and that
read repair is necessary. Note that {\tt error\_written} may also
indicate that another actor has performed read repair on the exact
projection value that the local actor is trying to write!
\section{Reading from the projection store}
Reading data from the projection store is similar in principle to
reading from a Chain Replication-managed server system. However, the
@ -563,6 +603,61 @@ unwritten replicas. If the value of $K$ is not unanimous, then the
``best value'' $V_{best}$ is used for the repair. If all respond with
{\tt error\_unwritten}, repair is not required.
\section{Humming Consensus}
Sources for background information include:
\item ``On Consensus and Humming in the IETF'' \cite{rfc-7282}, for
background on the use of humming during meetings of the IETF.
\item ``On `Humming Consensus', an allegory'' \cite{humming-consensus-allegory},
for an allegory in the style (?) of Leslie Lamport's original Paxos
\subsection{Summary of humming consensus}
"Humming consensus" describes
consensus that is derived only from data that is visible/known at the current
time. This implies that a network partition may be in effect and that
not all chain members are reachable. The algorithm will calculate
an approximate consensus despite not having input from all/majority
of chain members. Humming consensus may proceed to make a
decision based on data from only a single participant, i.e., only the local
\item When operating in AP mode, i.e., in eventual consistency mode, humming
consensus may reconfigure chain of length $N$ into $N$
independent chains of length 1. When a network partition heals, the
humming consensus is sufficient to manage the chain so that each
replica's data can be repaired/merged/reconciled safely.
Other features of the Machi system are designed to assist such
repair safely.
\item When operating in CP mode, i.e., in strong consistency mode, humming
consensus would require additional restrictions. For example, any
chain that didn't have a minimum length of the quorum majority size of
all members would be invalid and therefore would not move itself out
of wedged state. In very general terms, this requirement for a quorum
majority of surviving participants is also a requirement for Paxos,
Raft, and ZAB. See Section~\ref{sec:split-brain-management} for a
proposal to handle ``split brain'' scenarios while in CPU mode.
If a decision is made during epoch $E$, humming consensus will
eventually discover if other participants have made a different
decision during epoch $E$. When a differing decision is discovered,
newer \& later time epochs are defined by creating new projections
with epochs numbered by $E+\delta$ (where $\delta > 0$).
The distribution of the $E+\delta$ projections will bring all visible
participants into the new epoch $E+delta$ and then into consensus.
\section{Just in case Humming Consensus doesn't work for us}
There are some unanswered questions about Machi's proposed chain
@ -597,6 +692,12 @@ include:
Using Elastic Replication (Section~\ref{ssec:elastic-replication}) is
our preferred alternative, if Humming Consensus is not usable.
Elastic chain replication is a technique described in
\cite{elastic-chain-replication}. It describes using multiple chains
to monitor each other, as arranged in a ring where a chain at position
$x$ is responsible for chain configuration and management of the chain
at position $x+1$.
\subsection{Alternative: Hibari's ``Admin Server''
and Elastic Chain Replication}
@ -618,56 +719,358 @@ chain management agent, the ``Admin Server''. In brief:
Elastic chain replication is a technique described in
\cite{elastic-chain-replication}. It describes using multiple chains
to monitor each other, as arranged in a ring where a chain at position
$x$ is responsible for chain configuration and management of the chain
at position $x+1$. This technique is likely the fall-back to be used
in case the chain management method described in this RFC proves
\section{``Split brain'' management in CP Mode}
\section{Humming Consensus}
Split brain management is a thorny problem. The method presented here
is one based on pragmatics. If it doesn't work, there isn't a serious
worry, because Machi's first serious use case all require only AP Mode.
If we end up falling back to ``use Riak Ensemble'' or ``use ZooKeeper'',
then perhaps that's
fine enough. Meanwhile, let's explore how a
completely self-contained, no-external-dependencies
CP Mode Machi might work.
Sources for background information include:
Wikipedia's description of the quorum consensus solution\footnote{See
{\tt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-brain\_(computing)}.} is nice
and short:
A typical approach, as described by Coulouris et al.,[4] is to use a
quorum-consensus approach. This allows the sub-partition with a
majority of the votes to remain available, while the remaining
sub-partitions should fall down to an auto-fencing mode.
This is the same basic technique that
both Riak Ensemble and ZooKeeper use. Machi's
extensive use of write-registers are a big advantage when implementing
this technique. Also very useful is the Machi ``wedge'' mechanism,
which can automatically implement the ``auto-fencing'' that the
technique requires. All Machi servers that can communicate with only
a minority of other servers will automatically ``wedge'' themselves
and refuse all requests for service until communication with the
majority can be re-established.
\subsection{The quorum: witness servers vs. full servers}
In any quorum-consensus system, at least $2f+1$ participants are
required to survive $f$ participant failures. Machi can implement a
technique of ``witness servers'' servers to bring the total cost
somewhere in the middle, between $2f+1$ and $f+1$, depending on your
point of view.
A ``witness server'' is one that participates in the network protocol
but does not store or manage all of the state that a ``full server''
does. A ``full server'' is a Machi server as
described by this RFC document. A ``witness server'' is a server that
only participates in the projection store and projection epoch
transition protocol and a small subset of the file access API.
A witness server doesn't actually store any
Machi files. A witness server is almost stateless, when compared to a
full Machi server.
A mixed cluster of witness and full servers must still contain at
least $2f+1$ participants. However, only $f+1$ of them are full
participants, and the remaining $f$ participants are witnesses. In
such a cluster, any majority quorum must have at least one full server
Witness FLUs are always placed at the front of the chain. As stated
above, there may be at most $f$ witness FLUs. A functioning quorum
must have at least $f+1$ FLUs that can communicate and therefore
calculate and store a new unanimous projection. Therefore, any FLU at
the tail of a functioning quorum majority chain must be full FLU. Full FLUs
actually store Machi files, so they have no problem answering {\tt
read\_req} API requests.\footnote{We hope that it is now clear that
a witness FLU cannot answer any Machi file read API request.}
Any FLU that can only communicate with a minority of other FLUs will
find that none can calculate a new projection that includes a
majority of FLUs. Any such FLU, when in CP mode, would then move to
wedge state and remain wedged until the network partition heals enough
to communicate with the majority side. This is a nice property: we
automatically get ``fencing'' behavior.\footnote{Any FLU on the minority side
is wedged and therefore refuses to serve because it is, so to speak,
``on the wrong side of the fence.''}
There is one case where ``fencing'' may not happen: if both the client
and the tail FLU are on the same minority side of a network partition.
Assume the client and FLU $F_z$ are on the "wrong side" of a network
split; both are using projection epoch $P_1$. The tail of the
chain is $F_z$.
Also assume that the "right side" has reconfigured and is using
projection epoch $P_2$. The right side has mutated key $K$. Meanwhile,
nobody on the "right side" has noticed anything wrong and is happy to
continue using projection $P_1$.
\item ``On Consensus and Humming in the IETF'' \cite{rfc-7282}, for
background on the use of humming during meetings of the IETF.
\item ``On `Humming Consensus', an allegory'' \cite{humming-consensus-allegory},
for an allegory in the style (?) of Leslie Lamport's original Paxos
\item {\bf Option a}: Now the wrong side client reads $K$ using $P_1$ via
$F_z$. $F_z$ does not detect an epoch problem and thus returns an
answer. Given our assumptions, this value is stale. For some
client use cases, this kind of staleness may be OK in trade for
fewer network messages per read \ldots so Machi may
have a configurable option to permit it.
\item {\bf Option b}: The wrong side client must confirm that $P_1$ is
in use by a full majority of chain members, including $F_z$.
Attempts using Option b will fail for one of two reasons. First, if
the client can talk to a FLU that is using $P_2$, the client's
operation must be retried using $P_2$. Second, the client will time
out talking to enough FLUs so that it fails to get a quorum's worth of
$P_1$ answers. In either case, Option B will always fail a client
read and thus cannot return a stale value of $K$.
"Humming consensus" describes
consensus that is derived only from data that is visible/known at the current
time. This implies that a network partition may be in effect and that
not all chain members are reachable. The algorithm will calculate
an approximate consensus despite not having input from all/majority
of chain members. Humming consensus may proceed to make a
decision based on data from only a single participant, i.e., only the local
\subsection{Witness FLU data and protocol changes}
When operating in AP mode, i.e., in eventual consistency mode, humming
consensus may reconfigure chain of length $N$ into $N$
independent chains of length 1. When a network partition heals, the
humming consensus is sufficient to manage the chain so that each
replica's data can be repaired/merged/reconciled safely.
Other features of the Machi system are designed to assist such
repair safely.
Some small changes to the projection's data structure
are required (relative to the initial spec described in
\cite{machi-design}). The projection itself
needs new annotation to indicate the operating mode, AP mode or CP
mode. The state type notifies the chain manager how to
react in network partitions and how to calculate new, safe projection
transitions and which file repair mode to use
Also, we need to label member FLU servers as full- or
witness-type servers.
When operating in CP mode, i.e., in strong consistency mode, humming
consensus would require additional restrictions. For example, any
chain that didn't have a minimum length of the quorum majority size of
all members would be invalid and therefore would not move itself out
of wedged state. In very general terms, this requirement for a quorum
majority of surviving participants is also a requirement for Paxos,
Raft, and ZAB. \footnote{The Machi RFC also proposes using
``witness'' chain members to
make service more available, e.g. quorum majority of ``real'' plus
``witness'' nodes {\bf and} at least one member must be a ``real'' node.}
Write API requests are processed by witness servers in {\em almost but
not quite} no-op fashion. The only requirement of a witness server
is to return correct interpretations of local projection epoch
numbers, via the {\tt error\_bad\_epoch} and {\tt error\_wedged} error
codes. In fact, a new API call is sufficient for querying witness
servers: {\tt \{check\_epoch, m\_epoch()\}}.
Any client write operation sends the {\tt
check\_\-epoch} API command to witness FLUs and sends the usual {\tt
write\_\-req} command to full FLUs.
\section{The safety of projection epoch transitions}
Machi uses the projection epoch transition algorithm and
implementation from CORFU, which is believed to be safe. However,
CORFU assumes a single, external, strongly consistent projection
store. Further, CORFU assumes that new projections are calculated by
an oracle that the rest of the CORFU system agrees is the sole agent
for creating new projections. Such an assumption is impractical for
Machi's intended purpose.
Machi could use Riak Ensemble or ZooKeeper as an oracle (or perhaps as a oracle
coordinator), but we wish to keep Machi free of big external
dependencies. We would also like to see Machi be able to
operate in an ``AP mode'', which means providing service even
if all network communication to an oracle is broken.
The model of projection calculation and storage described in
Section~\ref{sec:projections} allows for each server to operate
independently, if necessary. This autonomy allows the server in AP
mode to
always accept new writes: new writes are written to unique file names
and unique file offsets using a chain consisting of only a single FLU,
if necessary. How is this possible? Let's look at a scenario in
\subsection{A split brain scenario}
\item Assume 3 Machi FLUs, all in good health and perfect data sync: $[F_a,
F_b, F_c]$ using projection epoch $P_p$.
\item Assume data $D_0$ is written at offset $O_0$ in Machi file
\item Then a network partition happens. Servers $F_a$ and $F_b$ are
on one side of the split, and server $F_c$ is on the other side of
the split. We'll call them the ``left side'' and ``right side'',
\item On the left side, $F_b$ calculates a new projection and writes
it unanimously (to two projection stores) as epoch $P_B+1$. The
subscript $_B$ denotes a
version of projection epoch $P_{p+1}$ that was created by server $F_B$
and has a unique checksum (used to detect differences after the
network partition heals).
\item In parallel, on the right side, $F_c$ calculates a new
projection and writes it unanimously (to a single projection store)
as epoch $P_c+1$.
\item In parallel, a client on the left side writes data $D_1$
at offset $O_1$ in Machi file $F_1$, and also
a client on the right side writes data $D_2$
at offset $O_2$ in Machi file $F_2$. We know that $F_1 \ne F_2$
because each sequencer is forced to choose disjoint filenames from
any prior epoch whenever a new projection is available.
Now, what happens when various clients attempt to read data values
$D_0$, $D_1$, and $D_2$?
\item All clients can read $D_0$.
\item Clients on the left side can read $D_1$.
\item Attempts by clients on the right side to read $D_1$ will get
{\tt error\_unavailable}.
\item Clients on the right side can read $D_2$.
\item Attempts by clients on the left side to read $D_2$ will get
{\tt error\_unavailable}.
The {\tt error\_unavailable} result is not an error in the CAP Theorem
sense: it is a valid and affirmative response. In both cases, the
system on the client's side definitely knows that the cluster is
partitioned. If Machi were not a write-once store, perhaps there
might be an old/stale value to read on the local side of the network
partition \ldots but the system also knows definitely that no
old/stale value exists. Therefore Machi remains available in the
CAP Theorem sense both for writes and reads.
We know that all files $F_0$,
$F_1$, and $F_2$ are disjoint and can be merged (in a manner analogous
to set union) onto each server in $[F_a, F_b, F_c]$ safely
when the network partition is healed. However,
unlike pure theoretical set union, Machi's data merge \& repair
operations must operate within some constraints that are designed to
prevent data loss.
\subsection{Aside: defining data availability and data loss}
Let's take a moment to be clear about definitions:
\item ``data is available at time $T$'' means that data is available
for reading at $T$: the Machi cluster knows for certain that the
requested data is not been written or it is written and has a single
\item ``data is unavailable at time $T$'' means that data is
unavailable for reading at $T$ due to temporary circumstances,
e.g. network partition. If a read request is issued at some time
after $T$, the data will be available.
\item ``data is lost at time $T$'' means that data is permanently
unavailable at $T$ and also all times after $T$.
Chain Replication is a fantastic technique for managing the
consistency of data across a number of whole replicas. There are,
however, cases where CR can indeed lose data.
\subsection{Data loss scenario \#1: too few servers}
If the chain is $N$ servers long, and if all $N$ servers fail, then
of course data is unavailable. However, if all $N$ fail
permanently, then data is lost.
If the administrator had intended to avoid data loss after $N$
failures, then the administrator would have provisioned a Machi
cluster with at least $N+1$ servers.
\subsection{Data Loss scenario \#2: bogus configuration change sequence}
Assume that the sequence of events in Figure~\ref{fig:data-loss2} takes place.
%% NOTE: the following list 9 items long. We use that fact later, see
%% string YYY9 in a comment further below. If the length of this list
%% changes, then the counter reset below needs adjustment.
\item Projection $P_p$ says that chain membership is $[F_a]$.
\item A write of data $D$ to file $F$ at offset $O$ is successful.
\item Projection $P_{p+1}$ says that chain membership is $[F_a,F_b]$, via
an administration API request.
\item Machi will trigger repair operations, copying any missing data
files from FLU $F_a$ to FLU $F_b$. For the purpose of this
example, the sync operation for file $F$'s data and metadata has
not yet started.
\item FLU $F_a$ crashes.
\item The chain manager on $F_b$ notices $F_a$'s crash,
decides to create a new projection $P_{p+2}$ where chain membership is
successfully stores $P_{p+2}$ in its local store. FLU $F_b$ is now wedged.
\item FLU $F_a$ is down, therefore the
value of $P_{p+2}$ is unanimous for all currently available FLUs
(namely $[F_b]$).
\item FLU $F_b$ sees that projection $P_{p+2}$ is the newest unanimous
projection. It unwedges itself and continues operation using $P_{p+2}$.
\item Data $D$ is definitely unavailable for now, perhaps lost forever?
\caption{Data unavailability scenario with danger of permanent data loss}
At this point, the data $D$ is not available on $F_b$. However, if
we assume that $F_a$ eventually returns to service, and Machi
correctly acts to repair all data within its chain, then $D$
all of its contents will be available eventually.
However, if server $F_a$ never returns to service, then $D$ is lost. The
Machi administration API must always warn the user that data loss is
possible. In Figure~\ref{fig:data-loss2}'s scenario, the API must
warn the administrator in multiple ways that fewer than the full {\tt
length(all\_members)} number of replicas are in full sync.
A careful reader should note that $D$ is also lost if step \#5 were
instead, ``The hardware that runs FLU $F_a$ was destroyed by fire.''
For any possible step following \#5, $D$ is lost. This is data loss
for the same reason that the scenario of Section~\ref{sub:data-loss1}
happens: the administrator has not provisioned a sufficient number of
Let's revisit Figure~\ref{fig:data-loss2}'s scenario yet again. This
time, we add a final step at the end of the sequence:
\setcounter{enumi}{9} % YYY9
\item The administration API is used to change the chain
configuration to {\tt all\_members=$[F_b]$}.
Step \#10 causes data loss. Specifically, the only copy of file
$F$ is on FLU $F_a$. By administration policy, FLU $F_a$ is now
permanently inaccessible.
The chain manager {\em must} keep track of all
repair operations and their status. If such information is tracked by
all FLUs, then the data loss by bogus administrator action can be
prevented. In this scenario, FLU $F_b$ knows that `$F_a \rightarrow
F_b$` repair has not yet finished and therefore it is unsafe to remove
$F_a$ from the cluster.
\subsection{Data Loss scenario \#3: chain replication repair done badly}
It's quite possible to lose data through careless/buggy Chain
Replication chain configuration changes. For example, in the split
brain scenario of Section~\ref{sub:split-brain-scenario}, we have two
pieces of data written to different ``sides'' of the split brain,
$D_0$ and $D_1$. If the chain is naively reconfigured after the network
partition heals to be $[F_a=\emptyset,F_b=\emptyset,F_c=D_1],$ then $D_1$
is in danger of being lost. Why?
The Update Propagation Invariant is violated.
Any Chain Replication read will be
directed to the tail, $F_c$. The value exists there, so there is no
need to do any further work; the unwritten values at $F_a$ and $F_b$
will not be repaired. If the $F_c$ server fails sometime
later, then $D_1$ will be lost. The ``Chain Replication Repair''
section of \cite{machi-design} discusses
how data loss can be avoided after servers are added (or re-added) to
an active chain configuration.
We believe that maintaining the Update Propagation Invariant is a
hassle anda pain, but that hassle and pain are well worth the
sacrifices required to maintain the invariant at all times. It avoids
data loss in all cases where the U.P.~Invariant preserving chain
contains at least one FLU.
\section{Chain Replication: proof of correctness}
@ -1144,363 +1547,17 @@ maintain. Then for any two FLUs that claim to store a file $F$, if
both FLUs have the same hash of $F$'s written map + checksums, then
the copies of $F$ on both FLUs are the same.
\section{``Split brain'' management in CP Mode}
Split brain management is a thorny problem. The method presented here
is one based on pragmatics. If it doesn't work, there isn't a serious
worry, because Machi's first serious use case all require only AP Mode.
If we end up falling back to ``use Riak Ensemble'' or ``use ZooKeeper'',
then perhaps that's
fine enough. Meanwhile, let's explore how a
completely self-contained, no-external-dependencies
CP Mode Machi might work.
Wikipedia's description of the quorum consensus solution\footnote{See
{\tt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-brain\_(computing)}.} is nice
and short:
A typical approach, as described by Coulouris et al.,[4] is to use a
quorum-consensus approach. This allows the sub-partition with a
majority of the votes to remain available, while the remaining
sub-partitions should fall down to an auto-fencing mode.
This is the same basic technique that
both Riak Ensemble and ZooKeeper use. Machi's
extensive use of write-registers are a big advantage when implementing
this technique. Also very useful is the Machi ``wedge'' mechanism,
which can automatically implement the ``auto-fencing'' that the
technique requires. All Machi servers that can communicate with only
a minority of other servers will automatically ``wedge'' themselves
and refuse all requests for service until communication with the
majority can be re-established.
\subsection{The quorum: witness servers vs. full servers}
In any quorum-consensus system, at least $2f+1$ participants are
required to survive $f$ participant failures. Machi can implement a
technique of ``witness servers'' servers to bring the total cost
somewhere in the middle, between $2f+1$ and $f+1$, depending on your
point of view.
A ``witness server'' is one that participates in the network protocol
but does not store or manage all of the state that a ``full server''
does. A ``full server'' is a Machi server as
described by this RFC document. A ``witness server'' is a server that
only participates in the projection store and projection epoch
transition protocol and a small subset of the file access API.
A witness server doesn't actually store any
Machi files. A witness server is almost stateless, when compared to a
full Machi server.
A mixed cluster of witness and full servers must still contain at
least $2f+1$ participants. However, only $f+1$ of them are full
participants, and the remaining $f$ participants are witnesses. In
such a cluster, any majority quorum must have at least one full server
Witness FLUs are always placed at the front of the chain. As stated
above, there may be at most $f$ witness FLUs. A functioning quorum
must have at least $f+1$ FLUs that can communicate and therefore
calculate and store a new unanimous projection. Therefore, any FLU at
the tail of a functioning quorum majority chain must be full FLU. Full FLUs
actually store Machi files, so they have no problem answering {\tt
read\_req} API requests.\footnote{We hope that it is now clear that
a witness FLU cannot answer any Machi file read API request.}
Any FLU that can only communicate with a minority of other FLUs will
find that none can calculate a new projection that includes a
majority of FLUs. Any such FLU, when in CP mode, would then move to
wedge state and remain wedged until the network partition heals enough
to communicate with the majority side. This is a nice property: we
automatically get ``fencing'' behavior.\footnote{Any FLU on the minority side
is wedged and therefore refuses to serve because it is, so to speak,
``on the wrong side of the fence.''}
There is one case where ``fencing'' may not happen: if both the client
and the tail FLU are on the same minority side of a network partition.
Assume the client and FLU $F_z$ are on the "wrong side" of a network
split; both are using projection epoch $P_1$. The tail of the
chain is $F_z$.
Also assume that the "right side" has reconfigured and is using
projection epoch $P_2$. The right side has mutated key $K$. Meanwhile,
nobody on the "right side" has noticed anything wrong and is happy to
continue using projection $P_1$.
\item {\bf Option a}: Now the wrong side client reads $K$ using $P_1$ via
$F_z$. $F_z$ does not detect an epoch problem and thus returns an
answer. Given our assumptions, this value is stale. For some
client use cases, this kind of staleness may be OK in trade for
fewer network messages per read \ldots so Machi may
have a configurable option to permit it.
\item {\bf Option b}: The wrong side client must confirm that $P_1$ is
in use by a full majority of chain members, including $F_z$.
Attempts using Option b will fail for one of two reasons. First, if
the client can talk to a FLU that is using $P_2$, the client's
operation must be retried using $P_2$. Second, the client will time
out talking to enough FLUs so that it fails to get a quorum's worth of
$P_1$ answers. In either case, Option B will always fail a client
read and thus cannot return a stale value of $K$.
\subsection{Witness FLU data and protocol changes}
Some small changes to the projection's data structure
are required (relative to the initial spec described in
\cite{machi-design}). The projection itself
needs new annotation to indicate the operating mode, AP mode or CP
mode. The state type notifies the chain manager how to
react in network partitions and how to calculate new, safe projection
transitions and which file repair mode to use
Also, we need to label member FLU servers as full- or
witness-type servers.
Write API requests are processed by witness servers in {\em almost but
not quite} no-op fashion. The only requirement of a witness server
is to return correct interpretations of local projection epoch
numbers, via the {\tt error\_bad\_epoch} and {\tt error\_wedged} error
codes. In fact, a new API call is sufficient for querying witness
servers: {\tt \{check\_epoch, m\_epoch()\}}.
Any client write operation sends the {\tt
check\_\-epoch} API command to witness FLUs and sends the usual {\tt
write\_\-req} command to full FLUs.
\section{The safety of projection epoch transitions}
Machi uses the projection epoch transition algorithm and
implementation from CORFU, which is believed to be safe. However,
CORFU assumes a single, external, strongly consistent projection
store. Further, CORFU assumes that new projections are calculated by
an oracle that the rest of the CORFU system agrees is the sole agent
for creating new projections. Such an assumption is impractical for
Machi's intended purpose.
Machi could use Riak Ensemble or ZooKeeper as an oracle (or perhaps as a oracle
coordinator), but we wish to keep Machi free of big external
dependencies. We would also like to see Machi be able to
operate in an ``AP mode'', which means providing service even
if all network communication to an oracle is broken.
The model of projection calculation and storage described in
Section~\ref{sec:projections} allows for each server to operate
independently, if necessary. This autonomy allows the server in AP
mode to
always accept new writes: new writes are written to unique file names
and unique file offsets using a chain consisting of only a single FLU,
if necessary. How is this possible? Let's look at a scenario in
\subsection{A split brain scenario}
\item Assume 3 Machi FLUs, all in good health and perfect data sync: $[F_a,
F_b, F_c]$ using projection epoch $P_p$.
\item Assume data $D_0$ is written at offset $O_0$ in Machi file
\item Then a network partition happens. Servers $F_a$ and $F_b$ are
on one side of the split, and server $F_c$ is on the other side of
the split. We'll call them the ``left side'' and ``right side'',
\item On the left side, $F_b$ calculates a new projection and writes
it unanimously (to two projection stores) as epoch $P_B+1$. The
subscript $_B$ denotes a
version of projection epoch $P_{p+1}$ that was created by server $F_B$
and has a unique checksum (used to detect differences after the
network partition heals).
\item In parallel, on the right side, $F_c$ calculates a new
projection and writes it unanimously (to a single projection store)
as epoch $P_c+1$.
\item In parallel, a client on the left side writes data $D_1$
at offset $O_1$ in Machi file $F_1$, and also
a client on the right side writes data $D_2$
at offset $O_2$ in Machi file $F_2$. We know that $F_1 \ne F_2$
because each sequencer is forced to choose disjoint filenames from
any prior epoch whenever a new projection is available.
Now, what happens when various clients attempt to read data values
$D_0$, $D_1$, and $D_2$?
\item All clients can read $D_0$.
\item Clients on the left side can read $D_1$.
\item Attempts by clients on the right side to read $D_1$ will get
{\tt error\_unavailable}.
\item Clients on the right side can read $D_2$.
\item Attempts by clients on the left side to read $D_2$ will get
{\tt error\_unavailable}.
The {\tt error\_unavailable} result is not an error in the CAP Theorem
sense: it is a valid and affirmative response. In both cases, the
system on the client's side definitely knows that the cluster is
partitioned. If Machi were not a write-once store, perhaps there
might be an old/stale value to read on the local side of the network
partition \ldots but the system also knows definitely that no
old/stale value exists. Therefore Machi remains available in the
CAP Theorem sense both for writes and reads.
We know that all files $F_0$,
$F_1$, and $F_2$ are disjoint and can be merged (in a manner analogous
to set union) onto each server in $[F_a, F_b, F_c]$ safely
when the network partition is healed. However,
unlike pure theoretical set union, Machi's data merge \& repair
operations must operate within some constraints that are designed to
prevent data loss.
\subsection{Aside: defining data availability and data loss}
Let's take a moment to be clear about definitions:
\item ``data is available at time $T$'' means that data is available
for reading at $T$: the Machi cluster knows for certain that the
requested data is not been written or it is written and has a single
\item ``data is unavailable at time $T$'' means that data is
unavailable for reading at $T$ due to temporary circumstances,
e.g. network partition. If a read request is issued at some time
after $T$, the data will be available.
\item ``data is lost at time $T$'' means that data is permanently
unavailable at $T$ and also all times after $T$.
Chain Replication is a fantastic technique for managing the
consistency of data across a number of whole replicas. There are,
however, cases where CR can indeed lose data.
\subsection{Data loss scenario \#1: too few servers}
If the chain is $N$ servers long, and if all $N$ servers fail, then
of course data is unavailable. However, if all $N$ fail
permanently, then data is lost.
If the administrator had intended to avoid data loss after $N$
failures, then the administrator would have provisioned a Machi
cluster with at least $N+1$ servers.
\subsection{Data Loss scenario \#2: bogus configuration change sequence}
Assume that the sequence of events in Figure~\ref{fig:data-loss2} takes place.
%% NOTE: the following list 9 items long. We use that fact later, see
%% string YYY9 in a comment further below. If the length of this list
%% changes, then the counter reset below needs adjustment.
\item Projection $P_p$ says that chain membership is $[F_a]$.
\item A write of data $D$ to file $F$ at offset $O$ is successful.
\item Projection $P_{p+1}$ says that chain membership is $[F_a,F_b]$, via
an administration API request.
\item Machi will trigger repair operations, copying any missing data
files from FLU $F_a$ to FLU $F_b$. For the purpose of this
example, the sync operation for file $F$'s data and metadata has
not yet started.
\item FLU $F_a$ crashes.
\item The chain manager on $F_b$ notices $F_a$'s crash,
decides to create a new projection $P_{p+2}$ where chain membership is
successfully stores $P_{p+2}$ in its local store. FLU $F_b$ is now wedged.
\item FLU $F_a$ is down, therefore the
value of $P_{p+2}$ is unanimous for all currently available FLUs
(namely $[F_b]$).
\item FLU $F_b$ sees that projection $P_{p+2}$ is the newest unanimous
projection. It unwedges itself and continues operation using $P_{p+2}$.
\item Data $D$ is definitely unavailable for now, perhaps lost forever?
\caption{Data unavailability scenario with danger of permanent data loss}
At this point, the data $D$ is not available on $F_b$. However, if
we assume that $F_a$ eventually returns to service, and Machi
correctly acts to repair all data within its chain, then $D$
all of its contents will be available eventually.
However, if server $F_a$ never returns to service, then $D$ is lost. The
Machi administration API must always warn the user that data loss is
possible. In Figure~\ref{fig:data-loss2}'s scenario, the API must
warn the administrator in multiple ways that fewer than the full {\tt
length(all\_members)} number of replicas are in full sync.
A careful reader should note that $D$ is also lost if step \#5 were
instead, ``The hardware that runs FLU $F_a$ was destroyed by fire.''
For any possible step following \#5, $D$ is lost. This is data loss
for the same reason that the scenario of Section~\ref{sub:data-loss1}
happens: the administrator has not provisioned a sufficient number of
Let's revisit Figure~\ref{fig:data-loss2}'s scenario yet again. This
time, we add a final step at the end of the sequence:
\setcounter{enumi}{9} % YYY9
\item The administration API is used to change the chain
configuration to {\tt all\_members=$[F_b]$}.
Step \#10 causes data loss. Specifically, the only copy of file
$F$ is on FLU $F_a$. By administration policy, FLU $F_a$ is now
permanently inaccessible.
The chain manager {\em must} keep track of all
repair operations and their status. If such information is tracked by
all FLUs, then the data loss by bogus administrator action can be
prevented. In this scenario, FLU $F_b$ knows that `$F_a \rightarrow
F_b$` repair has not yet finished and therefore it is unsafe to remove
$F_a$ from the cluster.
\subsection{Data Loss scenario \#3: chain replication repair done badly}
It's quite possible to lose data through careless/buggy Chain
Replication chain configuration changes. For example, in the split
brain scenario of Section~\ref{sub:split-brain-scenario}, we have two
pieces of data written to different ``sides'' of the split brain,
$D_0$ and $D_1$. If the chain is naively reconfigured after the network
partition heals to be $[F_a=\emptyset,F_b=\emptyset,F_c=D_1],$ then $D_1$
is in danger of being lost. Why?
The Update Propagation Invariant is violated.
Any Chain Replication read will be
directed to the tail, $F_c$. The value exists there, so there is no
need to do any further work; the unwritten values at $F_a$ and $F_b$
will not be repaired. If the $F_c$ server fails sometime
later, then $D_1$ will be lost. The ``Chain Replication Repair''
section of \cite{machi-design} discusses
how data loss can be avoided after servers are added (or re-added) to
an active chain configuration.
We believe that maintaining the Update Propagation Invariant is a
hassle anda pain, but that hassle and pain are well worth the
sacrifices required to maintain the invariant at all times. It avoids
data loss in all cases where the U.P.~Invariant preserving chain
contains at least one FLU.
Klophaus, Rusty.
"Riak Core."
ACM SIGPLAN Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP'10), 2010.
{\tt http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1900176} and
{\tt https://github.com/basho/riak\_core}
RFC 7282: On Consensus and Humming in the IETF.
Internet Engineering Task Force.