This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2016-03-09 10:30:23 -08:00
parent 16153a5d31
commit 4e5c16f5e2

View file

@ -72,6 +72,20 @@ Please run this script using this command:
If the output looks like this (and exits with status zero), then the
script was successful.
Step: Verify that the required entries in /etc/hosts are present
Step: add a verbose logging option to app.config
Step: start three three Machi application instances
Step: configure one chain to start a Humming Consensus group with three members
Result: ok
Result: ok
Result: ok
We have now created a single replica chain, called `c1`, that has
three file servers participating in the chain. Thanks to the
hostnames that we added to `/etc/hosts`, all are using the localhost
@ -88,6 +102,49 @@ The log files for each application instance can be found in the
`./dev/devN/log/console.log` file, where the `N` is the instance
number: 1, 2, or 3.
## Understanding the chain manager's log file output
After running the `./priv/` script,
let's look at the last few lines of the `./dev/dev1/log/console.log`
log file for Erlang VM process #1.
2016-03-09 10:16:35.676 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:process_pending_flu:422 Started FLU f1 with supervisor pid <0.128.0>
2016-03-09 10:16:35.676 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:move_to_flu_config:540 Creating FLU config file f1
2016-03-09 10:16:35.790 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:bootstrap_chain2:312 Configured chain c1 via FLU f1 to mode=ap_mode all=[f1,f2,f3] witnesses=[]
2016-03-09 10:16:35.790 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:move_to_chain_config:546 Creating chain config file c1
2016-03-09 10:16:44.139 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1141 <<155,42,7,221>> upi [] rep [] auth f1 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:44.271 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1148 <<57,213,154,16>> upi [f1] rep [] auth f1 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:44.864 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1151 <<239,29,39,70>> upi [f1] rep [f3] auth f1 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:45.235 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1152 <<173,17,66,225>> upi [f2] rep [f1,f3] auth f2 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:47.343 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1154 <<154,231,224,149>> upi [f2,f1,f3] rep [] auth f2 by f1
Let's pick apart some of these lines.
* `Started FLU f1 with supervisor pid <0.128.0>` ; This VM, #1,
started a FLU (Machi data server) with the name `f1`. In the Erlang
process supervisor hierarchy, the process ID of the top supervisor
is `<0.128.0>`.
* `Configured chain c1 via FLU f1 to mode=ap_mode all=[f1,f2,f3] witnesses=[]`
A bootstrap configuration for a chain named `c1` has been created.
* The FLUs/data servers that are eligible for participation in the
chain have names `f1`, `f2`, and `f3`.
* The chain will operate in eventual consistency mode (`ap_mode`)
* The witness server list is empty. Witness servers are never used
in eventual consistency mode.
* `CONFIRM epoch 1141 <<155,42,7,221>> upi [] rep [] auth f1 by f1`
* All participants in epoch 1141 are unanimous in adopting epoch
1141's projection. All active membership lists are empty, so
there is no functional chain replication yet, at least as far as
server `f1` knows
* The epoch's abbreviated checksum is `<<155,42,7,221>>`.
* The UPI list, i.e. the replicas whose data is 100% in sync is
`[]`, the empty list. (UPI = Update Propagation Invariant)
* The list of servers that are under data repair (`rep`) is also
empty, `[]`.
* This projection was authored by server `f1`.
* The log message was generated by server `f1`.
<a name="partition-simulator">
# Using the network partition simulator and convergence demo test code