Add verbose() option to machi_fitness

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2016-02-19 18:02:56 +09:00
parent 2e46d199c8
commit 53ce6d89dd

View file

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ handle_call({update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict}, _From,
#state{my_flu_name=MyFluName, pending_map=OldMap,
local_down=OldDown, members_dict=OldMembersDict,
admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w has down suspect ~w\n", [MyFluName, Down]),
NewMap = store_in_map(OldMap, MyFluName, erlang:now(), Down,
AdminDown, [props_yo]),
S2 = if Down == OldDown, MembersDict == OldMembersDict ->
@ -119,13 +120,17 @@ handle_call({update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict}, _From,
{reply, ok, S2#state{local_down=Down}};
handle_call({add_admin_down, DownFLU, DownProps}, _From,
#state{local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w add admin down ~w\n", [MyFluName, DownFLU]),
NewAdminDown = [{DownFLU,DownProps}|lists:keydelete(DownFLU, 1, AdminDown)],
S3 = finish_admin_down(erlang:now(), OldDown, NewAdminDown,
[props_yo], S),
{reply, ok, S3};
handle_call({delete_admin_down, DownFLU}, _From,
#state{local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w delete admin down ~w\n", [MyFluName, DownFLU]),
NewAdminDown = lists:keydelete(DownFLU, 1, AdminDown),
S3 = finish_admin_down(erlang:now(), OldDown, NewAdminDown,
[props_yo], S),
@ -143,7 +148,8 @@ handle_call(_Request, _From, S) ->
handle_cast(_Msg, S) ->
{noreply, S}.
handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{my_flu_name=MyFluName,
active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
NewUnfit = make_unfit_list(S),
Added_to_new = NewUnfit -- ActiveUnfit,
Dropped_from_new = ActiveUnfit -- NewUnfit,
@ -184,9 +190,11 @@ handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
{true, true} ->
error({bad, ?MODULE, ?LINE, FLU, ActiveUnfit, NewUnfit});
{true, false} ->
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=lists:usort(ActiveUnfit ++ [FLU])}};
NewActive = wrap_active(MyFluName,lists:usort(ActiveUnfit++[FLU])),
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=NewActive}};
{false, true} ->
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit -- [FLU]}};
NewActive = wrap_active(MyFluName,ActiveUnfit--[FLU]),
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=NewActive}};
{false, false} ->
{noreply, S}
@ -424,6 +432,18 @@ map_value(Map) ->
map_merge(Map1, Map2) ->
?MAP:merge(Map1, Map2).
wrap_active(MyFluName, L) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w has new down list ~w\n", [MyFluName, L]),
verbose(Fmt, Args) ->
case application:get_env(machi, fitness_verbose) of
{ok, true} ->
error_logger:info_msg(Fmt, Args);
_ ->
dt_understanding_test() ->