Merge pull request #35 from basho/ku/making-file-proxy-spec

Add eqc trim tests to machi_file_proxy
This commit is contained in:
UENISHI Kota 2015-11-05 16:27:48 +09:00
commit 6786820401
5 changed files with 287 additions and 98 deletions

View file

@ -131,9 +131,8 @@ sync(_Pid, Type) ->
{error, bad_arg}.
% @doc Read file at offset for length. This returns a sequence of all
% chunks that overlaps with requested offset and length. Note that
% borders are not aligned, not to mess up repair at cr_client with
% checksums. They should be cut at cr_client.
% written and trimmed (optional) bytes that overlaps with requested
% offset and length. Borders are not aligned.
-spec read(Pid :: pid(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Length :: non_neg_integer()) ->
@ -223,6 +222,8 @@ init({FluName, Filename, DataDir}) ->
UnwrittenBytes = machi_csum_table:calc_unwritten_bytes(CsumTable),
{Eof, infinity} = lists:last(UnwrittenBytes),
{ok, FHd} = file:open(DPath, [read, write, binary, raw]),
%% Reserve for EC and stuff, to prevent eof when read
ok = file:pwrite(FHd, 0, binary:copy(<<"so what?">>, ?MINIMUM_OFFSET div 8)),
Tref = schedule_tick(),
St = #state{
fluname = FluName,
@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ handle_call({trim, Offset, Size, _TriggerGC}, _From,
trims = {T, Err},
csum_table = CsumTable}) ->
case machi_csum_table:all_trimmed(CsumTable, Offset, Size) of
case machi_csum_table:all_trimmed(CsumTable, Offset, Offset+Size) of
true ->
NewState = State#state{ops=Ops+1, trims={T, Err+1}},
%% All bytes of that range was already trimmed returns ok
@ -385,7 +386,10 @@ handle_call({trim, Offset, Size, _TriggerGC}, _From,
case machi_csum_table:trim(CsumTable, Offset, Size, LUpdate, RUpdate) of
ok ->
NewState = State#state{ops=Ops+1, trims={T+1, Err}},
{NewEof, infinity} = lists:last(machi_csum_table:calc_unwritten_bytes(CsumTable)),
NewState = State#state{ops=Ops+1,
trims={T+1, Err},
maybe_gc(ok, NewState);
Error ->
{reply, Error, State#state{ops=Ops+1, trims={T, Err+1}}}
@ -573,6 +577,15 @@ check_or_make_tagged_csum(Tag, InCsum, Data) when Tag == ?CSUM_TAG_CLIENT_SHA;
false ->
{error, {bad_csum, Csum}}
InCsum, Data) ->
Csum = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Data),
case Csum =:= InCsum of
true ->
machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_regen_sha, Csum);
false ->
{error, {bad_csum, Csum}}
check_or_make_tagged_csum(OtherTag, _ClientCsum, _Data) ->
lager:warning("Unknown checksum tag ~p", [OtherTag]),
{error, bad_checksum}.
@ -669,6 +682,7 @@ read_all_ranges(FHd, Filename, [{Offset, Size, TaggedCsum}|T], ReadChunks, Trimm
% caller as `ok'
handle_write(FHd, CsumTable, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data) ->
Size = iolist_size(Data),
case machi_csum_table:find(CsumTable, Offset, Size) of
[] -> %% Nothing should be there
@ -762,7 +776,7 @@ slice_both_side([], _, _) ->
slice_both_side([{F, Offset, Chunk, _Csum}|L], LeftPos, RightPos)
when Offset < LeftPos andalso LeftPos < RightPos ->
TrashLen = 8 * (LeftPos - Offset),
TrashLen = (LeftPos - Offset),
<<_:TrashLen/binary, NewChunk/binary>> = Chunk,
NewChecksum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(?CSUM_TAG_SERVER_REGEN_SHA_ATOM, Chunk),
NewH = {F, LeftPos, NewChunk, NewChecksum},
@ -787,7 +801,7 @@ maybe_regenerate_checksum(_, {_, _, trimmed} = Change) ->
maybe_regenerate_checksum(FHd, {Offset, Size, _Csum}) ->
case file:pread(FHd, Offset, Size) of
eof ->
error({eof, Offset, Size});
{ok, Bytes} when byte_size(Bytes) =:= Size ->
TaggedCsum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_regen_sha,
@ -797,9 +811,9 @@ maybe_regenerate_checksum(FHd, {Offset, Size, _Csum}) ->
%% GC: make sure unwritte bytes = [{Eof, infinity}] and Eof is > max file size
%% walk through the checksum table and make sure all chunks trimmed
%% Then unlink the file
%% GC: make sure unwritten bytes = [{Eof, infinity}] and Eof is > max
%% file size walk through the checksum table and make sure all chunks
%% trimmed Then unlink the file
-spec maybe_gc(term(), #state{}) ->
{reply, term(), #state{}} | {stop, normal, term(), #state{}}.
maybe_gc(Reply, S = #state{eof_position = Eof,

View file

@ -58,68 +58,110 @@
count=0 :: non_neg_integer()
%% @doc official error types that is specific in Machi
-type machi_client_error_reason() :: bad_arg | wedged | bad_checksum |
partition | not_written | written |
trimmed | no_such_file | partial_read |
bad_epoch | inet:posix().
%% @doc Creates a client process
-spec start_link(p_srvr_dict()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
start_link(P_srvr_list) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [P_srvr_list], []).
%% @doc Stops a client process.
-spec quit(pid()) -> ok.
quit(PidSpec) ->
gen_server:call(PidSpec, quit, infinity).
connected_p(PidSpec) ->
gen_server:call(PidSpec, connected_p, infinity).
-spec echo(pid(), string()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
echo(PidSpec, String) ->
echo(PidSpec, String, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
-spec echo(pid(), string(), non_neg_integer()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
echo(PidSpec, String, Timeout) ->
send_sync(PidSpec, {echo, String}, Timeout).
%% TODO: auth() is not implemented. Auth requires SSL, and this client
%% doesn't support SSL yet. This is just a placeholder and reminder.
-spec auth(pid(), string(), string()) -> ok | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
auth(PidSpec, User, Pass) ->
auth(PidSpec, User, Pass, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
-spec auth(pid(), string(), string(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
auth(PidSpec, User, Pass, Timeout) ->
send_sync(PidSpec, {auth, User, Pass}, Timeout).
-spec append_chunk(pid(), PlacementKey::binary(), Prefix::binary(), Chunk::binary(),
CSum::binary(), ChunkExtra::non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, Filename::string(), Offset::machi_dt:file_offset()} |
{error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
append_chunk(PidSpec, PlacementKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, ChunkExtra) ->
append_chunk(PidSpec, PlacementKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, ChunkExtra, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
-spec append_chunk(pid(), PlacementKey::binary(), Prefix::binary(),
Chunk::binary(), CSum::binary(),
Timeout::non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, Filename::string(), Offset::machi_dt:file_offset()} |
{error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
append_chunk(PidSpec, PlacementKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, ChunkExtra, Timeout) ->
send_sync(PidSpec, {append_chunk, PlacementKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, ChunkExtra}, Timeout).
-spec write_chunk(pid(), File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(),
Chunk::binary(), CSum::binary()) ->
ok | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
write_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum) ->
write_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
-spec write_chunk(pid(), File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(),
Chunk::binary(), CSum::binary(), Timeout::non_neg_integer()) ->
ok | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
write_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum, Timeout) ->
send_sync(PidSpec, {write_chunk, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum}, Timeout).
%% @doc Tries to read a chunk of a specified file. It returns `{ok,
%% {Chunks, TrimmedChunks}}' for live file while it returns `{error,
%% trimmed}' if all bytes of the file was trimmed.
-spec read_chunk(pid(), string(), pos_integer(), pos_integer(),
-spec read_chunk(pid(), File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(),
[{flag_no_checksum | flag_no_chunk | needs_trimmed, boolean()}]) ->
{ok, {list(), list()}} | {error, term()}.
{ok, {Chunks::[{File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), binary()}],
Trimmed::[{File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size()}]}} |
{error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
read_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size, Options) ->
read_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size, Options, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
-spec read_chunk(pid(), string(), pos_integer(), pos_integer(),
[{no_checksum | no_chunk | needs_trimmed, boolean()}],
pos_integer()) ->
{ok, {list(), list()}} | {error, term()}.
-spec read_chunk(pid(), File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(),
[{flag_no_checksum | flag_no_chunk | needs_trimmed, boolean()}],
Timeout::non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, {Chunks::[{File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), binary()}],
Trimmed::[{File::string(), machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size()}]}} |
{error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
read_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size, Options, Timeout) ->
send_sync(PidSpec, {read_chunk, File, Offset, Size, Options}, Timeout).
%% @doc Trims arbitrary binary range of any file. TODO: Add option
%% specifying whether to trigger GC.
%% @doc Trims arbitrary binary range of any file. If a specified range
%% has any byte trimmed, it fails and returns `{error, trimmed}`.
%% Otherwise it trims all bytes in that range. If there are
%% overlapping chunks with client-specified checksum, they will cut
%% off and checksum are re-calculated in server side. TODO: Add
%% option specifying whether to trigger GC.
-spec trim_chunk(pid(), string(), non_neg_integer(), machi_dt:chunk_size()) ->
ok | {error, term()}.
ok | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
trim_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size) ->
trim_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
trim_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size, Timeout) ->
send_sync(PidSpec, {trim_chunk, File, Offset, Size}, Timeout).
%% @doc Returns a binary that has checksums and chunks encoded inside
%% (This is because encoding-decoding them are inefficient). TODO:
%% return a structured list of them.
-spec checksum_list(pid(), string()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, machi_client_error_reason()}.
checksum_list(PidSpec, File) ->
checksum_list(PidSpec, File, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).

View file

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ smoke2_test() ->
ok = machi_csum_table:close(MC),
ok = machi_csum_table:delete(MC).
smoke3_test() ->
Filename = "./temp-checksum-dumb-file-4",
_ = file:delete(Filename),
@ -107,5 +106,4 @@ smoke3_test() ->
ok = machi_csum_table:close(MC),
ok = machi_csum_table:delete(MC).
%% TODO: add quickcheck test here

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ eqc_test_() ->
{timeout, 60,
{timeout, 30, ?_assertEqual(true, eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(15, ?QC_OUT(prop_ok()))))}
{timeout, 30, ?_assertEqual(true, eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(15, ?QC_OUT(prop_ok()))))}
@ -88,12 +88,14 @@ data_with_csum(Limit) ->
intervals([]) ->
intervals([N]) ->
[{N, choose(1,150)}];
[{N, choose(1,1)}];
intervals([A,B|T]) ->
[{A, choose(1, B-A)}|intervals([B|T])].
[{A, oneof([choose(1, B-A), B-A])}|intervals([B|T])].
interval_list() ->
?LET(L, list(choose(1024, 4096)), intervals(lists:usort(L))).
oneof([list(choose(1025, 1033)), list(choose(1024, 4096))]),
shuffle_interval() ->
?LET(L, interval_list(), shuffle(L)).
@ -103,40 +105,98 @@ get_written_interval(L) ->
-record(state, {pid, prev_extra = 0, planned_writes=[], written=[]}).
-record(state, {pid, prev_extra = 0,
initial_state() -> #state{written=[{0,1024}]}.
initial_state(I) -> #state{written=[{0,1024}], planned_writes=I}.
initial_state(I, T) -> #state{written=[{0,1024}],
weight(_S, rewrite) -> 1;
weight(_S, _) -> 2.
%% check if an operation is permitted based on whether a write has
%% occurred
check_writes(_Op, [], _Off, _L) ->
check_writes(_Op, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Pos == Off
andalso Sz == L ->
check_writes(read, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Off >= Pos
andalso Off < (Pos + Sz)
andalso Sz >= ( L - ( Off - Pos ) ) ->
check_writes(write, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when ( Off + L ) > Pos
andalso Off < (Pos + Sz) ->
check_writes(Op, [_H|T], Off, L) ->
check_writes(Op, T, Off, L).
get_overlaps(_Offset, _Len, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
get_overlaps(Offset, Len, [{Pos, Sz} = Ck|T], Acc0)
%% Overlap judgement differnt from the one in machi_csum_table
%% [a=Offset, b), [x=Pos, y) ...
%% a =< x && x < b && b =< y
(Offset =< Pos andalso Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len =< Pos + Sz) orelse
%% a =< x && y < b
(Offset =< Pos andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len) orelse
%% x < a && a < y && y =< b
(Pos < Offset andalso Offset < Pos + Sz andalso Pos + Sz =< Offset + Len) orelse
%% x < a && b < y
(Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len < Pos + Sz) ->
get_overlaps(Offset, Len, T, [Ck|Acc0]);
get_overlaps(Offset, Len, [_Ck|T], Acc0) ->
%% ?debugVal({Offset, Len, _Ck}),
%% ?debugVal(Offset =< Pos andalso Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len =< Pos + Sz),
%% ?debugVal(Offset =< Pos andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len),
%% ?debugVal(Pos < Offset andalso Offset < Pos + Sz andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len),
%% ?debugVal(Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len < Pos + Sz),
get_overlaps(Offset, Len, T, Acc0).
%% Inefficient but simple easy code to verify by eyes - returns all
%% bytes that fits in (Offset, Len)
chop(Offset, Len, List) ->
ChopLeft = fun({Pos, Sz}) when Pos < Offset andalso Offset =< Pos + Sz ->
{Offset, Sz + Pos - Offset};
({Pos, Sz}) when Offset =< Pos andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len ->
{Pos, Sz};
({Pos, _Sz}) when Offset =< Pos ->
{Pos, Offset + Len - Pos}
ChopRight = fun({Pos, Sz}) when Offset + Len < Pos + Sz ->
{Pos, Offset + Len - Pos};
({Pos, Sz}) ->
{Pos, Sz}
Filter0 = fun({_, 0}) -> false;
(Other) -> {true, Other} end,
lists:filtermap(fun(E) -> Filter0(ChopRight(ChopLeft(E))) end,
%% Returns all bytes that are at left side of the Offset
chopped_left(_Offset, []) -> undefined;
chopped_left(Offset, [{Pos,_Sz}|_]) when Pos < Offset ->
{Pos, Offset - Pos};
chopped_left(_, _) ->
chopped_right(_Offset, []) -> undefined;
chopped_right(Offset, List) ->
{Pos, Sz} = lists:last(List),
if Offset < Pos + Sz ->
{Offset, Pos + Sz - Offset};
true ->
cleanup_chunk(Offset, Length, ChunkList) ->
Overlaps = get_overlaps(Offset, Length, ChunkList, []),
NewCL0 = lists:foldl(fun lists:delete/2,
ChunkList, Overlaps),
NewCL1 = case chopped_left(Offset, Overlaps) of
undefined -> NewCL0;
LeftRemain -> [LeftRemain|NewCL0]
NewCL2 = case chopped_right(Offset+Length, Overlaps) of
undefined -> NewCL1;
RightRemain -> [RightRemain|NewCL1]
is_error({error, _}) -> true;
is_error({error, _, _}) -> true;
is_error(Other) -> {expected_ERROR, Other}.
probably_error(ok) -> true;
probably_error(V) -> is_error(V).
is_ok({ok, _, _}) -> true;
is_ok(ok) -> true;
is_ok(Other) -> {expected_OK, Other}.
@ -144,9 +204,10 @@ is_ok(Other) -> {expected_OK, Other}.
get_offset({ok, _Filename, Offset}) -> Offset;
get_offset(_) -> error(badarg).
offset_valid(Offset, Extra, L) ->
{Pos, Sz} = lists:last(L),
Offset == Pos + Sz + Extra.
last_byte([]) -> 0;
last_byte(L0) ->
L1 = lists:map(fun({Pos, Sz}) -> Pos + Sz end, L0),
-define(TESTDIR, "./eqc").
@ -162,7 +223,7 @@ cleanup() ->
%% start
start_pre(S) -> == undefined. =:= undefined.
start_command(S) ->
{call, ?MODULE, start, [S]}.
@ -185,29 +246,39 @@ read_pre(S) ->
read_args(S) ->
[, offset(), len()].
read_ok(S, Off, L) ->
case S#state.written of
[{0, 1024}] -> false;
W -> check_writes(read, W, Off, L)
read_post(S, [_Pid, Off, L], Res) ->
case read_ok(S, Off, L) of
true -> is_ok(Res);
mostly_true -> is_ok(Res);
false -> is_error(Res)
Written = get_overlaps(Off, L, S#state.written, []),
Chopped = chop(Off, L, Written),
Trimmed = get_overlaps(Off, L, S#state.trimmed, []),
Eof = lists:max([Pos+Sz||{Pos,Sz}<-S#state.written]),
%% ?debugVal({Off, L}),
%% ?debugVal(S),
case Res of
{ok, {Written0, Trimmed0}} ->
Written1 = lists:map(fun({_, Pos, Chunk, _}) ->
{Pos, iolist_size(Chunk)}
end, Written0),
Trimmed1 = lists:map(fun({_, Pos, Sz}) -> {Pos, Sz} end, Trimmed0),
%% ?debugVal({Written, Chopped, Written1}),
%% ?debugVal({Trimmed, Trimmed1}),
%% ?assertEqual(Chopped, Written1),
%% ?assertEqual(Trimmed, Trimmed1),
Chopped =:= Written1
andalso Trimmed =:= Trimmed1;
%% TODO: such response are ugly, rethink the SPEC
{error, not_written} when Eof < Off + L ->
{error, not_written} when Chopped =:= [] andalso Trimmed =:= [] ->
Other ->
read_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S.
read(Pid, Offset, Length) ->
case machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, Offset, Length) of
{ok, {Chunks, _}} ->
[{_, Offset, Data, Csum}] = Chunks,
{ok, Data, Csum};
E ->
machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, Offset, Length, [{needs_trimmed, true}]).
%% write
@ -216,6 +287,7 @@ write_pre(S) ->
%% do not allow writes with empty data
write_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
write_pre(_S, _Args) ->
@ -224,28 +296,18 @@ write_args(S) ->
{Off, Len} = hd(S#state.planned_writes),
[, Off, data_with_csum(Len)].
write_ok(_S, [_Pid, Off, _Data]) when Off < 1024 -> false;
write_ok(S, [_Pid, Off, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
write_post(S, [_Pid, Off, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}] = _Args, Res) ->
Size = iolist_size(Bin),
%% Check writes checks if a byte range is *written*
%% So writes are ok IFF they are NOT written, so
%% we want not check_writes/3 to be true.
check_writes(write, S#state.written, Off, Size).
write_post(S, Args, Res) ->
case write_ok(S, Args) of
%% false means this range has NOT been written before, so
%% it should succeed
false -> eq(Res, ok);
%% mostly true means we've written this range before BUT
%% as a special case if we get a call to write the EXACT
%% same data that's already on the disk, we return "ok"
%% instead of {error, written}.
mostly_true -> probably_error(Res);
%% If we get true, then we've already written this section
%% or a portion of this range to disk and should return an
%% error.
true -> is_error(Res)
case {get_overlaps(Off, Size, S#state.written, []),
get_overlaps(Off, Size, S#state.trimmed, [])} of
{[], []} ->
%% No overlap neither with written ranges nor trimmed
%% ranges; OK to write things.
eq(Res, ok);
{_, _} ->
%% overlap found in either or both at written or at
%% trimmed ranges; can't write.
write_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Offset, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
@ -266,6 +328,7 @@ write(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
%% append
append_pre(S) ->
?assert(undefined =/= S#state.written), /= undefined.
%% do not allow appends with empty binary data
@ -286,7 +349,9 @@ append_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Extra, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
case is_ok(Res) of
true ->
Offset = get_offset(Res),
true = offset_valid(Offset, S#state.prev_extra, S#state.written),
Expected = erlang:max(last_byte(S#state.written) + S#state.prev_extra,
?assertEqual(Expected, Offset),
S#state{prev_extra = Extra, written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])};
_ ->
@ -300,11 +365,13 @@ append_post(_S, _Args, Res) ->
%% rewrite
rewrite_pre(S) -> /= undefined andalso S#state.written /= []. /= undefined andalso
(S#state.written ++ S#state.trimmed) /= [] .
rewrite_args(S) ->
?LET({Off, Len}, get_written_interval(S#state.written),
[, Off, data_with_csum(Len)]).
?LET({Off, Len},
get_written_interval(S#state.written ++ S#state.trimmed),
[, Off, data_with_csum(Len)]).
rewrite(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag},
@ -317,18 +384,79 @@ rewrite_post(_S, _Args, Res) ->
rewrite_next(S, _Res, _Args) ->
S#state{prev_extra = 0}.
%% trim
trim_pre(S) -> /= undefined andalso S#state.planned_trims /= [].
trim_args(S) ->
{Offset, Length} = hd(S#state.planned_trims),
[, Offset, Length].
trim(Pid, Offset, Length) ->
machi_file_proxy:trim(Pid, Offset, Length, false).
trim_post(_S, [_Pid, _Offset, _Length], ok) ->
trim_post(_S, [_Pid, _Offset, _Length], _Res) ->
trim_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Offset, Length]) ->
S1 = case is_ok(Res) of
true ->
NewWritten = cleanup_chunk(Offset, Length, S#state.written),
Trimmed1 = cleanup_chunk(Offset, Length, S#state.trimmed),
NewTrimmed = lists:sort([{Offset, Length}|Trimmed1]),
_Other ->
%% Property
prop_ok() ->
?FORALL(I, shuffle_interval(),
?FORALL(Cmds, parallel_commands(?MODULE, initial_state(I)),
{shuffle_interval(), shuffle_interval()},
?FORALL(Cmds, parallel_commands(?MODULE, initial_state(I, T)),
{H, S, Res} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
{H, S, Res} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
%% case of
%% undefined -> noop;
%% Pid ->
%% machi_file_proxy:stop(Pid)
%% end,
pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res},
aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res == ok))
aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res == ok))
%% Test for tester functions
chopper_test_() ->
[?_assertEqual([{0, 1024}],
get_overlaps(1, 1, [{0, 1024}], [])),
get_overlaps(10, 5, [{9, 1}, {15, 1}], [])),
get_overlaps(10, 5, [{9, 2}, {14, 1}], [])),
?_assertEqual([], chop(0, 0, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([{0, 1}], chop(0, 1, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([], chop(1, 0, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([{1, 1}], chop(1, 1, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([{1, 1}], chop(1, 2, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([], chop(2, 1, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([], chop(2, 2, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([{1, 1}], chop(1, 3, [{0,2}])),
?_assertError(_, chop(3, 1, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual([], chop(2, 3, [{0,2}])),
?_assertEqual({0, 1}, chopped_left(1, [{0, 1024}])),
?_assertEqual([{0, 1}, {2, 1022}], cleanup_chunk(1, 1, [{0, 1024}])),
?_assertEqual([{2, 1022}], cleanup_chunk(0, 2, [{0, 1}, {2, 1022}])),
-endif. % EQC
-endif. % TEST

View file

@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ machi_file_proxy_test_() ->
?_assertEqual({error, bad_arg}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, -1, -1)),
?_assertEqual({error, bad_arg}, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, -1, <<"yo">>)),
?_assertEqual({error, bad_arg}, machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, [], -1, <<"krep">>)),
?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1, 1)),
?_assertMatch({ok, {_, []}}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1, 1)),
?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1024, 1)),
?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1, 1024)),
?_assertMatch({ok, {_, []}}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1, 1024)),
?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1024, ?HYOOGE)),
?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, ?HYOOGE, 1)),
?_assertEqual({error, written}, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 1, random_binary(0, ?HYOOGE))),
@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ multiple_chunks_read_test_() ->
{ok, Pid} = machi_file_proxy:start_link(fluname, "test", ?TESTDIR),
?_assertEqual(ok, machi_file_proxy:trim(Pid, 0, 1, false)),
?_assertMatch({ok, {[], [{"test", 0, 1}]}},
machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 0, 1,
[{needs_trimmed, true}])),
?_assertMatch({ok, "test", _}, machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, random_binary(0, 1024))),
?_assertEqual(ok, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 10000, <<"fail">>)),
?_assertEqual(ok, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 20000, <<"fail">>)),
@ -114,6 +118,9 @@ multiple_chunks_read_test_() ->
{"test", 30000, <<"fail">>, _},
{"test", 530000, <<"fail">>, _}], []}},
machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1024, 530000)),
?_assertMatch({ok, {[{"test", 1, _, _}], [{"test", 0, 1}]}},
machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 0, 1024,
[{needs_trimmed, true}])),
?_assertException(exit, {normal, _}, machi_file_proxy:stop(Pid))