Re-use the flapping criteria for a different use (more)

Hooray, very early I ended up with a simulator example which kicked
in and tested this change.  (A deterministice fault injection method
for testing would also be valuable, probably.)

    machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(7, [{private_write_verbose,true}]).

We switched partitions in the simulator like this:

    SET partitions = [{b,f},{c,f},{d,e},{f,e}] (2 of 90252) at {14,37,5}
    Stable projection at epoch 1429 upi=[b,c,g,a,d],repairing=[]
    SET partitions = [{b,d},{c,b},{d,c},{f,a}] (3 of 90252) at {14,37,44}

Part of the chain reassembled quickly from the following UPIs: [g], then
[g,e], then [g,e,f] via a series of successful simulated repairs.  For
the first two repairs, all parties (e & f & g) are unanimous about the
projections.  For the final repair, very strange, not all three adopt
[g,e,f] chain: e says nothing, f & g use it.

Also weird, then g immediately moves f!  upi=[g,e],repairing=[f].
Then e also adopts this chain of 2.  From that point forward, f keeps
trying to use upi=[g,e,f],[] and the others try using only upi=[g,e],[f].
There are lots of messages from g saying that it's insane (correctly!)
to try calc=1487:[g,e],[f] -> 1494:[g,e,f],[] without a valid repair

It's worth checking why g dropped from [g,e,f] -> [g,e].  But even
still, this new use for the flapping counter & reset via C103 is
working.  ... Ah, now I understand.  The very occasional undefined
socket bug in machi_flu1_client appears to be the cause: g had a
one-time problem talking with f and so decided f was down long enough to
make the shorter UPI.  The other participants didn't have any such
problem with f and so kept f in the UPI.  This would have been a
deadlock/infinite loop case without someone deciding to reset state.
This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-09-14 14:42:52 +09:00
parent 23554ffccc
commit 6c543dfc18

View file

@ -102,6 +102,9 @@
%% Amount of epoch number skip-ahead for set_chain_members call
%% Maximum length of the history of adopted projections (via C120).
-define(MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH, 30).
%% API
-export([start_link/2, start_link/3, stop/1, ping/1,
set_chain_members/2, set_chain_members/3, set_active/2,
@ -1487,26 +1490,6 @@ io:format(user, "CONFIRM debug question line ~w\n", [?LINE]),
react_to_env_A49(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{consistency_mode=cp_mode,
proj=P_current} = S) ->
%% Using the none projection as our new P_current does *not* work:
%% if we forget what P_current is, then we risk not being able to
%% detect an insane chain transition or else risk a false positive
%% insane check.
%% Instead, we will create an implicit annotation in P_current
%% that will force A29 to always use the projection from
%% make_zerf() as the basis for our next transition calculations.
%% In this wacky case, we break the checksum on P_current so that
%% A29's epoch_id comparison will always be unequal and thus
%% always trigger make_zerf().
Dbg = P_current#projection_v1.dbg,
P_current2 = P_current#projection_v1{epoch_csum= <<"broken">>,
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, set_proj(S, P_current2)).
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj=P_current}=S) ->
?REACT({a50, ?LINE, [{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
@ -1519,7 +1502,8 @@ react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj=P_current}=S) ->
react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, P_current_calc,
_AmHosedP, Rank_newprop, Rank_latest,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current}=S) ->
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current,
proj_history=History}=S) ->
P_current_upi = if is_record(P_current, projection_v1) ->
@ -1556,9 +1540,50 @@ react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, P_current_calc,
true ->
HistoryList = queue:to_list(History),
UniqueHistories = lists:usort(HistoryList),
UniqueHistoryTrigger_p = length(HistoryList) > (?MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH-1)
andalso case UniqueHistories of
[ [] ] -> false;
[ [MyName] ] -> false;
[ _ ] -> true;
_ -> false
UniqueHistoryTrigger_p ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, []}),
%% We need to do something drastic: we're repeating ourselves. In
%% a former version of this code, we called this "flapping" and
%% would enter an alternative projection calculation mode in order
%% to dampen the flapping. In today's version of the code, we use
%% the machi_fitness service to help us figure out who is causing
%% the flapping so that we can exclude them from our projection
%% calculations.
%% In this hypothetical example (i.e., I haven't witnessed this
%% actually happening with this code, but it's a valid scenario, I
%% believe), with a chain length of 7, during an asymmetric
%% partition scenario, we could have:
%% f suggests : upi=[b,g,f] repairing=[c]
%% c,b,g all suggest: upi=[c,b,g], repairing=[f]
%% The projection ranking and UPI lengths are the same, but the
%% UPIs are incompatible. In the Git history, very recently, we
%% hit a case very similar to this one. The fix, after more
%% thought, wasn't sufficient. A more comprehensive fix, I
%% believe, is using the older "flapping" detection mechanism for
%% this worst-case condition: go to C103, fall back to shortest &
%% safe projection, tell fitness server we're administratively
%% down for a short while (to signal to other state machines that
%% they need to adapt to our bad situation), and then resume.
io:format(user, "\nCONFIRM dbg *************************** ~w UniqueHistoryTrigger_p\n", [MyName]),
react_to_env_C103(P_newprop, P_latest, P_current_calc, S);
LatestUnanimousP andalso IsRelevantToMe_p ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE,
[{latest_unanimous_p, LatestUnanimousP},
@ -1671,8 +1696,7 @@ react_to_env_C100(P_newprop,
react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, MyName,
P_newprop, P_latest, P_current_calc,
#ch_mgr{consistency_mode=CMode} = S) ->
P_newprop, P_latest, P_current_calc, S) ->
NotSanesDict = orddict:update_counter(Author_latest, 1, NotSanesDict0),
S2 = S#ch_mgr{not_sanes=NotSanesDict, sane_transitions=0},
case orddict:fetch(Author_latest, NotSanesDict) of
@ -1788,9 +1812,7 @@ react_to_env_C110(P_latest, #ch_mgr{name=MyName} = S) ->
react_to_env_C120(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj_history=H,
sane_transitions=Xtns}=S) ->
%% TODO: revisit this constant?
MaxLength = length(P_latest#projection_v1.all_members) * 1.5,
H2 = add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, MaxLength),
H2 = add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, ?MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH),
%% diversion_c120_verbose_goop(P_latest, S),
?REACT({c120, [{latest, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)}]}),
@ -1808,8 +1830,9 @@ react_to_env_C120(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj_history=H,
{{now_using, FinalProps, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number}, S3}.
add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, MaxLength) ->
Latest_U_R = {P_latest#projection_v1.upi, P_latest#projection_v1.repairing},
H2 = if P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number > 0 ->
queue:in(P_latest, H);
queue:in(Latest_U_R, H);
true ->