Merge branch 'slf/hc-demo-env'

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2016-03-09 11:16:35 -08:00
commit 6cddfcf988
22 changed files with 824 additions and 253 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ prototype/chain-manager/patch.*
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ include/machi_pb.hrl
# Release packaging
# Misc Scott cruft

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ endif
.PHONY: rel deps package pkgclean edoc
.PHONY: rel stagedevrel deps package pkgclean edoc
all: deps compile
@ -57,6 +57,37 @@ relclean:
stage : rel
$(foreach dep,$(wildcard deps/*), rm -rf rel/$(REPO)/lib/$(shell basename $(dep))* && ln -sf $(abspath $(dep)) rel/$(REPO)/lib;)
## Developer targets
## devN - Make a dev build for node N
## stagedevN - Make a stage dev build for node N (symlink libraries)
## devrel - Make a dev build for 1..$DEVNODES
## stagedevrel Make a stagedev build for 1..$DEVNODES
## Example, make a 68 node devrel cluster
## make stagedevrel DEVNODES=68
.PHONY : stagedevrel devrel
# 'seq' is not available on all *BSD, so using an alternate in awk
SEQ = $(shell awk 'BEGIN { for (i = 1; i < '$(DEVNODES)'; i++) printf("%i ", i); print i ;exit(0);}')
$(eval stagedevrel : $(foreach n,$(SEQ),stagedev$(n)))
$(eval devrel : $(foreach n,$(SEQ),dev$(n)))
dev% : all
mkdir -p dev
rel/gen_dev $@ rel/vars/dev_vars.config.src rel/vars/$@_vars.config
(cd rel && ../rebar generate target_dir=../dev/$@ overlay_vars=vars/$@_vars.config)
stagedev% : dev%
$(foreach dep,$(wildcard deps/*), rm -rf dev/$^/lib/$(shell basename $(dep))* && ln -sf $(abspath $(dep)) dev/$^/lib;)
devclean: clean
rm -rf dev
DIALYZER_APPS = kernel stdlib sasl erts ssl compiler eunit crypto public_key syntax_tools
PLT = $(HOME)/.machi_dialyzer_plt

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Machi: a robust & reliable, distributed, highly available, large file store
# Machi: a distributed, decentralized blob/large file store
[Travis-CI]( :: ![Travis-CI](
@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ Humming Consensus" is available online now.
* [slides (PDF format)](
* [video](
See later in this document for how to run the Humming Consensus demos,
including the network partition simulator.
<a name="sec3">
## 3. Development status summary
@ -99,10 +102,10 @@ Mid-December 2015: work is underway.
* The Erlang language client implementation of the high-level
protocol flavor is brittle (e.g., little error handling yet).
If you would like to run the network partition simulator
mentioned in the Ricon 2015 presentation about Humming Consensus,
please see the
[partition simulator convergence test doc.](./doc/
If you would like to run the Humming Consensus code (with or without
the network partition simulator) as described in the RICON 2015
presentation, please see the
[Humming Consensus demo doc.](./doc/
If you'd like to work on a protocol such as Thrift, UBF,
msgpack over UDP, or some other protocol, let us know by
@ -134,10 +137,13 @@ X. The only known limitations for using R16 are minor type
specification difference between R16 and 17, but we strongly suggest
continuing development using version 17.
We also assume that you have the standard UNIX/Linux developers
tool chain for C and C++ applications. Specifically, we assume `make`
is available. The utility used to compile the Machi source code,
We also assume that you have the standard UNIX/Linux developer
tool chain for C and C++ applications. Also, we assume
that Git and GNU Make are available.
The utility used to compile the Machi source code,
`rebar`, is pre-compiled and included in the repo.
For more details, please see the
[Machi development environment prerequisites doc](./doc/
Machi has a dependency on the
[ELevelDB]( library. ELevelDB only

doc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Clone and compile Machi
Clone the Machi source repo and compile the source and test code. Run
the following commands at your login shell:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd machi
git checkout master
make # or 'gmake' if GNU make uses an alternate name
Then run the unit test suite. This may take up to two minutes or so
to finish.
make test
At the end, the test suite should report that all tests passed. The
actual number of tests shown in the "All `X` tests passed" line may be
different than the example below.
[... many lines omitted ...]
module 'event_logger'
module 'chain_mgr_legacy'
All 90 tests passed.
If you had a test failure, a likely cause may be a limit on the number
of file descriptors available to your user process. (Recent releases
of OS X have a limit of 1024 file descriptors, which may be too slow.)
The output of the `limit -n` will tell you your file descriptor limit.

doc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
## Machi developer environment prerequisites
1. Machi requires an 64-bit variant of UNIX: OS X, FreeBSD, Linux, or
Solaris machine is a standard developer environment for C and C++
applications (64-bit versions).
2. You'll need the `git` source management utility.
3. You'll need the 64-bit Erlang/OTP 17 runtime environment. Please
don't use earlier or later versions until we have a chance to fix
the compilation warnings that versions R16B and 18 will trigger.
Also, please verify that you are not using a 32-bit Erlang/OTP
runtime package.
For `git` and the Erlang runtime, please use your OS-specific
package manager to install these. If your package manager doesn't
have 64-bit Erlang/OTP version 17 available, then we recommend using the
[precompiled packages available at Erlang Solutions](
Also, please verify that you have enough file descriptors available to
your user processes. The output of `ulimit -n` should report at least
4,000 file descriptors available. If your limit is lower (a frequent
problem for OS X users), please increase it to at least 4,000.
# Using Vagrant to set up a developer environment for Machi
The Machi source directory contains a `Vagrantfile` for creating an
Ubuntu Linux-based virtual machine for compiling and running Machi.
This file is in the
If used as-is, the virtual machine specification is modest.
* 1 virtual CPU
* 512MB virtual memory
* 768MB swap space
* 79GB sparse virtual disk image. After installing prerequisites and
compiling Machi, the root file system uses approximately 2.7 GBytes.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# Table of contents
* [Hand-on experiments with Machi and Humming Consensus](#hands-on)
* [Using the network partition simulator and convergence demo test code](#partition-simulator)
<a name="hands-on">
# Hand-on experiments with Machi and Humming Consensus
## Prerequisites
Please refer to the
[Machi development environment prerequisites doc](./
for Machi developer environment prerequisites.
If you do not have an Erlang/OTP runtime system available, but you do
have [the Vagrant virtual machine]( manager
available, then please refer to the instructions in the prerequisites
doc for using Vagrant.
<a name="clone-compile">
## Clone and compile the code
Please see the
[Machi 'clone and compile' doc](./
for the short list of steps required to fetch the Machi source code
from GitHub and to compile &amp; test Machi.
## Running three Machi instances on a single machine
All of the commands that should be run at your login shell (e.g. Bash,
c-shell) can be cut-and-pasted from this document directly to your
login shell prompt.
Run the following command:
make stagedevrel
This will create a directory structure like this:
|-dev1-|... stand-alone Machi app + subdirectories
|-dev-|-dev2-|... stand-alone Machi app + directories
|-dev3-|... stand-alone Machi app + directories
Each of the `dev/dev1`, `dev/dev2`, and `dev/dev3` are stand-alone
application instances of Machi and can be run independently of each
other on the same machine. This demo will use all three.
The lifecycle management utilities for Machi are a bit immature,
currently. They assume that each Machi server runs on a host with a
unique hostname -- there is no flexibility built-in yet to easily run
multiple Machi instances on the same machine. To continue with the
demo, we need to use `sudo` or `su` to obtain superuser privileges to
edit the `/etc/hosts` file.
Please add the following line to `/etc/hosts`, using this command:
sudo sh -c 'echo " machi1 machi2 machi3" >> /etc/hosts'
Next, we will use a shell script to finish setting up our cluster. It
will do the following for us:
* Verify that the new line that was added to `/etc/hosts` is correct.
* Modify the `etc/app.config` files to configure the Humming Consensus
chain manager's actions logged to the `log/console.log` file.
* Start the three application instances.
* Verify that the three instances are running correctly.
* Configure a single chain, with one FLU server per application
Please run this script using this command:
If the output looks like this (and exits with status zero), then the
script was successful.
Step: Verify that the required entries in /etc/hosts are present
Step: add a verbose logging option to app.config
Step: start three three Machi application instances
Step: configure one chain to start a Humming Consensus group with three members
Result: ok
Result: ok
Result: ok
We have now created a single replica chain, called `c1`, that has
three file servers participating in the chain. Thanks to the
hostnames that we added to `/etc/hosts`, all are using the localhost
network interface.
| App instance | Pseudo | FLU name | TCP port |
| directory | Hostname | | number |
| dev1 | machi1 | flu1 | 20401 |
| dev2 | machi2 | flu2 | 20402 |
| dev3 | machi3 | flu3 | 20403 |
The log files for each application instance can be found in the
`./dev/devN/log/console.log` file, where the `N` is the instance
number: 1, 2, or 3.
## Understanding the chain manager's log file output
After running the `./priv/` script,
let's look at the last few lines of the `./dev/dev1/log/console.log`
log file for Erlang VM process #1.
2016-03-09 10:16:35.676 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:process_pending_flu:422 Started FLU f1 with supervisor pid <0.128.0>
2016-03-09 10:16:35.676 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:move_to_flu_config:540 Creating FLU config file f1
2016-03-09 10:16:35.790 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:bootstrap_chain2:312 Configured chain c1 via FLU f1 to mode=ap_mode all=[f1,f2,f3] witnesses=[]
2016-03-09 10:16:35.790 [info] <0.105.0>@machi_lifecycle_mgr:move_to_chain_config:546 Creating chain config file c1
2016-03-09 10:16:44.139 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1141 <<155,42,7,221>> upi [] rep [] auth f1 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:44.271 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1148 <<57,213,154,16>> upi [f1] rep [] auth f1 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:44.864 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1151 <<239,29,39,70>> upi [f1] rep [f3] auth f1 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:45.235 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1152 <<173,17,66,225>> upi [f2] rep [f1,f3] auth f2 by f1
2016-03-09 10:16:47.343 [info] <0.132.0> CONFIRM epoch 1154 <<154,231,224,149>> upi [f2,f1,f3] rep [] auth f2 by f1
Let's pick apart some of these lines. We have started all three
servers at about the same time. We see some race conditions happen,
and some jostling and readjustment happens pretty quickly in the first
few seconds.
* `Started FLU f1 with supervisor pid <0.128.0>`
* This VM, #1,
started a FLU (Machi data server) with the name `f1`. In the Erlang
process supervisor hierarchy, the process ID of the top supervisor
is `<0.128.0>`.
* `Configured chain c1 via FLU f1 to mode=ap_mode all=[f1,f2,f3] witnesses=[]`
* A bootstrap configuration for a chain named `c1` has been created.
* The FLUs/data servers that are eligible for participation in the
chain have names `f1`, `f2`, and `f3`.
* The chain will operate in eventual consistency mode (`ap_mode`)
* The witness server list is empty. Witness servers are never used
in eventual consistency mode.
* `CONFIRM epoch 1141 <<155,42,7,221>> upi [] rep [] auth f1 by f1`
* All participants in epoch 1141 are unanimous in adopting epoch
1141's projection. All active membership lists are empty, so
there is no functional chain replication yet, at least as far as
server `f1` knows
* The epoch's abbreviated checksum is `<<155,42,7,221>>`.
* The UPI list, i.e. the replicas whose data is 100% in sync is
`[]`, the empty list. (UPI = Update Propagation Invariant)
* The list of servers that are under data repair (`rep`) is also
empty, `[]`.
* This projection was authored by server `f1`.
* The log message was generated by server `f1`.
* `CONFIRM epoch 1148 <<57,213,154,16>> upi [f1] rep [] auth f1 by f1`
* Now the server `f1` has created a chain of length 1, `[f1]`.
* Chain repair/file re-sync is not required when the UPI server list
changes from length 0 -> 1.
* `CONFIRM epoch 1151 <<239,29,39,70>> upi [f1] rep [f3] auth f1 by f1`
* Server `f1` has noticed that server `f3` is alive. Apparently it
has not yet noticed that server `f2` is also running.
* Server `f3` is in the repair list.
* `CONFIRM epoch 1152 <<173,17,66,225>> upi [f2] rep [f1,f3] auth f2 by f1`
* Server `f2` is apparently now aware that all three servers are running.
* The previous configuration used by `f2` was `upi [f2]`, i.e., `f2`
was running in a chain of one. `f2` noticed that `f1` and `f3`
were now available and has started adding them to the chain.
* All new servers are always added to the tail of the chain in the
repair list.
* In eventual consistency mode, a UPI change like this is OK.
* When performing a read, a client must read from both tail of the
UPI list and also from all repairing servers.
* When performing a write, the client writes to both the UPI
server list and also the repairing list, in that order.
* I.e., the client concatenates both lists,
`UPI ++ Repairing`, for its chain configuration for the write.
* Server `f2` will trigger file repair/re-sync shortly.
* The waiting time for starting repair has been configured to be
extremely short, 1 second. The default waiting time is 10
seconds, in case Humming Consensus remains unstable.
* `CONFIRM epoch 1154 <<154,231,224,149>> upi [f2,f1,f3] rep [] auth f2 by f1`
* File repair/re-sync has finished. All file data on all servers
are now in sync.
* The UPI/in-sync part of the chain is now `[f2,f1,f3]`, and there
are no servers under repair.
## Let's create some failures
Here are some suggestions for creating failures.
* Use the `./dev/devN/bin/machi stop` and `./dev/devN/bin/machi start`
commands to stop & start VM #`N`.
* Stop a VM abnormally by using `kill`. The OS process name to look
for is `beam.smp`.
* Suspend and resume a VM, using the `SIGSTOP` and `SIGCONT` signals.
* E.g. `kill -STOP 9823` and `kill -CONT 9823`
The network partition simulator is not (yet) available when running
Machi in this mode. Please see the next section for instructions on
how to use partition simulator.
<a name="partition-simulator">
# Using the network partition simulator and convergence demo test code
This is the demo code mentioned in the presentation that Scott Lystig
Fritchie gave at the
[RICON 2015 conference](
* [slides (PDF format)](
* [video](
## A complete example of all input and output
If you don't have an Erlang/OTP 17 runtime environment available,
please see this file for full input and output of a strong consistency
length=3 chain test:
This file contains all commands input and all simulator output from a
sample run of the simulator.
To help interpret the output of the test, please skip ahead to the
"The test output is very verbose" section.
## Prerequisites
If you don't have `git` and/or the Erlang 17 runtime system available
on your OS X, FreeBSD, Linux, or Solaris machine, please take a look
at the [Prerequistes section](#prerequisites) first. When you have
installed the prerequisite software, please return back here.
## Clone and compile the code
Please briefly visit the [Clone and compile the code](#clone-compile)
section. When finished, please return back here.
## Run an interactive Erlang CLI shell
Run the following command at your login shell:
erl -pz .eunit ebin deps/*/ebin
If you are using Erlang/OTP version 17, you should see some CLI output
that looks like this:
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]
Eshell V6.4 (abort with ^G)
## The test output is very verbose ... what are the important parts?
The output of the Erlang command
`machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:help()` will display the following
guide to the output of the tests.
A visualization of the convergence behavior of the chain self-management
algorithm for Machi.
1. Set up some server and chain manager pairs.
2. Create a number of different network partition scenarios, where
(simulated) partitions may be symmetric or asymmetric. Then stop changing
the partitions and keep the simulated network stable (and perhaps broken).
3. Run a number of iterations of the algorithm in parallel by poking each
of the manager processes on a random'ish basis.
4. Afterward, fetch the chain transition changes made by each FLU and
verify that no transition was unsafe.
During the iteration periods, the following is a cheatsheet for the output.
See the internal source for interpreting the rest of the output.
'SET partitions = '
A pair-wise list of actors which cannot send messages. The
list is uni-directional. If there are three servers (a,b,c),
and if the partitions list is '[{a,b},{b,c}]' then all
messages from a->b and b->c will be dropped, but any other
sender->recipient messages will be delivered successfully.
'x uses:'
The FLU x has made an internal state transition and is using
this epoch's projection as operating chain configuration. The
rest of the line is a summary of the projection.
'CONFIRM epoch {N}'
This message confirms that all of the servers listed in the
UPI and repairing lists of the projection at epoch {N} have
agreed to use this projection because they all have written
this projection to their respective private projection stores.
The chain is now usable by/available to all clients.
'Sweet, private projections are stable'
This report announces that this iteration of the test cycle
has passed successfully. The report that follows briefly
summarizes the latest private projection used by each
participating server. For example, when in strong consistency
mode with 'a' as a witness and 'b' and 'c' as real servers:
%% Legend:
%% server name, epoch ID, UPI list, repairing list, down list, ...
%% ... witness list, 'false' (a constant value)
Both servers 'a' and 'b' agree on epoch 1116 with epoch ID
{1116,<<23,143,246,55>>} where UPI=[a,b], repairing=[],
down=[c], and witnesses=[a].
Server 'c' is not shown because 'c' has wedged itself OOS (out
of service) by configuring a chain length of zero.
If no servers are listed in the report (i.e. only '[]' is
displayed), then all servers have wedged themselves OOS, and
the chain is unavailable.
This marks a group of tick events which trigger the manager
processes to evaluate their environment and perhaps make a
state transition.
A long chain of 'DoIt,DoIt,DoIt,' means that the chain state has
(probably) settled to a stable configuration, which is the goal of the
Press control-c to interrupt the test....".
## Run a test in eventual consistency mode
Run the following command at the Erlang CLI prompt:
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(3, [{private_write_verbose,true}]).
The first argument, `3`, is the number of servers to participate in
the chain. Please note:
* Chain lengths as short as 1 or 2 are valid, but the results are a
bit boring.
* Chain lengths as long as 7 or 9 can be used, but they may
suffer from longer periods of churn/instability before all chain
managers reach agreement via humming consensus. (It is future work
to shorten the worst of the unstable churn latencies.)
* In eventual consistency mode, chain lengths may be even numbers,
e.g. 2, 4, or 6.
* The simulator will choose partition events from the permutations of
all 1, 2, and 3 node partition pairs. The total runtime will
increase *dramatically* with chain length.
* Chain length 2: about 3 partition cases
* Chain length 3: about 35 partition cases
* Chain length 4: about 230 partition cases
* Chain length 5: about 1100 partition cases
## Run a test in strong consistency mode (with witnesses):
*NOTE:* Due to a bug in the test code, please do not try to run the
convergence test in strong consistency mode and also without the
correct minority number of witness servers! If in doubt, please run
the commands shown below exactly.
Run the following command at the Erlang CLI prompt:
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(3, [{private_write_verbose,true}, {consistency_mode, cp_mode}, {witnesses, [a]}]).
The first argument, `3`, is the number of servers to participate in
the chain. Chain lengths as long as 7 or 9 can be used, but they may
suffer from longer periods of churn/instability before all chain
managers reach agreement via humming consensus.
Due to the bug mentioned above, please use the following
commands when running with chain lengths of 5 or 7, respectively.
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(5, [{private_write_verbose,true}, {consistency_mode, cp_mode}, {witnesses, [a,b]}]).
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(7, [{private_write_verbose,true}, {consistency_mode, cp_mode}, {witnesses, [a,b,c]}]).

View file

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
# Using the network partition simulator and convergence demo test code
## A complete example of all input and output
If you don't have an Erlang/OTP 17 runtime environment available,
please see this file for full input and output of a strong consistency
length=3 chain test:
This file contains all commands input and all simulator output from a
sample run of the simulator.
To help interpret the output of the test, please skip ahead to the
"The test output is very verbose" section.
## Prerequisites
1. You'll need the `git` source management
2. You'll need the Erlang/OTP 17 runtime environment. Please don't
use earlier or later versions until we have a chance to fix the
compilation warnings that versions R16B and 18 will trigger.
All of the commands that should be run at your login shell (e.g. Bash,
c-shell) can be cut-and-pasted from this document directly to your
login shell prompt.
## Clone and compile the code
Clone the Machi source repo and compile the source and test code. Run
the following commands at your login shell:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd machi
git checkout master
Then run the unit test suite. This may take up to two minutes or so
to finish. Most of the tests will be silent; please be patient until
the tests finish.
make test
## Run an interactive Erlang CLI shell
Run the following command at your login shell:
erl -pz .eunit ebin deps/*/ebin
If you are using Erlang/OTP version 17, you should see some CLI output
that looks like this:
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]
Eshell V6.4 (abort with ^G)
## The test output is very verbose ... what are the important parts?
The output of the Erlang command
`machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:help()` will display the following
guide to the output of the tests.
A visualization of the convergence behavior of the chain self-management
algorithm for Machi.
1. Set up some server and chain manager pairs.
2. Create a number of different network partition scenarios, where
(simulated) partitions may be symmetric or asymmetric. Then stop changing
the partitions and keep the simulated network stable (and perhaps broken).
3. Run a number of iterations of the algorithm in parallel by poking each
of the manager processes on a random'ish basis.
4. Afterward, fetch the chain transition changes made by each FLU and
verify that no transition was unsafe.
During the iteration periods, the following is a cheatsheet for the output.
See the internal source for interpreting the rest of the output.
'SET partitions = '
A pair-wise list of actors which cannot send messages. The
list is uni-directional. If there are three servers (a,b,c),
and if the partitions list is '[{a,b},{b,c}]' then all
messages from a->b and b->c will be dropped, but any other
sender->recipient messages will be delivered successfully.
'x uses:'
The FLU x has made an internal state transition and is using
this epoch's projection as operating chain configuration. The
rest of the line is a summary of the projection.
'CONFIRM epoch {N}'
This message confirms that all of the servers listed in the
UPI and repairing lists of the projection at epoch {N} have
agreed to use this projection because they all have written
this projection to their respective private projection stores.
The chain is now usable by/available to all clients.
'Sweet, private projections are stable'
This report announces that this iteration of the test cycle
has passed successfully. The report that follows briefly
summarizes the latest private projection used by each
participating server. For example, when in strong consistency
mode with 'a' as a witness and 'b' and 'c' as real servers:
%% Legend:
%% server name, epoch ID, UPI list, repairing list, down list, ...
%% ... witness list, 'false' (a constant value)
Both servers 'a' and 'b' agree on epoch 1116 with epoch ID
{1116,<<23,143,246,55>>} where UPI=[a,b], repairing=[],
down=[c], and witnesses=[a].
Server 'c' is not shown because 'c' has wedged itself OOS (out
of service) by configuring a chain length of zero.
If no servers are listed in the report (i.e. only '[]' is
displayed), then all servers have wedged themselves OOS, and
the chain is unavailable.
This marks a group of tick events which trigger the manager
processes to evaluate their environment and perhaps make a
state transition.
A long chain of 'DoIt,DoIt,DoIt,' means that the chain state has
(probably) settled to a stable configuration, which is the goal of the
Press control-c to interrupt the test....".
## Run a test in eventual consistency mode
Run the following command at the Erlang CLI prompt:
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(3, [{private_write_verbose,true}]).
The first argument, `3`, is the number of servers to participate in
the chain. Please note:
* Chain lengths as short as 1 or 2 are valid, but the results are a
bit boring.
* Chain lengths as long as 7 or 9 can be used, but they may
suffer from longer periods of churn/instability before all chain
managers reach agreement via humming consensus. (It is future work
to shorten the worst of the unstable churn latencies.)
* In eventual consistency mode, chain lengths may be even numbers,
e.g. 2, 4, or 6.
* The simulator will choose partition events from the permutations of
all 1, 2, and 3 node partition pairs. The total runtime will
increase *dramatically* with chain length.
* Chain length 2: about 3 partition cases
* Chain length 3: about 35 partition cases
* Chain length 4: about 230 partition cases
* Chain length 5: about 1100 partition cases
## Run a test in strong consistency mode (with witnesses):
*NOTE:* Due to a bug in the test code, please do not try to run the
convergence test in strong consistency mode and also without the
correct minority number of witness servers! If in doubt, please run
the commands shown below exactly.
Run the following command at the Erlang CLI prompt:
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(3, [{private_write_verbose,true}, {consistency_mode, cp_mode}, {witnesses, [a]}]).
The first argument, `3`, is the number of servers to participate in
the chain. Chain lengths as long as 7 or 9 can be used, but they may
suffer from longer periods of churn/instability before all chain
managers reach agreement via humming consensus.
Due to the bug mentioned above, please use the following
commands when running with chain lengths of 5 or 7, respectively.
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(5, [{private_write_verbose,true}, {consistency_mode, cp_mode}, {witnesses, [a,b]}]).
machi_chain_manager1_converge_demo:t(7, [{private_write_verbose,true}, {consistency_mode, cp_mode}, {witnesses, [a,b,c]}]).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
echo "Step: Verify that the required entries in /etc/hosts are present"
for i in 1 2 3; do
grep machi$i /etc/hosts | egrep -s '^' > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo "'grep -s machi$i' failed. Aborting, sorry."
exit 1
ping -c 1 machi$i > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo "Ping attempt on host machi$i failed. Aborting."
echo ""
ping -c 1 machi$i
exit 1
echo "Step: add a verbose logging option to app.config"
for i in 1 2 3; do
ed ./dev/dev$i/etc/app.config <<EOF > /dev/null 2>&1
{chain_manager_opts, [{private_write_verbose_confirm,true}]},
{stability_time, 1},
echo "Step: start three three Machi application instances"
for i in 1 2 3; do
./dev/dev$i/bin/machi start
./dev/dev$i/bin/machi ping
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Sorry, a 'ping' check for instance dev$i failed. Aborting."
exit 1
echo "Step: configure one chain to start a Humming Consensus group with three members"
# Note: $CWD of each Machi proc is two levels below the source code root dir.
for i in 3 2 1; do
./dev/dev$i/bin/machi-admin quick-admin-apply $LIFECYCLE000 machi$i
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Sorry, 'machi-admin quick-admin-apply failed' on machi$i. Aborting."
exit 1
exit 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
# Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for
# boxes at
# If this Vagrant box has not been downloaded before (e.g. using "vagrant box add"),
# then Vagrant will automatically download the VM image from HashiCorp. = "hashicorp/precise64"
# If using a FreeBSD box, Bash may not be installed.
# Use the setting to specify an alternate shell.
# Note, however, that any code in the 'config.vm.provision' section
# would then have to use this shell's syntax!
# = "/bin/csh -l"
# Disable automatic box update checking. If you disable this, then
# boxes will only be checked for updates when the user runs
# `vagrant box outdated`. This is not recommended.
# config.vm.box_check_update = false
# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine. In the example below,
# accessing "localhost:8080" will access port 80 on the guest machine.
# "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
# Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP.
# "private_network", ip: ""
# Create a public network, which generally matched to bridged network.
# Bridged networks make the machine appear as another physical device on
# your network.
# "public_network"
# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
# config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
# Provider-specific configuration so you can fine-tune various
# backing providers for Vagrant. These expose provider-specific options.
# Example for VirtualBox:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# Display the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
# vb.gui = true
# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
vb.memory = "512"
# View the documentation for the provider you are using for more
# information on available options.
# Define a Vagrant Push strategy for pushing to Atlas. Other push strategies
# such as FTP and Heroku are also available. See the documentation at
# for more information.
# config.push.define "atlas" do |push|
# end
# Enable provisioning with a shell script. Additional provisioners such as
# Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Salt, and Docker are also available. Please see the
# documentation for more information about their specific syntax and use.
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
# Install prerequsites
# Support here for FreeBSD is experimental
apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install -y git sudo rsync ; # Ubuntu Linux
env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes pkg install -f git sudo rsync ; # FreeBSD 10
# Install dependent packages, using slf-configurator
git clone
chown -R vagrant ./slf-configurator
(cd slf-configurator ; sudo sh -x ./
echo 'export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/erlang/17.5/bin' >> ~vagrant/.bashrc
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/erlang/17.5/bin
## echo 'set path = ( $path /usr/local/erlang/17.5/bin )' >> ~vagrant/.cshrc
## setenv PATH /usr/local/erlang/17.5/bin:$PATH
git clone
(cd machi ; git checkout master ; make && make test )
chown -R vagrant ./machi

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{host, "machi1", []}.
{host, "machi2", []}.
{host, "machi3", []}.

View file

@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
%% Default = 10
%% {metadata_manager_count, 2},
%% Default options for chain manager processes.
%% {chain_manager_opts, [{private_write_verbose,true},
%% {private_write_verbose_confirm,true}]},
%% Platform vars (mirror of reltool packaging)
{platform_data_dir, "{{platform_data_dir}}"},
{platform_etc_dir, "{{platform_etc_dir}}"},

rel/gen_dev Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Example usage: gen_dev dev4 vars.src vars
# Generate an overlay config for devNNN from vars.src and write to vars
echo "Generating $NAME - node='$NODE'"
sed -e "s/@NODE@/$NODE/" \

View file

@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
{copy, "../priv/quick-admin-examples/000", "priv/quick-admin-examples"},
{copy, "../priv/quick-admin-examples/001", "priv/quick-admin-examples"},
{copy, "../priv/quick-admin-examples/002", "priv/quick-admin-examples"},
{copy, "../priv/quick-admin-examples/demo-000", "priv/quick-admin-examples/demo-000"},
{mkdir, "lib/basho-patches"}
%% {copy, "../apps/machi/ebin/etop_txt.beam", "lib/basho-patches"}

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
%% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et
%% NOTE: When modifying this file, also keep its near cousin
%% config file rel/vars/dev_vars.config.src in sync!
%% Platform-specific installation paths
{platform_bin_dir, "./bin"}.
{platform_data_dir, "./data"}.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
%% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et
%% NOTE: When modifying this file, also keep its near cousin
%% config file rel/vars/dev_vars.config.src in sync!
%% Platform-specific installation paths
{platform_bin_dir, "./bin"}.
{platform_data_dir, "./data"}.
{platform_etc_dir, "./etc"}.
{platform_lib_dir, "./lib"}.
{platform_log_dir, "./log"}.
%% etc/app.config
{sasl_error_log, "{{platform_log_dir}}/sasl-error.log"}.
{sasl_log_dir, "{{platform_log_dir}}/sasl"}.
%% lager
{console_log_default, file}.
%% etc/vm.args
{node, "@NODE@"}.
{crash_dump, "{{platform_log_dir}}/erl_crash.dump"}.
%% bin/machi
{runner_script_dir, "\`cd \\`dirname $0\\` 1>/dev/null && /bin/pwd\`"}.
{runner_base_dir, "{{runner_script_dir}}/.."}.
{runner_etc_dir, "$RUNNER_BASE_DIR/etc"}.
{runner_log_dir, "$RUNNER_BASE_DIR/log"}.
{runner_lib_dir, "$RUNNER_BASE_DIR/lib"}.
{runner_patch_dir, "$RUNNER_BASE_DIR/lib/basho-patches"}.
{pipe_dir, "/tmp/$RUNNER_BASE_DIR/"}.
{runner_user, ""}.
{runner_wait_process, "machi_flu_sup"}.
{runner_ulimit_warn, 65536}.
%% cuttlefish
{cuttlefish, ""}. % blank = off
{cuttlefish_conf, "machi.conf"}.

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{application, machi, [
{description, "A village of write-once files."},
{vsn, "0.0.0"},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib, crypto, cluster_info]},
{vsn, "0.0.1"},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib, crypto, cluster_info, ranch]},
{registered, []},
{env, [

View file

@ -92,8 +92,11 @@
-endif. % TEST
%% Magic constant for looping "too frequently" breaker. TODO revisit & revise.
%% Maximum length of the history of adopted projections (via C120).
%% Magic constant for looping "too frequently" breaker.
-define(RETURN2(X), begin (catch put(why2, [?LINE|get(why2)])), X end).
@ -103,9 +106,6 @@
%% Amount of epoch number skip-ahead for set_chain_members call
%% Maximum length of the history of adopted projections (via C120).
-define(MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH, 30).
%% API
-export([start_link/2, start_link/3, stop/1, ping/1,
set_chain_members/2, set_chain_members/6, set_active/2,
@ -234,11 +234,13 @@ test_read_latest_public_projection(Pid, ReadRepairP) ->
%% manager's pid in MgrOpts and use direct gen_server calls to the
%% local projection store.
init({MyName, InitMembersDict, MgrOpts}) ->
init({MyName, InitMembersDict, MgrOpts0}) ->
put(ttt, [?LINE]),
_ = random:seed(now()),
MgrOpts = MgrOpts0 ++ application:get_env(machi, chain_manager_opts, []),
Opt = fun(Key, Default) -> proplists:get_value(Key, MgrOpts, Default) end,
InitWitness_list = Opt(witnesses, []),
ZeroAll_list = [ || {_,P} <- orddict:to_list(InitMembersDict)],
ZeroProj = make_none_projection(0, MyName, ZeroAll_list,
@ -388,6 +390,7 @@ handle_cast(_Cast, S) ->
handle_info(tick_check_environment, #ch_mgr{ignore_timer=true}=S) ->
{noreply, S};
handle_info(tick_check_environment, S) ->
{{_Delta, Props, _Epoch}, S1} = do_react_to_env(S),
S2 = sanitize_repair_state(S1),
S3 = perhaps_start_repair(S2),
@ -460,7 +463,7 @@ get_my_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, DefaultDict, DefaultProj, ProjType) ->
{DefaultDict, DefaultProj};
Store ->
{ok, P} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(Store,
ProjType, 7789),
{P#projection_v1.members_dict, P}
@ -837,7 +840,10 @@ calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed, Dbg,
D_foo=[{repair_done, {repair_final_status, ok, (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number}}],
{NewUPI_list ++ Repairing_list2, [], RunEnv2};
true ->
D_foo=[d_foo2, {sim_p,Simulator_p},
{simr_p,SimRepair_p}, {same_epoch,SameEpoch_p},
{repch,RepChk_LastInUPI}, {repair_fs,RepairFS}],
{NewUPI_list, OldRepairing_list, RunEnv2}
{_ABC, _XYZ} ->
@ -1974,7 +1980,7 @@ react_to_env_C110(P_latest, #ch_mgr{name=MyName} = S) ->
%% In contrast to the public projection store writes, Humming Consensus
%% doesn't care about the status of writes to the public store: it's
%% always relying only on successful reads of the public store.
case {?FLU_PC:write_projection(MyStorePid, private, P_latest2,?TO*30),Goo} of
case {?FLU_PC:write_projection(MyStorePid, private, P_latest2,?TO*30+66),Goo} of
{ok, Goo} ->
?REACT({c110, [{write, ok}]}),
react_to_env_C111(P_latest, P_latest2, Extra1, MyStorePid, S);
@ -2060,7 +2066,6 @@ react_to_env_C120(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj_history=H,
H2 = add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, ?MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH),
%% diversion_c120_verbose_goop(P_latest, S),
?REACT({c120, [{latest, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)}]}),
S2 = set_proj(S#ch_mgr{proj_history=H2,
sane_transitions=Xtns + 1}, P_latest),
@ -2068,20 +2073,21 @@ react_to_env_C120(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj_history=H,
false ->
{{_ConfEpoch, _ConfCSum}, ConfTime} ->
io:format(user, "\nCONFIRM debug C120 ~w was annotated ~w\n", [, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number]),
P_latestEpoch = P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number,
io:format(user, "\nCONFIRM debug C120 ~w was annotated ~w\n", [, P_latestEpoch]),
V = case file:read_file("/tmp/moomoo."++atom_to_list( of {ok,_} -> true; _ -> false end,
if V -> io:format("C120: ~w: ~p\n", [, get(react)]); true -> ok end,
{{now_using, FinalProps, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number}, S3}.
add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, MaxLength) ->
add_and_trunc_history(#projection_v1{epoch_number=0}, H, _MaxLength) ->
add_and_trunc_history(#projection_v1{} = P_latest, H, MaxLength) ->
Latest_U_R = {P_latest#projection_v1.upi, P_latest#projection_v1.repairing},
H2 = if P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number > 0 ->
queue:in(Latest_U_R, H);
true ->
add_and_trunc_history(Latest_U_R, H, MaxLength);
add_and_trunc_history(Item, H, MaxLength) ->
H2 = queue:in(Item, H),
case queue:len(H2) of
X when X > MaxLength ->
{_V, Hxx} = queue:out(H2),
@ -2094,11 +2100,10 @@ react_to_env_C200(Retries, P_latest, S) ->
AuthorProxyPid = proxy_pid(P_latest#projection_v1.author_server, S),
?FLU_PC:kick_projection_reaction(AuthorProxyPid, [])
%% This is just advisory, we don't need a sync reply.
?FLU_PC:kick_projection_reaction(AuthorProxyPid, [], 100)
catch _Type:_Err ->
%% ?V("TODO: tell_author_yo is broken: ~p ~p\n",
%% [_Type, _Err]),
react_to_env_C210(Retries, S).
@ -2485,19 +2490,23 @@ poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous3(#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current} = S) ->
ProjStore = get_projection_store_pid_or_regname(S),
epoch_csum= <<_CSumRep:4/binary,_/binary>>,
repairing=_RepairingRep} = NewProj,
ok = machi_projection_store:write(ProjStore, private, NewProj),
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose, S#ch_mgr.opts) of
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose_confirm, S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true ->
io:format(user, "\n~s CONFIRM epoch ~w ~w upi ~w rep ~w by ~w\n", [machi_util:pretty_time(), _EpochRep, _CSumRep, _UPIRep, _RepairingRep, MyName]);
error_logger:info_msg("CONFIRM epoch ~w ~w upi ~w rep ~w auth ~w by ~w\n", [_EpochRep, _CSumRep, _UPIRep, _RepairingRep, AuthRep, MyName]);
_ ->
%% Unwedge our FLU.
{ok, NotifyPid} = machi_projection_store:get_wedge_notify_pid(ProjStore),
_ = machi_flu1:update_wedge_state(NotifyPid, false, EpochID),
#ch_mgr{proj_history=H} = S2,
H2 = add_and_trunc_history({confirm, Epoch}, H,
S2#ch_mgr{proj_unanimous=Now, proj_history=H2};
_ ->
@ -2537,6 +2546,14 @@ gobble_calls(StaticCall) ->
gobble_ticks() ->
tick_check_environment ->
after 0 ->
@ -2552,12 +2569,13 @@ perhaps_start_repair(#ch_mgr{name=MyName,
%% RepairOpts = [{repair_mode, check}, verbose],
RepairFun = fun() -> do_repair(S, RepairOpts, CMode) end,
LastUPI = lists:last(UPI),
StabilityTime = application:get_env(machi, stability_time, ?REPAIR_START_STABILITY_TIME),
IgnoreStabilityTime_p = proplists:get_value(ignore_stability_time,
S#ch_mgr.opts, false),
case timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), Start) div 1000000 of
N when MyName == LastUPI andalso
(IgnoreStabilityTime_p orelse
N >= StabilityTime) ->
{WorkerPid, _Ref} = spawn_monitor(RepairFun),
@ -2966,34 +2984,33 @@ zerf_find_last_annotated(FLU, MajoritySize, S) ->
[] % lists:flatten() will destroy
perhaps_verbose_c111(P_latest2, S) ->
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose, S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true ->
perhaps_verbose_c111(P_latest2, #ch_mgr{name=MyName, opts=Opts}=S) ->
PrivWriteVerb = proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose, Opts, false),
PrivWriteVerbCONFIRM = proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose_confirm, Opts, false),
if PrivWriteVerb orelse PrivWriteVerbCONFIRM ->
Dbg2X = lists:keydelete(react, 1,
P_latest2#projection_v1.dbg2) ++
P_latest2x = P_latest2#projection_v1{dbg2=Dbg2X}, % limit verbose len.
Last2 = get(last_verbose),
Summ2 = machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest2x),
if P_latest2#projection_v1.upi == [],
(S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.upi /= [] ->
<<CSumRep:4/binary,_/binary>> =
io:format(user, "~s CONFIRM epoch ~w ~w upi ~w rep ~w by ~w\n", [machi_util:pretty_time(), (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number, CSumRep, P_latest2#projection_v1.upi, P_latest2#projection_v1.repairing,]);
if PrivWriteVerb, Summ2 /= Last2 ->
put(last_verbose, Summ2),
error_logger:info_msg("~p uses plain: ~w \n",
[MyName, Summ2]);
true ->
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose,
S#ch_mgr.opts) of
%% case true of
true when Summ2 /= Last2 ->
put(last_verbose, Summ2),
?V("\n~s ~p uses plain: ~w \n",
[machi_util:pretty_time(),, Summ2]);
_ ->
if PrivWriteVerbCONFIRM,
P_latest2#projection_v1.upi == [],
(S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.upi /= [] ->
<<CSumRep:4/binary,_/binary>> =
error_logger:info_msg("CONFIRM epoch ~w ~w upi ~w rep ~w auth ~w by ~w\n", [(S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number, CSumRep, P_latest2#projection_v1.upi, P_latest2#projection_v1.repairing, P_latest2#projection_v1.author_server,]);
true ->
_ ->
true ->

View file

@ -32,6 +32,12 @@
-type chunk_summary() :: {file_offset(), chunk_size(), chunk_bin(), chunk_cstrm()}.
-type chunk_pos() :: {file_offset(), chunk_size(), file_name_s()}.
-type chunk_size() :: non_neg_integer().
%% Tags that stand for how that checksum was generated. See
%% machi_util:make_tagged_csum/{1,2} for further documentation and
%% implementation.
-type csum_tag() :: none | client_sha | server_sha | server_regen_sha.
-type error_general() :: 'bad_arg' | 'wedged' | 'bad_checksum'.
-type epoch_csum() :: binary().
-type epoch_num() :: -1 | non_neg_integer().
@ -53,11 +59,6 @@
-type read_opts() :: #read_opts{}.
-type read_opts_x() :: 'undefined' | 'noopt' | 'none' | #read_opts{}.
%% Tags that stand for how that checksum was generated. See
%% machi_util:make_tagged_csum/{1,2} for further documentation and
%% implementation.
-type csum_tag() :: none | client_sha | server_sha | server_regen_sha.
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@

View file

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ handle_call({update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict}, _From,
#state{my_flu_name=MyFluName, pending_map=OldMap,
local_down=OldDown, members_dict=OldMembersDict,
admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w has down suspect ~w\n", [MyFluName, Down]),
NewMap = store_in_map(OldMap, MyFluName, erlang:now(), Down,
AdminDown, [props_yo]),
S2 = if Down == OldDown, MembersDict == OldMembersDict ->
@ -119,13 +120,17 @@ handle_call({update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict}, _From,
{reply, ok, S2#state{local_down=Down}};
handle_call({add_admin_down, DownFLU, DownProps}, _From,
#state{local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w add admin down ~w\n", [MyFluName, DownFLU]),
NewAdminDown = [{DownFLU,DownProps}|lists:keydelete(DownFLU, 1, AdminDown)],
S3 = finish_admin_down(erlang:now(), OldDown, NewAdminDown,
[props_yo], S),
{reply, ok, S3};
handle_call({delete_admin_down, DownFLU}, _From,
#state{local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
local_down=OldDown, admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w delete admin down ~w\n", [MyFluName, DownFLU]),
NewAdminDown = lists:keydelete(DownFLU, 1, AdminDown),
S3 = finish_admin_down(erlang:now(), OldDown, NewAdminDown,
[props_yo], S),
@ -143,7 +148,8 @@ handle_call(_Request, _From, S) ->
handle_cast(_Msg, S) ->
{noreply, S}.
handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{my_flu_name=MyFluName,
active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
NewUnfit = make_unfit_list(S),
Added_to_new = NewUnfit -- ActiveUnfit,
Dropped_from_new = ActiveUnfit -- NewUnfit,
@ -184,9 +190,11 @@ handle_info({adjust_down_list, FLU}, #state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
{true, true} ->
error({bad, ?MODULE, ?LINE, FLU, ActiveUnfit, NewUnfit});
{true, false} ->
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=lists:usort(ActiveUnfit ++ [FLU])}};
NewActive = wrap_active(MyFluName,lists:usort(ActiveUnfit++[FLU])),
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=NewActive}};
{false, true} ->
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit -- [FLU]}};
NewActive = wrap_active(MyFluName,ActiveUnfit--[FLU]),
{noreply, S#state{active_unfit=NewActive}};
{false, false} ->
{noreply, S}
@ -424,6 +432,18 @@ map_value(Map) ->
map_merge(Map1, Map2) ->
?MAP:merge(Map1, Map2).
wrap_active(MyFluName, L) ->
verbose("FITNESS: ~w has new down list ~w\n", [MyFluName, L]),
verbose(Fmt, Args) ->
case application:get_env(machi, fitness_verbose) of
{ok, true} ->
error_logger:info_msg(Fmt, Args);
_ ->
dt_understanding_test() ->

View file

@ -65,5 +65,11 @@ init([]) ->
LifecycleMgr =
{machi_lifecycle_mgr, {machi_lifecycle_mgr, start_link, []},
Restart, Shutdown, worker, []},
{ok, {SupFlags, [ServerSup, RanchSup, LifecycleMgr]}}.
RunningApps = [A || {A,_D,_V} <- application:which_applications()],
Specs = case lists:member(ranch, RunningApps) of
true ->
[ServerSup, LifecycleMgr];
false ->
[ServerSup, RanchSup, LifecycleMgr]
{ok, {SupFlags, Specs}}.

View file

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ Press control-c to interrupt the test....".
%% convergence_demo_testfun(3).
-define(DEFAULT_MGR_OPTS, [{private_write_verbose, false},
{private_write_verbose_confirm, true},
{use_partition_simulator, true}]).
@ -150,7 +151,8 @@ convergence_demo_testfun(NumFLUs, MgrOpts0) ->
%% Faster test startup, commented: io:format(user, short_doc(), []),
%% Faster test startup, commented: timer:sleep(3000),
Apps = [sasl, ranch],
[application:start(App) || App <- Apps],
MgrOpts = MgrOpts0 ++ ?DEFAULT_MGR_OPTS,
TcpPort = proplists:get_value(port_base, MgrOpts, 62877),
@ -393,7 +395,8 @@ timer:sleep(1234),
exit(SupPid, normal),
ok = machi_partition_simulator:stop(),
[ok = ?FLU_PC:quit(PPid) || {_, PPid} <- Namez],
machi_util:wait_for_death(SupPid, 100)
machi_util:wait_for_death(SupPid, 100),
[application:start(App) || App <- lists:reverse(Apps)]
%% Many of the static partition lists below have been problematic at one

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ clean_up_data_dir(DataDir) ->
-define(TESTDIR, "./t").
-define(HYOOGE, 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024). % 1 long GB
-define(HYOOGE, 75 * 1024 * 1024). % 75 MBytes
random_binary_single() ->
%% OK, I guess it's not that random...