Add damper check for flapping of *inner* projections, whee!

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-08-23 20:00:19 +09:00
parent 561e60a7ac
commit 70022d11ce

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@ -1460,9 +1460,6 @@ react_to_env_A40(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{latest_unanimous_p, LatestUnanimousP}]}),
%% 1st clause: someone else has written a newer projection
%% 2nd clause: a network partition has healed, revealing a
%% differing opinion.
react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
Rank_newprop, Rank_latest, S);
@ -1634,8 +1631,29 @@ react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
_Else_u ->
my_unique_prop_count=MyUniquePropCount} =
case P_newprop#projection_v1.flap of undefined -> make_flapping_i();
Flap -> Flap
AllAreFlapping_and_IamBad_p =
inner_projection_exists(P_current) andalso
inner_projection_exists(P_latest) andalso
inner_projection_exists(P_newprop) andalso
MyUniquePropCount == 1 andalso
lists:member(MyName, P_newprop_AllHosed),
AllAreFlapping_and_IamBad_p ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, []}),
%% There's outer flapping happening *and* we ourselves are
%% definitely flapping (flapping manifesto, starting clause 1)
%% ... and also we are a member of the all_hosed club. So, we
%% should shut up and let someone else do the proposing.
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, [{muting_myself, true},
{all_hosed, P_newprop_AllHosed}], S);
UnanimousLatestInnerNotRelevant_p ->
@ -1931,8 +1949,10 @@ react_to_env_C120(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj_history=H,
%% TODO: revisit this constant?
MaxLength = length(P_latest#projection_v1.all_members),
H2 = add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, MaxLength),
%% TODO: revisit this constant?
MaxLength_i = trunc(MaxLength * 1.5),
H_i2 = add_and_trunc_history(inner_projection_or_self(P_latest),
H_i, MaxLength),
H_i, MaxLength_i),
%% HH = [if is_atom(X) -> X; is_tuple(X) -> {element(1,X), element(2,X)} end || X <- get(react), is_atom(X) orelse size(X) == 3],
%% ?V("HEE120 ~w ~w ~w\n", [, self(), lists:reverse(HH)]),
@ -2027,8 +2047,7 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, P_latest, _P_current, CurrentUp, _FlapLimit,
runenv=RunEnv1}=S) ->
UniqueProposalSummaries = make_unique_proposal_summaries(H, P_newprop),
UniqueProposalSummaries_i = make_unique_proposal_summaries(
H_i, inner_projection_or_self(P_newprop)),
MyUniquePropCount = length(UniqueProposalSummaries),
{_WhateverUnanimous, BestP, Props, _S} =
cl_read_latest_projection(private, S),
@ -2185,7 +2204,7 @@ if LeaveFlapping_p -> io:format(user, "CALC_FLAP: ~w: flapping_now ~w start ~w l
AllFlapCounts_with_my_new =
[{MyName, NewFlapStart}|lists:keydelete(MyName, 1, AllFlapCounts)],
FlappingI = make_flapping_i(NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount, AllHosed,
AllFlapCounts_with_my_new, MyUniquePropCount),
%% NOTE: Just because we increment flaps here, there's no correlation
%% to successful public proj store writes! For example,
%% if we loop through states C2xx a few times, we would incr
@ -2219,12 +2238,14 @@ make_unique_proposal_summaries(H, P_newprop) ->
P <- Ps]).
make_flapping_i() ->
make_flapping_i(?NOT_FLAPPING_START, 0, [], []).
make_flapping_i(?NOT_FLAPPING_START, 0, [], [], 0).
make_flapping_i(NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount, AllHosed, AllFlapCounts) ->
make_flapping_i(NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount, AllHosed, AllFlapCounts,
MyUniquePropCount) ->
#flap_i{flap_count={NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount},
projection_transitions_are_sane(Ps, RelativeToServer) ->
projection_transitions_are_sane(Ps, RelativeToServer, false).