Name consistency: CoC 'locator', variable name = L

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-10-17 16:47:00 +09:00
parent 1485fa416f
commit 8ab9d3ee50

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@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ According to ~Map~, the value of
~rs_hash_with_float(0.05,Map) = Cluster1~.
Similarly, ~rs_hash_with_float(0.26,Map) = Cluster4~.
* 4. An additional assumption: clients will want some control over file placement
* 4. An additional assumption: clients will want some control over file location
We will continue to use the 4-cluster diagram from the previous
** Our new assumption: client control over initial file placement
** Our new assumption: client control over initial file location
The CoC management scheme may decide that files need to migrate to
other clusters. The reason could be for storage load or I/O load
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ we need?
- ~p~ = file prefix, chosen by the CoC client.
- ~T~ = the target CoC member/Cluster ID chosen by the CoC client at the time of ~append()~
- ~u~ = the Machi file server unique opaque file name suffix, e.g. a GUID string
- ~K~ = the CoC placement key
- ~L~ = the CoC locator
- ~N~ = the CoC namespace
- ~F~ = a Machi file name
@ -235,21 +235,21 @@ we need?
1. CoC client chooses ~p~, ~T~, and ~N~ (i.e., the file prefix, target
cluster, and target cluster namespace)
2. CoC client knows the CoC ~Map~ for namespace ~N~.
3. CoC client choose some value ~K~ such that
~rs_hash_with_float(K,Map) = T~ (see below).
3. CoC client choose some CoC locator value ~L~ such that
~rs_hash_with_float(L,Map) = T~ (see below).
4. CoC client sends its request to cluster
~T~: ~append_chunk(p,K,N,...) -> {ok,p.K.N.u,ByteOffset}~
5. CoC stores/uses the file name ~F = p.K.N.u~.
~T~: ~append_chunk(p,L,N,...) -> {ok,p.L.N.u,ByteOffset}~
5. CoC stores/uses the file name ~F = p.L.N.u~.
** The details: CoC file read
1. CoC client knows the file name ~F = p.K.N.u~ and parses it to find
the values of ~K~ and ~N~.
1. CoC client knows the file name ~F = p.L.N.u~ and parses it to find
the values of ~L~ and ~N~.
2. CoC client knows the CoC ~Map~ for type ~N~.
3. CoC calculates ~rs_hash_with_float(K,Map) = T~
3. CoC calculates ~rs_hash_with_float(L,Map) = T~
4. CoC client sends request to cluster ~T~: ~read_chunk(F,...) ->~ ... success!
** The details: calculating 'K' (the CoC placement key) to match a desired target cluster
** The details: calculating 'L' (the CoC locator) to match a desired target cluster
1. We know ~Map~, the current CoC mapping for a CoC namespace ~N~.
2. We look inside of ~Map~, and we find all of the unit interval ranges
@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ we need?
3. In our example, ~T=Cluster2~. The example ~Map~ contains a single
unit interval range for ~Cluster2~, ~[(0.33,0.58]]~.
4. Choose a uniformly random number ~r~ on the unit interval.
5. Calculate placement key ~K~ by mapping ~r~ onto the concatenation
5. Calculate locator ~L~ by mapping ~r~ onto the concatenation
of the CoC hash space range intervals in ~MapList~. For example,
if ~r=0.5~, then ~K = 0.33 + 0.5*(0.58-0.33) = 0.455~, which is
if ~r=0.5~, then ~L = 0.33 + 0.5*(0.58-0.33) = 0.455~, which is
exactly in the middle of the ~(0.33,0.58]~ interval.
* 8. File migration (a.k.a. rebalancing/reparitioning/resharding/redistribution)