WIP: refactoring machi_cr_client:append_chunk*

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-05-18 15:49:05 +09:00
parent a7f53cf21a
commit 966d2edae8

View file

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
-define(FLU_PC, machi_proxy_flu1_client).
-define(TIMEOUT, 2*1000).
-define(MAX_RUNTIME, 5*1000).
-record(state, {
members_dict :: p_srvr_dict(),
@ -279,43 +280,134 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, S, _Extra) ->
handle_call2({append_chunk_extra, Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra}, _From, S) ->
do_append_chunk_extra1(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, S).
do_append_head(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, 0, os:timestamp(), S).
do_append_chunk_extra1(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra,
#state{epoch_id=EpochID, proj=P,
proxies_dict=PD}=S) ->
#projection_v1{upi=[HeadFLU|RestFLUs]} = P,
case ?FLU_PC:append_chunk_extra(orddict:fetch(HeadFLU, PD),
do_append_head(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, 0=Depth, STime, S) ->
do_append_head2(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth + 1, STime, S);
do_append_head(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth, STime, #state{proj=P}=S) ->
io:format(user, "append sleep1,", []),
DiffMs = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), STime) div 1000,
if DiffMs > ?MAX_RUNTIME ->
{error, partition};
true ->
%% This is suboptimal for performance: there are some paths
%% through this point where our current projection is good
%% enough. But we're going to try to keep the code as simple
%% as we can for now.
S2 = update_proj(S#state{proj=undefined, bad_proj=P}),
case S2#state.proj of
P2 when P2 == undefined orelse
P2#projection_v1.upi == [] ->
do_append_head(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth + 1,
STime, S);
_ ->
do_append_head2(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth + 1,
STime, S)
do_append_head2(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth, STime,
#state{epoch_id=EpochID, proj=P, proxies_dict=PD}=S) ->
[HeadFLU|RestFLUs] = mutation_flus(P),
Proxy = orddict:fetch(HeadFLU, PD),
io:format(user, "append ~w,", [Proxy]),
case ?FLU_PC:append_chunk_extra(Proxy,
EpochID, Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra,
{ok, {Offset, _Size, File}=_X} ->
do_append_chunk_extra2(RestFLUs, File, Offset, Chunk,
HeadFLU, 1, S);
{error, Change} when Change == bad_epoch; Change == wedged ->
S2 = update_proj(S#state{proj=undefined, bad_proj=P}),
do_append_chunk_extra1(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, S2)
%% TODO return values here
%% io:format(user, "append ~w@~p,~w,", [HeadFLU, File, Offset]),
io:format(user, "append ~w,", [HeadFLU]),
do_append_midtail(RestFLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk, ChunkExtra,
[HeadFLU], 0, STime, S);
{error, Retry}
when Retry == partition; Retry == bad_epoch; Retry == wedged ->
do_append_head(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth, STime, S);
{error, written} ->
%% Implicit sequencing + this error = we don't know where this
%% written block is. But we lost a race. Repeat, with a new
%% sequencer assignment.
do_append_head(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth, STime, S);
{error, not_written} ->
do_append_chunk_extra2([], File, Offset, Chunk, _OldHeadFLU, _OkCount, S) ->
{reply, {ok, {Offset, size(Chunk), File}}, S};
do_append_chunk_extra2([FLU|RestFLUs], File, Offset, Chunk, OldHeadFLU, OkCount,
#state{epoch_id=EpochID, proj=P,
proxies_dict=PD}=S) ->
case ?FLU_PC:write_chunk(orddict:fetch(FLU, PD),
EpochID, File, Offset, Chunk, ?TIMEOUT) of
ok ->
do_append_chunk_extra2(RestFLUs, File, Offset, Chunk,
OldHeadFLU, OkCount + 1, S);
{error, Change} when Change == bad_epoch; Change == wedged ->
do_append_midtail(RestFLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk, ChunkExtra,
Ws, Depth, STime, S)
when RestFLUs == [] orelse Depth == 0 ->
do_append_midtail2(RestFLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk, ChunkExtra,
Ws, Depth + 1, STime, S);
do_append_midtail(RestFLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk, ChunkExtra,
Ws, Depth, STime, #state{proj=P}=S) ->
io:format(user, "append sleep2,", []),
DiffMs = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), STime) div 1000,
if DiffMs > ?MAX_RUNTIME ->
{error, partition};
true ->
S2 = update_proj(S#state{proj=undefined, bad_proj=P}),
#projection_v1{upi=[NewHeadFLU|NewRestFLUs]} = S2#state.proj,
if OkCount == 1, NewHeadFLU == OldHeadFLU ->
do_append_chunk_extra2(NewRestFLUs, File, Offset, Chunk,
OldHeadFLU, OkCount, S2);
true ->
{error, partition}
case S2#state.proj of
undefined ->
{error, partition};
P2 ->
RestFLUs2 = mutation_flus(P2),
case RestFLUs2 -- Ws of
RestFLUs ->
%% None of the writes that we have done so far
%% are to FLUs that are in the RestFLUs2 list.
%% We are pessimistic here and assume that
%% those FLUs are permanently dead. Start
%% over with a new sequencer assignment, at
%% the 2nd have of the impl (we have already
%% slept & refreshed the projection).
do_append_head2(Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Depth,
STime, S);
RestFLUs3 ->
do_append_midtail2(RestFLUs3, Prefix, File, Offset,
Chunk, ChunkExtra,
Ws, Depth + 1, STime, S)
do_append_midtail2([], _Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk,
_ChunkExtra, _Ws, _Depth, _STime, S) ->
io:format(user, "ok!\n", []),
{reply, {ok, {Offset, iolist_size(Chunk), File}}, S};
do_append_midtail2([FLU|RestFLUs]=FLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk,
ChunkExtra, Ws, Depth, STime,
#state{epoch_id=EpochID, proxies_dict=PD}=S) ->
Proxy = orddict:fetch(FLU, PD),
io:format(user, "write ~w,", [Proxy]),
case ?FLU_PC:write_chunk(Proxy, EpochID, File, Offset, Chunk, ?TIMEOUT) of
ok ->
%% io:format(user, "write ~w@~p~w,", [FLU, File, Offset]),
io:format(user, "write ~w,", [FLU]),
do_append_midtail2(RestFLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk,
ChunkExtra, [FLU|Ws], Depth, STime, S);
{error, Retry}
when Retry == partition; Retry == bad_epoch; Retry == wedged ->
do_append_midtail(FLUs, Prefix, File, Offset, Chunk,
ChunkExtra, Ws, Depth, STime, S);
{error, written} ->
%% read_repair(P#projection_v1.upi ++ P#projection_v1.repairing,
%% Chunk, Depth, STime, S)
%% Chunk1 = if is_binary(Chunk) -> Chunk;
%% is_list(Chunk) -> list_to_binary(Chunk)
%% end,
%% case ?FLU_PC:read_chunk(Proxy, EpochID, File, Offset,
%% size(Chunk1), ?TIMEOUT) of
%% {ok, Chunk2} when Chunk2 == Chunk1 ->
%% %% Someone has been read-repairing this chunk.
%% %% Keep going.
%% do_append_chunk_extra2(RestFLUs, File, Offset, Chunk,
%% OldHeadFLU, OkCount + 1, S);
%% {error, not_written} ->
%% exit({todo_should_never_happen,?MODULE,?LINE,
%% File,Offset, size(Chunk1)});
%% { ->
%% TODO return values here
@ -328,7 +420,7 @@ update_proj2(Count, #state{bad_proj=BadProj, proxies_dict=ProxiesDict}=S) ->
Timeout = 2*1000,
Parent = self(),
Proxies = orddict:to_list(ProxiesDict),
Worker = spawn(
MiddleWorker = spawn(
fun() ->
PidsMons =
[spawn_monitor(fun() ->
@ -339,7 +431,7 @@ update_proj2(Count, #state{bad_proj=BadProj, proxies_dict=ProxiesDict}=S) ->
Parent ! {res, self(), Rs},
Rs = receive {res, Worker, Results} -> Results
Rs = receive {res, MiddleWorker, Results} -> Results
after Timeout*2 -> []
%% TODO: There's a possible bug here when running multiple independent
@ -352,14 +444,14 @@ update_proj2(Count, #state{bad_proj=BadProj, proxies_dict=ProxiesDict}=S) ->
P when P >= BadProj ->
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch, epoch_csum=CSum,
members_dict=NewMembersDict} = P,
io:format(user, "~s: proj ~P\n", [?MODULE, P, 10]),
io:format(user, "~s: proj ~P\n", [?MODULE, P, 15]),
EpochID = {Epoch, CSum},
NewProxiesDict = ?FLU_PC:start_proxies(NewMembersDict),
S#state{bad_proj=undefined, proj=P, epoch_id=EpochID,
members_dict=NewMembersDict, proxies_dict=NewProxiesDict};
_ ->
timer:sleep(10 + (Count * 20)),
update_proj2(Count + 1, S)
@ -382,5 +474,22 @@ choose_best_proj(Rs) ->
end, WorstEpoch, Rs).
mutation_flus(#projection_v1{upi=UPI, repairing=Repairing}) ->
UPI ++ Repairing;
mutation_flus(#state{proj=P}) ->
readonly_flus(#projection_v1{upi=UPI}) ->
readonly_flus(#state{proj=P}) ->
sleep_a_while(0) ->
sleep_a_while(1) ->
sleep_a_while(Depth) ->
timer:sleep(30 + trunc(math:pow(1.9, Depth))).
noop() ->