WIP: first round of tango_oid refactoring, all broken horribly

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2014-09-20 22:11:31 +09:00
parent 03f071316c
commit 9a3ac02413
4 changed files with 164 additions and 159 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
-record(proj, { % Projection
dir :: string(),
page_size :: non_neg_integer(),
epoch :: non_neg_integer(),
seq :: 'undefined' | seq_name(),
r :: [#range{}]

View file

@ -372,5 +372,5 @@ simple_test_setup(RootDir, BaseDirName, PageSize, NumPages, NumFLUs) ->
{ok, Seq} = corfurl_sequencer:start_link(FLUs),
P0 = corfurl:new_simple_projection(PDir, 1, 1, 1*100, [FLUs]),
P1 = P0#proj{seq={Seq, unused, unused}},
P1 = P0#proj{seq={Seq, unused, unused}, page_size=PageSize},
{FLUs, Seq, P1, DeleteFLUData}.

View file

@ -157,30 +157,35 @@ append_page(Proj, Page, StreamList) ->
append_page(Proj, _Page, _StreamList, 0) ->
{{error_failed, ?MODULE, ?LINE}, Proj};
append_page(#proj{seq={Sequencer,_,_}} = Proj, Page, StreamList, Retries) ->
append_page(#proj{seq={Sequencer,_,_}, page_size=PageSize} = Proj,
OrigPage, StreamList, Retries) ->
{ok, LPN} = corfurl_sequencer:get(Sequencer, 1, StreamList),
{ok, LPN, BackPsList} = corfurl_sequencer:get_tails(Sequencer, 1,
%% pulse_tracing_add(write, LPN),
append_page1(Proj, LPN, Page, StreamList, 5)
Page = tango:pack_v1(StreamList, [to_final_page],
OrigPage, PageSize),
append_page1(Proj, LPN, Page, StreamList, 5, OrigPage)
when Reason == noproc; Reason == normal ->
NewSeq = corfurl_client:restart_sequencer(Proj),
append_page(Proj#proj{seq=NewSeq}, Page, StreamList, Retries);
append_page(Proj#proj{seq=NewSeq}, OrigPage, StreamList, Retries);
exit:Exit ->
{{error_failed, ?MODULE, ?LINE}, incomplete_code, Exit}
append_page1(Proj, _LPN, _Page, _StreamList, 0) ->
append_page1(Proj, _LPN, _Page, _StreamList, 0, _OrigPage) ->
{{error_failed, ?MODULE, ?LINE}, Proj};
append_page1(Proj, LPN, Page, StreamList, Retries) ->
append_page1(Proj, LPN, Page, StreamList, Retries, OrigPage) ->
case append_page2(Proj, LPN, Page) of
lost_race ->
append_page(Proj, Page, StreamList, Retries - 1);
append_page(Proj, OrigPage, StreamList, Retries - 1);
error_badepoch ->
case corfurl_sequencer:poll_for_new_epoch_projection(Proj) of
{ok, NewProj} ->
append_page1(NewProj, LPN, Page, StreamList, Retries - 1);
append_page1(NewProj, LPN, Page, StreamList, Retries - 1,
Else ->
{Else, Proj}

View file

@ -20,193 +20,192 @@
%% -behaviour(gen_server).
%% %% API
%% -export([start_link/3, stop/1,
%% new/2, get/2]).
%% API
-export([start_link/3, stop/1,
new/2, get/2]).
%% %% gen_server callbacks
%% -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
%% terminate/2, code_change/3]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
%% %% Tango datatype callbacks (prototype)
%% -export([fresh/0,
%% do_pure_op/2, do_dirty_op/5, play_log_mutate_i_state/3]).
%% Tango datatype callbacks (prototype)
do_pure_op/2, do_dirty_op/5, play_log_mutate_i_state/3]).
%% -define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
%% -define(OID_STREAM_NUMBER, 0).
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(OID_STREAM_NUMBER, 0).
%% -define(LONG_TIME, 30*1000).
-define(LONG_TIME, 30*1000).
%% -define(D(X), io:format(user, "Dbg: ~s =\n ~p\n", [??X, X])).
-define(D(X), io:format(user, "Dbg: ~s =\n ~p\n", [??X, X])).
%% -type lpn() :: non_neg_integer().
-type lpn() :: non_neg_integer().
%% -record(state, {
%% page_size :: non_neg_integer(), % Corfurl page size
%% seq :: pid(), % sequencer pid
%% proj :: term(), % projection
%% last_fetch_lpn :: lpn(), %
%% all_back_ps :: [lpn()], % All back-pointers LIFO order!
%% i_state :: term() % internal state thingie
%% }).
-record(state, {
page_size :: non_neg_integer(), % Corfurl page size
seq :: pid(), % sequencer pid
proj :: term(), % projection
last_fetch_lpn :: lpn(), %
all_back_ps :: [lpn()], % All back-pointers LIFO order!
i_state :: term() % internal state thingie
%% start_link(PageSize, SequencerPid, Proj) ->
%% gen_server:start_link(?MODULE,
%% [PageSize, SequencerPid, Proj], []).
start_link(PageSize, SequencerPid, Proj) ->
[PageSize, SequencerPid, Proj], []).
%% stop(Pid) ->
%% gen_server:call(Pid, {stop}, ?LONG_TIME).
stop(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {stop}, ?LONG_TIME).
%% new(Pid, Key) ->
%% gen_server:call(Pid, {new, Key}, ?LONG_TIME).
new(Pid, Key) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {new, Key}, ?LONG_TIME).
%% get(Pid, Key) ->
%% gen_server:call(Pid, {get, Key}, ?LONG_TIME).
get(Pid, Key) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {get, Key}, ?LONG_TIME).
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% init([PageSize, SequencerPid, Proj]) ->
%% LastLPN = find_last_lpn(SequencerPid),
%% {LPNs, Pages} = fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, 0),
%% BackPs = lists:reverse(LPNs),
%% LastFetchLPN = case LPNs of [] -> 0;
%% [H|_] -> H
%% end,
%% I_State = play_log_pages(Pages, fresh(), ?MODULE, false),
%% {ok, #state{page_size=PageSize,
%% seq=SequencerPid,
%% proj=Proj,
%% last_fetch_lpn=LastFetchLPN,
%% all_back_ps=BackPs,
%% i_state=I_State}}.
init([PageSize, SequencerPid, Proj]) ->
LastLPN = find_last_lpn(SequencerPid),
{LPNs, Pages} = fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, 0),
BackPs = lists:reverse(LPNs),
LastFetchLPN = back_ps2last_lpn(BackPs),
I_State = play_log_pages(Pages, fresh(), ?MODULE, false),
{ok, #state{page_size=PageSize,
%% handle_call({new, Key}, From,
%% #state{proj=Proj0, page_size=PageSize, i_state=I_State}=State) ->
%% Op = {new_oid, Key, From, 0},
%% {_Res, I_State2, Proj1, LPN} =
%% do_dirty_op(Op, I_State, ?OID_STREAM_NUMBER, Proj0, PageSize),
%% %% Let's see how much trouble we can get outselves in here.
%% %% If we're here, then we've written to the log without error.
%% %% So then the cast to roll forward must see that log entry
%% %% (if it also operates without error). So, the side-effect of
%% %% the op ought to always send a reply to the client.
%% gen_server:cast(self(), {roll_forward}),
%% {noreply, State#state{i_state=I_State2,
%% proj=Proj1}};
%% handle_call({get, _Key}=Op, _From, State) ->
%% State2 = #state{i_state=I_State} = roll_log_forward(State),
%% Reply = do_pure_op(Op, I_State),
%% {reply, Reply, State2};
%% handle_call({stop}, _From, State) ->
%% {stop, normal, ok, State};
%% handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
%% Reply = whaaaaaaaaaaaa,
%% {reply, Reply, State}.
handle_call({new, Key}, From,
#state{proj=Proj0, page_size=PageSize, i_state=I_State}=State) ->
Op = {new_oid, Key, From, 0},
{_Res, I_State2, Proj1, _LPN} =
do_dirty_op(Op, I_State, ?OID_STREAM_NUMBER, Proj0, PageSize),
%% Let's see how much trouble we can get outselves in here.
%% If we're here, then we've written to the log without error.
%% So then the cast to roll forward must see that log entry
%% (if it also operates without error). So, the side-effect of
%% the op ought to always send a reply to the client.
gen_server:cast(self(), {roll_forward}),
{noreply, State#state{i_state=I_State2,
handle_call({get, _Key}=Op, _From, State) ->
State2 = #state{i_state=I_State} = roll_log_forward(State),
Reply = do_pure_op(Op, I_State),
{reply, Reply, State2};
handle_call({stop}, _From, State) ->
{stop, normal, ok, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
Reply = whaaaaaaaaaaaa,
{reply, Reply, State}.
%% handle_cast({roll_forward}, State) ->
%% State2 = roll_log_forward(State),
%% {noreply, State2};
%% handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
%% {noreply, State}.
handle_cast({roll_forward}, State) ->
State2 = roll_log_forward(State),
{noreply, State2};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% handle_info(_Info, State) ->
%% {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
%% ok.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
%% code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
%% {ok, State}.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% find_last_lpn(#state{seq=SequencerPid}) ->
%% find_last_lpn(SequencerPid);
%% find_last_lpn(SequencerPid) ->
%% {ok, CurrentLPN} = corfurl_sequencer:get(SequencerPid, 0),
%% CurrentLPN - 1.
back_ps2last_lpn([]) ->
back_ps2last_lpn([H|_]) ->
find_last_lpn(#state{seq=SequencerPid}) ->
find_last_lpn(SequencerPid) ->
{ok, _, [BackPs]} = corfurl_sequencer:get_tails(SequencerPid, 0, [?OID_STREAM_NUMBER]),
%% %% AAA refactor: return value changes here, propagate
%% fetch_unread_pages(#state{proj=Proj, last_fetch_lpn=StopAtLPN,
%% all_back_ps=BPs} = State) ->
%% LastLPN = find_last_lpn(State),
%% {LPNs, Pages} = fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, StopAtLPN),
%% NewBPs = append_lpns(LPNs, BPs),
%% {LPNS, Pages, State#state{last_fetch_lpn=LastLPN, back_ps=BackPs}}.
%% {LPNs, Pages, State#state{last_fetch_lpn=LastLPN, all_back_ps=NewBPs}}.
%% fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, StopAtLPN)
%% when LastLPN >= StopAtLPN ->
%% %% ?D({fetch_unread_pages, LastLPN, StopAtLPN}),
%% LPNandPages = tango:scan_backward(Proj, ?OID_STREAM_NUMBER, LastLPN,
%% StopAtLPN, true),
%% {_LPNs, _Pages} = lists:unzip(LPNandPages).
fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, StopAtLPN)
when LastLPN >= StopAtLPN ->
%% ?D({fetch_unread_pages, LastLPN, StopAtLPN}),
LPNandPages = tango:scan_backward(Proj, ?OID_STREAM_NUMBER, LastLPN,
StopAtLPN, true),
{_LPNs, _Pages} = lists:unzip(LPNandPages).
%% play_log_pages(Pages, SideEffectsP,
%% #state{i_state=I_State} = State) ->
%% I_State2 = play_log_pages(Pages, I_State, ?MODULE, SideEffectsP),
%% State#state{i_state=I_State2}.
play_log_pages(Pages, SideEffectsP,
#state{i_state=I_State} = State) ->
I_State2 = play_log_pages(Pages, I_State, ?MODULE, SideEffectsP),
%% play_log_pages(Pages, I_State, CallbackMod, SideEffectsP) ->
%% CallbackMod:play_log_mutate_i_state(Pages, SideEffectsP, I_State).
play_log_pages(Pages, I_State, CallbackMod, SideEffectsP) ->
CallbackMod:play_log_mutate_i_state(Pages, SideEffectsP, I_State).
%% roll_log_forward(#state{proj=Proj, all_back_ps=BackPs,
%% last_fetch_lpn=StopAtLPN} = State) ->
%% LastLPN = find_last_lpn(SequencerPid),
%% {LPNs, Pages} = fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, StopAtLPN),
%% NewBPs = append_lpns(LPNs, BackPs),
%% play_log_pages(Pages, true, State2#state{all_back_ps=NewBPs}).
roll_log_forward(#state{seq=SequencerPid, proj=Proj, all_back_ps=BackPs,
last_fetch_lpn=StopAtLPN} = State) ->
LastLPN = find_last_lpn(SequencerPid),
{LPNs, Pages} = fetch_unread_pages(Proj, LastLPN, StopAtLPN),
NewBPs = append_lpns(LPNs, BackPs),
play_log_pages(Pages, true, State#state{all_back_ps=NewBPs}).
%% append_lpns([], BPs) ->
%% BPs;
%% append_lpns(LPNs, BPs) ->
%% lists:reverse(LPNs) ++ BPs.
append_lpns([], BPs) ->
append_lpns(LPNs, BPs) ->
lists:reverse(LPNs) ++ BPs.
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% -record(oid_map, {
%% next :: non_neg_integer(),
%% map :: dict()
%% }).
-record(oid_map, {
next :: non_neg_integer(),
map :: dict()
%% -define(DICTMOD, dict).
-define(DICTMOD, dict).
%% fresh() ->
%% #oid_map{next=1,
%% map=?DICTMOD:new()}.
fresh() ->
%% do_pure_op({get, Key}, #oid_map{map=Dict}) ->
%% ?DICTMOD:find(Key, Dict).
do_pure_op({get, Key}, #oid_map{map=Dict}) ->
?DICTMOD:find(Key, Dict).
%% do_dirty_op({new_oid, _Key, _From, _NumOfAttempts}=Op,
%% I_State, StreamNum, Proj0, PageSize) ->
%% Page = term_to_binary(Op),
%% FullPage = tango:pack_v1([StreamNum], [to_final_page],
%% Page, PageSize),
%% left off here,
%% {{ok, LPN}, Proj1} = tango:append_page(Proj0, Page, [StreamNum]),
%% {ok, I_State, Proj1, LPN}.
do_dirty_op({new_oid, _Key, _From, _NumOfAttempts}=Op,
I_State, StreamNum, Proj0, ___TODO_delme_PageSize) ->
Page = term_to_binary(Op),
{{ok, LPN}, Proj1} = tango:append_page(Proj0, Page, [StreamNum]),
{ok, I_State, Proj1, LPN}.
%% play_log_mutate_i_state(Pages, SideEffectsP, I_State) ->
%% lists:foldl(fun({new_oid, Key, From, _NumOfAttempts}=_Op,
%% #oid_map{map=Dict, next=Next}=O) ->
%% {Res, O2} =
%% case ?DICTMOD:find(Key, Dict) of
%% error ->
%% Dict2 = ?DICTMOD:store(Key, Next, Dict),
%% {{ok, Next},O#oid_map{map=Dict2,
%% next=Next + 1}};
%% {ok, _} ->
%% {already_exists, O}
%% end,
%% if SideEffectsP ->
%% gen_server:reply(From, Res);
%% true ->
%% ok
%% end,
%% O2
%% end,
%% I_State,
%% [binary_to_term(Page) || Page <- Pages]).
play_log_mutate_i_state(Pages, SideEffectsP, I_State) ->
lists:foldl(fun({new_oid, Key, From, _NumOfAttempts}=_Op,
#oid_map{map=Dict, next=Next}=O) ->
{Res, O2} =
case ?DICTMOD:find(Key, Dict) of
error ->
Dict2 = ?DICTMOD:store(Key, Next, Dict),
{{ok, Next},O#oid_map{map=Dict2,
next=Next + 1}};
{ok, _} ->
{already_exists, O}
if SideEffectsP ->
gen_server:reply(From, Res);
true ->
[binary_to_term(Page) || Page <- Pages]).