WIP: broken, don't use

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2014-10-31 17:20:29 +09:00
parent cbc5260e93
commit 9af576d753

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@ -133,8 +133,10 @@ handle_call({test_calc_projection, KeepRunenvP}, _From, S) ->
true -> S
handle_call({test_read_latest_public_projection, ReadRepairP}, _From, S) ->
{Res, ExtraInfo, S2} = do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(ReadRepairP, S),
{reply, {Res, ExtraInfo}, S2};
{Perhaps, Val, ExtraInfo, S2} =
do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(ReadRepairP, S),
Res = {Perhaps, Val, ExtraInfo},
{reply, Res, S2};
handle_call(_Call, _From, S) ->
{reply, whaaaaaaaaaa, S}.
@ -237,29 +239,30 @@ do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(ReadRepairP,
#ch_mgr{proj=Proj1, myflu=MyFLU} = S) ->
Epoch1 = Proj1#projection.epoch_number,
case cl_read_latest_public_projection(S) of
{needs_repair, FLUsRs, Extra, S3} ->
if not ReadRepairP ->
{not_unanimous, todoxyz, [{results, FLUsRs}|Extra], S3};
true ->
{_Status, S4} = do_read_repair(FLUsRs, Extra, S3),
do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(ReadRepairP, S4)
{unanimous, Proj2, Extra, S3} when Proj2 == Proj1 ->
{Proj2, Extra, S3};
{unanimous, Proj2, Extra, S3};
{unanimous, #projection{epoch_number=Epoch2}=Proj2, Extra, _S3}
when Epoch2 < Epoch1 orelse
(Epoch2 == Epoch1 andalso Proj2 /= Proj1) ->
exit({invariant_error, mine, Proj1, cl_unanimous, Proj2, extra, Extra});
{unanimous, #projection{epoch_number=Epoch2}=Proj2, Extra, S3}
when Epoch2 > Epoch1 ->
io:format(user, "\nHEY! This probably needs an update!\n\n", []),
Proj2b = update_projection_dbg2(
Proj2, [{hooray, {date(), time()}}|Extra]),
ok = machi_flu0:proj_write(MyFLU, Epoch2, private, Proj2b),
{Proj2, Extra, S3#ch_mgr{proj=Proj2b}};
{needs_work, FLUsRs, Extra, S3} ->
if not ReadRepairP ->
{not_unanimous, [{results, FLUsRs}|Extra], S3};
true ->
{_Status, S4} = do_read_repair(FLUsRs, Extra, S3),
{not_unanimous, Extra, S4}
{unanimous, Proj2, Extra, S3#ch_mgr{proj=Proj2b}}
cl_read_latest_public_projection(#ch_mgr{proj=Proj}=S) ->
#projection{all_members=All_list} = Proj,
cl_read_latest_public_projection(#ch_mgr{proj=CurrentProj}=S) ->
#projection{all_members=All_list} = CurrentProj,
{_UpNodes, Partitions, S2} = calc_up_nodes(S),
DoIt = fun(X) ->
case machi_flu0:proj_read_latest(X, public) of
@ -270,13 +273,19 @@ cl_read_latest_public_projection(#ch_mgr{proj=Proj}=S) ->
Rs = [perhaps_call_t(S, Partitions, FLU, fun() -> DoIt(FLU) end) ||
FLU <- All_list],
FLUsRs = lists:zip(All_list, Rs),
case lists:usort(Rs) of
[P] when is_record(P, projection) ->
U_FLUs = [FLU || {FLU, Projx} <- FLUsRs, Projx == P],
UnwrittenP = ([x || error_unwritten <- Rs] == []),
Ps = [Proj || {_FLU, Proj} <- FLUsRs, is_record(Proj, projection)],
if UnwrittenP ->
{needs_repair, FLUsRs, [flarfus], S2};
true ->
[{_Rank, BestProj}|Rest] = rank_and_sort_projections(
Ps, CurrentProj),
UnanimousTag = if Rest == [] -> unanimous;
true -> not_unanimous
Extra = [{all_members_replied, length(Rs) == length(All_list)}],
{unanimous, P, [{unanimous_flus,U_FLUs}|Extra], S2};
_ ->
{needs_work, FLUsRs, [flarfus], S2} % todo?
Best_FLUs = [FLU || {FLU, Projx} <- FLUsRs, Projx == BestProj],
{UnanimousTag, BestProj, [{best_flus,Best_FLUs}|Extra], S2}
%% 1. Do the results contain a projection?
@ -291,17 +300,20 @@ cl_read_latest_public_projection(#ch_mgr{proj=Proj}=S) ->
%% repeat do_cl_read_latest_public_projection() ??
do_read_repair(FLUsRs, _Extra, #ch_mgr{proj=CurrentProj} = S) ->
Unwrittens = [x || {_FLU, error_unwritten} <- FLUsRs],
Ps = [Proj || {_FLU, Proj} <- FLUsRs, is_record(Proj, projection)],
if Ps == [] ->
if Unwrittens == [] orelse Ps == [] ->
{nothing_to_do, S};
true ->
%% We have at least one unwritten and also at least one proj.
%% Pick the best one, then spam it everywhere.
[{_Rank, BestProj}|_] = rank_and_sort_projections(Ps, CurrentProj),
Epoch = BestProj#projection.epoch_number,
%% We're doing repair, so use the flavor that will skip an
%% error on the local FLU, which if it happens is almost
%% certainly error_written ... that or any other error on
%% the local projection store should not interfere with
%% attempting to write the other projection stores.
%% We're doing repair, so use the flavor that will
%% continue to all others even if there is an
%% error_written on the local FLU.
{_DontCare, _S2}=Res = cl_write_public_proj_skip_local_error(
Epoch, BestProj, S),
@ -592,13 +604,13 @@ nonunanimous_read_setup_test() ->
ok = machi_flu0:proj_write(FLUb, P1Epoch, public, P1b),
{not_unanimous, _}=_XX = test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, false),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_XX = test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, false),
{not_unanimous, _}=_YY = test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, true),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_YY = test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, true),
%% The read repair here doesn't automatically trigger the creation of
%% a new projection (to try to create a unanimous projection). So
%% we expect nothing to change when called again.
{not_unanimous, _}=_YY = test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, true),
{not_unanimous,_,_}=_YY = test_read_latest_public_projection(Ma, true),