WIP: bugfix for rare flapping infinite loop (done^2 fix I hope)

How can even computer?

So, there's a flavor of the flapping infinite loop problem that
can happen without flapping being detected (by the existing
flapping detector, that is).  That detector relies on a series of
accepted projections to converge to a single projection repeated
X times.  However, it's possible to have a race with a simulated
repair "finishing" that causes a problem so that no more
projections are ever accepted.  Oops.

See also: new comments in do_react_to_env().
This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-07-19 00:43:10 +09:00
parent 57b7122035
commit b8c642aaa7

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
flaps=0 :: integer(),
flap_start = ?NOT_FLAPPING_START
:: {{'epk', integer()}, erlang:timestamp()},
flap_not_sanes :: orddict:orddict(),
not_sanes :: orddict:orddict(),
repair_worker :: 'undefined' | pid(),
repair_start :: 'undefined' | erlang:timestamp(),
repair_final_status :: 'undefined' | term(),
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ init({MyName, InitMembersDict, MgrOpts}) ->
flap_limit=length(All_list) + 50,
{_, S2} = do_set_chain_members_dict(MembersDict, S),
@ -805,8 +805,46 @@ do_react_to_env(#ch_mgr{name=MyName,
S2#ch_mgr{proj=NewProj, members_dict=NewMembersDict}}
do_react_to_env(S) ->
%% The not_sanes manager counting dictionary is not strictly
%% limited to flapping scenarios. (Though the mechanism first
%% started as a way to deal with rare flapping scenarios.)
%% I believe that the problem cannot happen in real life, but it can
%% happen in simulated environments, especially if the simulation for
%% repair can be approximately infinitely fast.
%% For example:
%% P_current: epoch=1135, UPI=[b,e,a], Repairing=[c,d], author=e
%% Now a partition happens, a & b are on an island, c & d & e on
%% the other island.
%% P_newprop: epoch=1136, UPI=[e,c], Repairing=[d], author=e
%% Why does e think that this is feasible? Well, the old UPI was
%% [b,e,a], and we know that a & b are partitioned away from e.
%% Therefore e chooses the best UPI, [e]. However, the simulator
%% now also says, hey, there are nodes in the repairing list, so
%% let's simulate a repair ... and the repair goes infinitely
%% quickly ...and the epoch is stable during the repair period
%% (i.e., both e/repairer and c/repairee remained in the same
%% epoch 1135) ... so e decides that the simulated repair is
%% "finished" and it's time to add the repairee to the tail of the
%% UPI ... so that's why 1136's UPI=[e,c].
%% I'll try to add a condition to the simulated repair to try to
%% make slightly fewer assumptions in a row. However, I believe
%% it's a good idea to keep this too-many-not_sane-transition-
%% attempts counter very generic (i.e., not specific for flapping
%% as it once was).
%% The not_sanes counter dict should be reset each time we start
%% an iteration. One could argue that state only for a single
%% iteration shouldn't go in #ch_mgr but should be a separate arg
%% threaded through each of the FSM funcs.
%% TODO possible refactoring task?
put(react, []),
react_to_env_A10(S) ->
@ -986,7 +1024,7 @@ react_to_env_A30(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, _ReadExtra,
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{inner_summary,
%% Adjust the outer projection's #flap_i info.
?V("~w,", [{'YOYO',MyName,NewEpoch}]),
?V("~w,", [{'FLAP',MyName,NewEpoch}]),
#projection_v1{flap=OldFlap} = P_newprop3,
NewFlap = OldFlap#flap_i{flapping_me=true},
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [flap_continue,
@ -1360,7 +1398,7 @@ react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
react_to_env_C100(P_newprop, #projection_v1{author_server=Author_latest,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current,
flap_not_sanes=NotSanesDict0}=S) ->
not_sanes=NotSanesDict0}=S) ->
Sane = projection_transition_is_sane(P_current, P_latest, MyName),
@ -1382,18 +1420,16 @@ react_to_env_C100(P_newprop, #projection_v1{author_server=Author_latest,
_ when P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number == 0 ->
%% Epoch == 0 is reserved for first-time, just booting conditions.
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [first_write]}),
if Sane == true -> ok; true -> ?V("insane-~w-~w@~w,", [MyName, P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number, ?LINE]) end, %%% DELME!!!
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, S);
true ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [sane]}),
if Sane == true -> ok; true -> ?V("insane-~w-~w@~w,", [MyName, P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number, ?LINE]) end, %%% DELME!!!
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, S);
%% 20150715: I've seen this loop happen with {expected_author2,X}
%% where nobody agrees, weird.
false when is_record(Flap_latest, flap_i) andalso
Flap_latest#flap_i.flapping_me == true ->
_ ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE}),
?V("\n\n1YOYO ~w breaking the cycle of ~p\n", [MyName, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)]),
%% This is a fun case. We had just enough asymmetric partition
%% to cause the chain to fragment into two *incompatible* and
%% *overlapping membership* chains, but the chain fragmentation
@ -1435,62 +1471,30 @@ react_to_env_C100(P_newprop, #projection_v1{author_server=Author_latest,
%% So, we're going to keep track in #ch_mgr state for the number
%% of times that this insane judgement has happened.
%% See also: comment in do_react_to_env() about
%% non-flapping-scenario that can also cause us to want to
%% collapse to the none_projection to break a
%% livelock/infinite loop.
react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, MyName,
P_newprop, P_latest, S);
{expected_author2,_}=_ExpectedErr when
is_record(Flap_latest, flap_i) andalso
Flap_latest#flap_i.flapping_me == true ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE}),
react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, MyName,
P_newprop, P_latest, S);
{expected_author2,_ExpectedAuthor2}=_ExpectedErr ->
case get(perhaps_reset_loop) of
undefined ->
put(perhaps_reset_loop, 1),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [not_sane, get(why2), _ExpectedErr]}),
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
%% Ha, yes, this is possible. For example:
%% outer: author=e,upi=[b,a,d],repair=[c,e]
%% inner: author=e,upi=[b,e], repair=[]
%% In this case, the transition from inner to outer by A30
%% has chosen the wrong author. We have two choices.
%% 1. Accept this transition, because it really was the
%% safe & transition-approved UPI+repeairing that we
%% were using while we were flapping. I'm 99% certain
%% that this is safe. TODO: Verify
%% 2. I'm not yet 100% certain that #1 is safe, so instead
%% we fall back to the one thing that we know is safe:
%% the 'none' projection, which lets the chain rebuild
%% itself normally during future iterations.
?REACT({c100, ?LINE}),
react_to_env_C103(P_latest, S);
X ->
put(perhaps_reset_loop, X+1),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [not_sane, get(why2), _ExpectedErr]}),
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S)
_AnyOtherReturnValue ->
%% P_latest is not sane.
%% By process of elimination, P_newprop is best,
%% so let's write it.
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [not_sane, get(why2), _AnyOtherReturnValue]}),
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S)
P_newprop, P_latest, S)
react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, MyName,
P_newprop, P_latest, S) ->
NotSanesDict = orddict:update_counter(Author_latest, 1, NotSanesDict0),
S2 = S#ch_mgr{flap_not_sanes=NotSanesDict},
S2 = S#ch_mgr{not_sanes=NotSanesDict},
case orddict:fetch(Author_latest, NotSanesDict) of
?V("\n\nYOYO ~w breaking the cycle of ~p\n", [MyName, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)]),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{not_sanes_author_count, N}]}),
react_to_env_C103(P_latest, S2);
N ->
?V("YOYO,~w,~w,~w,",[MyName, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number,N]),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{not_sanes_author_count, N}]}),
%% P_latest is not sane.
%% By process of elimination, P_newprop is best,
%% so let's write it.
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S2)
@ -1507,8 +1511,7 @@ react_to_env_C103(#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch_latest,
P_none = machi_projection:update_checksum(P_none1),
%% Use it, darn it, because it's 100% safe. And exit flapping state.
react_to_env_C100(P_none, P_none, S#ch_mgr{flaps=0,
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, #ch_mgr{name=MyName} = S) ->
@ -1632,8 +1635,7 @@ react_to_env_C310(P_newprop, S) ->
calculate_flaps(P_newprop, _P_current, _FlapLimit,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj_history=H, flap_start=FlapStart,
flaps=Flaps, flap_not_sanes=NotSanesDict0,
runenv=RunEnv1}=S) ->
flaps=Flaps, runenv=RunEnv1}=S) ->
HistoryPs = queue:to_list(H),
Ps = HistoryPs ++ [P_newprop],
UniqueProposalSummaries = lists:usort([{P#projection_v1.upi,
@ -1695,7 +1697,6 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, _P_current, _FlapLimit,
true ->
NewFlapStart = FlapStart
NotSanesDict = NotSanesDict0,
%% Wow, this behavior is almost spooky.
@ -1725,7 +1726,6 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, _P_current, _FlapLimit,
{_N, _} ->
NewFlaps = 0,
NotSanesDict = orddict:new(),
AllFlapCounts = [],
AllHosed = []
@ -1748,8 +1748,7 @@ calculate_flaps(P_newprop, _P_current, _FlapLimit,
%% It isn't doing what I'd originally intended. Fix it.
S#ch_mgr{flaps=NewFlaps, flap_start=NewFlapStart,
flap_not_sanes=NotSanesDict, runenv=RunEnv1}}.
S#ch_mgr{flaps=NewFlaps, flap_start=NewFlapStart, runenv=RunEnv1}}.
make_flapping_i() ->
make_flapping_i({{epk,-1},?NOT_FLAPPING}, 0, [], [], []).