Fix compiler & dialyzer warnings

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-10-27 12:45:48 +09:00
parent 60364fe0ca
commit bbbd9748f3

View file

@ -310,7 +310,6 @@ handle_call({write, Offset, ClientMeta, Data}, _From,
State = #state{filename = F,
writes = {T, Err},
data_filehandle = FHd,
csum_table = CsumTable}) ->
ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
@ -662,7 +661,9 @@ do_write(FHd, CsumTable, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data) ->
%% @doc Trim both right and left border of chunks to fit in to given
%% range [LeftPos, RightPos]. TODO: write unit tests for this function.
slice_both_side([], _, _) -> [];
%% Dialyzer 'can never match': slice_both_side([], _, _) ->
%% [];
slice_both_side([{F, Offset, Chunk, _Csum}|L], LeftPos, RightPos)
when Offset < LeftPos andalso LeftPos < RightPos ->
TrashLen = 8 * (LeftPos - Offset),