Add read_approx() to the PULSE model, only 5% correctness checks done

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2014-02-18 18:15:49 +09:00
parent 572d1803d0
commit c14e1facf4

View file

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> ?QC_FMT(Str, Args) end, P)).
-define(MAX_PAGES, 50000).
-record(run, {
seq, % Sequencer
proj, % Projection
@ -76,6 +78,10 @@ gen_sequencer() ->
frequency([{100, standard},
{50, {gen_seed(), gen_sequencer_percent(), choose(1, 2)}}]).
gen_approx_page() ->
%% EQC can't know what pages are perhaps-written, so pick something big.
?LET(I, largeint(), abs(I)).
command(#state{run=Run} = S) ->
?LET({NumChains, ChainLen, PageSize},
{parameter(num_chains), parameter(chain_len), parameter(page_size)},
@ -84,6 +90,8 @@ command(#state{run=Run} = S) ->
|| not S#state.is_setup] ++
[{10, {call, ?MODULE, append, [Run, gen_page(PageSize)]}}
|| S#state.is_setup] ++
[{10, {call, ?MODULE, read_approx, [Run, gen_approx_page()]}}
|| S#state.is_setup] ++
%% Precondition, checked before a command is added to the command sequence.
@ -101,6 +109,8 @@ next_state(S, Res, {call, _, setup, [NumChains, ChainLen, PageSize, _SeqType]})
next_state(S, _, {call, _, append, _}) ->
next_state(S, _, {call, _, read_approx, _}) ->
eqeq(X, X) -> true;
@ -111,7 +121,14 @@ postcondition(_S, {call, _, setup, _}, #run{} = _V) ->
postcondition(_S, {call, _, append, _}, {ok, LPN}) when is_integer(LPN) ->
postcondition(_S, {call, _, append, _}, V) ->
eqeq(V, todoTODO_fixit).
eqeq(V, todoTODO_fixit);
postcondition(_S, {call, _, read_approx, _}, V) ->
case V of
{ok, Pg} when is_binary(Pg) -> true;
error_unwritten -> true;
error_trimmed -> true;
_ -> eqeq(V, todoTODO_fixit)
run_commands_on_node(_LocalOrSlave, Cmds, Seed) ->
%% AfterTime = if LocalOrSlave == local -> 50000;
@ -270,11 +287,10 @@ check_trace(Trace0, _Cmds, _Seed) ->
%% StartMod contains {m_start, LPN, V} when a modification finished.
%% DoneMod contains {m_end, LPN, V} when a modification finished.
%% This is a clever trick: Mods contains the start & end timestamp
%% for each modification. Use shift() by 1 usec to move all timestamps
%% backward 1 usec, then subtract away the original time range to leave
%% a 1 usec relation in time, then map() to convert it to a {m_end,...}.
%% forward/backward 1 usec, then subtract away the original time range to
%% leave a 1 usec relation in time.
DoneMod = eqc_temporal:map(
fun({lpn, LPN, Pg, _Pid}) -> {m_end, LPN, Pg} end,
eqc_temporal:subtract(eqc_temporal:shift(1, Mods), Mods)),
@ -427,11 +443,11 @@ make_chains(ChainLen, [H|T], SmallAcc, BigAcc) ->
setup(NumChains, ChainLen, PageSize, SeqType) ->
N = NumChains * ChainLen,
FLUs = corfurl_test:setup_basic_flus(N, PageSize, 50000),
FLUs = corfurl_test:setup_basic_flus(N, PageSize, ?MAX_PAGES),
{ok, Seq} = corfurl_sequencer:start_link(FLUs, SeqType),
Chains = make_chains(ChainLen, FLUs),
%% io:format(user, "Cs = ~p\n", [Chains]),
Proj = corfurl:new_simple_projection(1, 1, 50000, Chains),
Proj = corfurl:new_simple_projection(1, 1, ?MAX_PAGES, Chains),
#run{seq=Seq, proj=Proj, flus=FLUs}.
range_ify([]) ->
@ -455,14 +471,14 @@ range_ify(Beginning, Next, []) ->
append(#run{seq=Seq,proj=Proj}, Page) ->
append(#run{seq=Seq, proj=Proj}, Page) ->
?LOG({append, Page},
corfurl:append_page(Seq, Proj, Page)).
-else. % TEST_TRIP_no_append_duplicates
%% If the appended LPN > 3, just lie and say that it was 3.
append(#run{seq=Seq,proj=Proj}, Page) ->
append(#run{seq=Seq, proj=Proj}, Page) ->
?LOG({append, Page},
case corfurl:append_page(Seq, Proj, Page) of
@ -474,6 +490,13 @@ append(#run{seq=Seq,proj=Proj}, Page) ->
-endif. % TEST_TRIP_no_append_duplicates
read_approx(#run{seq=Seq, proj=Proj}, SeedInt) ->
Max = corfurl_sequencer:get(Seq, 0),
%% The sequencer may be lying to us, shouganai.
LPN = (SeedInt rem Max) + 1,
?LOG({read, LPN},
corfurl:read_page(Proj, LPN)).
-endif. % PULSE
-endif. % TEST