WIP: 'Run' AST thingie ha, take that, wheel!

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-12-10 22:53:17 +09:00
parent 9cec53eea6
commit c37f23d97a
2 changed files with 180 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -620,31 +620,173 @@ delete_chain_config(Name, File, S) ->
check_ast_tuple_syntax(Ts) ->
lists:partition(fun check_a_ast_tuple/1, Ts).
lists:partition(fun check_an_ast_tuple/1, Ts).
check_a_ast_tuple({host, Name, Props}) ->
check_an_ast_tuple({host, Name, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso is_proplisty(Props) andalso
lists:all(fun({admin_interface, X}) -> is_stringy(X);
({client_interface, X}) -> is_stringy(X);
(_) -> false
end, Props);
check_a_ast_tuple({flu, Name, HostName, Port, Props}) ->
check_an_ast_tuple({host, Name, AdminI, ClientI, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso
is_stringy(AdminI) andalso is_stringy(ClientI) andalso
is_proplisty(Props) andalso
lists:all(fun({admin_interface, X}) -> is_stringy(X);
({client_interface, X}) -> is_stringy(X);
(_) -> false
end, Props);
check_an_ast_tuple({flu, Name, HostName, Port, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso is_stringy(HostName) andalso
is_porty(Port) andalso is_proplisty(Props);
check_a_ast_tuple({chain, Name, AddList, RemoveList, Props}) ->
check_an_ast_tuple({chain, Name, AddList, RemoveList, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, AddList) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, RemoveList) andalso
check_a_ast_tuple(_) ->
check_an_ast_tuple({chain, Name, CMode, AddList, Add_Witnesses,
RemoveList, Remove_Witnesses, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso
(CMode == ap_mode orelse CMode == cp_mode) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, AddList) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, Add_Witnesses) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, RemoveList) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, Remove_Witnesses) andalso
check_an_ast_tuple(switch_old_and_new) ->
check_an_ast_tuple(_) ->
%% Prerequisite: all tuples are approved by check_ast_tuple_syntax().
normalize_ast_tuple_syntax(Ts) ->
lists:map(fun normalize_an_ast_tuple/1, Ts).
normalize_an_ast_tuple({host, Name, Props}) ->
AdminI = proplists:get_value(admin_interface, Props, Name),
ClientI = proplists:get_value(client_interface, Props, Name),
Props2 = lists:keydelete(admin_interface, 1,
lists:keydelete(client_interface, 1, Props)),
{host, Name, AdminI, ClientI, n(Props2)};
normalize_an_ast_tuple({host, Name, AdminI, ClientI, Props}) ->
Props2 = lists:keydelete(admin_interface, 1,
lists:keydelete(client_interface, 1, Props)),
{host, Name, AdminI, ClientI, n(Props2)};
normalize_an_ast_tuple({flu, Name, HostName, Port, Props}) ->
{flu, Name, HostName, Port, n(Props)};
normalize_an_ast_tuple({chain, Name, AddList, RemoveList, Props}) ->
{chain, Name, ap_mode, n(AddList), [], n(RemoveList), [], n(Props)};
normalize_an_ast_tuple({chain, Name, CMode, AddList, Add_Witnesses,
RemoveList, Remove_Witnesses, Props}) ->
{chain, Name, CMode, n(AddList), n(Add_Witnesses),
n(RemoveList), n(Remove_Witnesses), n(Props)};
normalize_an_ast_tuple(A=switch_old_and_new) ->
run_ast(Ts) ->
{_, []} = check_ast_tuple_syntax(Ts),
Ts2 = normalize_ast_tuple_syntax(Ts),
Env1 = make_ast_run_env(),
Env2 = lists:foldl(fun run_ast_cmd/2, Env1, Ts2),
{ok, Env2}
catch throw:DbgStuff ->
{error, DbgStuff}
run_ast_cmd({host, Name, _AdminI, _ClientI, _Props}=T, E) ->
Key = {kv, {host, Name}},
case d_find(Key, E) of
error ->
d_store(Key, T, E);
{ok, _} ->
err("Duplicate host definition ~p: ~p", [Name], T)
run_ast_cmd({flu, Name, HostName, Port, _Props}=T, E) ->
Key = {kv, {flu, Name}},
HostExists_p = env_host_exists(HostName, E),
case d_find(Key, E) of
error when HostExists_p ->
case host_port_is_assigned(HostName, Port, E) of
false ->
d_store(Key, T, E);
{true, UsedBy} ->
err("Host ~p port ~p already in use by FLU ~p",
[HostName, Port, UsedBy], T)
error ->
err("Unknown host ~p", [HostName], T);
{ok, _} ->
err("Duplicate flu ~p", [Name], T)
run_ast_cmd(switch_old_and_new, E) ->
run_ast_cmd(Unknown, _E) ->
err("Unknown AST thingie", [], Unknown).
make_ast_run_env() ->
{_KV_old=dict:new(), _KV_new=dict:new(), _IsNew=false}.
env_host_exists(HostName, E) ->
Key = {kv, {host, HostName}},
case d_find(Key, E) of
error ->
{ok, _} ->
host_port_is_assigned(HostName, Port, {KV_old, KV_new, _}) ->
L = dict:to_list(KV_old) ++ dict:to_list(KV_new),
FLU_Ts = [V || {{kv, {flu, _}}, V} <- L],
case [V || {flu, _Nm, Host_, Port_, _Ps}=V <- FLU_Ts,
Host_ == HostName, Port_ == Port] of
[{flu, Name, _Host, _Port, _Ps}] ->
{true, Name};
[] ->
d_find(Key, {KV_old, KV_new, IsNew}) ->
case dict:find(Key, KV_new) of
{ok, Val} when IsNew ->
_ ->
dict:find(Key, KV_old)
d_store(Key, Val, {KV_old, KV_new, false}) ->
{dict:store(Key, Val, KV_old), KV_new, false};
d_store(Key, Val, {KV_old, KV_new, true}) ->
{KV_old, dict:store(Key, Val, KV_new), true}.
switch_env_dict({KV_old, KV_new, false}) ->
{KV_old, KV_new, true};
switch_env_dict({_, _, true}) ->
A = switch_old_and_new,
err("Duplicate ~p", [A], A).
n(L) ->
err(Fmt, Args, AST) ->
throw({lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)), AST}).
%% We won't allow 'atom' style proplist members: too difficult to normalize.
%% Also, no duplicates, again because normalizing useful for checksums but
%% bad for order-based traditional proplists (first key wins).
is_proplisty(Props) ->
is_list(Props) andalso
lists:all(fun({_,_}) -> true;
(X) when is_atom(X) -> true;
%% nope: (X) when is_atom(X) -> true;
(_) -> false
end, Props).
end, Props) andalso
Ks = [K || {K,_V} <- Props],
lists:sort(Ks) == lists:usort(Ks)
is_stringy(L) ->
is_list(L) andalso

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ smoke_test2() ->
{platform_etc_dir, Dir ++ "/etc"},
{not_used_pending, Dir ++ "/etc/pending"}
EnvKeys = [K || {K, V} <- Envs],
EnvKeys = [K || {K,_V} <- Envs],
undefined = application:get_env(machi, yo),
Cleanup = machi_flu1_test:get_env_vars(machi, EnvKeys ++ [yo]),
@ -153,12 +153,19 @@ make_pending_config(Term) ->
ast_tuple_syntax_test() ->
T = fun(L) -> machi_lifecycle_mgr:check_ast_tuple_syntax(L) end,
{_Good,[]=_Bad} =
T([ {host, "localhost", []},
{host, "localhost", [{client_interface, ""},
{admin_interface, ""}]},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, []},
{chain, "cy", ["fx", "fy"], ["fz"], [foo,{bar,baz}]} ]),
Canon1 = [ {host, "localhost", []},
{host, "localhost", [{client_interface, ""},
{admin_interface, ""}]},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, []},
{chain, "cy", ["fx", "fy"], ["fz"], [{foo,"yay"},{bar,baz}]} ],
{_Good,[]=_Bad} = T(Canon1),
Canon1_norm = machi_lifecycle_mgr:normalize_ast_tuple_syntax(Canon1),
true = (length(Canon1) == length(Canon1_norm)),
{Canon1_norm_b, []} = T(Canon1_norm),
true = (length(Canon1_norm) == length(Canon1_norm_b)),
{[],[_,_,_,_]} =
T([ {host, 'localhost', []},
{host, 'localhost', yo},
@ -172,10 +179,25 @@ ast_tuple_syntax_test() ->
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 40009999, []},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, gack},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, [22]} ]),
{[],[_,_]} =
{[],[_,_,_]} =
T([ {chain, 'cy', ["fx", "fy"], ["fz"], [foo,{bar,baz}]},
{chain, "cy", ["fx", 27], ["fz"], oops,arity,way,way,way,too,big,x}
ast_run_test() ->
PortBase = 20300,
R1 = [
{host, "localhost", "localhost", "localhost", []},
{flu, "f1", "localhost", PortBase+0, []},
{flu, "f2", "localhost", PortBase+1, []}
{ok, X1} = machi_lifecycle_mgr:run_ast(R1),
Y1 = {lists:sort(dict:to_list(element(1, X1))),
lists:sort(dict:to_list(element(2, X1))),
element(3, X1)},
io:format(user, "\nY1 ~p\n", [Y1]).
-endif. % !PULSE
-endif. % TEST