WIP: chain mgmt prototype scaffolding 9: before start of next simulator stage

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2014-10-30 17:22:56 +09:00
parent 0a77c09779
commit ca5ddb2cf1

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@ -268,17 +268,16 @@ cl_read_latest_public_projection(#ch_mgr{proj=Proj}=S) ->
Rs = [perhaps_call_t(S, Partitions, FLU, fun() -> DoIt(FLU) end) ||
FLU <- All_list],
FLUsRs = lists:zip(All_list, Rs),
case lists:usort(Rs) of
[P] when is_record(P, projection) ->
Extra = [{all_replied, length(Rs) == length(All_list)}],
{unanimous, P, [{unanimous,true}|Extra], S2};
U_FLUs = [FLU || {FLU, Projx} <- FLUsRs, Projx == P],
Extra = [{all_members_replied, length(Rs) == length(All_list)}],
{unanimous, P, [{unanimous_flus,U_FLUs}|Extra], S2};
_ ->
FLUsRs = lists:zip(All_list, Rs),
{needs_work, FLUsRs, [flarfus], S2} % todo?
% {_Status, S4} = do_read_repair(FLUsRs, Extra, S3),
%% 1. Do the results contain a projection?
%% perhaps figure that in cl_read_latest_public_projection()?
%% 2. Were there any error_unwritten?
@ -538,6 +537,9 @@ smoke0_test() ->
pong = ping(M0),
%% If/when calculate_projection_internal_old() disappears, then
%% get rid of the comprehension below ... start/ping/stop is
%% good enough for smoke0.
Proj = ?MGR:calculate_projection_internal_old(M0),
io:format(user, "~w\n", [?MGR:make_projection_summary(Proj)])