WIP: remove repair_always_done option, it was flawed

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-06-03 15:26:22 +09:00
parent 87417d2872
commit d3df2bd31d
2 changed files with 31 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -578,7 +578,6 @@ calc_projection(_OldThreshold, _NoPartitionThreshold, LastProj,
Repairing_list2 = [X || X <- OldRepairing_list, lists:member(X, Up)],
Simulator_p = proplists:get_value(use_partition_simulator, RunEnv2, false),
Repair_done_p = proplists:get_value(repair_always_done, RunEnv2, false),
{NewUPI_list3, Repairing_list3, RunEnv3} =
case {NewUp, Repairing_list2} of
{[], []} ->
@ -595,7 +594,7 @@ calc_projection(_OldThreshold, _NoPartitionThreshold, LastProj,
SameEpoch_p = check_latest_private_projections_same_epoch(
tl(NewUPI_list) ++ Repairing_list2,
S#ch_mgr.proj, Partitions, S),
if Simulator_p andalso (SameEpoch_p orelse Repair_done_p) ->
if Simulator_p andalso SameEpoch_p ->
D_foo=[{repair_airquote_done, {we_agree, (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number}}],
{NewUPI_list ++ [H], T, RunEnv2};
not Simulator_p
@ -1331,6 +1330,9 @@ react_to_env_C100(P_newprop, P_latest,
%% am/should be repairing. We ignore our proposal and try
%% to go with the latest.
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [repairing_short_circuit]}),
%% io:format(user, "C100 shortcut true: E ~w -> E ~w sane ~w\n", [P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, Current_sane_p]),
%% ZXZX = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("C100 shortcut true: E ~w -> E ~w sane ~w\n", [P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, Current_sane_p])),
%% erlang:display(ZXZX),
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, S);
{_, true} ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [sane]}),
@ -1719,10 +1721,13 @@ projection_transition_is_sane(
MoreCheckingP ->
%% Where did elements in UPI_2_suffix come from?
%% Only two sources are permitted.
Oops_check_UPI_2_suffix =
[lists:member(X, Repairing_list1) % X added after repair done
lists:member(X, UPI_list1) % X in UPI_list1 after common pref
|| X <- UPI_2_suffix],
%% Grrrrr, ok, so this check isn't good, at least at bootstrap time.
%% TODO: false = lists:member(false, Oops_check_UPI_2_suffix),
%% The UPI_2_suffix must exactly be equal to: ordered items from
%% UPI_list1 concat'ed with ordered items from Repairing_list1.
@ -1793,13 +1798,21 @@ projection_transition_is_sane(
%% normal projection to an inner one. The old
%% normal has a UPI that has nothing to do with
%% RelativeToServer a.k.a. me.
%% Or else the UPI_list1 is empty, and I'm
%% the only member of UPI_list2
%% But the new/suffix is definitely me.
%% from:
%% {epoch,847},{author,c},{upi,[c]},{repair,[]},
%% {down,[a,b,d]}
%% to:
%% {epoch,848},{author,a},{upi,[a]},{repair,[]},
%% {down,[b,c,d]}
FirstCase_p = UPI_2_suffix == [AuthorServer2],
FirstCase_p = (UPI_2_suffix == [AuthorServer2])
((inner_projection_exists(P1) == false
inner_projection_exists(P2) == true)
orelse UPI_list1 == []),
%% Here's another case that's alright:

View file

@ -126,23 +126,23 @@ setup(Num, Seed) ->
All_listE = lists:sublist(all_list_extra(), Num),
%% shutdown_hard() has taken care of killing all relevant procs.
[machi_flu1_test:clean_up_data_dir(Dir) || {_P, Dir} <- All_listE],
?QC_FMT(",z~w", [?LINE]),
%% Start partition simulator
{ok, PSimPid} = machi_partition_simulator:start_link(Seed, 0, 100),
_Partitions = machi_partition_simulator:get(All_list),
?QC_FMT(",z~w", [?LINE]),
%% Start FLUs and their associated procs
{ok, SupPid} = machi_flu_sup:start_link(),
FluOpts = [{use_partition_simulator, true}, {active_mode, false},
%% TODO: Move repair_always_done to ETS table and reset
%% after setup?
{repair_always_done, true}],
FluOpts = [{use_partition_simulator, true}, {active_mode, false}],
#p_srvr{name=Name, port=Port} = P,
{ok, _} = machi_flu_psup:start_flu_package(Name, Port, Dir, FluOpts)
end || {P, Dir} <- All_listE],
%% Set up the chain
Dict = orddict:from_list([{P#p_srvr.name, P} || {P, _Dir} <- All_listE]),
?QC_FMT(",z~w", [?LINE]),
[machi_chain_manager1:set_chain_members(get_chmgr(P), Dict) ||
{P, _Dir} <- All_listE],
%% Trigger some environment reactions for humming consensus: first
@ -151,17 +151,11 @@ setup(Num, Seed) ->
_QQa = machi_chain_manager1:test_react_to_env(get_chmgr(P))
end || {P, _Dir} <- All_listE, _I <- lists:seq(1,20), _Repeat <- [1,2]],
?QC_FMT(",z~w", [?LINE]),
_QQa = machi_chain_manager1:test_react_to_env(get_chmgr(P))
end || _I <- lists:seq(1,20), {P, _Dir} <- All_listE, _Repeat <- [1,2]],
%% %% All chain managers & projection stores should be using the
%% %% same projection which is max projection in each store.
%% ChMgrs = [get_chmgr(P) || {P, _Dir} <- All_listE],
%% {no_change,_,Epoch_m} = machi_chain_manager1:test_react_to_env(
%% hd(ChMgrs)),
%% [{Epoch_m,{no_change,_,Epoch_m}} =
%% {Epoch_m, machi_chain_manager1:test_react_to_env(
%% ChMgr)} || ChMgr <- ChMgrs],
?QC_FMT(",z~w", [?LINE]),
ProxiesDict = ?FLU_PC:start_proxies(Dict),
@ -356,6 +350,7 @@ prop_pulse() ->
?QC_FMT("Report = ~p\n", [Report]),
?QC_FMT("Sane = ~p\n", [Sane]),
?QC_FMT("SingleChainNoRepair failure =\n ~p\n", [SingleChainNoRepair])
conjunction([{res, Res == true orelse Res == ok},
{all_disjoint, AllDisjointP},
@ -381,10 +376,12 @@ prop_pulse_test_() ->
shutdown_hard() ->
?QC_FMT("shutdown(", []),
(catch unlink(whereis(machi_partition_simulator))),
Pid = whereis(X),
(catch X:stop()), timer:sleep(1),
spawn(fun() -> (catch X:stop()) end),
(catch unlink(Pid)),
(catch exit(Pid, shutdown)),
@ -392,8 +389,7 @@ shutdown_hard() ->
(catch exit(Pid, kill))
end || X <- [machi_partition_simulator, machi_flu_sup] ],
(catch machi_partition_simulator:stop()),
?QC_FMT(")", []),
exec_ticks(Num, All_listE) ->