Add admin down status API to fitness server

This commit is contained in:
Scott Lystig Fritchie 2015-09-10 17:30:11 +09:00
parent c14b9ce50f
commit d45c249e89
3 changed files with 40 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ Map key: ObservingServerName::atom()
Map val: { ObservingServerLastModTime::now(),
Props::proplist() }
Implementation sketch:

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
%% API
get_unfit_list/1, update_local_down_list/3,
add_admin_down/3, delete_admin_down/2,
%% gen_server callbacks
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
my_flu_name :: atom() | binary(),
reg_name :: atom(),
local_down=[] :: list(),
admin_down=[] :: list({term(),term()}),
members_dict=orddict:new() :: orddict:orddict(),
active_unfit=[] :: list(),
pending_map=?MAP:new() :: ?MAP:riak_dt_map()
@ -61,6 +63,14 @@ update_local_down_list(PidSpec, Down, MembersDict) ->
gen_server:call(PidSpec, {update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict},
add_admin_down(PidSpec, DownFLU, DownProps) ->
gen_server:call(PidSpec, {add_admin_down, DownFLU, DownProps},
delete_admin_down(PidSpec, DownFLU) ->
gen_server:call(PidSpec, {delete_admin_down, DownFLU},
send_fitness_update_spam(Pid, FromName, Dict) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {incoming_spam, FromName, Dict}, infinity).
@ -77,8 +87,10 @@ handle_call({get_unfit_list}, _From, #state{active_unfit=ActiveUnfit}=S) ->
{reply, Reply, S};
handle_call({update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict}, _From,
#state{my_flu_name=MyFluName, pending_map=OldMap,
local_down=OldDown, members_dict=OldMembersDict}=S) ->
NewMap = store_in_map(OldMap, MyFluName, erlang:now(), Down, [props_yo]),
local_down=OldDown, members_dict=OldMembersDict,
admin_down=AdminDown}=S) ->
NewMap = store_in_map(OldMap, MyFluName, erlang:now(), Down,
AdminDown, [props_yo]),
S2 = if Down == OldDown, MembersDict == OldMembersDict ->
%% Do nothing only if both are equal. If members_dict is
%% changing, that's sufficient reason to spam.
@ -87,6 +99,15 @@ handle_call({update_local_down_list, Down, MembersDict}, _From,
do_map_change(NewMap, [MyFluName], MembersDict, S)
{reply, ok, S2#state{local_down=Down}};
handle_call({add_admin_down, DownFLU, DownProps}, _From,
#state{my_flu_name=MyFluName, local_down=Down, admin_down=AdminDown,
pending_map=OldMap, members_dict=MembersDict}=S) ->
NewAdminDown = [{DownFLU,DownProps}|lists:keydelete(DownFLU, 1, AdminDown)],
NewMap = store_in_map(OldMap, MyFluName, erlang:now(), Down,
NewAdminDown, [props_yo]),
S2 = S#state{admin_down=NewAdminDown},
S3 = do_map_change(NewMap, [MyFluName], MembersDict, S2),
{reply, ok, S3};
handle_call({incoming_spam, Author, Dict}, _From, S) ->
{Res, S2} = do_incoming_spam(Author, Dict, S),
{reply, Res, S2};
@ -161,22 +182,26 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, S, _Extra) ->
make_unfit_list(#state{members_dict=MembersDict}=S) ->
Now = erlang:now(),
F = fun({Server, {UpdateTime, DownList, _Props}}, Acc) ->
F = fun({Server, {UpdateTime, DownList, AdminDown, _Props}},
{ProblemAcc, AdminAcc}) ->
case timer:now_diff(Now, UpdateTime) div (1000*1000) of
N when N > 900 ->
N when N > 900 -> % TODO make configurable
{ProblemAcc, AdminAcc};
_ ->
Probs = [{Server,problem_with,D} || D <- DownList],
{[Probs|ProblemAcc], AdminDown++AdminAcc}
Problems = (catch lists:flatten(map_fold(F, [], S#state.pending_map))),
{Problems0, AdminDown} = map_fold(F, {[], []}, S#state.pending_map),
Problems = lists:flatten(Problems0),
All_list = [K || {K,_V} <- orddict:to_list(MembersDict)],
Unfit = calc_unfit(All_list, Problems),
lists:usort(Unfit ++ AdminDown).
store_in_map(Map, Name, Now, Down, Props) ->
Val = {Now, Down, Props},
store_in_map(Map, Name, Now, Down, AdminDown, Props) ->
{AdminDownServers, AdminDownProps0} = lists:unzip(AdminDown),
AdminDownProps = lists:append(AdminDownProps0), % flatten one level
Val = {Now, Down, AdminDownServers, Props ++ AdminDownProps},
map_set(Name, Map, Name, Val).
send_spam(NewMap, DontSendList, MembersDict, #state{my_flu_name=MyFluName}) ->
@ -267,7 +292,9 @@ do_map_change(NewMap, DontSendList, MembersDict,
S#state{pending_map=NewMap, members_dict=MembersDict}.
find_changed_servers(OldMap, NewMap, _MyFluName) ->
AddBad = fun({_Who, {_Time, BadList, _Props}}, Acc) -> BadList ++ Acc end,
AddBad = fun({_Who, {_Time, BadList, AdminDown, _Props}}, Acc) ->
BadList ++ AdminDown ++ Acc
OldBad = map_fold(AddBad, [], OldMap),
NewBad = map_fold(AddBad, [], NewMap),
lists:usort((OldBad -- NewBad) ++ (NewBad -- OldBad)).

View file

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ witness_smoke_test2() ->
%% Stop 'b' and let the chain reset.
ok = machi_flu_psup:stop_flu_package(b),
%% ok = machi_fitness:add_admin_down(a_fitness, admin_down_bogus_flu, [{why,because}]),
%% Run ticks enough times to force auto-unwedge of both a & c.
[run_ticks([a_chmgr,c_chmgr]) || _ <- [1,2,3,4] ],