Choose new filename when epoch changes

The filename manager needs to choose a new file name
for a prefix when the epoch number changes. This helps
ensure safety of file merges across the cluster.
(Prevents conflicts across divergent cluster members.)
This commit is contained in:
Mark Allen 2015-10-13 21:09:31 -05:00
parent 161e6cd9f9
commit f8707c61c0

View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
@ -67,10 +67,12 @@
-define(TIMEOUT, 10 * 1000).
-include("machi_projection.hrl"). %% included for pv1_epoch_n type
-record(state, {fluname :: atom(),
tid :: ets:tid(),
datadir :: file:dir()
datadir :: file:dir(),
epoch :: pv1_epoch_n()
%% public API
@ -85,15 +87,17 @@ start_link(FluName, DataDir) when is_atom(FluName) andalso is_list(DataDir) ->
N = make_filename_mgr_name(FluName),
gen_server:start_link({local, N}, ?MODULE, [FluName, DataDir], []).
-spec find_or_make_filename_from_prefix( FluName :: atom(), Prefix :: {prefix, string()} ) ->
-spec find_or_make_filename_from_prefix( FluName :: atom(),
EpochId :: pv1_epoch_n(),
Prefix :: {prefix, string()} ) ->
{file, Filename :: string()} | {error, Reason :: term() } | timeout.
% @doc Find the latest available or make a filename from a prefix. A prefix
% should be in the form of a tagged tuple `{prefix, P}'. Returns a tagged
% tuple in the form of `{file, F}' or an `{error, Reason}'
find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(FluName, {prefix, Prefix}) when is_atom(FluName) ->
find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(FluName, EpochId, {prefix, Prefix}) when is_atom(FluName) ->
N = make_filename_mgr_name(FluName),
gen_server:call(N, {find_filename, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(_FluName, Other) ->
gen_server:call(N, {find_filename, EpochId, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(_FluName, _EpochId, Other) ->
lager:error("~p is not a valid prefix.", [Other]),
@ -121,15 +125,31 @@ list_files_by_prefix(_FluName, Other) ->
%% gen_server API
init([FluName, DataDir]) ->
Tid = ets:new(make_filename_mgr_name(FluName), [named_table, {read_concurrency, true}]),
{ok, #state{ fluname = FluName, datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid }}.
{ok, #state{ fluname = FluName, epoch = 0, datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid }}.
handle_cast(Req, State) ->
lager:warning("Got unknown cast ~p", [Req]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_call({find_filename, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid }) ->
%% Important assumption: by the time we reach here the EpochId is kosher.
%% the FLU has already validated that the caller's epoch id and the FLU's epoch id
%% are the same. So we *assume* that remains the case here - that is to say, we
%% are not wedged.
handle_call({find_filename, EpochId, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir,
epoch = EpochId,
tid = Tid }) ->
%% Our state and the caller's epoch ids are the same. Business as usual.
File = handle_find_file(Tid, Prefix, DataDir),
{reply, {file, File}, S};
handle_call({find_filename, EpochId, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid }) ->
%% If the epoch id in our state and the caller's epoch id were the same, it would've
%% matched the above clause. Since we're here, we know that they are different.
%% If epoch ids between our state and the caller's are different, we must increment the
%% sequence number, generate a filename and then cache it.
File = increment_and_cache_filename(Tid, DataDir, Prefix),
{reply, {file, File}, S#state{epoch = EpochId}};
handle_call({increment_sequence, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir }) ->
ok = machi_util:increment_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix),
{reply, ok, S};
@ -213,6 +233,14 @@ maybe_cleanup(_Tid, _Key, false) ->
maybe_cleanup(Tid, Key, true) ->
true = ets:delete(Tid, Key).
increment_and_cache_filename(Tid, DataDir, Prefix) ->
ok = machi_util:increment_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix),
N = machi_util:read_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix),
F = generate_filename(DataDir, Prefix, N),
true = ets:insert_new(Tid, {{Prefix, N}, F}),