diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5243bad..30f2cd7 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ erl_crash.dump
+# ignore vim swap files
# PB artifacts for Erlang
diff --git a/include/machi.hrl b/include/machi.hrl
index 4421344..ae6c554 100644
--- a/include/machi.hrl
+++ b/include/machi.hrl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
%% -define(DATA_DIR, "/Volumes/SAM1/seq-tests/data").
-define(DATA_DIR, "./data").
-define(MINIMUM_OFFSET, 1024).
+-define(FN_DELIMITER, "^").
%% 0th draft of checksum typing with 1st byte.
-define(CSUM_TAG_NONE, 0). % No csum provided by client
diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config
index bb37270..50b68c9 100644
--- a/rebar.config
+++ b/rebar.config
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{deps, [
{lager, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/basho/lager.git", {tag, "2.0.1"}}},
- {protobuffs, "0.8.*", {git, "git://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs.git", {tag, "0.8.1p4"}}}
+ {protobuffs, "0.8.*", {git, "git://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs.git", {tag, "0.8.1p4"}}},
+ {ranch, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/ninenines/ranch.git", {tag, "1.1.0"}}}
diff --git a/src/machi_file_proxy.erl b/src/machi_file_proxy.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb6b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machi_file_proxy.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc This is a proxy process which mediates access to Machi FLU
+%% controlled files. In particular, it manages the "write-once register"
+%% conceit at the heart of Machi's design.
+%% Read, write and append requests for a single file will be managed
+%% through this proxy. Clients can also request syncs for specific
+%% types of filehandles.
+%% As operations are requested, the proxy keeps track of how many
+%% operations it has performed (and how many errors were generated.)
+%% After a sufficient number of inactivity, the server terminates
+%% itself.
+%% TODO:
+%% 1. Some way to transition the proxy into a wedged state that
+%% doesn't rely on message delivery.
+%% 2. Check max file size on appends. Writes we take on faith we can
+%% and should handle.
+%% 3. Async checksum reads on startup.
+%% public API
+ start_link/2,
+ stop/1,
+ sync/1,
+ sync/2,
+ read/3,
+ write/3,
+ write/4,
+ append/2,
+ append/4
+%% gen_server callbacks
+ init/1,
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3
+-define(TICK, 30*1000). %% XXX FIXME Should be something like 5 seconds
+-define(TICK_THRESHOLD, 5). %% After this + 1 more quiescent ticks, shutdown
+-define(TIMEOUT, 10*1000).
+-define(TOO_MANY_ERRORS_RATIO, 50).
+-type op_stats() :: { Total :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Errors :: non_neg_integer() }.
+-type byte_sequence() :: { Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: pos_integer()|infinity }.
+-record(state, {
+ data_dir :: string() | undefined,
+ filename :: string() | undefined,
+ data_path :: string() | undefined,
+ wedged = false :: boolean(),
+ csum_file :: string()|undefined,
+ csum_path :: string()|undefined,
+ eof_position = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ unwritten_bytes = [] :: [byte_sequence()],
+ data_filehandle :: file:filehandle(),
+ csum_filehandle :: file:filehandle(),
+ tref :: reference(), %% timer ref
+ ticks = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% ticks elapsed with no new operations
+ ops = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% sum of all ops
+ reads = {0, 0} :: op_stats(),
+ writes = {0, 0} :: op_stats(),
+ appends = {0, 0} :: op_stats()
+%% Public API
+% @doc Start a new instance of the file proxy service. Takes the filename
+% and data directory as arguments. This function is typically called by the
+% `machi_file_proxy_sup:start_proxy/2' function.
+-spec start_link(Filename :: string(), DataDir :: string()) -> any().
+start_link(Filename, DataDir) ->
+ gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, {Filename, DataDir}, []).
+% @doc Request to stop an instance of the file proxy service.
+-spec stop(Pid :: pid()) -> ok.
+stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {stop}, ?TIMEOUT).
+% @doc Force a sync of all filehandles
+-spec sync(Pid :: pid()) -> ok|{error, term()}.
+sync(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ sync(Pid, all);
+sync(_Pid) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad pid to sync"),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+% @doc Force a sync of a specific filehandle type. Valid types are `all', `csum' and `data'.
+-spec sync(Pid :: pid(), Type :: all|data|csum) -> ok|{error, term()}.
+sync(Pid, Type) when is_pid(Pid) andalso
+ ( Type =:= all orelse Type =:= csum orelse Type =:= data ) ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {sync, Type}, ?TIMEOUT);
+sync(_Pid, Type) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad arg to sync: Type ~p", [Type]),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+% @doc Read file at offset for length
+-spec read(Pid :: pid(),
+ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Length :: non_neg_integer()) -> {ok, Data :: binary(), Checksum :: binary()} |
+ {error, Reason :: term()}.
+read(Pid, Offset, Length) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_integer(Offset) andalso Offset >= 0
+ andalso is_integer(Length) andalso Length > 0 ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {read, Offset, Length}, ?TIMEOUT);
+read(_Pid, Offset, Length) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad args to read: Offset ~p, Length ~p", [Offset, Length]),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+% @doc Write data at offset
+-spec write(Pid :: pid(), Offset :: non_neg_integer(), Data :: binary()) -> ok|{error, term()}.
+write(Pid, Offset, Data) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_integer(Offset) andalso Offset >= 0
+ andalso is_binary(Data) ->
+ write(Pid, Offset, [], Data);
+write(_Pid, Offset, _Data) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad arg to write: Offset ~p", [Offset]),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+% @doc Write data at offset, including the client metadata. ClientMeta is a proplist
+% that expects the following keys and values:
+% - `client_csum_tag' - the type of checksum from the client as defined in the machi.hrl file
+% - `client_csum' - the checksum value from the client
+-spec write(Pid :: pid(), Offset :: non_neg_integer(), ClientMeta :: proplists:proplist(),
+ Data :: binary()) -> ok|{error, term()}.
+write(Pid, Offset, ClientMeta, Data) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_integer(Offset) andalso Offset >= 0
+ andalso is_list(ClientMeta) andalso is_binary(Data) ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {write, Offset, ClientMeta, Data}, ?TIMEOUT);
+write(_Pid, Offset, ClientMeta, _Data) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad arg to write: Offset ~p, ClientMeta: ~p", [Offset, ClientMeta]),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+% @doc Append data
+-spec append(Pid :: pid(), Data :: binary()) -> {ok, File :: string(), Offset :: non_neg_integer()}
+ |{error, term()}.
+append(Pid, Data) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_binary(Data) ->
+ append(Pid, [], 0, Data);
+append(_Pid, _Data) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad arguments to append/2"),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+% @doc Append data to file, supplying client metadata and (if desired) a
+% reservation for additional space. ClientMeta is a proplist and expects the
+% same keys as write/4.
+-spec append(Pid :: pid(), ClientMeta :: proplists:proplist(),
+ Extra :: non_neg_integer(), Data :: binary()) -> {ok, File :: string(), Offset :: non_neg_integer()}
+ |{error, term()}.
+append(Pid, ClientMeta, Extra, Data) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_list(ClientMeta)
+ andalso is_integer(Extra) andalso Extra >= 0
+ andalso is_binary(Data) ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {append, ClientMeta, Extra, Data}, ?TIMEOUT);
+append(_Pid, ClientMeta, Extra, _Data) ->
+ lager:warning("Bad arg to append: ClientMeta ~p, Extra ~p", [ClientMeta, Extra]),
+ {error, bad_arg}.
+%% gen_server callbacks
+% @private
+init({Filename, DataDir}) ->
+ CsumFile = machi_util:make_checksum_filename(DataDir, Filename),
+ {_, DPath} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, Filename),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CsumFile),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(DPath),
+ UnwrittenBytes = parse_csum_file(CsumFile),
+ {Eof, infinity} = lists:last(UnwrittenBytes),
+ {ok, FHd} = file:open(DPath, [read, write, binary, raw]),
+ {ok, FHc} = file:open(CsumFile, [append, binary, raw]),
+ Tref = schedule_tick(),
+ St = #state{
+ filename = Filename,
+ data_dir = DataDir,
+ data_path = DPath,
+ csum_file = CsumFile,
+ data_filehandle = FHd,
+ csum_filehandle = FHc,
+ tref = Tref,
+ unwritten_bytes = UnwrittenBytes,
+ eof_position = Eof},
+ lager:debug("Starting file proxy ~p for filename ~p, state = ~p",
+ [self(), Filename, St]),
+ {ok, St}.
+% @private
+handle_call({stop}, _From, State) ->
+ lager:debug("Requested to stop."),
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_call({sync, data}, _From, State = #state{ data_filehandle = FHd }) ->
+ R = file:sync(FHd),
+ {reply, R, State};
+handle_call({sync, csum}, _From, State = #state{ csum_filehandle = FHc }) ->
+ R = file:sync(FHc),
+ {reply, R, State};
+handle_call({sync, all}, _From, State = #state{filename = F,
+ data_filehandle = FHd,
+ csum_filehandle = FHc
+ }) ->
+ R = file:sync(FHc),
+ R1 = file:sync(FHd),
+ Resp = case {R, R1} of
+ {ok, ok} -> ok;
+ {ok, O1} ->
+ lager:error("Got ~p during a data file sync on file ~p", [O1, F]),
+ O1;
+ {O2, ok} ->
+ lager:error("Got ~p during a csum file sync on file ~p", [O2, F]),
+ O2;
+ {O3, O4} ->
+ lager:error("Got ~p ~p syncing all files for file ~p", [O3, O4, F]),
+ {O3, O4}
+ end,
+ {reply, Resp, State};
+%%% READS
+handle_call({read, _Offset, _Length}, _From,
+ State = #state{wedged = true,
+ reads = {T, Err}
+ }) ->
+ {reply, {error, wedged}, State#state{writes = {T + 1, Err + 1}}};
+handle_call({read, Offset, Length}, _From,
+ State = #state{eof_position = Eof,
+ reads = {T, Err}
+ }) when Offset + Length > Eof ->
+ lager:error("Read request at offset ~p for ~p bytes is past the last write offset of ~p",
+ [Offset, Length, Eof]),
+ {reply, {error, not_written}, State#state{reads = {T + 1, Err + 1}}};
+handle_call({read, Offset, Length}, _From,
+ State = #state{filename = F,
+ data_filehandle = FH,
+ unwritten_bytes = U,
+ reads = {T, Err}
+ }) ->
+ Checksum = get({Offset, Length}), %% N.B. Maybe be 'undefined'!
+ {Resp, NewErr} = case handle_read(FH, F, Checksum, Offset, Length, U) of
+ {ok, Bytes, Csum} ->
+ {{ok, Bytes, Csum}, Err};
+ eof ->
+ {{error, not_written}, Err + 1};
+ Error ->
+ {Error, Err + 1}
+ end,
+ {reply, Resp, State#state{reads = {T+1, NewErr}}};
+handle_call({write, _Offset, _ClientMeta, _Data}, _From,
+ State = #state{wedged = true,
+ writes = {T, Err}
+ }) ->
+ {reply, {error, wedged}, State#state{writes = {T + 1, Err + 1}}};
+handle_call({write, Offset, ClientMeta, Data}, _From,
+ State = #state{unwritten_bytes = U,
+ filename = F,
+ writes = {T, Err},
+ data_filehandle = FHd,
+ csum_filehandle = FHc
+ }) ->
+ ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
+ ClientCsum = proplists:get_value(client_csum, ClientMeta, <<>>),
+ {Resp, NewErr, NewU} =
+ case check_or_make_tagged_csum(ClientCsumTag, ClientCsum, Data) of
+ {error, {bad_csum, Bad}} ->
+ lager:error("Bad checksum on write; client sent ~p, we computed ~p",
+ [ClientCsum, Bad]),
+ {{error, bad_csum}, Err + 1, U};
+ TaggedCsum ->
+ case handle_write(FHd, FHc, F, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) of
+ {ok, NewU1} ->
+ {ok, Err, NewU1};
+ Error ->
+ {Error, Err + 1, U}
+ end
+ end,
+ {NewEof, infinity} = lists:last(NewU),
+ {reply, Resp, State#state{writes = {T+1, NewErr},
+ eof_position = NewEof,
+ unwritten_bytes = NewU
+ }};
+handle_call({append, _ClientMeta, _Extra, _Data}, _From,
+ State = #state{wedged = true,
+ appends = {T, Err}
+ }) ->
+ {reply, {error, wedged}, State#state{appends = {T+1, Err+1}}};
+handle_call({append, ClientMeta, Extra, Data}, _From,
+ State = #state{eof_position = EofP,
+ unwritten_bytes = U,
+ filename = F,
+ appends = {T, Err},
+ data_filehandle = FHd,
+ csum_filehandle = FHc
+ }) ->
+ ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
+ ClientCsum = proplists:get_value(client_csum, ClientMeta, <<>>),
+ {Resp, NewErr, NewU} =
+ case check_or_make_tagged_csum(ClientCsumTag, ClientCsum, Data) of
+ {error, {bad_csum, Bad}} ->
+ lager:error("Bad checksum; client sent ~p, we computed ~p",
+ [ClientCsum, Bad]),
+ {{error, bad_csum}, Err + 1, U};
+ TaggedCsum ->
+ case handle_write(FHd, FHc, F, TaggedCsum, EofP, Data, U) of
+ {ok, NewU1} ->
+ {{ok, F, EofP}, Err, NewU1};
+ Error ->
+ {Error, Err + 1, EofP, U}
+ end
+ end,
+ {NewEof, infinity} = lists:last(NewU),
+ {reply, Resp, State#state{appends = {T+1, NewErr},
+ eof_position = NewEof + Extra,
+ unwritten_bytes = NewU
+ }};
+handle_call(Req, _From, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Unknown call: ~p", [Req]),
+ {reply, whoaaaaaaaaaaaa, State}.
+% @private
+handle_cast(Cast, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Unknown cast: ~p", [Cast]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+% @private
+handle_info(tick, State = #state{eof_position = Eof}) when Eof >= ?MAX_FILE_SIZE ->
+ lager:notice("Eof position ~p >= max file size ~p. Shutting down.",
+ [Eof, ?MAX_FILE_SIZE]),
+ {stop, file_rollover, State};
+%% XXX Is this a good idea? Need to think this through a bit.
+handle_info(tick, State = #state{wedged = true}) ->
+ {stop, wedged, State};
+%% I dunno. This may not be a good idea, but it seems like if we're throwing lots of
+%% errors, we ought to shut down and give up our file descriptors.
+handle_info(tick, State = #state{
+ ops = Ops,
+ reads = {RT, RE},
+ writes = {WT, WE},
+ appends = {AT, AE}
+ }) when Ops > 100 andalso
+ trunc(((RE+WE+AE) / RT+WT+AT) * 100) > ?TOO_MANY_ERRORS_RATIO ->
+ Errors = RE + WE + AE,
+ lager:notice("Got ~p errors. Shutting down.", [Errors]),
+ {stop, too_many_errors, State};
+handle_info(tick, State = #state{
+ ticks = Ticks,
+ ops = Ops,
+ reads = {RT, _RE},
+ writes = {WT, _WE},
+ appends = {AT, _AE}}) when Ops == RT + WT + AT, Ticks == ?TICK_THRESHOLD ->
+ lager:debug("Got 5 ticks with no new activity. Shutting down."),
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info(tick, State = #state{
+ ticks = Ticks,
+ ops = Ops,
+ reads = {RT, _RE},
+ writes = {WT, _WE},
+ appends = {AT, _AE}}) when Ops == RT + WT + AT ->
+ lager:debug("No new activity since last tick. Incrementing tick counter."),
+ Tref = schedule_tick(),
+ {noreply, State#state{tref = Tref, ticks = Ticks + 1}};
+handle_info(tick, State = #state{
+ reads = {RT, _RE},
+ writes = {WT, _WE},
+ appends = {AT, _AE}
+ }) ->
+ Ops = RT + WT + AT,
+ lager:debug("Setting ops counter to ~p", [Ops]),
+ Tref = schedule_tick(),
+ {noreply, State#state{tref = Tref, ops = Ops}};
+%handle_info({wedged, EpochId} State = #state{epoch = E}) when E /= EpochId ->
+% lager:notice("Wedge epoch ~p but ignoring because our epoch id is ~p", [EpochId, E]),
+% {noreply, State};
+%handle_info({wedged, EpochId}, State = #state{epoch = E}) when E == EpochId ->
+% lager:notice("Wedge epoch ~p same as our epoch id ~p; we are wedged. Bummer.", [EpochId, E]),
+% {noreply, State#state{wedged = true}};
+% flu1.erl:
+% ProxyPid = get_proxy_pid(Filename),
+% Are we wedged? if not
+% machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, Offset, Length)
+% otherwise -> error,wedged
+% get_proxy_pid(Filename) ->
+% Pid = lookup_pid(Filename)
+% is_pid_alive(Pid)
+% Pid
+% if not alive then start one
+handle_info(Req, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Unknown info message: ~p", [Req]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+% @private
+terminate(Reason, #state{filename = F,
+ data_filehandle = FHd,
+ csum_filehandle = FHc,
+ reads = {RT, RE},
+ writes = {WT, WE},
+ appends = {AT, AE}
+ }) ->
+ lager:info("Shutting down proxy for file ~p because ~p", [F, Reason]),
+ lager:info(" Op Tot/Error", []),
+ lager:info(" Reads: ~p/~p", [RT, RE]),
+ lager:info(" Writes: ~p/~p", [WT, WE]),
+ lager:info("Appends: ~p/~p", [AT, AE]),
+ ok = file:sync(FHd),
+ ok = file:sync(FHc),
+ ok = file:close(FHd),
+ ok = file:close(FHc),
+ ok.
+% @private
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% Private functions
+-spec schedule_tick() -> reference().
+schedule_tick() ->
+ erlang:send_after(?TICK, self(), tick).
+-spec check_or_make_tagged_csum(Type :: binary(),
+ Checksum :: binary(),
+ Data :: binary() ) -> binary() |
+ {error, {bad_csum, Bad :: binary()}}.
+check_or_make_tagged_csum(?CSUM_TAG_NONE, _Csum, Data) ->
+ %% We are making a checksum here
+ Csum = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Data),
+ machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha, Csum);
+check_or_make_tagged_csum(Tag, InCsum, Data) when Tag == ?CSUM_TAG_CLIENT_SHA;
+ Csum = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Data),
+ case Csum =:= InCsum of
+ true ->
+ machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha, Csum);
+ false ->
+ {error, {bad_csum, Csum}}
+ end;
+check_or_make_tagged_csum(OtherTag, _ClientCsum, _Data) ->
+ lager:warning("Unknown checksum tag ~p", [OtherTag]),
+ {error, bad_csum}.
+encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
+ Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
+ [<>,
+ TaggedCSum].
+map_offsets_to_csums(CsumList) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun insert_offsets/1, CsumList).
+insert_offsets({Offset, Length, Checksum}) ->
+ put({Offset, Length}, Checksum).
+-spec parse_csum_file( Filename :: string() ) -> [byte_sequence()].
+parse_csum_file(Filename) ->
+ %% using file:read_file works as long as the files are "small"
+ try
+ {ok, CsumData} = file:read_file(Filename),
+ {DecodedCsums, _Junk} = machi_flu1:split_checksum_list_blob_decode(CsumData),
+ Sort = lists:sort(DecodedCsums),
+ case Sort of
+ [] -> [{?MINIMUM_OFFSET, infinity}];
+ _ ->
+ map_offsets_to_csums(DecodedCsums),
+ {First, _, _} = hd(Sort),
+ build_unwritten_bytes_list(Sort, First, [])
+ end
+ catch
+ _:{badmatch, {error, enoent}} ->
+ [{?MINIMUM_OFFSET, infinity}]
+ end.
+-spec handle_read(FHd :: file:filehandle(),
+ Filename :: string(),
+ TaggedCsum :: undefined|binary(),
+ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()]
+ ) -> {ok, Bytes :: binary(), Csum :: binary()} |
+ eof |
+ {error, bad_csum} |
+ {error, partial_read} |
+ {error, not_written} |
+ {error, Other :: term() }.
+% @private Attempt a read operation on the given offset and length.
+% If the byte range is not yet written, `{error, not_written}' is
+% returned.
+% If the checksum given does not match what comes off the disk,
+% `{error, bad_csum}' is returned.
+% If the number of bytes that comes off the disk is not the requested length,
+% `{error, partial_read}' is returned.
+% If the offset is at or beyond the current file boundary, `eof' is returned.
+% If some kind of POSIX error occurs, the OTP version of that POSIX error
+% tuple is returned.
+% On success, `{ok, Bytes, Checksum}' is returned.
+handle_read(FHd, Filename, undefined, Offset, Size, U) ->
+ handle_read(FHd, Filename, machi_util:make_tagged_csum(none), Offset, Size, U);
+handle_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, U) ->
+ case is_byte_range_unwritten(Offset, Size, U) of
+ true ->
+ {error, not_written};
+ false ->
+ do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size)
+ end.
+do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size) ->
+ case file:pread(FHd, Offset, Size) of
+ eof ->
+ eof;
+ {ok, Bytes} when byte_size(Bytes) == Size ->
+ {Tag, Ck} = machi_util:unmake_tagged_csum(TaggedCsum),
+ case check_or_make_tagged_csum(Tag, Ck, Bytes) of
+ {error, Bad} ->
+ lager:error("Bad checksum; got ~p, expected ~p",
+ [Bad, Ck]),
+ {error, bad_csum};
+ TaggedCsum ->
+ {ok, Bytes, TaggedCsum};
+ %% XXX FIXME: Should we return something other than
+ %% {ok, ....} in this case?
+ OtherCsum when Tag =:= ?CSUM_TAG_NONE ->
+ {ok, Bytes, OtherCsum}
+ end;
+ {ok, Partial} ->
+ lager:error("In file ~p, offset ~p, wanted to read ~p bytes, but got ~p",
+ [Filename, Offset, Size, byte_size(Partial)]),
+ {error, partial_read};
+ Other ->
+ lager:error("While reading file ~p, offset ~p, length ~p, got ~p",
+ [Filename, Offset, Size, Other]),
+ {error, Other}
+ end.
+-spec handle_write( FHd :: file:filehandle(),
+ FHc :: file:filehandle(),
+ Filename :: string(),
+ TaggedCsum :: binary(),
+ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Data :: binary(),
+ Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()]
+ ) -> {ok, NewU :: [byte_sequence()]} |
+ {error, written} |
+ {error, Reason :: term()}.
+% @private Implements the write and append operation. The first task is to
+% determine if the offset and data size has been written. If not, the write
+% is allowed proceed. A special case is made when an offset and data size
+% match a checksum. In that case we read the data off the disk, validate the
+% checksum and return a "fake" ok response as if the write had been performed
+% when it hasn't really.
+% If a write proceeds, the offset, size and checksum are written to a metadata
+% file, and the internal list of unwritten bytes is modified to reflect the
+% just-performed write. This is then returned to the caller as
+% `{ok, NewUnwritten}' where NewUnwritten is the revised unwritten byte list.
+handle_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
+ Size = iolist_size(Data),
+ case is_byte_range_unwritten(Offset, Size, U) of
+ false ->
+ case get({Offset, Size}) of
+ undefined ->
+ {error, written};
+ TaggedCsum ->
+ case do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size) of
+ eof ->
+ lager:warning("This should never happen: got eof while reading at offset ~p in file ~p that's supposedly written",
+ [Offset, Filename]),
+ {error, server_insanity};
+ {ok, _, _} ->
+ {ok, U};
+ _ ->
+ {error, written}
+ end;
+ OtherCsum ->
+ %% Got a checksum, but it doesn't match the data block's
+ lager:error("During a potential write at offset ~p in file ~p, a check for unwritten bytes gave us checksum ~p but the data we were trying to trying to write has checksum ~p",
+ [Offset, Filename, OtherCsum, TaggedCsum]),
+ {error, written}
+ end;
+ true ->
+ try
+ do_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data, U)
+ catch
+ %%% XXX FIXME: be more specific on badmatch that might
+ %%% occur around line 593 when we write the checksum
+ %%% file entry for the data blob we just put on the disk
+ error:Reason ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end
+ end.
+% @private Implements the disk writes for both the write and append
+% operation.
+-spec do_write( FHd :: file:descriptor(),
+ FHc :: file:descriptor(),
+ Filename :: string(),
+ TaggedCsum :: binary(),
+ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Data :: binary(),
+ Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()]
+ ) -> {ok, NewUnwritten :: [byte_sequence()]} |
+ {error, Reason :: term()}.
+do_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data, U) ->
+ case file:pwrite(FHd, Offset, Data) of
+ ok ->
+ lager:debug("Successful write in file ~p at offset ~p, length ~p",
+ [Filename, Offset, Size]),
+ EncodedCsum = encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCsum),
+ ok = file:write(FHc, EncodedCsum),
+ put({Offset, Size}, TaggedCsum),
+ NewU = update_unwritten(Offset, Size, U),
+ lager:debug("Successful write to checksum file for ~p; unwritten bytes are now: ~p",
+ [Filename, NewU]),
+ {ok, NewU};
+ Other ->
+ lager:error("Got ~p during write to file ~p at offset ~p, length ~p",
+ [Other, Filename, Offset, Size]),
+ {error, Other}
+ end.
+-spec is_byte_range_unwritten( Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: pos_integer(),
+ Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()] ) -> boolean().
+% @private Given an offset and a size, return `true' if a byte range has
+% not been written. Otherwise, return `false'.
+is_byte_range_unwritten(Offset, Size, Unwritten) ->
+ case length(Unwritten) of
+ 0 ->
+ lager:critical("Unwritten byte list has 0 entries! This should never happen."),
+ false;
+ 1 ->
+ {Eof, infinity} = hd(Unwritten),
+ Offset >= Eof;
+ _ ->
+ case lookup_unwritten(Offset, Size, Unwritten) of
+ {ok, _} -> true;
+ not_found -> false
+ end
+ end.
+-spec lookup_unwritten( Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: pos_integer(),
+ Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()]
+ ) -> {ok, byte_sequence()} | not_found.
+% @private Given an offset and a size, scan the list of unwritten bytes and
+% look for a "hole" where a write might be allowed if any exist. If a
+% suitable byte sequence is found, the function returns a tuple of {ok,
+% {Position, Space}} is returned. `not_found' is returned if no suitable
+% space is located.
+lookup_unwritten(_Offset, _Size, []) ->
+ not_found;
+lookup_unwritten(Offset, _Size, [H={Pos, infinity}|_Rest]) when Offset >= Pos ->
+ {ok, H};
+lookup_unwritten(Offset, Size, [H={Pos, Space}|_Rest])
+ when Offset >= Pos andalso Offset < Pos+Space
+ andalso Size =< (Space - (Offset - Pos)) ->
+ {ok, H};
+lookup_unwritten(Offset, Size, [_H|Rest]) ->
+ %% These are not the droids you're looking for.
+ lookup_unwritten(Offset, Size, Rest).
+%%% if the pos is greater than offset + size then we're done. End early.
+-spec update_unwritten( Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: pos_integer(),
+ Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()] ) -> NewUnwritten :: [byte_sequence()].
+% @private Given an offset, a size and the unwritten byte list, return an updated
+% and sorted unwritten byte list accounting for any completed write operation.
+update_unwritten(Offset, Size, Unwritten) ->
+ case lookup_unwritten(Offset, Size, Unwritten) of
+ not_found ->
+ lager:error("Couldn't find byte sequence tuple for a write which earlier found a valid spot to write!!! This should never happen!"),
+ Unwritten;
+ {ok, {Offset, Size}} ->
+ %% we neatly filled in our hole...
+ lists:keydelete(Offset, 1, Unwritten);
+ {ok, S={Pos, _}} ->
+ lists:sort(lists:keydelete(Pos, 1, Unwritten) ++
+ update_byte_range(Offset, Size, S))
+ end.
+-spec update_byte_range( Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: pos_integer(),
+ Sequence :: byte_sequence() ) -> Updates :: [byte_sequence()].
+% @private Given an offset and size and a byte sequence tuple where a
+% write took place, return a list of updates to the list of unwritten bytes
+% accounting for the space occupied by the just completed write.
+update_byte_range(Offset, Size, {Eof, infinity}) when Offset == Eof ->
+ [{Offset + Size, infinity}];
+update_byte_range(Offset, Size, {Eof, infinity}) when Offset > Eof ->
+ [{Eof, (Offset - Eof)}, {Offset+Size, infinity}];
+update_byte_range(Offset, Size, {Pos, Space}) when Offset == Pos andalso Size < Space ->
+ [{Offset + Size, Space - Size}];
+update_byte_range(Offset, Size, {Pos, Space}) when Offset > Pos ->
+ [{Pos, Offset - Pos}, {Offset+Size, ( (Pos+Space) - (Offset + Size) )}].
+-spec build_unwritten_bytes_list( CsumData :: [{ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: pos_integer(),
+ Checksum :: binary() }],
+ LastOffset :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Acc :: list() ) -> [byte_sequence()].
+% @private Given a sorted list of checksum data tuples, return a sorted
+% list of unwritten byte ranges. The output list always has at least one
+% entry: the last tuple in the list is guaranteed to be the current end of
+% bytes written to a particular file with the special space moniker
+% `infinity'.
+build_unwritten_bytes_list([], Last, Acc) ->
+ NewAcc = [ {Last, infinity} | Acc ],
+ lists:reverse(NewAcc);
+build_unwritten_bytes_list([{CurrentOffset, CurrentSize, _Csum}|Rest], LastOffset, Acc) when
+ CurrentOffset /= LastOffset ->
+ Hole = CurrentOffset - LastOffset,
+ build_unwritten_bytes_list(Rest, (CurrentOffset+CurrentSize), [{LastOffset, Hole}|Acc]);
+build_unwritten_bytes_list([{CO, CS, _Ck}|Rest], _LastOffset, Acc) ->
+ build_unwritten_bytes_list(Rest, CO + CS, Acc).
diff --git a/src/machi_file_proxy_sup.erl b/src/machi_file_proxy_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5cec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machi_file_proxy_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc This is the main supervisor for the file proxies.
+%% public API
+ start_link/0,
+ start_proxy/2
+%% supervisor callback
+ init/1
+start_link() ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+start_proxy(Filename, DataDir) ->
+ supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, [Filename, DataDir]).
+init([]) ->
+ SupFlags = {simple_one_for_one, 1000, 10},
+ ChildSpec = {unused, {machi_file_proxy, start_link, []},
+ temporary, 2000, worker, [machi_file_proxy]},
+ {ok, {SupFlags, [ChildSpec]}}.
diff --git a/src/machi_flu1.erl b/src/machi_flu1.erl
index 04e1022..06c76a7 100644
--- a/src/machi_flu1.erl
+++ b/src/machi_flu1.erl
@@ -64,1158 +64,579 @@
%% replication/chain repair.
--define(V(X,Y), ok).
-%% -include("machi_verbose.hrl").
--endif. % TEST
--define(SERVER_CMD_READ_TIMEOUT, 600*1000).
--export([start_link/1, stop/1,
- update_wedge_state/3, wedge_myself/2]).
--export([make_listener_regname/1, make_projection_server_regname/1]).
--export([encode_csum_file_entry/3, encode_csum_file_entry_bin/3,
- decode_csum_file_entry/1,
- split_checksum_list_blob/1, split_checksum_list_blob_decode/1]).
--record(state, {
- flu_name :: atom(),
- proj_store :: pid(),
- append_pid :: pid(),
- tcp_port :: non_neg_integer(),
- data_dir :: string(),
- wedged = true :: boolean(),
- etstab :: ets:tid(),
- epoch_id :: 'undefined' | machi_dt:epoch_id(),
- pb_mode = undefined :: 'undefined' | 'high' | 'low',
- high_clnt :: 'undefined' | pid(),
- dbg_props = [] :: list(), % proplist
- props = [] :: list() % proplist
- }).
--record(http_goop, {
- len, % content-length
- x_csum % x-checksum
- }).
-start_link([{FluName, TcpPort, DataDir}|Rest])
- when is_atom(FluName), is_integer(TcpPort), is_list(DataDir) ->
- {ok, spawn_link(fun() -> main2(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Rest) end)}.
-stop(Pid) ->
- case erlang:is_process_alive(Pid) of
- true ->
- Pid ! killme,
- ok;
- false ->
- error
- end.
-update_wedge_state(PidSpec, Boolean, EpochId)
- when (Boolean == true orelse Boolean == false), is_tuple(EpochId) ->
- PidSpec ! {wedge_state_change, Boolean, EpochId}.
-wedge_myself(PidSpec, EpochId)
- when is_tuple(EpochId) ->
- PidSpec ! {wedge_myself, EpochId}.
-ets_table_name(FluName) when is_atom(FluName) ->
- list_to_atom(atom_to_list(FluName) ++ "_epoch").
-%% ets_table_name(FluName) when is_binary(FluName) ->
-%% list_to_atom(binary_to_list(FluName) ++ "_epoch").
-main2(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Rest) ->
- {Props, DbgProps} = case proplists:get_value(dbg, Rest) of
- undefined ->
- {Rest, []};
- DPs ->
- {lists:keydelete(dbg, 1, Rest), DPs}
- end,
- {SendAppendPidToProj_p, ProjectionPid} =
- case proplists:get_value(projection_store_registered_name, Rest) of
- undefined ->
- RN = make_projection_server_regname(FluName),
- {ok, PP} =
- machi_projection_store:start_link(RN, DataDir, undefined),
- {true, PP};
- RN ->
- {false, whereis(RN)}
- end,
- InitialWedged_p = proplists:get_value(initial_wedged, DbgProps),
- ProjRes = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(ProjectionPid,
- private),
- {Wedged_p, EpochId} =
- if InitialWedged_p == undefined,
- is_tuple(ProjRes), element(1, ProjRes) == ok ->
- {ok, Proj} = ProjRes,
- {false, {Proj#projection_v1.epoch_number,
- Proj#projection_v1.epoch_csum}};
- InitialWedged_p == false ->
- {false, ?DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH};
- true ->
- {true, undefined}
- end,
- S0 = #state{flu_name=FluName,
- proj_store=ProjectionPid,
- tcp_port=TcpPort,
- data_dir=DataDir,
- wedged=Wedged_p,
- etstab=ets_table_name(FluName),
- epoch_id=EpochId,
- dbg_props=DbgProps,
- props=Props},
- AppendPid = start_append_server(S0, self()),
- receive
- append_server_ack -> ok
- end,
- if SendAppendPidToProj_p ->
- machi_projection_store:set_wedge_notify_pid(ProjectionPid,
- AppendPid);
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- S1 = S0#state{append_pid=AppendPid},
- ListenPid = start_listen_server(S1),
- Config_e = machi_util:make_config_filename(DataDir, "unused"),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Config_e),
- {_, Data_e} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, "unused"),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Data_e),
- Projection_e = machi_util:make_projection_filename(DataDir, "unused"),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Projection_e),
- put(flu_flu_name, FluName),
- put(flu_append_pid, AppendPid),
- put(flu_projection_pid, ProjectionPid),
- put(flu_listen_pid, ListenPid),
- receive killme -> ok end,
- (catch exit(AppendPid, kill)),
- (catch exit(ProjectionPid, kill)),
- (catch exit(ListenPid, kill)),
- ok.
-start_listen_server(S) ->
- proc_lib:spawn_link(fun() -> run_listen_server(S) end).
-start_append_server(S, AckPid) ->
- FluPid = self(),
- proc_lib:spawn_link(fun() -> run_append_server(FluPid, AckPid, S) end).
-run_listen_server(#state{flu_name=FluName, tcp_port=TcpPort}=S) ->
- register(make_listener_regname(FluName), self()),
- SockOpts = ?PB_PACKET_OPTS ++
- [{reuseaddr, true}, {mode, binary}, {active, false}],
- case gen_tcp:listen(TcpPort, SockOpts) of
- {ok, LSock} ->
- listen_server_loop(LSock, S);
- Else ->
- error_logger:warning_msg("~s:run_listen_server: "
- "listen to TCP port ~w: ~w\n",
- [?MODULE, TcpPort, Else]),
- exit({?MODULE, run_listen_server, tcp_port, TcpPort, Else})
- end.
-run_append_server(FluPid, AckPid, #state{flu_name=Name,
- wedged=Wedged_p,epoch_id=EpochId}=S) ->
- %% Reminder: Name is the "main" name of the FLU, i.e., no suffix
- register(Name, self()),
- TID = ets:new(ets_table_name(Name),
- [set, protected, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}]),
- %% InitialWedged = proplists:get_value(initial_wedged, DbgProps, true),
- %% ets:insert(TID, {epoch, {InitialWedged, {-65, <<"bogus epoch, yo">>}}}),
- ets:insert(TID, {epoch, {Wedged_p, EpochId}}),
- AckPid ! append_server_ack,
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S#state{etstab=TID}).
-listen_server_loop(LSock, S) ->
- {ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:accept(LSock),
- spawn_link(fun() -> net_server_loop(Sock, S) end),
- listen_server_loop(LSock, S).
-append_server_loop(FluPid, #state{data_dir=DataDir, wedged=Wedged_p,
- epoch_id=OldEpochId, flu_name=FluName}=S) ->
- AppendServerPid = self(),
- receive
- {seq_append, From, _Prefix, _Chunk, _CSum, _Extra, _EpochID}
- when Wedged_p ->
- From ! wedged,
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S);
- {seq_append, From, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, Extra, EpochID} ->
- spawn(fun() -> append_server_dispatch(From, Prefix,
- Chunk, CSum, Extra, EpochID,
- DataDir, AppendServerPid) end),
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S);
- {wedge_myself, WedgeEpochId} ->
- if not Wedged_p andalso WedgeEpochId == OldEpochId ->
- true = ets:insert(S#state.etstab,
- {epoch, {true, OldEpochId}}),
- %% Tell my chain manager that it might want to react to
- %% this new world.
- Chmgr = machi_chain_manager1:make_chmgr_regname(FluName),
- spawn(fun() ->
- catch machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(Chmgr)
- end),
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S#state{wedged=true});
- true ->
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S)
- end;
- {wedge_state_change, Boolean, {NewEpoch, _}=NewEpochId} ->
- OldEpoch = case OldEpochId of {OldE, _} -> OldE;
- undefined -> -1
- end,
- if NewEpoch >= OldEpoch ->
- true = ets:insert(S#state.etstab,
- {epoch, {Boolean, NewEpochId}}),
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S#state{wedged=Boolean,
- epoch_id=NewEpochId});
- true ->
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S)
- end;
- {wedge_status, FromPid} ->
- #state{wedged=Wedged_p, epoch_id=EpochId} = S,
- FromPid ! {wedge_status_reply, Wedged_p, EpochId},
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S);
- Else ->
- io:format(user, "append_server_loop: WHA? ~p\n", [Else]),
- append_server_loop(FluPid, S)
- end.
-net_server_loop(Sock, S) ->
- case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, ?SERVER_CMD_READ_TIMEOUT) of
- {ok, Bin} ->
- {RespBin, S2} =
- case machi_pb:decode_mpb_ll_request(Bin) of
- LL_req when LL_req#mpb_ll_request.do_not_alter == 2 ->
- {R, NewS} = do_pb_ll_request(LL_req, S),
- {maybe_encode_response(R), mode(low, NewS)};
- _ ->
- HL_req = machi_pb:decode_mpb_request(Bin),
- 1 = HL_req#mpb_request.do_not_alter,
- {R, NewS} = do_pb_hl_request(HL_req, make_high_clnt(S)),
- {machi_pb:encode_mpb_response(R), mode(high, NewS)}
- end,
- if RespBin == async_no_response ->
- ok;
- true ->
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, RespBin)
- end,
- net_server_loop(Sock, S2);
- {error, SockError} ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("Socket error ~w", [SockError]),
- R = #mpb_ll_response{req_id= <<>>,
- generic=#mpb_errorresp{code=1, msg=Msg}},
- Resp = machi_pb:encode_mpb_ll_response(R),
- %% TODO: Weird that sometimes neither catch nor try/catch
- %% can prevent OTP's SASL from logging an error here.
- %% Error in process <0.545.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{erlang,port_command,.......
- %% TODO: is this what causes the intermittent PULSE deadlock errors?
- %% _ = (catch gen_tcp:send(Sock, Resp)), timer:sleep(1000),
- (catch gen_tcp:close(Sock)),
- exit(normal)
- end.
-maybe_encode_response(async_no_response=X) ->
- X;
-maybe_encode_response(R) ->
- machi_pb:encode_mpb_ll_response(R).
-mode(Mode, #state{pb_mode=undefined}=S) ->
- S#state{pb_mode=Mode};
-mode(_, S) ->
- S.
-make_high_clnt(#state{high_clnt=undefined}=S) ->
- {ok, Proj} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(
- S#state.proj_store, private),
- Ps = [P_srvr || {_, P_srvr} <- orddict:to_list(
- Proj#projection_v1.members_dict)],
- {ok, Clnt} = machi_cr_client:start_link(Ps),
- S#state{high_clnt=Clnt};
-make_high_clnt(S) ->
- S.
-do_pb_ll_request(#mpb_ll_request{req_id=ReqID}, #state{pb_mode=high}=S) ->
- Result = {high_error, 41, "Low protocol request while in high mode"},
- {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, unused, Result), S};
-do_pb_ll_request(PB_request, S) ->
- Req = machi_pb_translate:from_pb_request(PB_request),
- {ReqID, Cmd, Result, S2} =
- case Req of
- {RqID, {LowCmd, _}=CMD}
- when LowCmd == low_proj;
- LowCmd == low_wedge_status; LowCmd == low_list_files ->
- %% Skip wedge check for projection commands!
- %% Skip wedge check for these unprivileged commands
- {Rs, NewS} = do_pb_ll_request3(CMD, S),
- {RqID, CMD, Rs, NewS};
- {RqID, CMD} ->
- EpochID = element(2, CMD), % by common convention
- {Rs, NewS} = do_pb_ll_request2(EpochID, CMD, S),
- {RqID, CMD, Rs, NewS}
- end,
- {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, Cmd, Result), S2}.
-do_pb_ll_request2(EpochID, CMD, S) ->
- {Wedged_p, CurrentEpochID} = ets:lookup_element(S#state.etstab, epoch, 2),
- if Wedged_p == true ->
- {{error, wedged}, S#state{epoch_id=CurrentEpochID}};
- is_tuple(EpochID)
- andalso
- EpochID /= CurrentEpochID ->
- {Epoch, _} = EpochID,
- {CurrentEpoch, _} = CurrentEpochID,
- if Epoch < CurrentEpoch ->
- ok;
- true ->
- %% We're at same epoch # but different checksum, or
- %% we're at a newer/bigger epoch #.
- wedge_myself(S#state.flu_name, CurrentEpochID),
- ok
- end,
- {{error, bad_epoch}, S#state{epoch_id=CurrentEpochID}};
- true ->
- do_pb_ll_request3(CMD, S#state{epoch_id=CurrentEpochID})
- end.
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_echo, _BogusEpochID, Msg}, S) ->
- {Msg, S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_auth, _BogusEpochID, _User, _Pass}, S) ->
- {-6, S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_append_chunk, _EpochID, PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag,
- CSum, ChunkExtra}, S) ->
- {do_server_append_chunk(PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum,
- ChunkExtra, S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_write_chunk, _EpochID, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag,
- CSum}, S) ->
- {do_server_write_chunk(File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum, S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_read_chunk, _EpochID, File, Offset, Size, Opts}, S) ->
- {do_server_read_chunk(File, Offset, Size, Opts, S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_checksum_list, _EpochID, File}, S) ->
- {do_server_checksum_listing(File, S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_list_files, _EpochID}, S) ->
- {do_server_list_files(S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_wedge_status, _EpochID}, S) ->
- {do_server_wedge_status(S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_delete_migration, _EpochID, File}, S) ->
- {do_server_delete_migration(File, S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_trunc_hack, _EpochID, File}, S) ->
- {do_server_trunc_hack(File, S), S};
-do_pb_ll_request3({low_proj, PCMD}, S) ->
- {do_server_proj_request(PCMD, S), S}.
-do_pb_hl_request(#mpb_request{req_id=ReqID}, #state{pb_mode=low}=S) ->
- Result = {low_error, 41, "High protocol request while in low mode"},
- {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, unused, Result), S};
-do_pb_hl_request(PB_request, S) ->
- {ReqID, Cmd} = machi_pb_translate:from_pb_request(PB_request),
- {Result, S2} = do_pb_hl_request2(Cmd, S),
- {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, Cmd, Result), S2}.
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_echo, Msg}, S) ->
- {Msg, S};
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_auth, _User, _Pass}, S) ->
- {-77, S};
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_append_chunk, _todoPK, Prefix, ChunkBin, TaggedCSum,
- ChunkExtra}, #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
- Chunk = {TaggedCSum, ChunkBin},
- Res = machi_cr_client:append_chunk_extra(Clnt, Prefix, Chunk,
- ChunkExtra),
- {Res, S};
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_write_chunk, File, Offset, ChunkBin, TaggedCSum},
- #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
- Chunk = {TaggedCSum, ChunkBin},
- Res = machi_cr_client:write_chunk(Clnt, File, Offset, Chunk),
- {Res, S};
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_read_chunk, File, Offset, Size},
- #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
- Res = machi_cr_client:read_chunk(Clnt, File, Offset, Size),
- {Res, S};
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_checksum_list, File}, #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
- Res = machi_cr_client:checksum_list(Clnt, File),
- {Res, S};
-do_pb_hl_request2({high_list_files}, #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
- Res = machi_cr_client:list_files(Clnt),
- {Res, S}.
-do_server_proj_request({get_latest_epochid, ProjType},
- #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
- machi_projection_store:get_latest_epochid(ProjStore, ProjType);
-do_server_proj_request({read_latest_projection, ProjType},
- #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
- machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(ProjStore, ProjType);
-do_server_proj_request({read_projection, ProjType, Epoch},
- #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
- machi_projection_store:read(ProjStore, ProjType, Epoch);
-do_server_proj_request({write_projection, ProjType, Proj},
- #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
- machi_projection_store:write(ProjStore, ProjType, Proj);
-do_server_proj_request({get_all_projections, ProjType},
- #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
- machi_projection_store:get_all_projections(ProjStore, ProjType);
-do_server_proj_request({list_all_projections, ProjType},
- #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
- machi_projection_store:list_all_projections(ProjStore, ProjType);
- #state{flu_name=FluName}) ->
- %% Tell my chain manager that it might want to react to
- %% this new world.
- Chmgr = machi_chain_manager1:make_chmgr_regname(FluName),
- spawn(fun() ->
- catch machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(Chmgr)
- end),
- async_no_response.
-do_server_append_chunk(PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum,
- ChunkExtra, S) ->
- case sanitize_file_string(Prefix) of
- ok ->
- do_server_append_chunk2(PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum,
- ChunkExtra, S);
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_append_chunk2(_PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag, Client_CSum,
- ChunkExtra, #state{flu_name=FluName,
- epoch_id=EpochID}=_S) ->
- %% TODO: Do anything with PKey?
- try
- TaggedCSum = check_or_make_tagged_checksum(CSum_tag, Client_CSum,Chunk),
- FluName ! {seq_append, self(), Prefix, Chunk, TaggedCSum,
- ChunkExtra, EpochID},
- receive
- {assignment, Offset, File} ->
- Size = iolist_size(Chunk),
- {ok, {Offset, Size, File}};
- wedged ->
- {error, wedged}
- after 10*1000 ->
- {error, partition}
- end
- catch
- throw:{bad_csum, _CS} ->
- {error, bad_checksum};
- error:badarg ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Message send to ~p gave badarg, make certain server is running with correct registered name\n", [?MODULE]),
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_write_chunk(File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum,
- #state{data_dir=DataDir}=S) ->
- case sanitize_file_string(File) of
- ok ->
- CSumPath = machi_util:make_checksum_filename(DataDir, File),
- case file:open(CSumPath, [append, raw, binary]) of
- {ok, FHc} ->
- Path = DataDir ++ "/data/" ++
- machi_util:make_string(File),
- {ok, FHd} = file:open(Path, [read, write, raw, binary]),
- try
- do_server_write_chunk2(
- File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum, DataDir,
- FHc, FHd)
- after
- (catch file:close(FHc)),
- (catch file:close(FHd))
- end;
- {error, enoent} ->
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CSumPath),
- do_server_write_chunk(File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag,
- CSum, S)
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_write_chunk2(_File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag,
- Client_CSum, _DataDir, FHc, FHd) ->
- try
- TaggedCSum = check_or_make_tagged_checksum(CSum_tag, Client_CSum,Chunk),
- Size = iolist_size(Chunk),
- case file:pwrite(FHd, Offset, Chunk) of
- ok ->
- CSum_info = encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum),
- ok = file:write(FHc, CSum_info),
- ok;
- _Else3 ->
- machi_util:verb("Else3 ~p ~p ~p\n",
- [Offset, Size, _Else3]),
- {error, bad_arg}
- end
- catch
- throw:{bad_csum, _CS} ->
- {error, bad_checksum};
- error:badarg ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Message send to ~p gave badarg, make certain server is running with correct registered name\n", [?MODULE]),
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_read_chunk(File, Offset, Size, _Opts, #state{data_dir=DataDir})->
- %% TODO: Look inside Opts someday.
- case sanitize_file_string(File) of
- ok ->
- {_, Path} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, File),
- case file:open(Path, [read, binary, raw]) of
- {ok, FH} ->
- try
- case file:pread(FH, Offset, Size) of
- {ok, Bytes} when byte_size(Bytes) == Size ->
- {ok, Bytes};
- {ok, Bytes} ->
- machi_util:verb("ok read but wanted ~p got ~p: ~p @ offset ~p\n",
- [Size,size(Bytes),File,Offset]),
- io:format(user, "ok read but wanted ~p got ~p: ~p @ offset ~p\n",
- [Size,size(Bytes),File,Offset]),
- {error, partial_read};
- eof ->
- {error, not_written}; %% TODO perhaps_do_net_server_ec_read(Sock, FH);
- _Else2 ->
- machi_util:verb("Else2 ~p ~p ~P\n",
- [Offset, Size, _Else2, 20]),
- {error, bad_read}
- end
- after
- file:close(FH)
- end;
- {error, enoent} ->
- {error, not_written};
- {error, _Else} ->
- io:format(user, "Unexpected ~p at ~p ~p\n",
- [_Else, ?MODULE, ?LINE]),
- {error, bad_arg}
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_checksum_listing(File, #state{data_dir=DataDir}=_S) ->
- case sanitize_file_string(File) of
- ok ->
- ok = sync_checksum_file(File),
- CSumPath = machi_util:make_checksum_filename(DataDir, File),
- %% TODO: If this file is legitimately bigger than our
- %% {packet_size,N} limit, then we'll have a difficult time, eh?
- case file:read_file(CSumPath) of
- {ok, Bin} ->
- if byte_size(Bin) > (?PB_MAX_MSG_SIZE - 1024) ->
- %% TODO: Fix this limitation by streaming the
- %% binary in multiple smaller PB messages.
- %% Also, don't read the file all at once. ^_^
- error_logger:error_msg("~s:~w oversize ~s\n",
- [?MODULE, ?LINE, CSumPath]),
- {error, bad_arg};
- true ->
- {ok, Bin}
- end;
- {error, enoent} ->
- {error, no_such_file};
- {error, _} ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_list_files(#state{data_dir=DataDir}=_S) ->
- {_, WildPath} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, ""),
- Files = filelib:wildcard("*", WildPath),
- {ok, [begin
- {ok, FI} = file:read_file_info(WildPath ++ "/" ++ File),
- Size = FI#file_info.size,
- {Size, File}
- end || File <- Files]}.
-do_server_wedge_status(S) ->
- {Wedged_p, CurrentEpochID0} = ets:lookup_element(S#state.etstab, epoch, 2),
- CurrentEpochID = if CurrentEpochID0 == undefined ->
- true ->
- CurrentEpochID0
- end,
- {Wedged_p, CurrentEpochID}.
-do_server_delete_migration(File, #state{data_dir=DataDir}=_S) ->
- case sanitize_file_string(File) of
- ok ->
- {_, Path} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, File),
- case file:delete(Path) of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, enoent} ->
- {error, no_such_file};
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-do_server_trunc_hack(File, #state{data_dir=DataDir}=_S) ->
- case sanitize_file_string(File) of
- ok ->
- {_, Path} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, File),
- case file:open(Path, [read, write, binary, raw]) of
- {ok, FH} ->
- try
- {ok, ?MINIMUM_OFFSET} = file:position(FH,
- ok = file:truncate(FH),
- ok
- after
- file:close(FH)
- end;
- {error, enoent} ->
- {error, no_such_file};
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, bad_arg}
- end.
-append_server_dispatch(From, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, Extra, EpochID,
- DataDir, LinkPid) ->
- Pid = write_server_get_pid(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir, LinkPid),
- Pid ! {seq_append, From, Prefix, Chunk, CSum, Extra, EpochID},
- exit(normal).
-sanitize_file_string(Str) ->
- case re:run(Str, "/") of
- nomatch ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-sync_checksum_file(File) ->
- Prefix = re:replace(File, "\\..*", "", [{return, binary}]),
- case write_server_find_pid(Prefix) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Pid ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- Pid ! {sync_stuff, self(), Ref},
- receive
- {sync_finished, Ref} ->
- ok
- after 5000 ->
- case write_server_find_pid(Prefix) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Pid2 when Pid2 /= Pid ->
- ok;
- _Pid2 ->
- error
- end
- end
- end.
-write_server_get_pid(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir, LinkPid) ->
- case write_server_find_pid(Prefix) of
- undefined ->
- start_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir, LinkPid),
- timer:sleep(1),
- write_server_get_pid(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir, LinkPid);
- Pid ->
- Pid
- end.
-write_server_find_pid(Prefix) ->
- FluName = machi_util:make_regname(Prefix),
- whereis(FluName).
-start_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir, AppendServerPid) ->
- proc_lib:spawn_link(fun() ->
- %% The following is only necessary to
- %% make nice process relationships in
- %% 'appmon' and related tools.
- put('$ancestors', [AppendServerPid]),
- put('$initial_call', {x,y,3}),
- link(AppendServerPid),
- run_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir)
- end).
-run_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir) ->
- true = register(machi_util:make_regname(Prefix), self()),
- run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir).
-run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir) ->
- FileNum = machi_util:read_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix) + 1,
- case machi_util:increment_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix) of
- ok ->
- machi_util:info_msg("start: ~p server at file ~w\n",
- [Prefix, FileNum]),
- seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, EpochID, FileNum);
- Else ->
- error_logger:error_msg("start: ~p server at file ~w: ~p\n",
- [Prefix, FileNum, Else]),
- exit(Else)
- end.
--spec seq_name_hack() -> string().
-seq_name_hack() ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.36B~.36B",
- [element(3,now()),
- list_to_integer(os:getpid())])).
-seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, EpochID, FileNum) ->
- SequencerNameHack = seq_name_hack(),
- {File, FullPath} = machi_util:make_data_filename(
- DataDir, Prefix, SequencerNameHack, FileNum),
- {ok, FHd} = file:open(FullPath,
- [read, write, raw, binary]),
- CSumPath = machi_util:make_checksum_filename(
- DataDir, Prefix, SequencerNameHack, FileNum),
- {ok, FHc} = file:open(CSumPath, [append, raw, binary]),
- seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, {FHd,FHc}, EpochID, FileNum,
-seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, _File, {FHd,FHc}, EpochID,
- FileNum, Offset)
- when Offset > ?MAX_FILE_SIZE ->
- ok = file:close(FHd),
- ok = file:close(FHc),
- machi_util:info_msg("rollover: ~p server at file ~w offset ~w\n",
- [Prefix, FileNum, Offset]),
- run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir);
-seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, {FHd,FHc}=FH_, EpochID,
- FileNum, Offset) ->
- receive
- {seq_append, From, Prefix, Chunk, TaggedCSum, Extra, R_EpochID}
- when R_EpochID == EpochID ->
- if Chunk /= <<>> ->
- ok = file:pwrite(FHd, Offset, Chunk);
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- From ! {assignment, Offset, File},
- Size = iolist_size(Chunk),
- CSum_info = encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum),
- ok = file:write(FHc, CSum_info),
- seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, FH_, EpochID,
- FileNum, Offset + Size + Extra);
- {seq_append, _From, _Prefix, _Chunk, _TCSum, _Extra, R_EpochID}=MSG ->
- %% Rare'ish event: send MSG to myself so it doesn't get lost
- %% while we recurse around to pick up a new FileNum.
- self() ! MSG,
- machi_util:info_msg("rollover: ~p server at file ~w offset ~w "
- "by new epoch_id ~W\n",
- [Prefix, FileNum, Offset, R_EpochID, 8]),
- run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, R_EpochID, DataDir);
- {sync_stuff, FromPid, Ref} ->
- file:sync(FHc),
- FromPid ! {sync_finished, Ref},
- seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, FH_, EpochID,
- FileNum, Offset)
- after 30*1000 ->
- ok = file:close(FHd),
- ok = file:close(FHc),
- machi_util:info_msg("stop: ~p server ~p at file ~w offset ~w\n",
- [Prefix, self(), FileNum, Offset]),
- exit(normal)
- end.
-make_listener_regname(BaseName) ->
- list_to_atom(atom_to_list(BaseName) ++ "_listener").
-%% This is the name of the projection store that is spawned by the
-%% *flu*, for use primarily in testing scenarios. In normal use, we
-%% ought to be using the OTP style of managing processes, via
-%% supervisors, namely via machi_flu_psup.erl, which uses a
-%% *different* naming convention for the projection store name that it
-%% registers.
-make_projection_server_regname(BaseName) ->
- list_to_atom(atom_to_list(BaseName) ++ "_pstore2").
-http_hack_server(FluName, Line1, Sock, S) ->
- {ok, {http_request, HttpOp, URI0, _HttpV}, _x} =
- erlang:decode_packet(http_bin, Line1, [{line_length,4095}]),
- MyURI = case URI0 of
- {abs_path, Path} -> <<"/", Rest/binary>> = Path,
- Rest;
- _ -> URI0
- end,
- Hdrs = http_hack_harvest_headers(Sock),
- G = http_hack_digest_header_goop(Hdrs, #http_goop{}),
- case HttpOp of
- 'PUT' ->
- http_hack_server_put(Sock, G, FluName, MyURI);
- 'GET' ->
- http_hack_server_get(Sock, G, FluName, MyURI, S)
- end,
- ok = gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- exit(normal).
-http_hack_server_put(Sock, G, FluName, MyURI) ->
- ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{packet, raw}]),
- {ok, Chunk} = gen_tcp:recv(Sock, G#http_goop.len, 60*1000),
- CSum0 = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Chunk),
- try
- CSum = case G#http_goop.x_csum of
- undefined ->
- machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha, CSum0);
- XX when is_binary(XX) ->
- if XX == CSum0 ->
- machi_util:make_tagged_csum(client_sha, CSum0);
- true ->
- throw({bad_csum, XX})
- end
- end,
- FluName ! {seq_append, self(), MyURI, Chunk, CSum, 0, todo_epoch_id_bitrot}
- catch
- throw:{bad_csum, _CS} ->
- Out = "HTTP/1.0 412 Precondition failed\r\n"
- "X-Reason: bad checksum\r\n\r\n",
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, Out),
- ok = gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- exit(normal);
- error:badarg ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Message send to ~p gave badarg, make certain server is running with correct registered name\n", [?MODULE])
- end,
- receive
- {assignment, Offset, File} ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("HTTP/1.0 201 Created\r\nLocation: ~s\r\n"
- "X-Offset: ~w\r\nX-Size: ~w\r\n\r\n",
- [File, Offset, byte_size(Chunk)]),
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, Msg);
- wedged ->
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, <<"HTTP/1.0 499 WEDGED\r\n\r\n">>)
- after 10*1000 ->
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, <<"HTTP/1.0 499 TIMEOUT\r\n\r\n">>)
- end.
-http_hack_server_get(Sock, _G, _FluName, _MyURI, _S) ->
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, <<"TODO BROKEN FEATURE see old commits\r\n">>).
-http_hack_harvest_headers(Sock) ->
- ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{packet, httph}]),
- http_hack_harvest_headers(gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, ?SERVER_CMD_READ_TIMEOUT),
- Sock, []).
-http_hack_harvest_headers({ok, http_eoh}, _Sock, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-http_hack_harvest_headers({error, _}, _Sock, _Acc) ->
- [];
-http_hack_harvest_headers({ok, Hdr}, Sock, Acc) ->
- http_hack_harvest_headers(gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, ?SERVER_CMD_READ_TIMEOUT),
- Sock, [Hdr|Acc]).
-http_hack_digest_header_goop([], G) ->
- G;
-http_hack_digest_header_goop([{http_header, _, 'Content-Length', _, Str}|T], G) ->
- http_hack_digest_header_goop(T, G#http_goop{len=list_to_integer(Str)});
-http_hack_digest_header_goop([{http_header, _, "X-Checksum", _, Str}|T], G) ->
- SHA = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(Str),
- CSum = machi_util:make_tagged_csum(client_sha, SHA),
- http_hack_digest_header_goop(T, G#http_goop{x_csum=CSum});
-http_hack_digest_header_goop([_H|T], G) ->
- http_hack_digest_header_goop(T, G).
-http_hack_split_uri_options(OpsBin) ->
- L = binary:split(OpsBin, <<"&">>),
- [case binary:split(X, <<"=">>) of
- [<<"offset">>, Bin] ->
- {offset, binary_to_integer(Bin)};
- [<<"size">>, Bin] ->
- {size, binary_to_integer(Bin)}
- end || X <- L].
-%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `iolist()' type for
-%% internal storage by the FLU.
--spec encode_csum_file_entry(
- machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
- iolist().
-encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
- Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
- [<>,
- TaggedCSum].
-%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `binary()' type for
-%% internal storage by the FLU.
--spec encode_csum_file_entry_bin(
- machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
- binary().
-encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
- Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
- <>.
-%% @doc Decode a single `binary()' blob into an
-%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuple.
-%% The internal encoding (which is currently exposed to the outside world
-%% via this function and related ones) is:
-%% - 1 byte: record length
-%% - 8 bytes (unsigned big-endian): byte offset
-%% - 4 bytes (unsigned big-endian): chunk size
-%% - all remaining bytes: tagged checksum (1st byte = type tag)
-%% See `machi.hrl' for the tagged checksum types, e.g.,
--spec decode_csum_file_entry(binary()) ->
- error |
- {machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}.
-decode_csum_file_entry(<<_:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, TaggedCSum/binary>>) ->
- {Offset, Size, TaggedCSum};
-decode_csum_file_entry(_Else) ->
- error.
-%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
-%% unparsed `binary()' blobs, one per entry.
-%% Decode the unparsed blobs with {@link decode_csum_file_entry/1}, if
-%% desired.
-%% The return value `TrailingJunk' is unparseable bytes at the end of
-%% the checksum list blob.
--spec split_checksum_list_blob(binary()) ->
- {list(binary()), TrailingJunk::binary()}.
-split_checksum_list_blob(Bin) ->
- split_checksum_list_blob(Bin, []).
-split_checksum_list_blob(<>, Acc)->
- case get(hack_length) of
- Len -> ok;
- _ -> put(hack_different, true)
- end,
- split_checksum_list_blob(Rest, [<>|Acc]);
-split_checksum_list_blob(Rest, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
-%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
-%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuples.
--spec split_checksum_list_blob_decode(binary()) ->
- {list({machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}),
- TrailingJunk::binary()}.
-split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin) ->
- split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin, []).
-split_checksum_list_blob_decode(<>, Acc)->
- One = <>,
- case decode_csum_file_entry(One) of
- error ->
- split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc);
- DecOne ->
- split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, [DecOne|Acc])
- end;
-split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
-check_or_make_tagged_checksum(?CSUM_TAG_NONE, _Client_CSum, Chunk) ->
- %% TODO: If the client was foolish enough to use
- %% this type of non-checksum, then the client gets
- %% what it deserves wrt data integrity, alas. In
- %% the client-side Chain Replication method, each
- %% server will calculated this independently, which
- %% isn't exactly what ought to happen for best data
- %% integrity checking. In server-side CR, the csum
- %% should be calculated by the head and passed down
- %% the chain together with the value.
- CS = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Chunk),
- machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha, CS);
-check_or_make_tagged_checksum(?CSUM_TAG_CLIENT_SHA, Client_CSum, Chunk) ->
- CS = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Chunk),
- if CS == Client_CSum ->
- machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha,
- Client_CSum);
- true ->
- throw({bad_csum, CS})
- end.
-%% Remove "_COMMENTED" string to run the demo/exploratory code.
-timing_demo_test_COMMENTED_() ->
- {timeout, 300, fun() -> timing_demo_test2() end}.
-%% Demo/exploratory hackery to check relative speeds of dealing with
-%% checksum data in different ways.
-%% Summary:
-%% * Use compact binary encoding, with 1 byte header for entry length.
-%% * Because the hex-style code is *far* slower just for enc & dec ops.
-%% * For 1M entries of enc+dec: 0.215 sec vs. 15.5 sec.
-%% * File sorter when sorting binaries as-is is only 30-40% slower
-%% than an in-memory split (of huge binary emulated by file:read_file()
-%% "big slurp") and sort of the same as-is sortable binaries.
-%% * File sorter slows by a factor of about 2.5 if {order, fun compare/2}
-%% function must be used, i.e. because the checksum entry lengths differ.
-%% * File sorter + {order, fun compare/2} is still *far* faster than external
-%% sort by OS X's sort(1) of sortable ASCII hex-style:
-%% 4.5 sec vs. 21 sec.
-%% * File sorter {order, fun compare/2} is faster than in-memory sort
-%% of order-friendly 3-tuple-style: 4.5 sec vs. 15 sec.
-timing_demo_test2() ->
- Xs = [random:uniform(1 bsl 32) || _ <- lists:duplicate(1*1000*1000, $x)],
- CSum = <<"123456789abcdef0A">>,
- 17 = byte_size(CSum),
- io:format(user, "\n", []),
- %% %% {ok, ZZZ} = file:open("/tmp/foo.hex-style", [write, binary, raw, delayed_write]),
- io:format(user, "Hex-style file entry enc+dec: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {HexUSec, _} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
- B = encode_csum_file_entry_hex(X, 100, CSum),
- %% file:write(ZZZ, [B, 10]),
- decode_csum_file_entry_hex(list_to_binary(B))
- end, x, Xs)
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [HexUSec / 1000000]),
- %% %% file:close(ZZZ),
- io:format(user, "Not-sortable file entry enc+dec: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {NotSortedUSec, _} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
- B = encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
- decode_csum_file_entry(list_to_binary(B))
- end, x, Xs)
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotSortedUSec / 1000000]),
- NotHexList = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
- B = encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
- [B|Acc]
- end, [], Xs),
- NotHexBin = iolist_to_binary(NotHexList),
- io:format(user, "Split NotHexBin: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {NotHexBinUSec, SplitRes} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- put(hack_length, 29),
- put(hack_different, false),
- {Sorted, _Leftover} = split_checksum_list_blob(NotHexBin),
- io:format(user, " Leftover ~p (hack_different ~p) ", [_Leftover, get(hack_different)]),
- Sorted
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotHexBinUSec / 1000000]),
- io:format(user, "Sort Split results: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {SortSplitUSec, _} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- lists:sort(SplitRes)
- %% lists:sort(fun sort_2lines/2, SplitRes)
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [SortSplitUSec / 1000000]),
- UnsortedName = "/tmp/foo.unsorted",
- SortedName = "/tmp/foo.sorted",
- ok = file:write_file(UnsortedName, NotHexList),
- io:format(user, "File Sort Split results: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {FileSortUSec, _} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- {ok, FHin} = file:open(UnsortedName, [read, binary]),
- {ok, FHout} = file:open(SortedName,
- [write, binary, delayed_write]),
- put(hack_sorter_sha_ctx, crypto:hash_init(sha)),
- ok = file_sorter:sort(sort_input_fun(FHin, <<>>),
- sort_output_fun(FHout),
- [{format,binary},
- {header, 1}
- %% , {order, fun sort_2lines/2}
- ])
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [FileSortUSec / 1000000]),
- _SHA = crypto:hash_final(get(hack_sorter_sha_ctx)),
- %% io:format(user, "SHA via (hack_sorter_sha_ctx) = ~p\n", [_SHA]),
- io:format(user, "NotHex-Not-sortable tuple list creation: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {NotHexTupleCreationUSec, NotHexTupleList} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
- B = encode_csum_file_entry_hex(
- X, 100, CSum),
- [B|Acc]
- end, [], Xs)
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotHexTupleCreationUSec / 1000000]),
- io:format(user, "NotHex-Not-sortable tuple list sort: ", []),
- [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- {NotHexTupleSortUSec, _} =
- timer:tc(fun() ->
- lists:sort(NotHexTupleList)
- end),
- io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotHexTupleSortUSec / 1000000]),
- ok.
-sort_2lines(<<_:1/binary, A/binary>>, <<_:1/binary, B/binary>>) ->
- A < B.
-sort_input_fun(FH, PrevStuff) ->
- fun(close) ->
- ok;
- (read) ->
- case file:read(FH, 1024*1024) of
- {ok, NewStuff} ->
- AllStuff = if PrevStuff == <<>> ->
- NewStuff;
- true ->
- <>
- end,
- {SplitRes, Leftover} = split_checksum_list_blob(AllStuff),
- {SplitRes, sort_input_fun(FH, Leftover)};
- eof ->
- end_of_input
- end
- end.
-sort_output_fun(FH) ->
- fun(close) ->
- file:close(FH);
- (Stuff) ->
- Ctx = get(hack_sorter_sha_ctx),
- put(hack_sorter_sha_ctx, crypto:hash_update(Ctx, Stuff)),
- ok = file:write(FH, Stuff),
- sort_output_fun(FH)
- end.
-encode_csum_file_entry_hex(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
- OffsetHex = machi_util:bin_to_hexstr(<>),
- SizeHex = machi_util:bin_to_hexstr(<>),
- CSumHex = machi_util:bin_to_hexstr(TaggedCSum),
- [OffsetHex, 32, SizeHex, 32, CSumHex].
-decode_csum_file_entry_hex(<>) ->
- Offset = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(OffsetHex),
- Size = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(SizeHex),
- CSum = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(CSumHex),
- {Offset, Size, CSum}.
--endif. % TEST
+%-define(V(X,Y), ok).
+%%% -include("machi_verbose.hrl").
+%-endif. % TEST
+%-export([start_link/1, stop/1,
+% update_wedge_state/3, wedge_myself/2]).
+%-export([make_listener_regname/1, make_projection_server_regname/1]).
+%-export([encode_csum_file_entry/3, encode_csum_file_entry_bin/3,
+% decode_csum_file_entry/1,
+% split_checksum_list_blob/1, split_checksum_list_blob_decode/1]).
+%-record(state, {
+% flu_name :: atom(),
+% proj_store :: pid(),
+% append_pid :: pid(),
+% tcp_port :: non_neg_integer(),
+% data_dir :: string(),
+% wedged = true :: boolean(),
+% etstab :: ets:tid(),
+% epoch_id :: 'undefined' | machi_dt:epoch_id(),
+% pb_mode = undefined :: 'undefined' | 'high' | 'low',
+% high_clnt :: 'undefined' | pid(),
+% dbg_props = [] :: list(), % proplist
+% props = [] :: list() % proplist
+% }).
+%start_link([{FluName, TcpPort, DataDir}|Rest])
+% when is_atom(FluName), is_integer(TcpPort), is_list(DataDir) ->
+% {ok, spawn_link(fun() -> main2(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Rest) end)}.
+%stop(Pid) ->
+% case erlang:is_process_alive(Pid) of
+% true ->
+% Pid ! killme,
+% ok;
+% false ->
+% error
+% end.
+%update_wedge_state(PidSpec, Boolean, EpochId)
+% when (Boolean == true orelse Boolean == false), is_tuple(EpochId) ->
+% PidSpec ! {wedge_state_change, Boolean, EpochId}.
+%wedge_myself(PidSpec, EpochId)
+% when is_tuple(EpochId) ->
+% PidSpec ! {wedge_myself, EpochId}.
+%ets_table_name(FluName) when is_atom(FluName) ->
+% list_to_atom(atom_to_list(FluName) ++ "_epoch").
+%%% ets_table_name(FluName) when is_binary(FluName) ->
+%%% list_to_atom(binary_to_list(FluName) ++ "_epoch").
+%main2(FluName, TcpPort, DataDir, Rest) ->
+% {Props, DbgProps} = case proplists:get_value(dbg, Rest) of
+% undefined ->
+% {Rest, []};
+% DPs ->
+% {lists:keydelete(dbg, 1, Rest), DPs}
+% end,
+% {SendAppendPidToProj_p, ProjectionPid} =
+% case proplists:get_value(projection_store_registered_name, Rest) of
+% undefined ->
+% RN = make_projection_server_regname(FluName),
+% {ok, PP} =
+% machi_projection_store:start_link(RN, DataDir, undefined),
+% {true, PP};
+% RN ->
+% {false, whereis(RN)}
+% end,
+% InitialWedged_p = proplists:get_value(initial_wedged, DbgProps),
+% ProjRes = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(ProjectionPid,
+% private),
+% {Wedged_p, EpochId} =
+% if InitialWedged_p == undefined,
+% is_tuple(ProjRes), element(1, ProjRes) == ok ->
+% {ok, Proj} = ProjRes,
+% {false, {Proj#projection_v1.epoch_number,
+% Proj#projection_v1.epoch_csum}};
+% InitialWedged_p == false ->
+% {false, ?DUMMY_PV1_EPOCH};
+% true ->
+% {true, undefined}
+% end,
+% S0 = #state{flu_name=FluName,
+% proj_store=ProjectionPid,
+% tcp_port=TcpPort,
+% data_dir=DataDir,
+% wedged=Wedged_p,
+% etstab=ets_table_name(FluName),
+% epoch_id=EpochId,
+% dbg_props=DbgProps,
+% props=Props},
+% AppendPid = start_append_server(S0, self()),
+% receive
+% append_server_ack -> ok
+% end,
+% if SendAppendPidToProj_p ->
+% machi_projection_store:set_wedge_notify_pid(ProjectionPid,
+% AppendPid);
+% true ->
+% ok
+% end,
+% S1 = S0#state{append_pid=AppendPid},
+% ListenPid = start_listen_server(S1),
+% Config_e = machi_util:make_config_filename(DataDir, "unused"),
+% ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Config_e),
+% {_, Data_e} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, "unused"),
+% ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Data_e),
+% Projection_e = machi_util:make_projection_filename(DataDir, "unused"),
+% ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Projection_e),
+% put(flu_flu_name, FluName),
+% put(flu_append_pid, AppendPid),
+% put(flu_projection_pid, ProjectionPid),
+% put(flu_listen_pid, ListenPid),
+% receive killme -> ok end,
+% (catch exit(AppendPid, kill)),
+% (catch exit(ProjectionPid, kill)),
+% (catch exit(ListenPid, kill)),
+% ok.
+%do_server_proj_request({get_latest_epochid, ProjType},
+% #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
+% machi_projection_store:get_latest_epochid(ProjStore, ProjType);
+%do_server_proj_request({read_latest_projection, ProjType},
+% #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
+% machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(ProjStore, ProjType);
+%do_server_proj_request({read_projection, ProjType, Epoch},
+% #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
+% machi_projection_store:read(ProjStore, ProjType, Epoch);
+%do_server_proj_request({write_projection, ProjType, Proj},
+% #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
+% machi_projection_store:write(ProjStore, ProjType, Proj);
+%do_server_proj_request({get_all_projections, ProjType},
+% #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
+% machi_projection_store:get_all_projections(ProjStore, ProjType);
+%do_server_proj_request({list_all_projections, ProjType},
+% #state{proj_store=ProjStore}) ->
+% machi_projection_store:list_all_projections(ProjStore, ProjType);
+% #state{flu_name=FluName}) ->
+% %% Tell my chain manager that it might want to react to
+% %% this new world.
+% Chmgr = machi_chain_manager1:make_chmgr_regname(FluName),
+% spawn(fun() ->
+% catch machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(Chmgr)
+% end),
+% async_no_response.
+%start_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir, AppendServerPid) ->
+% proc_lib:spawn_link(fun() ->
+% %% The following is only necessary to
+% %% make nice process relationships in
+% %% 'appmon' and related tools.
+% put('$ancestors', [AppendServerPid]),
+% put('$initial_call', {x,y,3}),
+% link(AppendServerPid),
+% run_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir)
+% end).
+%run_seq_append_server(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir) ->
+% true = register(machi_util:make_regname(Prefix), self()),
+% run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir).
+%run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir) ->
+% FileNum = machi_util:read_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix) + 1,
+% case machi_util:increment_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix) of
+% ok ->
+% machi_util:info_msg("start: ~p server at file ~w\n",
+% [Prefix, FileNum]),
+% seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, EpochID, FileNum);
+% Else ->
+% error_logger:error_msg("start: ~p server at file ~w: ~p\n",
+% [Prefix, FileNum, Else]),
+% exit(Else)
+% end.
+%-spec seq_name_hack() -> string().
+%seq_name_hack() ->
+% lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.36B~.36B",
+% [element(3,now()),
+% list_to_integer(os:getpid())])).
+%seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, EpochID, FileNum) ->
+% SequencerNameHack = seq_name_hack(),
+% {File, FullPath} = machi_util:make_data_filename(
+% DataDir, Prefix, SequencerNameHack, FileNum),
+% {ok, FHd} = file:open(FullPath,
+% [read, write, raw, binary]),
+% CSumPath = machi_util:make_checksum_filename(
+% DataDir, Prefix, SequencerNameHack, FileNum),
+% {ok, FHc} = file:open(CSumPath, [append, raw, binary]),
+% seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, {FHd,FHc}, EpochID, FileNum,
+%seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, _File, {FHd,FHc}, EpochID,
+% FileNum, Offset)
+% when Offset > ?MAX_FILE_SIZE ->
+% ok = file:close(FHd),
+% ok = file:close(FHc),
+% machi_util:info_msg("rollover: ~p server at file ~w offset ~w\n",
+% [Prefix, FileNum, Offset]),
+% run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, EpochID, DataDir);
+%seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, {FHd,FHc}=FH_, EpochID,
+% FileNum, Offset) ->
+% receive
+% {seq_append, From, Prefix, Chunk, TaggedCSum, Extra, R_EpochID}
+% when R_EpochID == EpochID ->
+% if Chunk /= <<>> ->
+% %% Do we want better error handling here than just a bad match crash?
+% %% Does the error tuple need to propagate to somewhere?
+% ok = try_write_position(FHd, Offset, Chunk);
+% true ->
+% ok
+% end,
+% From ! {assignment, Offset, File},
+% Size = iolist_size(Chunk),
+% CSum_info = encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum),
+% ok = file:write(FHc, CSum_info),
+% seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, FH_, EpochID,
+% FileNum, Offset + Size + Extra);
+% {seq_append, _From, _Prefix, _Chunk, _TCSum, _Extra, R_EpochID}=MSG ->
+% %% Rare'ish event: send MSG to myself so it doesn't get lost
+% %% while we recurse around to pick up a new FileNum.
+% self() ! MSG,
+% machi_util:info_msg("rollover: ~p server at file ~w offset ~w "
+% "by new epoch_id ~W\n",
+% [Prefix, FileNum, Offset, R_EpochID, 8]),
+% run_seq_append_server2(Prefix, R_EpochID, DataDir);
+% {sync_stuff, FromPid, Ref} ->
+% file:sync(FHc),
+% FromPid ! {sync_finished, Ref},
+% seq_append_server_loop(DataDir, Prefix, File, FH_, EpochID,
+% FileNum, Offset)
+% after 30*1000 ->
+% ok = file:close(FHd),
+% ok = file:close(FHc),
+% machi_util:info_msg("stop: ~p server ~p at file ~w offset ~w\n",
+% [Prefix, self(), FileNum, Offset]),
+% exit(normal)
+% end.
+%try_write_position(FHd, Offset, Chunk) ->
+% ok = case file:pread(FHd, Offset, 1) of %% one byte should be enough right?
+% eof ->
+% ok;
+% {ok, _} ->
+% {error, error_written};
+% {error, Reason} ->
+% {error, Reason}
+% end,
+% ok = file:pwrite(FHd, Offset, Chunk),
+% ok.
+%make_listener_regname(BaseName) ->
+% list_to_atom(atom_to_list(BaseName) ++ "_listener").
+%start_append_server(_,_) -> ok.
+%start_listen_server(_,_) -> ok.
+%%% This is the name of the projection store that is spawned by the
+%%% *flu*, for use primarily in testing scenarios. In normal use, we
+%%% ought to be using the OTP style of managing processes, via
+%%% supervisors, namely via machi_flu_psup.erl, which uses a
+%%% *different* naming convention for the projection store name that it
+%%% registers.
+%make_projection_server_regname(BaseName) ->
+% list_to_atom(atom_to_list(BaseName) ++ "_pstore2").
+%%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `iolist()' type for
+%%% internal storage by the FLU.
+%-spec encode_csum_file_entry(
+% machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
+% iolist().
+%encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
+% Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
+% [<>,
+% TaggedCSum].
+%%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `binary()' type for
+%%% internal storage by the FLU.
+%-spec encode_csum_file_entry_bin(
+% machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
+% binary().
+%encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
+% Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
+% <>.
+%%% @doc Decode a single `binary()' blob into an
+%%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuple.
+%%% The internal encoding (which is currently exposed to the outside world
+%%% via this function and related ones) is:
+%%% - 1 byte: record length
+%%% - 8 bytes (unsigned big-endian): byte offset
+%%% - 4 bytes (unsigned big-endian): chunk size
+%%% - all remaining bytes: tagged checksum (1st byte = type tag)
+%%% See `machi.hrl' for the tagged checksum types, e.g.,
+%%% `?CSUM_TAG_NONE'.
+%-spec decode_csum_file_entry(binary()) ->
+% error |
+% {machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}.
+%decode_csum_file_entry(<<_:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, TaggedCSum/binary>>) ->
+% {Offset, Size, TaggedCSum};
+%decode_csum_file_entry(_Else) ->
+% error.
+%%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
+%%% unparsed `binary()' blobs, one per entry.
+%%% Decode the unparsed blobs with {@link decode_csum_file_entry/1}, if
+%%% desired.
+%%% The return value `TrailingJunk' is unparseable bytes at the end of
+%%% the checksum list blob.
+%-spec split_checksum_list_blob(binary()) ->
+% {list(binary()), TrailingJunk::binary()}.
+%split_checksum_list_blob(Bin) ->
+% split_checksum_list_blob(Bin, []).
+%split_checksum_list_blob(<>, Acc)->
+% case get(hack_length) of
+% Len -> ok;
+% _ -> put(hack_different, true)
+% end,
+% split_checksum_list_blob(Rest, [<>|Acc]);
+%split_checksum_list_blob(Rest, Acc) ->
+% {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
+%%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
+%%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuples.
+%-spec split_checksum_list_blob_decode(binary()) ->
+% {list({machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}),
+% TrailingJunk::binary()}.
+%split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin) ->
+% split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin, []).
+%split_checksum_list_blob_decode(<>, Acc)->
+% One = <>,
+% case decode_csum_file_entry(One) of
+% error ->
+% split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc);
+% DecOne ->
+% split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, [DecOne|Acc])
+% end;
+%split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc) ->
+% {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
+%check_or_make_tagged_checksum(?CSUM_TAG_NONE, _Client_CSum, Chunk) ->
+% %% TODO: If the client was foolish enough to use
+% %% this type of non-checksum, then the client gets
+% %% what it deserves wrt data integrity, alas. In
+% %% the client-side Chain Replication method, each
+% %% server will calculated this independently, which
+% %% isn't exactly what ought to happen for best data
+% %% integrity checking. In server-side CR, the csum
+% %% should be calculated by the head and passed down
+% %% the chain together with the value.
+% CS = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Chunk),
+% machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha, CS);
+%check_or_make_tagged_checksum(?CSUM_TAG_CLIENT_SHA, Client_CSum, Chunk) ->
+% CS = machi_util:checksum_chunk(Chunk),
+% if CS == Client_CSum ->
+% machi_util:make_tagged_csum(server_sha,
+% Client_CSum);
+% true ->
+% throw({bad_csum, CS})
+% end.
+%%% Remove "_COMMENTED" string to run the demo/exploratory code.
+%timing_demo_test_COMMENTED_() ->
+% {timeout, 300, fun() -> timing_demo_test2() end}.
+%%% Demo/exploratory hackery to check relative speeds of dealing with
+%%% checksum data in different ways.
+%%% Summary:
+%%% * Use compact binary encoding, with 1 byte header for entry length.
+%%% * Because the hex-style code is *far* slower just for enc & dec ops.
+%%% * For 1M entries of enc+dec: 0.215 sec vs. 15.5 sec.
+%%% * File sorter when sorting binaries as-is is only 30-40% slower
+%%% than an in-memory split (of huge binary emulated by file:read_file()
+%%% "big slurp") and sort of the same as-is sortable binaries.
+%%% * File sorter slows by a factor of about 2.5 if {order, fun compare/2}
+%%% function must be used, i.e. because the checksum entry lengths differ.
+%%% * File sorter + {order, fun compare/2} is still *far* faster than external
+%%% sort by OS X's sort(1) of sortable ASCII hex-style:
+%%% 4.5 sec vs. 21 sec.
+%%% * File sorter {order, fun compare/2} is faster than in-memory sort
+%%% of order-friendly 3-tuple-style: 4.5 sec vs. 15 sec.
+%timing_demo_test2() ->
+% Xs = [random:uniform(1 bsl 32) || _ <- lists:duplicate(1*1000*1000, $x)],
+% CSum = <<"123456789abcdef0A">>,
+% 17 = byte_size(CSum),
+% io:format(user, "\n", []),
+% %% %% {ok, ZZZ} = file:open("/tmp/foo.hex-style", [write, binary, raw, delayed_write]),
+% io:format(user, "Hex-style file entry enc+dec: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {HexUSec, _} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
+% B = encode_csum_file_entry_hex(X, 100, CSum),
+% %% file:write(ZZZ, [B, 10]),
+% decode_csum_file_entry_hex(list_to_binary(B))
+% end, x, Xs)
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [HexUSec / 1000000]),
+% %% %% file:close(ZZZ),
+% io:format(user, "Not-sortable file entry enc+dec: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {NotSortedUSec, _} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
+% B = encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
+% decode_csum_file_entry(list_to_binary(B))
+% end, x, Xs)
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotSortedUSec / 1000000]),
+% NotHexList = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
+% B = encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
+% [B|Acc]
+% end, [], Xs),
+% NotHexBin = iolist_to_binary(NotHexList),
+% io:format(user, "Split NotHexBin: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {NotHexBinUSec, SplitRes} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% put(hack_length, 29),
+% put(hack_different, false),
+% {Sorted, _Leftover} = split_checksum_list_blob(NotHexBin),
+% io:format(user, " Leftover ~p (hack_different ~p) ", [_Leftover, get(hack_different)]),
+% Sorted
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotHexBinUSec / 1000000]),
+% io:format(user, "Sort Split results: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {SortSplitUSec, _} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% lists:sort(SplitRes)
+% %% lists:sort(fun sort_2lines/2, SplitRes)
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [SortSplitUSec / 1000000]),
+% UnsortedName = "/tmp/foo.unsorted",
+% SortedName = "/tmp/foo.sorted",
+% ok = file:write_file(UnsortedName, NotHexList),
+% io:format(user, "File Sort Split results: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {FileSortUSec, _} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% {ok, FHin} = file:open(UnsortedName, [read, binary]),
+% {ok, FHout} = file:open(SortedName,
+% [write, binary, delayed_write]),
+% put(hack_sorter_sha_ctx, crypto:hash_init(sha)),
+% ok = file_sorter:sort(sort_input_fun(FHin, <<>>),
+% sort_output_fun(FHout),
+% [{format,binary},
+% {header, 1}
+% %% , {order, fun sort_2lines/2}
+% ])
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [FileSortUSec / 1000000]),
+% _SHA = crypto:hash_final(get(hack_sorter_sha_ctx)),
+% %% io:format(user, "SHA via (hack_sorter_sha_ctx) = ~p\n", [_SHA]),
+% io:format(user, "NotHex-Not-sortable tuple list creation: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {NotHexTupleCreationUSec, NotHexTupleList} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
+% B = encode_csum_file_entry_hex(
+% X, 100, CSum),
+% [B|Acc]
+% end, [], Xs)
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotHexTupleCreationUSec / 1000000]),
+% io:format(user, "NotHex-Not-sortable tuple list sort: ", []),
+% [erlang:garbage_collect(self()) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+% {NotHexTupleSortUSec, _} =
+% timer:tc(fun() ->
+% lists:sort(NotHexTupleList)
+% end),
+% io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotHexTupleSortUSec / 1000000]),
+% ok.
+%sort_2lines(<<_:1/binary, A/binary>>, <<_:1/binary, B/binary>>) ->
+% A < B.
+%sort_input_fun(FH, PrevStuff) ->
+% fun(close) ->
+% ok;
+% (read) ->
+% case file:read(FH, 1024*1024) of
+% {ok, NewStuff} ->
+% AllStuff = if PrevStuff == <<>> ->
+% NewStuff;
+% true ->
+% <>
+% end,
+% {SplitRes, Leftover} = split_checksum_list_blob(AllStuff),
+% {SplitRes, sort_input_fun(FH, Leftover)};
+% eof ->
+% end_of_input
+% end
+% end.
+%sort_output_fun(FH) ->
+% fun(close) ->
+% file:close(FH);
+% (Stuff) ->
+% Ctx = get(hack_sorter_sha_ctx),
+% put(hack_sorter_sha_ctx, crypto:hash_update(Ctx, Stuff)),
+% ok = file:write(FH, Stuff),
+% sort_output_fun(FH)
+% end.
+%encode_csum_file_entry_hex(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
+% OffsetHex = machi_util:bin_to_hexstr(<>),
+% SizeHex = machi_util:bin_to_hexstr(<>),
+% CSumHex = machi_util:bin_to_hexstr(TaggedCSum),
+% [OffsetHex, 32, SizeHex, 32, CSumHex].
+%decode_csum_file_entry_hex(<>) ->
+% Offset = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(OffsetHex),
+% Size = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(SizeHex),
+% CSum = machi_util:hexstr_to_bin(CSumHex),
+% {Offset, Size, CSum}.
+%-endif. % TEST
diff --git a/src/machi_flu_filename_mgr.erl b/src/machi_flu_filename_mgr.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c260421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machi_flu_filename_mgr.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc This process is responsible for managing filenames assigned to
+%% prefixes.
+%% Supported operations include finding the "current" filename assigned to
+%% a prefix. Incrementing the sequence number and returning a new file name
+%% and listing all data files assigned to a given prefix.
+%% All prefixes should have the form of `{prefix, P}'. Single filename
+%% return values have the form of `{file, F}'.
+%% Finding the current file associated with a sequence
+%% First it looks up the sequence number from the prefix name. If
+%% no sequence file is found, it uses 0 as the sequence number and searches
+%% for a matching file with the prefix and 0 as the sequence number.
+%% If no file is found, the it generates a new filename by incorporating
+%% the given prefix, a randomly generated (v4) UUID and 0 as the
+%% sequence number.
+%% If the sequence number is > 0, then the process scans the filesystem
+%% looking for a filename which matches the prefix and given sequence number and
+%% returns that.
+ start_link/1,
+ find_or_make_filename_from_prefix/1,
+ increment_prefix_sequence/1,
+ list_files_by_prefix/1
+ ]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+ init/1,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3
+ ]).
+-define(TIMEOUT, 10 * 1000).
+%% public API
+start_link(DataDir) when is_list(DataDir) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [DataDir], []).
+-spec find_or_make_filename_from_prefix( Prefix :: {prefix, string()} ) ->
+ {file, Filename :: string()} | {error, Reason :: term() } | timeout.
+% @doc Find the latest available or make a filename from a prefix. A prefix
+% should be in the form of a tagged tuple `{prefix, P}'. Returns a tagged
+% tuple in the form of `{file, F}' or an `{error, Reason}'
+find_or_make_filename_from_prefix({prefix, Prefix}) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {find_filename, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
+find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(Other) ->
+ lager:error("~p is not a valid prefix.", [Other]),
+ error(badarg).
+-spec increment_prefix_sequence( Prefix :: {prefix, string()} ) ->
+ ok | {error, Reason :: term() } | timeout.
+% @doc Increment the sequence counter for a given prefix. Prefix should
+% be in the form of `{prefix, P}'.
+increment_prefix_sequence({prefix, Prefix}) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {increment_sequence, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
+increment_prefix_sequence(Other) ->
+ lager:error("~p is not a valid prefix.", [Other]),
+ error(badarg).
+-spec list_files_by_prefix( Prefix :: {prefix, string()} ) ->
+ [ file:name() ] | timeout | {error, Reason :: term() }.
+% @doc Given a prefix in the form of `{prefix, P}' return
+% all the data files associated with that prefix. Returns
+% a list.
+list_files_by_prefix({prefix, Prefix}) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {list_files, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
+list_files_by_prefix(Other) ->
+ lager:error("~p is not a valid prefix.", [Other]),
+ error(badarg).
+%% gen_server API
+init([DataDir]) ->
+ {ok, DataDir}.
+handle_cast(Req, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Got unknown cast ~p", [Req]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_call({find_filename, Prefix}, _From, DataDir) ->
+ N = machi_util:read_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix),
+ File = case find_file(DataDir, Prefix, N) of
+ [] ->
+ {F, _} = machi_util:make_data_filename(
+ DataDir,
+ Prefix,
+ generate_uuid_v4_str(),
+ N),
+ F;
+ [H] -> H;
+ [Fn | _ ] = L ->
+ lager:warning(
+ "Searching for a matching file to prefix ~p and sequence number ~p gave multiples: ~p",
+ [Prefix, N, L]),
+ Fn
+ end,
+ {reply, {file, File}, DataDir};
+handle_call({increment_sequence, Prefix}, _From, DataDir) ->
+ ok = machi_util:increment_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix),
+ {reply, ok, DataDir};
+handle_call({list_files, Prefix}, From, DataDir) ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ L = list_files(DataDir, Prefix),
+ gen_server:reply(From, L)
+ end),
+ {noreply, DataDir};
+handle_call(Req, From, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Got unknown call ~p from ~p", [Req, From]),
+ {reply, hoge, State}.
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Got unknown info ~p", [Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(Reason, _State) ->
+ lager:info("Shutting down because ~p", [Reason]),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% private
+%% Quoted from https://github.com/afiskon/erlang-uuid-v4/blob/master/src/uuid.erl
+%% MIT License
+generate_uuid_v4_str() ->
+ <> = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16),
+ io_lib:format("~8.16.0b-~4.16.0b-4~3.16.0b-~4.16.0b-~12.16.0b",
+ [A, B, C band 16#0fff, D band 16#3fff bor 16#8000, E]).
+find_file(DataDir, Prefix, N) ->
+ {_Filename, Path} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, Prefix, "*", N),
+ filelib:wildcard(Path).
+list_files(DataDir, Prefix) ->
+ {F, Path} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, Prefix, "*", "*"),
+ filelib:wildcard(F, filename:dirname(Path)).
diff --git a/src/machi_flu_listener.erl b/src/machi_flu_listener.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f45822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machi_flu_listener.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+% 1. start file proxy supervisor
+% 2. start projection store
+% 3. start listener
+-record(state, {
+ pb_mode,
+ high_clnt,
+ proj_store,
+ etstab,
+ epoch_id,
+ flu_name
+-define(SERVER_CMD_READ_TIMEOUT, 600 * 1000).
+start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
+ Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts]),
+ {ok, Pid}.
+init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts = []) ->
+ ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
+ %% By default, ranch sets sockets to
+ %% {active, false}, {packet, raw}, {reuseaddr, true}
+ ok = Transport:setopts(Socket, ?PB_PACKET_OPTS),
+ loop(Socket, Transport, #state{}).
+loop(Socket, Transport, S) ->
+ case Transport:recv(Socket, 0, ?SERVER_CMD_READ_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ {RespBin, S2} =
+ case machi_pb:decode_mpb_ll_request(Bin) of
+ LL_req when LL_req#mpb_ll_request.do_not_alter == 2 ->
+ {R, NewS} = do_pb_ll_request(LL_req, S),
+ {maybe_encode_response(R), mode(low, NewS)};
+ _ ->
+ HL_req = machi_pb:decode_mpb_request(Bin),
+ 1 = HL_req#mpb_request.do_not_alter,
+ {R, NewS} = do_pb_hl_request(HL_req, make_high_clnt(S)),
+ {machi_pb:encode_mpb_response(R), mode(high, NewS)}
+ end,
+ if RespBin == async_no_response ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ ok = Transport:send(Socket, RespBin)
+ end,
+ loop(Socket, Transport, S2);
+ {error, SockError} ->
+ lager:error("Socket error ~w", [SockError]),
+ (catch Transport:close(Socket))
+ end.
+make_high_clnt(#state{high_clnt=undefined}=S) ->
+ {ok, Proj} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(
+ S#state.proj_store, private),
+ Ps = [P_srvr || {_, P_srvr} <- orddict:to_list(
+ Proj#projection_v1.members_dict)],
+ {ok, Clnt} = machi_cr_client:start_link(Ps),
+ S#state{high_clnt=Clnt};
+make_high_clnt(S) ->
+ S.
+maybe_encode_response(async_no_response=X) ->
+ X;
+maybe_encode_response(R) ->
+ machi_pb:encode_mpb_ll_response(R).
+mode(Mode, #state{pb_mode=undefined}=S) ->
+ S#state{pb_mode=Mode};
+mode(_, S) ->
+ S.
+do_pb_ll_request(#mpb_ll_request{req_id=ReqID}, #state{pb_mode=high}=S) ->
+ Result = {high_error, 41, "Low protocol request while in high mode"},
+ {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, unused, Result), S};
+do_pb_ll_request(PB_request, S) ->
+ Req = machi_pb_translate:from_pb_request(PB_request),
+ {ReqID, Cmd, Result, S2} =
+ case Req of
+ {RqID, {LowCmd, _}=CMD}
+ when LowCmd == low_proj;
+ LowCmd == low_wedge_status; LowCmd == low_list_files ->
+ %% Skip wedge check for projection commands!
+ %% Skip wedge check for these unprivileged commands
+ {Rs, NewS} = do_pb_ll_request3(CMD, S),
+ {RqID, CMD, Rs, NewS};
+ {RqID, CMD} ->
+ EpochID = element(2, CMD), % by common convention
+ {Rs, NewS} = do_pb_ll_request2(EpochID, CMD, S),
+ {RqID, CMD, Rs, NewS}
+ end,
+ {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, Cmd, Result), S2}.
+do_pb_ll_request2(EpochID, CMD, S) ->
+ {Wedged_p, CurrentEpochID} = ets:lookup_element(S#state.etstab, epoch, 2),
+ if Wedged_p == true ->
+ {{error, wedged}, S#state{epoch_id=CurrentEpochID}};
+ is_tuple(EpochID)
+ andalso
+ EpochID /= CurrentEpochID ->
+ {Epoch, _} = EpochID,
+ {CurrentEpoch, _} = CurrentEpochID,
+ if Epoch < CurrentEpoch ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ %% We're at same epoch # but different checksum, or
+ %% we're at a newer/bigger epoch #.
+ wedge_myself(S#state.flu_name, CurrentEpochID),
+ ok
+ end,
+ {{error, bad_epoch}, S#state{epoch_id=CurrentEpochID}};
+ true ->
+ do_pb_ll_request3(CMD, S#state{epoch_id=CurrentEpochID})
+ end.
+do_pb_ll_request3({low_echo, _BogusEpochID, Msg}, S) ->
+ {Msg, S};
+do_pb_ll_request3({low_auth, _BogusEpochID, _User, _Pass}, S) ->
+ {-6, S};
+do_pb_ll_request3(Cmd, S) ->
+ {execute_cmd(Cmd), S}.
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_append_chunk, _EpochID, PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag,
+% CSum, ChunkExtra}, S) ->
+% {do_server_append_chunk(PKey, Prefix, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum,
+% ChunkExtra, S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_write_chunk, _EpochID, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag,
+% CSum}, S) ->
+% {do_server_write_chunk(File, Offset, Chunk, CSum_tag, CSum, S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_read_chunk, _EpochID, File, Offset, Size, Opts}, S) ->
+% {do_server_read_chunk(File, Offset, Size, Opts, S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_checksum_list, _EpochID, File}, S) ->
+% {do_server_checksum_listing(File, S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_list_files, _EpochID}, S) ->
+% {do_server_list_files(S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_wedge_status, _EpochID}, S) ->
+% {do_server_wedge_status(S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_delete_migration, _EpochID, File}, S) ->
+% {do_server_delete_migration(File, S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_trunc_hack, _EpochID, File}, S) ->
+% {do_server_trunc_hack(File, S), S};
+%do_pb_ll_request3({low_proj, PCMD}, S) ->
+% {do_server_proj_request(PCMD, S), S}.
+execute_cmd(_Cmd) ->
+ ok.
+do_pb_hl_request(#mpb_request{req_id=ReqID}, #state{pb_mode=low}=S) ->
+ Result = {low_error, 41, "High protocol request while in low mode"},
+ {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, unused, Result), S};
+do_pb_hl_request(PB_request, S) ->
+ {ReqID, Cmd} = machi_pb_translate:from_pb_request(PB_request),
+ {Result, S2} = do_pb_hl_request2(Cmd, S),
+ {machi_pb_translate:to_pb_response(ReqID, Cmd, Result), S2}.
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_echo, Msg}, S) ->
+ {Msg, S};
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_auth, _User, _Pass}, S) ->
+ {-77, S};
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_append_chunk, _todoPK, Prefix, ChunkBin, TaggedCSum,
+ ChunkExtra}, #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
+ Chunk = {TaggedCSum, ChunkBin},
+ Res = machi_cr_client:append_chunk_extra(Clnt, Prefix, Chunk,
+ ChunkExtra),
+ {Res, S};
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_write_chunk, File, Offset, ChunkBin, TaggedCSum},
+ #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
+ Chunk = {TaggedCSum, ChunkBin},
+ Res = machi_cr_client:write_chunk(Clnt, File, Offset, Chunk),
+ {Res, S};
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_read_chunk, File, Offset, Size},
+ #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
+ Res = machi_cr_client:read_chunk(Clnt, File, Offset, Size),
+ {Res, S};
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_checksum_list, File}, #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
+ Res = machi_cr_client:checksum_list(Clnt, File),
+ {Res, S};
+do_pb_hl_request2({high_list_files}, #state{high_clnt=Clnt}=S) ->
+ Res = machi_cr_client:list_files(Clnt),
+ {Res, S}.
+wedge_myself(_, _) -> ok.
diff --git a/src/machi_flu_manager.erl b/src/machi_flu_manager.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcad49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machi_flu_manager.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-include("machi_flu.hrl"). %% contains state record
+%% Public API
+ start_link/1,
+ start/1,
+ stop/1
+%% gen_server callbacks
+ init/1,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3
+start_link(S = #state{flu_name = Name}) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, [S], []).
+%% TODO Make this a functional thing
+start(_FluName) ->
+ ok.
+%% TODO Make this functional
+stop(_) -> ok.
+%% gen_server callbacks
+init(S = #state{flu_name = N, epoch_id = EpochId, wedged = W}) ->
+ Tid = ets:new(make_name(N, "_epoch"), [set, protected, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}]),
+ true = ets:insert(Tid, {epoch, {W, EpochId}}),
+ {ok, S#state{etstab=Tid}}.
+handle_cast(Req, S) ->
+ lager:warning("Unexpected cast ~p", [Req]),
+ {noreply, S}.
+handle_call(Req, _From, S) ->
+ lager:warning("Unexpected call ~p", [Req]),
+ {reply, unexpected, S}.
+handle_info({wedge_myself, _EpochId}, S = #state{wedged = true}) ->
+ lager:debug("Request to wedge myself, but I'm already wedged. Ignoring."),
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info({wedge_myself, EpochId}, S = #state{flu_name = N,
+ wedged = false,
+ epoch_id = E,
+ etstab = Tid}) when EpochId == E ->
+ true = ets:insert(Tid, {epoch, {true, E}}),
+ kick_chain_manager(N),
+ {noreply, S#state{wedged=true}};
+handle_info({wedge_state_change, Bool, {NewEpoch, _}},
+ S = #state{epoch_id = undefined, etstab=Tid}) ->
+ true = ets:insert(Tid, {epoch, {Bool, NewEpoch}}),
+ {noreply, S#state{wedged = Bool, epoch_id = NewEpoch}};
+handle_info({wedge_state_change, Bool, {NewEpoch, _}},
+ S = #state{epoch_id = E, etstab = Tid}) when NewEpoch >= E ->
+ true = ets:insert(Tid, {epoch, {Bool, NewEpoch}}),
+ {noreply, S#state{wedged = Bool, epoch_id = NewEpoch}};
+handle_info(M = {wedge_state_change, _Bool, {NewEpoch, _}},
+ S = #state{epoch_id = E}) when NewEpoch < E ->
+ lager:debug("Wedge state change message ~p, but my epoch id is higher (~p). Ignoring.",
+ [M, E]),
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info({wedge_status, From}, S = #state{wedged = W, epoch_id = E}) ->
+ From ! {wedge_status_reply, W, E},
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info({seq_append, From, _Prefix, _Chunk, _Csum, _Extra, _EpochId},
+ S = #state{wedged = true}) ->
+ From ! wedged,
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info({seq_append, From, Prefix, Chunk, Csum, Extra, EpochId},
+ S = #state{epoch_id = EpochId}) ->
+ handle_append(From, Prefix, Chunk, Csum, Extra),
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info(Info, S) ->
+ lager:warning("Unexpected info ~p", [Info]),
+ {noreply, S}.
+terminate(Reason, _S) ->
+ lager:info("Terminating because ~p", [Reason]),
+ ok.
+code_change(_Old, S, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, S}.
+%% private
+kick_chain_manager(Name) ->
+ Chmgr = machi_chain_manager1:make_chmgr_regname(Name),
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ catch machi_chain_manager1:trigger_react_to_env(Chmgr)
+ end).
+handle_append(From, Prefix, Chunk, Csum, Extra) ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ dispatch_append(From, Prefix, Chunk, Csum, Extra)
+ end).
+dispatch_append(From, Prefix, Chunk, Csum, Extra) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = machi_flu_metadata_mgr:start_proxy_pid(Prefix),
+ {Tag, CS} = machi_util:unmake_tagged_csum(Csum),
+ try
+ {ok, Filename, Offset} = machi_flu_file_proxy:append(Pid,
+ [{client_csum_tag, Tag}, {client_csum, CS}],
+ Extra, Chunk),
+ From ! {assignment, Offset, Filename},
+ exit(normal)
+ catch
+ _Type:Reason ->
+ lager:error("Could not append chunk to prefix ~p because ~p",
+ [Prefix, Reason]),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+make_name(N, Suffix) ->
+ atom_to_list(N) ++ Suffix.
diff --git a/src/machi_flu_metadata_mgr.erl b/src/machi_flu_metadata_mgr.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fbafa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machi_flu_metadata_mgr.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc This is a metadata service for the machi FLU which currently
+%% tracks the mappings between filenames and file proxies.
+%% The service takes a given hash space and spreads it out over a
+%% pool of N processes which are responsible for 1/Nth the hash
+%% space. When a user requests an operation on a particular file
+%% the filename is hashed into the hash space and the request
+%% forwarded to a particular manager responsible for that slice
+%% of the hash space.
+%% The current hash implementation is `erlang:phash2/1' which has
+%% a range between 0..2^27-1 or 134,217,727.
+-define(MAX_MGRS, 10). %% number of managers to start by default.
+-define(HASH(X), erlang:phash2(X)). %% hash algorithm to use
+-define(TIMEOUT, 10 * 1000). %% 10 second timeout
+-record(state, {name :: atom(),
+ datadir :: string(),
+ tid :: ets:tid()
+ }).
+%% This record goes in the ets table where prefix is the key
+-record(md, {filename :: string(),
+ proxy_pid :: undefined|pid(),
+ mref :: undefined|reference() %% monitor ref for file proxy
+ }).
+%% public api
+ start_link/2,
+ lookup_manager_pid/1,
+ lookup_proxy_pid/1,
+ start_proxy_pid/1,
+ stop_proxy_pid/1
+ ]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+ init/1,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3
+ ]).
+%% Public API
+start_link(Name, DataDir) when is_atom(Name) andalso is_list(DataDir) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, [Name, DataDir], []).
+lookup_manager_pid({file, Filename}) ->
+ whereis(get_manager_atom(Filename)).
+lookup_proxy_pid({file, Filename}) ->
+ gen_server:call(get_manager_atom(Filename), {proxy_pid, Filename}, ?TIMEOUT).
+start_proxy_pid({file, Filename}) ->
+ gen_server:call(get_manager_atom(Filename), {start_proxy_pid, Filename}, ?TIMEOUT).
+stop_proxy_pid({file, Filename}) ->
+ gen_server:call(get_manager_atom(Filename), {stop_proxy_pid, Filename}, ?TIMEOUT).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+init([Name, DataDir]) ->
+ Tid = ets:new(Name, [{keypos, 2}, {read_concurrency, true}, {write_concurrency, true}]),
+ {ok, #state{ name = Name, datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid}}.
+handle_cast(Req, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Got unknown cast ~p", [Req]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_call({proxy_pid, Filename}, _From, State = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
+ Reply = case lookup_md(Tid, Filename) of
+ not_found -> undefined;
+ R -> R#md.proxy_pid
+ end,
+ {reply, Reply, State};
+handle_call({start_proxy_pid, Filename}, _From, State = #state{ tid = Tid, datadir = D }) ->
+ NewR = case lookup_md(Tid, Filename) of
+ not_found ->
+ start_file_proxy(D, Filename);
+ #md{ proxy_pid = undefined } = R0 ->
+ start_file_proxy(D, R0);
+ #md{ proxy_pid = _Pid } = R1 ->
+ R1
+ end,
+ update_ets(Tid, NewR),
+ {reply, {ok, NewR#md.proxy_pid}, State};
+handle_call({stop_proxy_pid, Filename}, _From, State = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
+ case lookup_md(Tid, Filename) of
+ not_found ->
+ ok;
+ #md{ proxy_pid = undefined } ->
+ ok;
+ #md{ proxy_pid = Pid, mref = M } = R ->
+ demonitor(M, [flush]),
+ machi_file_proxy:stop(Pid),
+ update_ets(Tid, R#md{ proxy_pid = undefined, mref = undefined })
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call(Req, From, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Got unknown call ~p from ~p", [Req, From]),
+ {reply, hoge, State}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', Mref, process, Pid, normal}, State = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
+ lager:debug("file proxy ~p shutdown normally", [Pid]),
+ clear_ets(Tid, Mref),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'DOWN', Mref, process, Pid, file_rollover}, State = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
+ lager:info("file proxy ~p shutdown because of file rollover", [Pid]),
+ R = get_md_record_by_mref(Tid, Mref),
+ [Prefix | _Rest] = machi_util:parse_filename({file, R#md.filename}),
+ %% We only increment the counter here. The filename will be generated on the
+ %% next append request to that prefix and since the filename will have a new
+ %% sequence number it probably will be associated with a different metadata
+ %% manager. That's why we don't want to generate a new file name immediately
+ %% and use it to start a new file proxy.
+ ok = machi_flu_filename_mgr:increment_prefix_sequence({prefix, Prefix}),
+ %% purge our ets table of this entry completely since it is likely the
+ %% new filename (whenever it comes) will be in a different manager than
+ %% us.
+ purge_ets(Tid, R),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'DOWN', Mref, process, Pid, wedged}, State = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
+ lager:error("file proxy ~p shutdown because it's wedged", [Pid]),
+ clear_ets(Tid, Mref),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'DOWN', Mref, process, Pid, Error}, State = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
+ lager:error("file proxy ~p shutdown because ~p", [Pid, Error]),
+ clear_ets(Tid, Mref),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ lager:warning("Got unknown info ~p", [Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(Reason, _State) ->
+ lager:info("Shutting down because ~p", [Reason]),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% Private functions
+compute_hash(Data) ->
+ ?HASH(Data).
+compute_worker(Hash) ->
+ Hash rem ?MAX_MGRS.
+build_metadata_mgr_name(N) when is_integer(N) ->
+ list_to_atom("machi_flu_metadata_mgr_" ++ integer_to_list(N)).
+get_manager_atom(Data) ->
+ build_metadata_mgr_name(compute_worker(compute_hash(Data))).
+lookup_md(Tid, Data) ->
+ case ets:lookup(Tid, Data) of
+ [] -> not_found;
+ [R] -> R
+ end.
+start_file_proxy(D, R = #md{filename = F} ) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = machi_file_proxy_sup:start_proxy(D, F),
+ Mref = monitor(process, Pid),
+ R#md{ proxy_pid = Pid, mref = Mref };
+start_file_proxy(D, Filename) ->
+ start_file_proxy(D, #md{ filename = Filename }).
+update_ets(Tid, R) ->
+ ets:insert(Tid, R).
+clear_ets(Tid, Mref) ->
+ R = get_md_record_by_mref(Tid, Mref),
+ update_ets(Tid, R#md{ proxy_pid = undefined, mref = undefined }).
+purge_ets(Tid, R) ->
+ ok = ets:delete_object(Tid, R).
+get_md_record_by_mref(Tid, Mref) ->
+ [R] = ets:match_object(Tid, {md, '_', '_', Mref}),
+ R.
diff --git a/src/machi_util.erl b/src/machi_util.erl
index b330dc6..30bf1b7 100644
--- a/src/machi_util.erl
+++ b/src/machi_util.erl
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
read_max_filenum/2, increment_max_filenum/2,
info_msg/2, verb/1, verb/2,
- mbytes/1,
+ mbytes/1, parse_filename/1,
%% TCP protocol helpers
connect/2, connect/3,
%% List twiddling
@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ make_checksum_filename(DataDir, FileName) ->
-spec make_data_filename(string(), string(), atom()|string()|binary(), integer()) ->
{binary(), string()}.
make_data_filename(DataDir, Prefix, SequencerName, FileNum) ->
- File = erlang:iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~s.~s.~w",
- [Prefix, SequencerName, FileNum])),
+ File = erlang:iolist_to_binary(string:join([Prefix, SequencerName, integer_to_list(FileNum)], ?FN_DELIMITER)),
FullPath = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s/data/~s", [DataDir, File])),
{File, FullPath}.
@@ -262,6 +261,10 @@ mbytes(0) ->
mbytes(Size) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.1.0f", [max(0.1, Size / (1024*1024))])).
+-spec parse_filename( Filename :: {file, string()} ) -> [ string() ].
+parse_filename({file, F}) ->
+ string:tokens(F, ?FN_DELIMITER).
%% @doc Log an 'info' level message.
-spec info_msg(string(), list()) -> term().
diff --git a/test/machi_file_proxy_eqc.erl b/test/machi_file_proxy_eqc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b0852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/machi_file_proxy_eqc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> io:format(user, Str, Args) end, P)).
+eqc_test_() ->
+ {timeout, 60,
+ {spawn,
+ [
+ {timeout, 30, ?_assertEqual(true, eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(15, ?QC_OUT(prop_ok()))))}
+ ]
+ }}.
+test() ->
+ test(100).
+test(N) ->
+ quickcheck(numtests(N, prop_ok())).
+check() ->
+ check(prop_ok(), current_counterexample()).
+csum_type() ->
+csum(Type, Binary) ->
+ case Type of
+ ?CSUM_TAG_NONE -> <<>>;
+ _ -> machi_util:checksum_chunk(Binary)
+ end.
+position(P) ->
+ ?LET(O, offset(), P + O).
+offset() ->
+ ?SUCHTHAT(X, int(), X >= 0).
+offset_base() ->
+ elements([4096, 6144, 7168, 8192, 20480, 100000, 1000000]).
+big_offset() ->
+ ?LET(P, int(), ?LET(X, offset_base(), P+X)).
+len() ->
+ ?SUCHTHAT(X, int(), X >= 1).
+data_with_csum() ->
+ ?LET({B,T},{eqc_gen:largebinary(), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
+ %?LET({B,T},{eqc_gen:binary(), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
+data_with_csum(Limit) ->
+ %?LET({B,T},{?LET(S, Limit, eqc_gen:largebinary(S)), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
+ ?LET({B,T},{?LET(S, Limit, eqc_gen:binary(S)), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
+intervals([]) ->
+ [];
+intervals([N]) ->
+ [{N, choose(1,150)}];
+intervals([A,B|T]) ->
+ [{A, choose(1, B-A)}|intervals([B|T])].
+interval_list() ->
+ ?LET(L, list(choose(1024, 4096)), intervals(lists:usort(L))).
+shuffle_interval() ->
+ ?LET(L, interval_list(), shuffle(L)).
+get_written_interval(L) ->
+ ?LET({O, Ln}, elements(L), {O+1, Ln-1}).
+-record(state, {pid, prev_extra = 0, planned_writes=[], written=[]}).
+initial_state() -> #state{written=[{0,1024}]}.
+initial_state(I) -> #state{written=[{0,1024}], planned_writes=I}.
+weight(_S, rewrite) -> 1;
+weight(_S, _) -> 2.
+%% check if an operation is permitted based on whether a write has
+%% occurred
+check_writes(_Op, [], _Off, _L) ->
+ false;
+check_writes(_Op, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Pos == Off
+ andalso Sz == L ->
+ mostly_true;
+check_writes(read, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Off >= Pos
+ andalso Off < (Pos + Sz)
+ andalso Sz >= ( L - ( Off - Pos ) ) ->
+ true;
+check_writes(write, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when ( Off + L ) > Pos
+ andalso Off < (Pos + Sz) ->
+ true;
+check_writes(Op, [_H|T], Off, L) ->
+ check_writes(Op, T, Off, L).
+is_error({error, _}) -> true;
+is_error({error, _, _}) -> true;
+is_error(Other) -> {expected_ERROR, Other}.
+probably_error(ok) -> true;
+probably_error(V) -> is_error(V).
+is_ok({ok, _, _}) -> true;
+is_ok(ok) -> true;
+is_ok(Other) -> {expected_OK, Other}.
+get_offset({ok, _Filename, Offset}) -> Offset;
+get_offset(_) -> error(badarg).
+offset_valid(Offset, Extra, L) ->
+ {Pos, Sz} = lists:last(L),
+ Offset == Pos + Sz + Extra.
+-define(TESTDIR, "./eqc").
+cleanup() ->
+ [begin
+ Fs = filelib:wildcard(?TESTDIR ++ Glob),
+ [file:delete(F) || F <- Fs],
+ [file:del_dir(F) || F <- Fs]
+ end || Glob <- ["*/*/*/*", "*/*/*", "*/*", "*"] ],
+ _ = file:del_dir(?TESTDIR),
+ ok.
+%% start
+start_pre(S) ->
+ S#state.pid == undefined.
+start_command(S) ->
+ {call, ?MODULE, start, [S]}.
+start(_S) ->
+ {_, _, MS} = os:timestamp(),
+ File = test_server:temp_name("eqc_data") ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(MS),
+ {ok, Pid} = machi_file_proxy:start_link(File, ?TESTDIR),
+ unlink(Pid),
+ Pid.
+start_next(S, Pid, _Args) ->
+ S#state{pid = Pid}.
+%% read
+read_pre(S) ->
+ S#state.pid /= undefined.
+read_args(S) ->
+ [S#state.pid, offset(), len()].
+read_ok(S, Off, L) ->
+ case S#state.written of
+ [{0, 1024}] -> false;
+ W -> check_writes(read, W, Off, L)
+ end.
+read_post(S, [_Pid, Off, L], Res) ->
+ case read_ok(S, Off, L) of
+ true -> is_ok(Res);
+ mostly_true -> is_ok(Res);
+ false -> is_error(Res)
+ end.
+read_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S.
+read(Pid, Offset, Length) ->
+ machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, Offset, Length).
+%% write
+write_pre(S) ->
+ S#state.pid /= undefined andalso S#state.planned_writes /= [].
+%% do not allow writes with empty data
+write_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
+ false;
+write_pre(_S, _Args) ->
+ true.
+write_args(S) ->
+ {Off, Len} = hd(S#state.planned_writes),
+ [S#state.pid, Off, data_with_csum(Len)].
+write_ok(_S, [_Pid, Off, _Data]) when Off < 1024 -> false;
+write_ok(S, [_Pid, Off, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
+ Size = iolist_size(Bin),
+ %% Check writes checks if a byte range is *written*
+ %% So writes are ok IFF they are NOT written, so
+ %% we want not check_writes/3 to be true.
+ check_writes(write, S#state.written, Off, Size).
+write_post(S, Args, Res) ->
+ case write_ok(S, Args) of
+ %% false means this range has NOT been written before, so
+ %% it should succeed
+ false -> eq(Res, ok);
+ %% mostly true means we've written this range before BUT
+ %% as a special case if we get a call to write the EXACT
+ %% same data that's already on the disk, we return "ok"
+ %% instead of {error, written}.
+ mostly_true -> probably_error(Res);
+ %% If we get true, then we've already written this section
+ %% or a portion of this range to disk and should return an
+ %% error.
+ true -> is_error(Res)
+ end.
+write_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Offset, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
+ S0 = case is_ok(Res) of
+ true ->
+ S#state{written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}]) };
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end,
+ S0#state{prev_extra = 0, planned_writes=tl(S0#state.planned_writes)}.
+write(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
+ Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag},
+ {client_csum, Csum}],
+ machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, Offset, Meta, Bin).
+%% append
+append_pre(S) ->
+ S#state.pid /= undefined.
+%% do not allow appends with empty binary data
+append_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
+ false;
+append_pre(_S, _Args) ->
+ true.
+append_args(S) ->
+ [S#state.pid, default(0, len()), data_with_csum()].
+append(Pid, Extra, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
+ Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag},
+ {client_csum, Csum}],
+ machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, Meta, Extra, Bin).
+append_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Extra, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
+ case is_ok(Res) of
+ true ->
+ Offset = get_offset(Res),
+ true = offset_valid(Offset, S#state.prev_extra, S#state.written),
+ S#state{prev_extra = Extra, written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])};
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end.
+%% appends should always succeed unless the disk is full
+%% or there's a hardware failure.
+append_post(_S, _Args, Res) ->
+ true == is_ok(Res).
+%% rewrite
+rewrite_pre(S) ->
+ S#state.pid /= undefined andalso S#state.written /= [].
+rewrite_args(S) ->
+ ?LET({Off, Len}, get_written_interval(S#state.written),
+ [S#state.pid, Off, data_with_csum(Len)]).
+rewrite(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
+ Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag},
+ {client_csum, Csum}],
+ machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, Offset, Meta, Bin).
+rewrite_post(_S, _Args, Res) ->
+ is_error(Res).
+rewrite_next(S, _Res, _Args) ->
+ S#state{prev_extra = 0}.
+%% Property
+prop_ok() ->
+ cleanup(),
+ ?FORALL(I, shuffle_interval(),
+ ?FORALL(Cmds, parallel_commands(?MODULE, initial_state(I)),
+ begin
+ {H, S, Res} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+ pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res},
+ aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res == ok))
+ end)
+ ).
+-endif. % EQC
+-endif. % TEST
diff --git a/test/machi_file_proxy_test.erl b/test/machi_file_proxy_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcb0085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/machi_file_proxy_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%% a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+clean_up_data_dir(DataDir) ->
+ [begin
+ Fs = filelib:wildcard(DataDir ++ Glob),
+ [file:delete(F) || F <- Fs],
+ [file:del_dir(F) || F <- Fs]
+ end || Glob <- ["*/*/*/*", "*/*/*", "*/*", "*"] ],
+ _ = file:del_dir(DataDir),
+ ok.
+-define(TESTDIR, "./t").
+-define(HYOOGE, 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024). % 1 long GB
+random_binary_single() ->
+ %% OK, I guess it's not that random...
+ <<"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
+ continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
+ proposition that all men are created equal.
+ Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any
+ nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great
+ battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a
+ final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation
+ might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
+ But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not
+ hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have
+ consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will
+ little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what
+ they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the
+ unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It
+ is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—
+ that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which
+ they gave the last full measure of devotion— that we here highly resolve that
+ these dead shall not have died in vain— that this nation, under God, shall have
+ a new birth of freedom— and that government of the people, by the people, for
+ the people, shall not perish from the earth.">>.
+random_binary(Start, End) ->
+ Size = byte_size(random_binary_single()) - 1,
+ case End > Size of
+ true ->
+ Copies = ( End div Size ) + 1,
+ D0 = binary:copy(random_binary_single(), Copies),
+ binary:part(<>, Start, End);
+ false ->
+ binary:part(random_binary_single(), Start, End)
+ end.
+machi_file_proxy_test_() ->
+ clean_up_data_dir(?TESTDIR),
+ {ok, Pid} = machi_file_proxy:start_link("test", ?TESTDIR),
+ [
+ ?_assertEqual({error, bad_arg}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, -1, -1)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, bad_arg}, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, -1, <<"yo">>)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, bad_arg}, machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, [], -1, <<"krep">>)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1, 1)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1024, 1)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1, 1024)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1024, ?HYOOGE)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, not_written}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, ?HYOOGE, 1)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, written}, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 1, random_binary(0, ?HYOOGE))),
+ ?_assertMatch({ok, "test", _}, machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, random_binary(0, 1024))),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, written}, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 1024, <<"fail">>)),
+ ?_assertEqual({error, written}, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 1, <<"fail">>)),
+ ?_assertMatch({ok, _, _}, machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, 1025, 1000)),
+ ?_assertMatch({ok, "test", _}, machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, [], 1024, <<"mind the gap">>)),
+ ?_assertEqual(ok, machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, 2060, [], random_binary(0, 1024))),
+ ?_assertException(exit, {normal, _}, machi_file_proxy:stop(Pid))
+ ].
+-endif. % !PULSE
+-endif. % TEST.