Move checksum file related code to machi_csum_table #11
5 changed files with 292 additions and 181 deletions
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ verify_file_checksums_common(Sock1, EpochID, File, ReadChunk) ->
case ?FLU_C:checksum_list(Sock1, EpochID, File) of
case ?FLU_C:checksum_list(Sock1, EpochID, File) of
{ok, InfoBin} ->
{ok, InfoBin} ->
{Info, _} = machi_flu1:split_checksum_list_blob_decode(InfoBin),
{Info, _} = machi_checksums:split_checksum_list_blob_decode(InfoBin),
Res = lists:foldl(verify_chunk_checksum(File, ReadChunk),
Res = lists:foldl(verify_chunk_checksum(File, ReadChunk),
[], Info),
[], Info),
{ok, Res};
{ok, Res};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
find/3, write/4, trim/3,
close/1, delete/1]).
-export([encode_csum_file_entry/3, decode_csum_file_entry/1]).
{file :: filename:filename(),
fd :: file:descriptor(),
table :: ets:tid()}).
-type table() :: #machi_csum_table{}.
-type byte_sequence() :: { Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Size :: pos_integer()|infinity }.
-spec open(filename:filename(), proplists:proplists()) ->
{ok, table()} | {error, file:posix()}.
open(CSumFilename, _Opts) ->
T = ets:new(?MODULE, [private, ordered_set]),
C0 = #machi_csum_table{
case file:read_file(CSumFilename) of
%% , [read, raw, binary]) of
{ok, Bin} ->
List = case split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin) of
{List0, <<>>} ->
{List0, _Junk} ->
%% Partially written, needs repair TODO
%% [write(CSumFilename, List),
%% assuming all entries are strictly ordered by offset,
%% trim command should always come after checksum entry.
%% *if* by any chance that order cound not be kept, we
%% still can do ordering check and monotonic merge here.
ets:insert(T, List);
{error, enoent} ->
Error ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open(CSumFilename, [raw, binary, append]),
{ok, C0#machi_csum_table{fd=Fd}}.
-spec find(table(), machi_dt:chunk_pos(), machi_dt:chunk_size()) ->
{ok, machi_dt:chunk_csum()} | {error, trimmed|notfound}.
find(#machi_csum_table{table=T}, Offset, Size) ->
case ets:lookup(T, Offset) of
[{Offset, Size, trimmed}] -> {error, trimmed};
[{Offset, Size, Checksum}] -> {ok, Checksum};
[{Offset, _, Checksum}] -> {ok, Checksum};
[] -> {error, notfound}
-spec write(table(), machi_dt:chunk_pos(), machi_dt:chunk_size(),
machi_dt:chunk_csum()) ->
ok | {error, used|file:posix()}.
write(#machi_csum_table{fd=Fd, table=T}, Offset, Size, CSum) ->
Binary = encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, CSum),
case file:write(Fd, Binary) of
ok ->
case ets:insert_new(T, {Offset, Size, CSum}) of
true ->
false ->
{error, written}
Error ->
-spec trim(table(), machi_dt:chunk_pos(), machi_dt:chunk_size()) ->
ok | {error, file:posix()}.
trim(#machi_csum_table{fd=Fd, table=T}, Offset, Size) ->
Binary = encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, trimmed),
case file:write(Fd, Binary) of
ok ->
true = ets:insert(T, {Offset, Size, trimmed}),
Error ->
-spec sync(table()) -> ok | {error, file:posix()}.
sync(#machi_csum_table{fd=Fd}) ->
-spec calc_unwritten_bytes(table()) -> [byte_sequence()].
calc_unwritten_bytes(#machi_csum_table{table=T}) ->
case lists:sort(ets:tab2list(T)) of
[] ->
[{?MINIMUM_OFFSET, infinity}];
Sorted ->
{LastOffset, _, _} = hd(Sorted),
build_unwritten_bytes_list(Sorted, LastOffset, [])
-spec close(table()) -> ok.
close(#machi_csum_table{table=T, fd=Fd}) ->
true = ets:delete(T),
ok = file:close(Fd).
-spec delete(table()) -> ok.
delete(#machi_csum_table{file=F} = C) ->
catch close(C),
case file:delete(F) of
ok -> ok;
{error, enoent} -> ok;
E -> E
%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `iolist()' type for
%% internal storage by the FLU.
-spec encode_csum_file_entry(
machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
[<<$w, Len:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big>>,
%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `binary()' type for
%% internal storage by the FLU.
-spec encode_csum_file_entry_bin(
machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, trimmed) ->
<<$t, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big>>;
encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
<<$w, Len:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big,
%% @doc Decode a single `binary()' blob into an
%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuple.
%% The internal encoding (which is currently exposed to the outside world
%% via this function and related ones) is:
%% <ul>
%% <li> 1 byte: record length
%% </li>
%% <li> 8 bytes (unsigned big-endian): byte offset
%% </li>
%% <li> 4 bytes (unsigned big-endian): chunk size
%% </li>
%% <li> all remaining bytes: tagged checksum (1st byte = type tag)
%% </li>
%% </ul>
%% See `machi.hrl' for the tagged checksum types, e.g.,
-spec decode_csum_file_entry(binary()) ->
error |
{machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}.
decode_csum_file_entry(<<_:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, TaggedCSum/binary>>) ->
{Offset, Size, TaggedCSum};
decode_csum_file_entry(_Else) ->
%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuples.
-spec split_checksum_list_blob_decode(binary()) ->
{list({machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}),
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin) ->
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin, []).
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(<<$w, Len:8/unsigned-big, Part:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc)->
One = <<Len:8/unsigned-big, Part/binary>>,
case decode_csum_file_entry(One) of
error ->
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc);
DecOne ->
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, [DecOne|Acc])
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(<<$t, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
%% trimmed offset
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, [{Offset, Size, trimmed}|Acc]);
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
-spec build_unwritten_bytes_list( CsumData :: [{ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Size :: pos_integer(),
Checksum :: binary() }],
LastOffset :: non_neg_integer(),
Acc :: list() ) -> [byte_sequence()].
% @private Given a <b>sorted</b> list of checksum data tuples, return a sorted
% list of unwritten byte ranges. The output list <b>always</b> has at least one
% entry: the last tuple in the list is guaranteed to be the current end of
% bytes written to a particular file with the special space moniker
% `infinity'.
build_unwritten_bytes_list([], Last, Acc) ->
NewAcc = [ {Last, infinity} | Acc ],
build_unwritten_bytes_list([{CurrentOffset, CurrentSize, _Csum}|Rest], LastOffset, Acc) when
CurrentOffset /= LastOffset ->
Hole = CurrentOffset - LastOffset,
build_unwritten_bytes_list(Rest, (CurrentOffset+CurrentSize), [{LastOffset, Hole}|Acc]);
build_unwritten_bytes_list([{CO, CS, _Ck}|Rest], _LastOffset, Acc) ->
build_unwritten_bytes_list(Rest, CO + CS, Acc).
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
eof_position = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
eof_position = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
unwritten_bytes = [] :: [byte_sequence()],
unwritten_bytes = [] :: [byte_sequence()],
data_filehandle :: file:filehandle(),
data_filehandle :: file:filehandle(),
csum_filehandle :: file:filehandle(),
csum_table :: machi_csum_table:table(),
tref :: reference(), %% timer ref
tref :: reference(), %% timer ref
ticks = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% ticks elapsed with no new operations
ticks = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% ticks elapsed with no new operations
ops = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% sum of all ops
ops = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% sum of all ops
@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ init({Filename, DataDir}) ->
{_, DPath} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, Filename),
{_, DPath} = machi_util:make_data_filename(DataDir, Filename),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CsumFile),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CsumFile),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(DPath),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(DPath),
UnwrittenBytes = parse_csum_file(CsumFile),
{ok, CsumTable} = machi_csum_table:open(CsumFile, []),
UnwrittenBytes = machi_csum_table:calc_unwritten_bytes(CsumTable),
{Eof, infinity} = lists:last(UnwrittenBytes),
{Eof, infinity} = lists:last(UnwrittenBytes),
{ok, FHd} = file:open(DPath, [read, write, binary, raw]),
{ok, FHd} = file:open(DPath, [read, write, binary, raw]),
{ok, FHc} = file:open(CsumFile, [append, binary, raw]),
Tref = schedule_tick(),
Tref = schedule_tick(),
St = #state{
St = #state{
filename = Filename,
filename = Filename,
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ init({Filename, DataDir}) ->
data_path = DPath,
data_path = DPath,
csum_file = CsumFile,
csum_file = CsumFile,
data_filehandle = FHd,
data_filehandle = FHd,
csum_filehandle = FHc,
csum_table = CsumTable,
tref = Tref,
tref = Tref,
unwritten_bytes = UnwrittenBytes,
unwritten_bytes = UnwrittenBytes,
eof_position = Eof},
eof_position = Eof},
@ -224,15 +224,15 @@ handle_call({sync, data}, _From, State = #state{ data_filehandle = FHd }) ->
R = file:sync(FHd),
R = file:sync(FHd),
{reply, R, State};
{reply, R, State};
handle_call({sync, csum}, _From, State = #state{ csum_filehandle = FHc }) ->
handle_call({sync, csum}, _From, State = #state{ csum_table = T }) ->
R = file:sync(FHc),
R = machi_csum_table:sync(T),
{reply, R, State};
{reply, R, State};
handle_call({sync, all}, _From, State = #state{filename = F,
handle_call({sync, all}, _From, State = #state{filename = F,
data_filehandle = FHd,
data_filehandle = FHd,
csum_filehandle = FHc
csum_table = T
}) ->
}) ->
R = file:sync(FHc),
R = machi_csum_table:sync(T),
R1 = file:sync(FHd),
R1 = file:sync(FHd),
Resp = case {R, R1} of
Resp = case {R, R1} of
{ok, ok} -> ok;
{ok, ok} -> ok;
@ -267,11 +267,17 @@ handle_call({read, Offset, Length}, _From,
handle_call({read, Offset, Length}, _From,
handle_call({read, Offset, Length}, _From,
State = #state{filename = F,
State = #state{filename = F,
data_filehandle = FH,
data_filehandle = FH,
csum_table = CsumTable,
unwritten_bytes = U,
unwritten_bytes = U,
reads = {T, Err}
reads = {T, Err}
}) ->
}) ->
Checksum = get({Offset, Length}), %% N.B. Maybe be 'undefined'!
Checksum = case machi_csum_table:find(CsumTable, Offset, Length) of
{ok, Checksum0} ->
_ ->
{Resp, NewErr} = case handle_read(FH, F, Checksum, Offset, Length, U) of
{Resp, NewErr} = case handle_read(FH, F, Checksum, Offset, Length, U) of
{ok, Bytes, Csum} ->
{ok, Bytes, Csum} ->
@ -296,7 +302,7 @@ handle_call({write, Offset, ClientMeta, Data}, _From,
filename = F,
filename = F,
writes = {T, Err},
writes = {T, Err},
data_filehandle = FHd,
data_filehandle = FHd,
csum_filehandle = FHc
csum_table = CsumTable
}) ->
}) ->
ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ handle_call({write, Offset, ClientMeta, Data}, _From,
[ClientCsum, Bad]),
[ClientCsum, Bad]),
{{error, bad_checksum}, Err + 1, U};
{{error, bad_checksum}, Err + 1, U};
TaggedCsum ->
TaggedCsum ->
case handle_write(FHd, FHc, F, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) of
case handle_write(FHd, CsumTable, F, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) of
{ok, NewU1} ->
{ok, NewU1} ->
{ok, Err, NewU1};
{ok, Err, NewU1};
Error ->
Error ->
@ -336,7 +342,7 @@ handle_call({append, ClientMeta, Extra, Data}, _From,
filename = F,
filename = F,
appends = {T, Err},
appends = {T, Err},
data_filehandle = FHd,
data_filehandle = FHd,
csum_filehandle = FHc
csum_table = CsumTable
}) ->
}) ->
ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
ClientCsumTag = proplists:get_value(client_csum_tag, ClientMeta, ?CSUM_TAG_NONE),
@ -349,7 +355,7 @@ handle_call({append, ClientMeta, Extra, Data}, _From,
[ClientCsum, Bad]),
[ClientCsum, Bad]),
{{error, bad_checksum}, Err + 1, U};
{{error, bad_checksum}, Err + 1, U};
TaggedCsum ->
TaggedCsum ->
case handle_write(FHd, FHc, F, TaggedCsum, EofP, Data, U) of
case handle_write(FHd, CsumTable, F, TaggedCsum, EofP, Data, U) of
{ok, NewU1} ->
{ok, NewU1} ->
{{ok, F, EofP}, Err, NewU1};
{{ok, F, EofP}, Err, NewU1};
Error ->
Error ->
@ -450,7 +456,7 @@ handle_info(Req, State) ->
% @private
% @private
terminate(Reason, #state{filename = F,
terminate(Reason, #state{filename = F,
data_filehandle = FHd,
data_filehandle = FHd,
csum_filehandle = FHc,
csum_table = T,
reads = {RT, RE},
reads = {RT, RE},
writes = {WT, WE},
writes = {WT, WE},
appends = {AT, AE}
appends = {AT, AE}
@ -461,9 +467,9 @@ terminate(Reason, #state{filename = F,
lager:info(" Writes: ~p/~p", [WT, WE]),
lager:info(" Writes: ~p/~p", [WT, WE]),
lager:info("Appends: ~p/~p", [AT, AE]),
lager:info("Appends: ~p/~p", [AT, AE]),
ok = file:sync(FHd),
ok = file:sync(FHd),
ok = file:sync(FHc),
ok = file:close(FHd),
ok = file:close(FHd),
ok = file:close(FHc),
ok = machi_csum_table:sync(T),
ok = machi_csum_table:close(T),
% @private
% @private
@ -497,36 +503,6 @@ check_or_make_tagged_csum(OtherTag, _ClientCsum, _Data) ->
lager:warning("Unknown checksum tag ~p", [OtherTag]),
lager:warning("Unknown checksum tag ~p", [OtherTag]),
{error, bad_checksum}.
{error, bad_checksum}.
encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
[<<Len:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big>>,
map_offsets_to_csums(CsumList) ->
lists:foreach(fun insert_offsets/1, CsumList).
insert_offsets({Offset, Length, Checksum}) ->
put({Offset, Length}, Checksum).
-spec parse_csum_file( Filename :: string() ) -> [byte_sequence()].
parse_csum_file(Filename) ->
%% using file:read_file works as long as the files are "small"
{ok, CsumData} = file:read_file(Filename),
{DecodedCsums, _Junk} = machi_flu1:split_checksum_list_blob_decode(CsumData),
Sort = lists:sort(DecodedCsums),
case Sort of
[] -> [{?MINIMUM_OFFSET, infinity}];
_ ->
{First, _, _} = hd(Sort),
build_unwritten_bytes_list(Sort, First, [])
_:{badmatch, {error, enoent}} ->
[{?MINIMUM_OFFSET, infinity}]
-spec handle_read(FHd :: file:filehandle(),
-spec handle_read(FHd :: file:filehandle(),
Filename :: string(),
Filename :: string(),
TaggedCsum :: undefined|binary(),
TaggedCsum :: undefined|binary(),
@ -593,7 +569,7 @@ do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size) ->
-spec handle_write( FHd :: file:filehandle(),
-spec handle_write( FHd :: file:filehandle(),
FHc :: file:filehandle(),
CsumTable :: machi_csum_table:table(),
Filename :: string(),
Filename :: string(),
TaggedCsum :: binary(),
TaggedCsum :: binary(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
@ -613,15 +589,19 @@ do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size) ->
% file, and the internal list of unwritten bytes is modified to reflect the
% file, and the internal list of unwritten bytes is modified to reflect the
% just-performed write. This is then returned to the caller as
% just-performed write. This is then returned to the caller as
% `{ok, NewUnwritten}' where NewUnwritten is the revised unwritten byte list.
% `{ok, NewUnwritten}' where NewUnwritten is the revised unwritten byte list.
handle_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
handle_write(FHd, CsumTable, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
Size = iolist_size(Data),
Size = iolist_size(Data),
case is_byte_range_unwritten(Offset, Size, U) of
case is_byte_range_unwritten(Offset, Size, U) of
false ->
false ->
case get({Offset, Size}) of
case machi_csum_table:find(CsumTable, Offset, Size) of
undefined ->
{error, trimmed} = Error ->
{error, notfound} ->
%% Just unknown pair of {offset, size}
%% given. Trust U and return as it is used
{error, written};
{error, written};
TaggedCsum ->
{ok, TaggedCsum} ->
case do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size) of
case do_read(FHd, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size) of
eof ->
eof ->
lager:warning("This should never happen: got eof while reading at offset ~p in file ~p that's supposedly written",
lager:warning("This should never happen: got eof while reading at offset ~p in file ~p that's supposedly written",
@ -632,7 +612,7 @@ handle_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
_ ->
_ ->
{error, written}
{error, written}
OtherCsum ->
{ok, OtherCsum} ->
%% Got a checksum, but it doesn't match the data block's
%% Got a checksum, but it doesn't match the data block's
lager:error("During a potential write at offset ~p in file ~p, a check for unwritten bytes gave us checksum ~p but the data we were trying to trying to write has checksum ~p",
lager:error("During a potential write at offset ~p in file ~p, a check for unwritten bytes gave us checksum ~p but the data we were trying to trying to write has checksum ~p",
[Offset, Filename, OtherCsum, TaggedCsum]),
[Offset, Filename, OtherCsum, TaggedCsum]),
@ -640,7 +620,7 @@ handle_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
true ->
true ->
do_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data, U)
do_write(FHd, CsumTable, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data, U)
%%% XXX FIXME: be more specific on badmatch that might
%%% XXX FIXME: be more specific on badmatch that might
%%% occur around line 593 when we write the checksum
%%% occur around line 593 when we write the checksum
@ -653,7 +633,7 @@ handle_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
% @private Implements the disk writes for both the write and append
% @private Implements the disk writes for both the write and append
% operation.
% operation.
-spec do_write( FHd :: file:descriptor(),
-spec do_write( FHd :: file:descriptor(),
FHc :: file:descriptor(),
CsumTable :: machi_csum_table:table(),
Filename :: string(),
Filename :: string(),
TaggedCsum :: binary(),
TaggedCsum :: binary(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
@ -662,14 +642,12 @@ handle_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Data, U) ->
Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()]
Unwritten :: [byte_sequence()]
) -> {ok, NewUnwritten :: [byte_sequence()]} |
) -> {ok, NewUnwritten :: [byte_sequence()]} |
{error, Reason :: term()}.
{error, Reason :: term()}.
do_write(FHd, FHc, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data, U) ->
do_write(FHd, CsumTable, Filename, TaggedCsum, Offset, Size, Data, U) ->
case file:pwrite(FHd, Offset, Data) of
case file:pwrite(FHd, Offset, Data) of
ok ->
ok ->
lager:debug("Successful write in file ~p at offset ~p, length ~p",
lager:debug("Successful write in file ~p at offset ~p, length ~p",
[Filename, Offset, Size]),
[Filename, Offset, Size]),
EncodedCsum = encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCsum),
ok = machi_csum_table:write(CsumTable, Offset, Size, TaggedCsum),
ok = file:write(FHc, EncodedCsum),
put({Offset, Size}, TaggedCsum),
NewU = update_unwritten(Offset, Size, U),
NewU = update_unwritten(Offset, Size, U),
lager:debug("Successful write to checksum file for ~p; unwritten bytes are now: ~p",
lager:debug("Successful write to checksum file for ~p; unwritten bytes are now: ~p",
[Filename, NewU]),
[Filename, NewU]),
@ -756,22 +734,3 @@ update_byte_range(Offset, Size, {Pos, Space}) when Offset > Pos ->
[{Pos, Offset - Pos}, {Offset+Size, ( (Pos+Space) - (Offset + Size) )}].
[{Pos, Offset - Pos}, {Offset+Size, ( (Pos+Space) - (Offset + Size) )}].
-spec build_unwritten_bytes_list( CsumData :: [{ Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Size :: pos_integer(),
Checksum :: binary() }],
LastOffset :: non_neg_integer(),
Acc :: list() ) -> [byte_sequence()].
% @private Given a <b>sorted</b> list of checksum data tuples, return a sorted
% list of unwritten byte ranges. The output list <b>always</b> has at least one
% entry: the last tuple in the list is guaranteed to be the current end of
% bytes written to a particular file with the special space moniker
% `infinity'.
build_unwritten_bytes_list([], Last, Acc) ->
NewAcc = [ {Last, infinity} | Acc ],
build_unwritten_bytes_list([{CurrentOffset, CurrentSize, _Csum}|Rest], LastOffset, Acc) when
CurrentOffset /= LastOffset ->
Hole = CurrentOffset - LastOffset,
build_unwritten_bytes_list(Rest, (CurrentOffset+CurrentSize), [{LastOffset, Hole}|Acc]);
build_unwritten_bytes_list([{CO, CS, _Ck}|Rest], _LastOffset, Acc) ->
build_unwritten_bytes_list(Rest, CO + CS, Acc).
@ -61,9 +61,6 @@
-export([start_link/1, stop/1,
-export([start_link/1, stop/1,
update_wedge_state/3, wedge_myself/2]).
update_wedge_state/3, wedge_myself/2]).
-export([make_listener_regname/1, make_projection_server_regname/1]).
-export([make_listener_regname/1, make_projection_server_regname/1]).
-export([encode_csum_file_entry/3, encode_csum_file_entry_bin/3,
split_checksum_list_blob/1, split_checksum_list_blob_decode/1]).
-record(state, {
-record(state, {
flu_name :: atom(),
flu_name :: atom(),
@ -707,99 +704,6 @@ make_listener_regname(BaseName) ->
make_projection_server_regname(BaseName) ->
make_projection_server_regname(BaseName) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(BaseName) ++ "_pstore").
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(BaseName) ++ "_pstore").
%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `iolist()' type for
%% internal storage by the FLU.
-spec encode_csum_file_entry(
machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
encode_csum_file_entry(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
[<<Len:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big>>,
%% @doc Encode `Offset + Size + TaggedCSum' into an `binary()' type for
%% internal storage by the FLU.
-spec encode_csum_file_entry_bin(
machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()) ->
encode_csum_file_entry_bin(Offset, Size, TaggedCSum) ->
Len = 8 + 4 + byte_size(TaggedCSum),
<<Len:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big,
%% @doc Decode a single `binary()' blob into an
%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuple.
%% The internal encoding (which is currently exposed to the outside world
%% via this function and related ones) is:
%% <ul>
%% <li> 1 byte: record length
%% </li>
%% <li> 8 bytes (unsigned big-endian): byte offset
%% </li>
%% <li> 4 bytes (unsigned big-endian): chunk size
%% </li>
%% <li> all remaining bytes: tagged checksum (1st byte = type tag)
%% </li>
%% </ul>
%% See `machi.hrl' for the tagged checksum types, e.g.,
-spec decode_csum_file_entry(binary()) ->
error |
{machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}.
decode_csum_file_entry(<<_:8/unsigned-big, Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, TaggedCSum/binary>>) ->
{Offset, Size, TaggedCSum};
decode_csum_file_entry(_Else) ->
%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
%% unparsed `binary()' blobs, one per entry.
%% Decode the unparsed blobs with {@link decode_csum_file_entry/1}, if
%% desired.
%% The return value `TrailingJunk' is unparseable bytes at the end of
%% the checksum list blob.
-spec split_checksum_list_blob(binary()) ->
{list(binary()), TrailingJunk::binary()}.
split_checksum_list_blob(Bin) ->
split_checksum_list_blob(Bin, []).
split_checksum_list_blob(<<Len:8/unsigned-big, Part:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc)->
case get(hack_length) of
Len -> ok;
_ -> put(hack_different, true)
split_checksum_list_blob(Rest, [<<Len:8/unsigned-big, Part/binary>>|Acc]);
split_checksum_list_blob(Rest, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
%% @doc Split a `binary()' blob of `checksum_list' data into a list of
%% `{Offset,Size,TaggedCSum}' tuples.
-spec split_checksum_list_blob_decode(binary()) ->
{list({machi_dt:file_offset(), machi_dt:chunk_size(), machi_dt:chunk_s()}),
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin) ->
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin, []).
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(<<Len:8/unsigned-big, Part:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc)->
One = <<Len:8/unsigned-big, Part/binary>>,
case decode_csum_file_entry(One) of
error ->
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc);
DecOne ->
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, [DecOne|Acc])
split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Rest, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}.
check_or_make_tagged_checksum(?CSUM_TAG_NONE, _Client_CSum, Chunk) ->
check_or_make_tagged_checksum(?CSUM_TAG_NONE, _Client_CSum, Chunk) ->
%% TODO: If the client was foolish enough to use
%% TODO: If the client was foolish enough to use
%% this type of non-checksum, then the client gets
%% this type of non-checksum, then the client gets
@ -859,9 +763,9 @@ timing_demo_test2() ->
{HexUSec, _} =
{HexUSec, _} =
timer:tc(fun() ->
timer:tc(fun() ->
lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
B = encode_csum_file_entry_hex(X, 100, CSum),
B = machi_checksums:encode_csum_file_entry_hex(X, 100, CSum),
%% file:write(ZZZ, [B, 10]),
%% file:write(ZZZ, [B, 10]),
end, x, Xs)
end, x, Xs)
io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [HexUSec / 1000000]),
io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [HexUSec / 1000000]),
@ -872,14 +776,14 @@ timing_demo_test2() ->
{NotSortedUSec, _} =
{NotSortedUSec, _} =
timer:tc(fun() ->
timer:tc(fun() ->
lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
lists:foldl(fun(X, _) ->
B = encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
B = machi_checksums:encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
end, x, Xs)
end, x, Xs)
io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotSortedUSec / 1000000]),
io:format(user, "~.3f sec\n", [NotSortedUSec / 1000000]),
NotHexList = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
NotHexList = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
B = encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
B = machi_checksums:encode_csum_file_entry(X, 100, CSum),
end, [], Xs),
end, [], Xs),
NotHexBin = iolist_to_binary(NotHexList),
NotHexBin = iolist_to_binary(NotHexList),
@ -890,7 +794,7 @@ timing_demo_test2() ->
timer:tc(fun() ->
timer:tc(fun() ->
put(hack_length, 29),
put(hack_length, 29),
put(hack_different, false),
put(hack_different, false),
{Sorted, _Leftover} = split_checksum_list_blob(NotHexBin),
{Sorted, _Leftover} = machi_checksums:split_checksum_list_blob(NotHexBin),
io:format(user, " Leftover ~p (hack_different ~p) ", [_Leftover, get(hack_different)]),
io:format(user, " Leftover ~p (hack_different ~p) ", [_Leftover, get(hack_different)]),
@ -964,7 +868,7 @@ sort_input_fun(FH, PrevStuff) ->
true ->
true ->
<<PrevStuff/binary, NewStuff/binary>>
<<PrevStuff/binary, NewStuff/binary>>
{SplitRes, Leftover} = split_checksum_list_blob(AllStuff),
{SplitRes, Leftover} = machi_checksums:split_checksum_list_blob(AllStuff),
{SplitRes, sort_input_fun(FH, Leftover)};
{SplitRes, sort_input_fun(FH, Leftover)};
eof ->
eof ->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
smoke_test() ->
Filename = "./temp-checksum-dumb-file",
{ok, MC} = machi_checksums:new(Filename),
{Offset, Size, Checksum} = {64, 34, <<"deadbeef">>},
{error, unwritten} = machi_checksums:find(MC, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:write(MC, Offset, Size, Checksum),
{ok, Checksum} = machi_checksums:find(MC, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:trim(MC, Offset, Size),
{error, trimmed} = machi_checksums:find(MC, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:destroy(MC),
ok = machi_checksums:delete_file(MC).
close_test() ->
Filename = "./temp-checksum-dumb-file-2",
{ok, MC} = machi_checksums:new(Filename),
{Offset, Size, Checksum} = {64, 34, <<"deadbeef">>},
{error, unwritten} = machi_checksums:find(MC, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:write(MC, Offset, Size, Checksum),
{ok, Checksum} = machi_checksums:find(MC, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:destroy(MC),
{ok, MC2} = machi_checksums:new(Filename),
{ok, Checksum} = machi_checksums:find(MC2, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:trim(MC2, Offset, Size),
{error, trimmed} = machi_checksums:find(MC2, Offset, Size),
ok = machi_checksums:delete_file(MC2).
Reference in a new issue