Implement Merkle trees to help with file repair #26

jadeallenx wants to merge 3 commits from mra/merkle-trees into master
Showing only changes of commit 14b2b54c41 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc This manager maintains a Merkle tree per file per FLU. The leaf
%% nodes are stored in the same manner as the checksum data files, except
%% they are represented as
%% `<<Length:64, Offset:32, 0>>' for unwritten bytes
%% `<<Length:64, Offset:32, 1>>' for trimmed bytes
%% `<<Length:64, Offset:32, Csum/binary>>' for written bytes
%% In this case, the checksum tag is thrown away. The tree feeds these
%% leaf nodes into hashes representing 10 GB ranges, called Level 1. We aim for
%% around %% 10 hashes at level 2, and then 2 hashes level 3 and finally the
%% root.
%% gen_server callbacks
-record(state, {
fluname :: atom(),
datadir :: string(),
tid :: ets:tid()
-record(mt, {
filename :: string(),
recalc = true :: boolean(),
root :: 'undefined' | binary(),
lvl1 = [] :: [ binary() ],
lvl2 = [] :: [ binary() ],
lvl3 = [] :: [ binary() ],
leaves = orddict:new() :: mt_entry()
-type mt_entry() :: orddict:orddict().
-define(WRITTEN(Offset, Size, Csum), <<Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, Csum/binary>>).
-define(TRIMMED(Offset, Size), <<Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, 1>>).
-define(UNWRITTEN(Offset, Size), <<Offset:64/unsigned-big, Size:32/unsigned-big, 0>>).
-define(CHUNK_SIZE, (10*1024*1024)).
-define(LEVEL_SIZE, 10).
-define(H, sha).
-define(TIMEOUT, (10*1000)).
%% public API
child_spec(FluName, DataDir, Options) ->
Name = make_merkle_tree_mgr_name(FluName),
{?MODULE, start_link, [FluName, DataDir, Options]},
permanent, 5000, worker, [?MODULE]}.
start_link(FluName, DataDir, Options) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, make_merkle_tree_mgr_name(FluName)},
{FluName, DataDir, Options},
-spec initialize( FluName :: atom(),
Filename :: string() ) -> ok.
%% @doc A heads-up hint to the manager that it ought to compute a merkle
%% tree for the given file (if it hasn't already).
initialize(FluName, Filename) ->
{initialize, Filename}, ?TIMEOUT).
-spec update( FluName :: atom(),
Filename :: string(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Length :: pos_integer(),
Csum :: binary() ) -> ok.
%% @doc A new leaf node ought to be added file the given filename,
%% with the particular information.
update(FluName, Filename, Offset, Length, Csum) ->
{update, Filename, Offset, Length, Csum}, ?TIMEOUT).
-spec fetch ( FluName :: atom(),
Filename :: string() ) -> {ok, [ Data :: binary() ]}.
%% @doc Returns the entire merkle tree for the given filename.
%% {@link fetch/3}
fetch(FluName, Filename) ->
fetch(FluName, Filename, all).
-spec fetch( FluName :: atom(),
Filename :: string(),
Level :: 'root' | 'all'
) -> {ok, [ Data :: binary() ]}.
%% @doc Return the current merkle tree for the given filename.
%% If `root' is specified, returns a list with 1 element, the root
%% checksum of the tree. If `all' is specified, returns a list
%% with all levels.
fetch(FluName, Filename, Level) ->
{fetch, Filename, Level}, ?TIMEOUT).
%% gen_server callbacks
init({FluName, DataDir, Options}) ->
Tid = ets:new(make_merkle_tree_mgr_name(FluName), [{keypos, 2}, {read_concurrency, true}]),
case proplists:get_value(no_load, Options, false) of
true ->
false ->
handle_load(Tid, DataDir)
{ok, #state{fluname=FluName, datadir=DataDir, tid = Tid}}.
handle_call({fetch, Filename, Level}, _From, S = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
Res = handle_fetch(Tid, Filename, Level),
{reply, {ok, [ Res ]}, S};
handle_call(Req, _From, State) ->
lager:warning("Unknown call: ~p", [Req]),
{reply, whoaaaaaaaaaaaa, State}.
handle_cast({initialize, Filename}, S = #state{ datadir = D, tid = Tid }) ->
load_filename(Tid, D, Filename),
{noreply, S};
handle_cast({update, Filename, Offset, Length, Csum}, S = #state{ tid = Tid }) ->
%% XXX FIXME: Not sure about the correctness of this
insert(Tid, Filename, {Offset, Length, Csum}),
{noreply, S};
handle_cast(Cast, State) ->
lager:warning("Unknown cast: ~p", [Cast]),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(Req, State) ->
lager:warning("Unknown info message: ~p", [Req]),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(Reason, #state{fluname = F}) ->
lager:debug("Shutting down merkle tree manager for FLU ~p because ~p",
[F, Reason]),
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% private
make_merkle_tree_mgr_name(FluName) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(FluName) ++ "_merkle_tree_mgr").
handle_load(Tid, DataDir) ->
Files = get_files(DataDir),
lists:foreach(fun(F) -> load_filename(Tid, DataDir, F) end, Files).
get_files(_DataDir) ->
load_filename(Tid, DataDir, Filename) ->
CsumFile = machi_util:make_checksum_filename(DataDir, Filename),
case file:read_file(CsumFile) of
{error, enoent} ->
insert(Tid, Filename, {0, ?MINIMUM_OFFSET, unwritten});
{ok, Bin} ->
load_bin(Tid, Filename, Bin);
Error ->
load_bin(Tid, Filename, Bin) ->
CsumL = machi_csum_table:split_checksum_list_blob_decode(Bin),
iter_csum_list(Tid, Filename, CsumL).
iter_csum_list(Tid, Filename, []) ->
insert(Tid, Filename, {0, ?MINIMUM_OFFSET, unwritten});
iter_csum_list(Tid, Filename, L = [ {Last, _, _} | _ ]) ->
make_insert(Tid, Filename, Last, L).
make_insert(_Tid, _Filename, _Last, []) ->
%% case where Last offset matches Current, just insert current
make_insert(Tid, Filename, Last, [H={Last, Len, _Csum}|T]) ->
insert(Tid, Filename, H),
make_insert(Tid, Filename, Last+Len, T);
%% case where we have a hole
make_insert(Tid, Filename, Last, [H={Off, Len, _Csum}|T]) ->
Hole = Off - Last,
insert(Tid, Filename, {Last, Hole, unwritten}),
insert(Tid, Filename, H),
make_insert(Tid, Filename, Off+Len, T).
insert(Tid, Filename, {Offset, Length, trimmed}) ->
do_insert(Tid, Filename, Offset, Length, ?TRIMMED(Offset, Length));
insert(Tid, Filename, {Offset, Length, unwritten}) ->
do_insert(Tid, Filename, Offset, Length, ?UNWRITTEN(Offset, Length));
insert(Tid, Filename, {Offset, Length, <<_Tag:8, Csum/binary>>}) ->
do_insert(Tid, Filename, Offset, Length, ?WRITTEN(Offset, Length, Csum)).
do_insert(Tid, Filename, Offset, Length, Csum) ->
MT = case find(Tid, Filename) of
[] ->
#mt{ filename = Filename };
V ->
ok = maybe_update(Tid, Offset, Length, Csum, MT),
maybe_update(Tid, Offset, Length, Csum, MT) ->
case orddict:find({Offset, Length}, MT#mt.leaves) of
error ->
%% range not found in our orddict, so fill it in
do_update(Tid, Offset, Length, Csum, MT);
{ok, Csum} ->
%% trying to insert a value we already have that
%% matches
{ok, ?UNWRITTEN(Offset, Length)} ->
%% old value was unwritten, now we are filling it in
%% so that's legit
do_update(Tid, Offset, Length, Csum, MT);
{ok, ?TRIMMED(Offset, Length)} ->
%% Scott - range was trimmed - do we fill it in with new stuff?
{ok, Other} ->
%% we found a checksum that is different
%% this shouldn't happen because once we write a range, it's written
%% TODO - file corruption? insanity?
lager:error("Tried to update merkle tree for file ~p at offset ~p, length ~p, got checksum ~p and tried to insert ~p",
[MT#mt.filename, Offset, Length, Other, Csum]),
throw({weird, Other})
do_update(Tid, Offset, Length, Csum, MT) ->
D = orddict:store({Offset, Length}, Csum, MT#mt.leaves),
true = ets:insert(Tid, MT#mt{ recalc = true, leaves = D }),
handle_fetch(Tid, Filename, root) ->
case find(Tid, Filename) of
[] -> undefined;
#mt{ root = undefined } -> undefined;
#mt{ recalc = true } = MT -> hd(build_tree(Tid, MT));
#mt{ root = R, recalc = false } -> R
handle_fetch(Tid, Filename, all) ->
case find(Tid, Filename) of
[] -> undefined;
#mt{ recalc = true } = MT -> build_tree(Tid, MT);
#mt{ recalc = false,
root = R,
lvl1 = L1,
lvl2 = L2,
lvl3 = L3 } -> [ R, L3, L2, L1 ]
find(Tid, Filename) ->
case ets:lookup(Tid, Filename) of
[] -> [];
[R] -> R
build_tree(Tid, MT = #mt{ leaves = D }) ->
Lvl1s = build_level_1(?CHUNK_SIZE, lists:map(fun map_dict/1, orddict:to_list(D)), 1, [ crypto:hash_init(?H) ]),
Mod2 = length(Lvl1s) div ?LEVEL_SIZE,
Lvl2s = build_int_level(Mod2, Lvl1s, 1, [ crypto:hash_init(?H) ]),
Mod3 = length(Lvl2s) div 2,
Lvl3s = build_int_level(Mod3, Lvl2s, 1, [ crypto:hash_init(?H) ]),
Root = build_root(Lvl3s, crypto:hash_init(?H)),
ets:insert(Tid, MT#mt{ root = Root, lvl1 = Lvl1s, lvl2 = Lvl2s, lvl3 = Lvl3s, recalc = false }),
[Root, Lvl3s, Lvl2s, Lvl1s].
build_root([], Ctx) ->
build_root([H|T], Ctx) ->
build_root(T, crypto:hash_update(H, Ctx)).
build_int_level(_Mod, [], _Cnt, [ Ctx | Rest ]) ->
lists:reverse( [ crypto:hash_final(Ctx) | Rest ] );
build_int_level(Mod, [H|T], Cnt, [ Ctx | Rest ]) when Cnt rem Mod == 0 ->
NewCtx = crypto:hash_init(?H),
build_int_level(Mod, T, Cnt + 1, [ crypto:hash_update(H, NewCtx), crypto:hash_final(Ctx) | Rest ]);
build_int_level(Mod, [H|T], Cnt, [ Ctx | Rest ]) ->
build_int_level(Mod, T, Cnt+1, [ crypto:hash_update(H, Ctx) | Rest ]).
map_dict({{Offset, Len}, Hash}) ->
{Offset + Len, Hash}.
build_level_1(_Size, [], _Multiple, [ Ctx | Rest ]) ->
lists:reverse([ crypto:hash_final(Ctx) | Rest ]);
build_level_1(Size, [{Pos, Hash}|T], Multiple, [ Ctx | Rest ]) when Pos > Size ->
NewCtx = crypto:hash_init(?H),
build_level_1(Size*(Multiple+1), T, Multiple+1,
[ crypto:hash_update(Hash, NewCtx), crypto:hash_final(Ctx) | Rest ]);
build_level_1(Size, [{Pos, Hash}|T], Multiple, [ Ctx | Rest ]) when Pos =< Size ->
build_level_1(Size, T, Multiple, [ crypto:hash_update(Hash, Ctx) | Rest ]).