Fix process leak of repair eqc #44

shino merged 2 commits from ss/repair-eqc-pleak-fix into master 2015-11-17 10:16:24 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 049311614f - Show all commits

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@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ check() -> check(prop_repair_par(true), current_counterexample()).
flu_names, % List of FLU names
mgr_names, % List of chain manager names
fc_list, % List of FLU1 proxy clients
cr_count, % Count of CR clients
cr_list}). % List of CR clients
weight(_S, change_partition) -> 20;
@ -110,10 +111,12 @@ weight(_S, _) -> 100.
%% append
append_args(#state{cr_list=CRList}=S) ->
[elements(CRList), chunk(), S].
append_args(#state{cr_count=CRCount}=S) ->
[choose(1, CRCount), chunk(), S].
append({_SimSelfName, C}, Bin, #state{verbose=V}=S) ->
append(CRIndex, Bin, #state{verbose=V}=S) ->
CRList = cr_list(),
{_SimSelfName, C} = lists:nth(CRIndex, CRList),
Prefix = <<"pre">>,
Len = byte_size(Bin),
Res = (catch machi_cr_client:append_chunk(C, Prefix, Bin, {sec(1), sec(1)})),
@ -196,6 +199,10 @@ num() ->
choose(2, 5).
%% return(3).
cr_count(Num) ->
Approx = 10, % ad-hoc
(Approx div Num) + 1.
%% Generator for possibly assymmetric partition information
partition(FLUNames) ->
frequency([{10, return([])},
@ -273,7 +280,7 @@ prop_repair_par(Verbose) ->
_ = cleanup(SetupState),
%% Process is leaking? This log line can be removed after fix.
?V("process_count=~w~n", [erlang:system_info(process_count)]),
[?V("process_count=~w~n", [erlang:system_info(process_count)]) || Verbose],
?MODULE, Cmds, {Seq, Par, Res},
aggregate(with_title(cmds), command_names(Cmds),
@ -289,33 +296,16 @@ prop_repair_par(Verbose) ->
%% > eqc_gen:sample(eqc_statem:commands(machi_ap_repair_eqc)).
%% but not so helpful.
initial_state() ->
#state{cr_count=3, cr_list=[a,b,c]}.
initial_state(Num, Seed, Verbose) ->
AllListE = all_list_extra(Num),
FLUNames = [ || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE],
MgrNames = [{Name, machi_flu_psup:make_mgr_supname(Name)} || Name <- FLUNames],
Dict = orddict:from_list([{, P} || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE]),
FCList = [begin
{ok, PCPid} = machi_proxy_flu1_client:start_link(P),
{Name, PCPid}
end || {_, #p_srvr{name=Name}=P} <- Dict],
%% CR clients are pooled, each has "name" which is interpreted "From"
%% side of simulated partition.
CRListCount = 10, % ad-hoc
SimSelfNames = lists:append(lists:duplicate(CRListCount div Num +1, FLUNames)),
CRList = [begin
{ok, C} = machi_cr_client:start_link(
[P || {_, P} <- Dict],
[{use_partition_simulator, true},
{simulator_self_name, SimSelfName},
{simulator_members, FLUNames}]),
{SimSelfName, C}
end || SimSelfName <- SimSelfNames],
#state{num=Num, seed=Seed, verbose=Verbose,
flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames,
cr_list=CRList, fc_list=FCList}.
cr_list=undefined, fc_list=undefined}.
setup_chain(Num, Seed, Verbose) ->
%% ?V("setup_chain(Num=~w, Seed=~w~nn", [Num, Seed]),
@ -352,28 +342,67 @@ setup_chain(Num, Seed, Verbose) ->
{#p_srvr{name=Name, port=Port}, Dir} <- AllListE],
[machi_chain_manager1:set_chain_members(MgrName, Dict) || {_, MgrName} <- MgrNames],
State = initial_state(Num, Seed, Verbose),
{CRList, FCList} = setup_pool(AllListE),
State = #state{num=Num, seed=Seed, verbose=Verbose,
flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames,
cr_list=CRList, fc_list=FCList},
%% Don't wait for complete chain. Even partialy completed, the chain
%% should work fine. Right?
wait_until_stable(chain_state_all_ok(FLUNames), FLUNames, MgrNames,
State#state.fc_list, 20, Verbose),
20, Verbose),
setup_pool(AllListE) ->
Num = length(AllListE),
FLUNames = [ || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE],
Dict = orddict:from_list([{, P} || {P, _Dir} <- AllListE]),
FCList = [begin
{ok, PCPid} = machi_proxy_flu1_client:start_link(P),
{Name, PCPid}
end || {_, #p_srvr{name=Name}=P} <- Dict],
%% CR clients are pooled, each has "name" which is interpreted "From"
%% side of simulated partition.
SimSelfNames = lists:append(lists:duplicate(cr_count(Num), FLUNames)),
CRList = [begin
{ok, C} = machi_cr_client:start_link(
[P || {_, P} <- Dict],
[{use_partition_simulator, true},
{simulator_self_name, SimSelfName},
{simulator_members, FLUNames}]),
{SimSelfName, C}
end || SimSelfName <- SimSelfNames],
catch ets:delete(cpool),
ets:new(cpool, [set, protected, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}]),
ets:insert(cpool, {fc_list, FCList}),
ets:insert(cpool, {cr_list, CRList}),
{CRList, FCList}.
fc_list() ->
[{fc_list, FCList}] = ets:lookup(cpool, fc_list),
cr_list() ->
[{cr_list, CRList}] = ets:lookup(cpool, cr_list),
%% Post commands
stabilize(0, S) ->
{ok, S};
stabilize(_CmdsLen, #state{flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames,
fc_list=FCList, verbose=Verbose}=S) ->
verbose=Verbose}=S) ->
wait_until_stable(chain_state_all_ok(FLUNames), FLUNames, MgrNames,
FCList, 100, Verbose),
100, Verbose),
{ok, S}.
chain_state_all_ok(FLUNames) ->
[{FLUName, {FLUNames, [], []}} || FLUName <- FLUNames].
confirm_result(#state{cr_list=[{_, C}|_]}=_S) ->
confirm_result(#state{}=_S) ->
[{_, C} | _] = cr_list(),
[{written, _Written}, {accpt, Accpt},
{failed, Failed}, {critical, Critical}] = tab_counts(),
{OK, Dataloss} = confirm_written(C),
@ -427,8 +456,8 @@ assert_chunk(C, {Off, Len, FileName}=Key, Bin) ->
cleanup(#state{fc_list=FCList, cr_list=CRList}=_S) ->
[catch machi_proxy_flu1_client:quit(FC) || FC <- FCList],
[catch machi_cr_client:quit(CR) || CR <- CRList],
[begin unlink(FC), catch exit(FC, kill) end || {_, FC} <- FCList],
[begin unlink(CR), catch exit(CR, kill) end || {_, CR} <- CRList],
_ = shutdown_hard().
%% Internal utilities
@ -475,15 +504,16 @@ shutdown_hard() ->
tick(#state{flu_names=FLUNames, mgr_names=MgrNames,
fc_list=FCList, verbose=Verbose}) ->
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, FCList, Verbose).
verbose=Verbose}) ->
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Verbose).
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, FCList, Verbose) ->
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, 2, 100, FCList, Verbose).
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Verbose) ->
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, 2, 100, Verbose).
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Iter, SleepMax, FCList, Verbose) ->
tick(FLUNames, MgrNames, Iter, SleepMax, Verbose) ->
TickFun = tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, self()),
TickFun(Iter, 0, SleepMax),
FCList = fc_list(),
[?V("## Chain state after tick()=~w~n", [chain_state(FCList)]) || Verbose].
tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, Parent) ->
@ -516,11 +546,12 @@ tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, Parent) ->
end || {ThePid, M_name} <- Pids]
wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, FCList, Verbose) ->
wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, FCList, 20, Verbose).
wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, Verbose) ->
wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, 20, Verbose).
wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, FCList, Retries, Verbose) ->
wait_until_stable(ExpectedChainState, FLUNames, MgrNames, Retries, Verbose) ->
TickFun = tick_fun(FLUNames, MgrNames, self()),
FCList = fc_list(),
wait_until_stable1(ExpectedChainState, TickFun, FCList, Retries, Verbose).
wait_until_stable1(_ExpectedChainState, _TickFun, FCList, 0, _Verbose) ->