Configure FLUs and chains with "rc.d" style configuration #56

slfritchie merged 43 commits from slf/flu-config-rcd-style into master 2015-12-18 06:46:05 +00:00
2 changed files with 64 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 9cec53eea6 - Show all commits

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@ -616,3 +616,41 @@ delete_chain_config(Name, File, S) ->
Dst = get_chain_config_dir(S), Dst = get_chain_config_dir(S),
ok = file:delete(Dst ++ "/" ++ atom_to_list(Name)), ok = file:delete(Dst ++ "/" ++ atom_to_list(Name)),
S. S.
check_ast_tuple_syntax(Ts) ->
lists:partition(fun check_a_ast_tuple/1, Ts).
check_a_ast_tuple({host, Name, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso is_proplisty(Props) andalso
lists:all(fun({admin_interface, X}) -> is_stringy(X);
({client_interface, X}) -> is_stringy(X);
(_) -> false
end, Props);
check_a_ast_tuple({flu, Name, HostName, Port, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso is_stringy(HostName) andalso
is_porty(Port) andalso is_proplisty(Props);
check_a_ast_tuple({chain, Name, AddList, RemoveList, Props}) ->
is_stringy(Name) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, AddList) andalso
lists:all(fun is_stringy/1, RemoveList) andalso
check_a_ast_tuple(_) ->
is_proplisty(Props) ->
is_list(Props) andalso
lists:all(fun({_,_}) -> true;
(X) when is_atom(X) -> true;
(_) -> false
end, Props).
is_stringy(L) ->
is_list(L) andalso
lists:all(fun(C) when 33 =< C, C =< 126 -> true;
(_) -> false
end, L).
is_porty(Port) ->
is_integer(Port) andalso 1024 =< Port andalso Port =< 65535.

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@ -151,5 +151,31 @@ make_pending_config(Term) ->
ok = file:write_file(Dir ++ "/" ++ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w,~w,~w", tuple_to_list(os:timestamp()))), ok = file:write_file(Dir ++ "/" ++ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w,~w,~w", tuple_to_list(os:timestamp()))),
Blob). Blob).
ast_tuple_syntax_test() ->
T = fun(L) -> machi_lifecycle_mgr:check_ast_tuple_syntax(L) end,
{_Good,[]=_Bad} =
T([ {host, "localhost", []},
{host, "localhost", [{client_interface, ""},
{admin_interface, ""}]},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, []},
{chain, "cy", ["fx", "fy"], ["fz"], [foo,{bar,baz}]} ]),
{[],[_,_,_,_]} =
T([ {host, 'localhost', []},
{host, 'localhost', yo},
{host, "localhost", [{client_interface, 77.88293829832}]},
{host, "localhost", [{client_interface, ""},
{bummer, ""}]} ]),
{[],[_,_,_,_,_,_]} =
T([ {flu, 'fx', "foohost", 4000, []},
{flu, "fx", <<"foohost">>, 4000, []},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", -4000, []},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 40009999, []},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, gack},
{flu, "fx", "foohost", 4000, [22]} ]),
{[],[_,_]} =
T([ {chain, 'cy', ["fx", "fy"], ["fz"], [foo,{bar,baz}]},
{chain, "cy", ["fx", 27], ["fz"], oops,arity,way,way,way,too,big,x}
-endif. % !PULSE -endif. % !PULSE
-endif. % TEST -endif. % TEST