%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc A simple basho_bench driver for Machi %% %% Basho_bench was originally developed to stress test key-value %% stores (as was YCSB and several other mechmarking tools). A person %% can consider the UNIX file system to be a key-value store and thus %% use basho_bench to measure its performance under a certain %% workload. Machi is a bit different than most KV stores in that the %% client has no direct control over the keys -- Machi servers always %% assign the keys. The schemes typically used by basho_bench & YCSB %% to use/mimic key naming conventions used internally ... are %% difficult to adapt to Machi. %% %% So, we'll try to manage key reading by using a common ETS table %% that is populated with: %% %% 1. Key: `non_neg_integer()` %% 2. Value: The `{File,Offset,Size}` for a chunk previously written. %% %% At startup time, basho_bench can use the `list_files' and %% `checksum_list' API operations to fetch all of the %% `{File,Offset,Size}` tuples that currently reside in the cluster. %% Also, optionally (?), each new `append' operation by the b_b driver %% could add new entries to this ETS table. %% %% Now we can use various integer-centric key generators that are %% already bundled with basho_bench. %% %% TODO: Add CRC checking, when feasible and when supported on the %% server side. %% %% TODO: As an alternate idea, if we know that the chunks written are %% always the same size, and if we don't care about CRC checking, then %% all we need to know are the file names & file sizes on the server: %% we can then pick any valid offset within that file. That would %% certainly be more scalable than the zillion-row-ETS-table, which is %% definitely RAM-hungry. -module(machi_basho_bench_driver). -export([new/1, run/4]). -record(m, { conn, max_key }). -define(ETS_TAB, machi_keys). -define(THE_TIMEOUT, 60*1000). -define(INFO(Str, Args), lager:info(Str, Args)). -define(WARN(Str, Args), lager:warning(Str, Args)). -define(ERROR(Str, Args), lager:error(Str, Args)). new(Id) -> Ps = find_server_info(Id), {ok, Conn} = machi_cr_client:start_link(Ps), if Id == 1 -> ?INFO("Key preload: starting", []), TabType = basho_bench_config:get(machi_ets_key_tab_type, set), ETS = ets:new(?ETS_TAB, [public, named_table, TabType, {read_concurrency, true}]), ets:insert(ETS, {max_key, 0}), ets:insert(ETS, {total_bytes, 0}), MaxKeys = load_ets_table(Conn, ETS), ?INFO("Key preload: finished, ~w keys loaded", [MaxKeys]), Bytes = ets:lookup_element(ETS, total_bytes, 2), ?INFO("Key preload: finished, chunk list specifies ~s MBytes of chunks", [machi_util:mbytes(Bytes)]), ok; true -> ok end, {ok, #m{conn=Conn}}. run(append, KeyGen, ValueGen, #m{conn=Conn}=S) -> Prefix = KeyGen(), Value = ValueGen(), case machi_cr_client:append_chunk(Conn, Prefix, Value, ?THE_TIMEOUT) of {ok, Pos} -> EtsKey = ets:update_counter(?ETS_TAB, max_key, 1), true = ets:insert(?ETS_TAB, {EtsKey, Pos}), {ok, S}; {error, _}=Err -> ?ERROR("append ~w bytes to prefix ~w: ~p\n", [iolist_size(Value), Prefix, Err]), {error, Err, S} end; run(read, KeyGen, ValueGen, #m{max_key=undefined}=S) -> MaxKey = ets:update_counter(?ETS_TAB, max_key, 0), run(read, KeyGen, ValueGen, S#m{max_key=MaxKey}); run(read, KeyGen, _ValueGen, #m{conn=Conn, max_key=MaxKey}=S) -> Idx = KeyGen() rem MaxKey, %% {File, Offset, Size, _CSum} = ets:lookup_element(?ETS_TAB, Idx, 2), {File, Offset, Size} = ets:lookup_element(?ETS_TAB, Idx, 2), case machi_cr_client:read_chunk(Conn, File, Offset, Size, ?THE_TIMEOUT) of {ok, _Chunk} -> {ok, S}; {error, _}=Err -> ?ERROR("read file ~p offset ~w size ~w: ~w\n", [File, Offset, Size, Err]), {error, Err, S} end. find_server_info(_Id) -> Key = machi_server_info, case basho_bench_config:get(Key, undefined) of undefined -> ?ERROR("Please define '~w' in your basho_bench config.\n", [Key]), timer:sleep(500), exit(bad_config); Ps -> Ps end. load_ets_table(Conn, ETS) -> {ok, Fs} = machi_cr_client:list_files(Conn), [begin {ok, PosList} = machi_cr_client:checksum_list(Conn, File), StartKey = ets:update_counter(ETS, max_key, 0), %% _EndKey = lists:foldl(fun({Off,Sz,CSum}, K) -> %% V = {File, Off, Sz, CSum}, {_, Bytes} = lists:foldl(fun({Off,Sz,_CSum}, {K, Bs}) -> V = {File, Off, Sz}, ets:insert(ETS, {K, V}), {K + 1, Bs + Sz} end, {StartKey, 0}, PosList), ets:update_counter(ETS, max_key, length(PosList)), ets:update_counter(ETS, total_bytes, Bytes) end || {_Size, File} <- Fs], ets:update_counter(?ETS_TAB, max_key, 0).