%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc API for manipulating Machi projection data structures (i.e., records). -module(machi_projection). -include("machi_projection.hrl"). -export([ new/6, new/7, new/8, update_checksum/1, update_dbg2/2, compare/2, get_epoch_id/1, make_summary/1, make_members_dict/1 ]). %% @doc Create a new projection record. new(MyName, MemberDict, Down_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list, Ps) -> new(0, MyName, MemberDict, Down_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list, Ps). %% @doc Create a new projection record. new(EpochNum, MyName, MemberDict, Down_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list, Dbg) -> new(EpochNum, MyName, MemberDict, Down_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list, Dbg, []). %% @doc Create a new projection record. %% %% The `MemberDict0' argument may be a true `p_srvr_dict()' (i.e, it %% is a well-formed `orddict' with the correct 2-tuple key-value form) %% or it may be simply `list(p_srvr())', in which case we'll convert it %% to a `p_srvr_dict()'. new(EpochNum, MyName, [_|_] = MembersDict0, Down_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list, Dbg, Dbg2) when is_integer(EpochNum), EpochNum >= 0, is_atom(MyName) orelse is_binary(MyName), is_list(MembersDict0), is_list(Down_list), is_list(UPI_list), is_list(Repairing_list), is_list(Dbg), is_list(Dbg2) -> MembersDict = make_members_dict(MembersDict0), All_list = [Name || {Name, _P} <- MembersDict], if length(All_list) =< ?MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH -> ok; true -> exit(max_chain_length_error) end, true = lists:all(fun(X) when is_atom(X) orelse is_binary(X) -> true; (_) -> false end, All_list), [true = lists:sort(SomeList) == lists:usort(SomeList) || SomeList <- [All_list, Down_list, UPI_list, Repairing_list] ], AllSet = ordsets:from_list(All_list), DownSet = ordsets:from_list(Down_list), UPISet = ordsets:from_list(UPI_list), RepairingSet = ordsets:from_list(Repairing_list), true = ordsets:is_element(MyName, AllSet), true = ordsets:is_disjoint(DownSet, UPISet), true = ordsets:is_disjoint(DownSet, RepairingSet), true = ordsets:is_disjoint(UPISet, RepairingSet), P = #projection_v1{epoch_number=EpochNum, creation_time=now(), author_server=MyName, all_members=All_list, members_dict=MembersDict, down=Down_list, upi=UPI_list, repairing=Repairing_list, dbg=Dbg }, update_dbg2(update_checksum(P), Dbg2); new(EpochNum, MyName, [] = _MembersDict0, _Down_list, _UPI_list,_Repairing_list, Dbg, Dbg2) when is_integer(EpochNum), EpochNum >= 0, is_atom(MyName) orelse is_binary(MyName) -> P = #projection_v1{epoch_number=EpochNum, creation_time=now(), author_server=MyName, all_members=[], members_dict=[], down=[], upi=[], repairing=[], dbg=Dbg }, update_dbg2(update_checksum(P), Dbg2). %% @doc Update the checksum element of a projection record. update_checksum(P) -> CSum = crypto:hash(sha, term_to_binary(P#projection_v1{epoch_csum= <<>>, dbg2=[]})), P#projection_v1{epoch_csum=CSum}. %% @doc Update the `dbg2' element of a projection record. update_dbg2(P, Dbg2) when is_list(Dbg2) -> P#projection_v1{dbg2=Dbg2}. %% @doc Compare two projection records for equality (assuming that the %% checksum element has been correctly calculated). %% %% The name "compare" is probably too close to "rank"? This %% comparison has nothing to do with projection ranking. %% TODO: change the name of this function? -spec compare(#projection_v1{}, #projection_v1{}) -> integer(). compare(#projection_v1{epoch_number=E1, epoch_csum=C1}, #projection_v1{epoch_number=E1, epoch_csum=C1}) -> 0; compare(#projection_v1{epoch_number=E1}, #projection_v1{epoch_number=E2}) -> if E1 =< E2 -> -1; E1 > E2 -> 1 end. %% @doc Return the epoch_id of the projection. get_epoch_id(#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch, epoch_csum=CSum}) -> {Epoch, CSum}. %% @doc Create a proplist-style summary of a projection record. make_summary(#projection_v1{epoch_number=EpochNum, all_members=_All_list, witnesses=Witness_list, down=Down_list, author_server=Author, upi=UPI_list, repairing=Repairing_list, inner=Inner, flap=Flap, dbg=Dbg, dbg2=Dbg2}) -> InnerInfo = if is_record(Inner, projection_v1) -> [{inner, make_summary(Inner)}]; true -> [] end, [{epoch,EpochNum},{author,Author}, {witnesses, Witness_list}, {upi,UPI_list},{repair,Repairing_list},{down,Down_list}] ++ InnerInfo ++ [{flap, Flap}] ++ %% [{flap, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Flap]))}] ++ [{d,Dbg}, {d2,Dbg2}]. %% @doc Make a `p_srvr_dict()' out of a list of `p_srvr()' or out of a %% `p_srvr_dict()'. %% %% If `Ps' is a `p_srvr_dict()', then this function is usually a %% no-op. However, if someone has tampered with the list and screwed %% up its order, then we should fix it so `orddict' can work %% correctly. %% %% If `Ps' is simply `list(p_srvr())', in which case we'll convert it %% to a `p_srvr_dict()'. -spec make_members_dict(list(p_srvr()) | p_srvr_dict()) -> p_srvr_dict(). make_members_dict(Ps) -> F_rec = fun(P) when is_record(P, p_srvr) -> true; (_) -> false end, F_tup = fun({_K, P}) when is_record(P, p_srvr) -> true; (_) -> false end, case lists:all(F_rec, Ps) of true -> orddict:from_list([{P#p_srvr.name, P} || P <- Ps]); false -> case lists:all(F_tup, Ps) of true -> orddict:from_list(Ps); false -> F_neither = fun(X) -> not (F_rec(X) or F_tup(X)) end, exit({badarg, {make_members_dict, lists:filter(F_neither, Ps)}}) end end.