The Machi write-once projection store service.
This API is gen_server-style message passing, intended for use within a single Erlang node to glue together the projection store server with the node-local process that implements Machi's FLU client access protocol (on the "server side" of the TCP connection).
All Machi client access to the projection store SHOULD NOT use this
module's API. Instead, clients should access indirectly via machi_cr_client
, machi_proxy_flu1_client
, or machi_flu1_client
process that is associated with each FLU. Conceptually, the
projection store is an array of write-once registers. For each
projection store register, the key is a 2-tuple of an epoch number
type) and a projection type (public
type); the value is a projection data structure
code_change/3 | |
get_all_projections/2 | Fetch all projection records of type ProjType . |
get_all_projections/3 | Fetch all projection records of type ProjType . |
get_latest_epochid/2 | Fetch the latest epoch number + checksum for type ProjType . |
get_latest_epochid/3 | Fetch the latest epoch number + checksum for type ProjType . |
handle_call/3 | |
handle_cast/2 | |
handle_info/2 | |
init/1 | |
list_all_projections/2 | Fetch all projection epoch numbers of type ProjType . |
list_all_projections/3 | Fetch all projection epoch numbers of type ProjType . |
read/3 | Fetch the projection record type ProjType for epoch number Epoch . |
read/4 | Fetch the projection record type ProjType for epoch number Epoch . |
read_latest_projection/2 | Fetch the latest projection record for type ProjType . |
read_latest_projection/3 | Fetch the latest projection record for type ProjType . |
set_wedge_notify_pid/2 | |
start_link/3 | Start a new projection store server. |
terminate/2 | |
write/3 | Write the projection record type ProjType for epoch number Epoch . |
write/4 | Write the projection record type ProjType for epoch number Epoch . |
code_change(OldVsn, S, Extra) -> any()
get_all_projections(PidSpec, ProjType) -> any()
Fetch all projection records of type ProjType
get_all_projections(PidSpec, ProjType, Timeout) -> any()
Fetch all projection records of type ProjType
get_latest_epochid(PidSpec, ProjType) -> any()
Fetch the latest epoch number + checksum for type ProjType
get_latest_epochid(PidSpec, ProjType, Timeout) -> any()
Fetch the latest epoch number + checksum for type ProjType
handle_call(Request, From, S) -> any()
handle_cast(Msg, S) -> any()
handle_info(Info, S) -> any()
init(X1) -> any()
list_all_projections(PidSpec, ProjType) -> any()
Fetch all projection epoch numbers of type ProjType
list_all_projections(PidSpec, ProjType, Timeout) -> any()
Fetch all projection epoch numbers of type ProjType
read(PidSpec, ProjType, Epoch) -> any()
Fetch the projection record type ProjType
for epoch number Epoch
read(PidSpec, ProjType, Epoch, Timeout) -> any()
Fetch the projection record type ProjType
for epoch number Epoch
read_latest_projection(PidSpec, ProjType) -> any()
Fetch the latest projection record for type ProjType
read_latest_projection(PidSpec, ProjType, Timeout) -> any()
Fetch the latest projection record for type ProjType
set_wedge_notify_pid(PidSpec, NotifyWedgeStateChanges) -> any()
start_link(RegName, DataDir, NotifyWedgeStateChanges) -> any()
Start a new projection store server.
argument should be the same directory as specified
for use by our companion FLU data server -- all file system paths
used by this server are intended to be stored underneath a common
file system parent directory as the FLU data server & sequencer
terminate(Reason, S) -> any()
write(PidSpec, ProjType, Proj) -> any()
Write the projection record type ProjType
for epoch number Epoch
write(PidSpec, ProjType, Proj, Timeout) -> any()
Write the projection record type ProjType
for epoch number Epoch
Generated by EDoc, May 20 2015, 12:58:33.