Module machi_util

Miscellaneous utility functions.


Miscellaneous utility functions.

Function Index

bin_to_hexstr/1Convert a binary() to a hexadecimal string.
checksum_chunk/1Calculate a checksum for a chunk of file data.
connect/2Create a TCP connection to a remote Machi server.
connect/3Create a TCP connection to a remote Machi server.
hexstr_to_bin/1Convert a hexadecimal string to a binary().
hexstr_to_int/1Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer.
increment_max_filenum/2Increase the file size of a config file, which is used as the basis for a minimum sequence number.
info_msg/2Log an 'info' level message.
int_to_hexbin/2Convert an integer into a hexadecimal string (in binary() form) whose length is based on I_size.
int_to_hexstr/2Convert an integer into a hexadecimal string whose length is based on I_size.
make_binary/1Convert a compatible Erlang data type into a binary() equivalent.
make_checksum_filename/2Calculate a checksum file path, by common convention.
make_data_filename/2Calculate a file data file path, by common convention.
make_projection_filename/2Calculate a projection store file path, by common convention.
make_regname/1Create a registered name atom for FLU sequencer internal rendezvous/message passing use.
make_string/1Convert a compatible Erlang data type into a string() equivalent.
read_max_filenum/2Read the file size of a config file, which is used as the basis for a minimum sequence number.
verb/1Log a verbose message.
verb/2Log a verbose message.

Function Details


bin_to_hexstr(X1) -> any()

Convert a binary() to a hexadecimal string.


checksum_chunk(Chunk) -> any()

Calculate a checksum for a chunk of file data.


connect(Host::inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), Port::inet:port_number()) -> port()

Create a TCP connection to a remote Machi server.


connect(Host::inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), Port::inet:port_number(), Timeout::timeout()) -> port()

Create a TCP connection to a remote Machi server.


hexstr_to_bin(S) -> any()

Convert a hexadecimal string to a binary().


hexstr_to_int(X) -> any()

Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer.


increment_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix) -> any()

Increase the file size of a config file, which is used as the basis for a minimum sequence number.


info_msg(Fmt, Args) -> any()

Log an 'info' level message.


int_to_hexbin(I, I_size) -> any()

Convert an integer into a hexadecimal string (in binary() form) whose length is based on I_size.


int_to_hexstr(I, I_size) -> any()

Convert an integer into a hexadecimal string whose length is based on I_size.


make_binary(X) -> any()

Convert a compatible Erlang data type into a binary() equivalent.


make_checksum_filename(DataDir, FileName) -> any()

Calculate a checksum file path, by common convention.


make_data_filename(DataDir, File) -> any()

Calculate a file data file path, by common convention.


make_projection_filename(DataDir, File) -> any()

Calculate a projection store file path, by common convention.


make_regname(Prefix) -> any()

Create a registered name atom for FLU sequencer internal rendezvous/message passing use.


make_string(X) -> any()

Convert a compatible Erlang data type into a string() equivalent.


read_max_filenum(DataDir, Prefix) -> any()

Read the file size of a config file, which is used as the basis for a minimum sequence number.


verb(Fmt) -> any()

Log a verbose message.


verb(Fmt, Args) -> any()

Log a verbose message.

Generated by EDoc, Apr 8 2015, 17:31:11.