Module machi_cr_client

Erlang API for the Machi client-implemented Chain Replication (CORFU-style) protocol.

Behaviours: gen_server.


Erlang API for the Machi client-implemented Chain Replication (CORFU-style) protocol.

The major operation processing is implemented in a state machine-like manner. Before attempting an operation X, there's an initial operation pre-X that takes care of updating the epoch id, restarting client protocol proxies, and if there's any server instability (e.g. some server is wedged), then insert some sleep time. When the chain appears to have stabilized, then we try the X operation again.

Function name for the pre-X stuff is usually X(), and the function name for the X stuff is usually X2(). (I.e., the X stuff follows after pre-X and therefore has a 2 suffix on the function name.)

In the case of read repair, there are two stages: find the value to perform the repair, then perform the repair writes. In the case of the repair writes, the pre-X function is named read_repair3(), and the X function is named read_repair4().

Function Index

append_chunk/3Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.
append_chunk/4Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.
append_chunk_extra/4Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.
append_chunk_extra/5Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.
checksum_list/2Fetch the list of chunk checksums for File.
checksum_list/3Fetch the list of chunk checksums for File.
list_files/1Fetch the list of all files on the remote FLU.
list_files/2Fetch the list of all files on the remote FLU.
quit/1Quit & close the connection to remote FLU and stop our proxy process.
read_chunk/5Read a chunk of data of size Size from File at Offset.
start_link/1Start a local, long-lived process that will be our steady & reliable communication proxy with the fickle & flaky remote Machi server.

Function Details


append_chunk(PidSpec, Prefix, Chunk) -> any()

Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.


append_chunk(PidSpec, Prefix, Chunk, Timeout) -> any()

Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.


append_chunk_extra(PidSpec, Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra) -> any()

Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.


append_chunk_extra(PidSpec, Prefix, Chunk, ChunkExtra, Timeout) -> any()

Append a chunk (binary- or iolist-style) of data to a file with Prefix.


checksum_list(PidSpec, File) -> any()

Fetch the list of chunk checksums for File.


checksum_list(PidSpec, File, Timeout) -> any()

Fetch the list of chunk checksums for File.


code_change(OldVsn, S, Extra) -> any()


handle_call(Request, From, S) -> any()


handle_cast(Msg, S) -> any()


handle_info(Info, S) -> any()


init(X1) -> any()


list_files(PidSpec) -> any()

Fetch the list of all files on the remote FLU.


list_files(PidSpec, Timeout) -> any()

Fetch the list of all files on the remote FLU.


quit(PidSpec) -> any()

Quit & close the connection to remote FLU and stop our proxy process.


read_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size) -> any()


read_chunk(PidSpec, File, Offset, Size, Timeout) -> any()

Read a chunk of data of size Size from File at Offset.


start_link(P_srvr_list) -> any()

Start a local, long-lived process that will be our steady & reliable communication proxy with the fickle & flaky remote Machi server.


terminate(Reason, State) -> any()

Generated by EDoc, May 20 2015, 11:11:34.