%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License, %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an %% "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(machi_file_proxy_eqc). -ifdef(TEST). -ifdef(EQC). -compile(export_all). -include("machi.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -define(QC_OUT(P), eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> io:format(user, Str, Args) end, P)). %% EUNIT TEST DEFINITION eqc_test_() -> {timeout, 60, {spawn, [ {timeout, 30, ?_assertEqual(true, eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(15, ?QC_OUT(prop_ok()))))} ] }}. %% SHELL HELPERS test() -> test(100). test(N) -> quickcheck(numtests(N, prop_ok())). check() -> check(prop_ok(), current_counterexample()). %% GENERATORS csum_type() -> elements([?CSUM_TAG_NONE, ?CSUM_TAG_CLIENT_SHA, ?CSUM_TAG_SERVER_SHA]). csum(Type, Binary) -> case Type of ?CSUM_TAG_NONE -> <<>>; _ -> machi_util:checksum_chunk(Binary) end. position(P) -> ?LET(O, offset(), P + O). offset() -> ?SUCHTHAT(X, int(), X >= 0). offset_base() -> elements([4096, 6144, 7168, 8192, 20480, 100000, 1000000]). big_offset() -> ?LET(P, int(), ?LET(X, offset_base(), P+X)). len() -> ?SUCHTHAT(X, int(), X >= 1). data_with_csum() -> ?LET({B,T},{eqc_gen:largebinary(), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}). %?LET({B,T},{eqc_gen:binary(), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}). data_with_csum(Limit) -> %?LET({B,T},{?LET(S, Limit, eqc_gen:largebinary(S)), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}). ?LET({B,T},{?LET(S, Limit, eqc_gen:binary(S)), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}). intervals([]) -> []; intervals([N]) -> [{N, choose(1,1)}]; intervals([A,B|T]) -> [{A, oneof([choose(1, B-A), B-A])}|intervals([B|T])]. interval_list() -> ?LET(L, oneof([list(choose(1025, 1033)), list(choose(1024, 4096))]), intervals(lists:usort(L))). shuffle_interval() -> ?LET(L, interval_list(), shuffle(L)). get_written_interval(L) -> ?LET({O, Ln}, elements(L), {O+1, Ln-1}). %% INITIALIZATION -record(state, {pid, prev_extra = 0, planned_writes=[], planned_trims=[], written=[], trimmed=[]}). initial_state() -> #state{written=[{0,1024}]}. initial_state(I, T) -> #state{written=[{0,1024}], planned_writes=I, planned_trims=T}. weight(_S, rewrite) -> 1; weight(_S, _) -> 2. %% HELPERS get_overlaps(_Offset, _Len, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); get_overlaps(Offset, Len, [{Pos, Sz} = Ck|T], Acc0) %% Overlap judgement differnt from the one in machi_csum_table %% [a=Offset, b), [x=Pos, y) ... when %% a =< x && x < b && b =< y (Offset =< Pos andalso Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len =< Pos + Sz) orelse %% a =< x && y < b (Offset =< Pos andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len) orelse %% x < a && a < y && y =< b (Pos < Offset andalso Offset < Pos + Sz andalso Pos + Sz =< Offset + Len) orelse %% x < a && b < y (Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len < Pos + Sz) -> get_overlaps(Offset, Len, T, [Ck|Acc0]); get_overlaps(Offset, Len, [_Ck|T], Acc0) -> %% ?debugVal({Offset, Len, _Ck}), %% ?debugVal(Offset =< Pos andalso Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len =< Pos + Sz), %% ?debugVal(Offset =< Pos andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len), %% ?debugVal(Pos < Offset andalso Offset < Pos + Sz andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len), %% ?debugVal(Pos < Offset + Len andalso Offset + Len < Pos + Sz), get_overlaps(Offset, Len, T, Acc0). %% Inefficient but simple easy code to verify by eyes - returns all %% bytes that fits in (Offset, Len) chop(Offset, Len, List) -> ChopLeft = fun({Pos, Sz}) when Pos < Offset andalso Offset =< Pos + Sz -> {Offset, Sz + Pos - Offset}; ({Pos, Sz}) when Offset =< Pos andalso Pos + Sz < Offset + Len -> {Pos, Sz}; ({Pos, _Sz}) when Offset =< Pos -> {Pos, Offset + Len - Pos} end, ChopRight = fun({Pos, Sz}) when Offset + Len < Pos + Sz -> {Pos, Offset + Len - Pos}; ({Pos, Sz}) -> {Pos, Sz} end, Filter0 = fun({_, 0}) -> false; (Other) -> {true, Other} end, lists:filtermap(fun(E) -> Filter0(ChopRight(ChopLeft(E))) end, List). %% Returns all bytes that are at left side of the Offset chopped_left(_Offset, []) -> undefined; chopped_left(Offset, [{Pos,_Sz}|_]) when Pos < Offset -> {Pos, Offset - Pos}; chopped_left(_, _) -> undefined. chopped_right(_Offset, []) -> undefined; chopped_right(Offset, List) -> {Pos, Sz} = lists:last(List), if Offset < Pos + Sz -> {Offset, Pos + Sz - Offset}; true -> undefined end. cleanup_chunk(Offset, Length, ChunkList) -> Overlaps = get_overlaps(Offset, Length, ChunkList, []), NewCL0 = lists:foldl(fun lists:delete/2, ChunkList, Overlaps), NewCL1 = case chopped_left(Offset, Overlaps) of undefined -> NewCL0; LeftRemain -> [LeftRemain|NewCL0] end, NewCL2 = case chopped_right(Offset+Length, Overlaps) of undefined -> NewCL1; RightRemain -> [RightRemain|NewCL1] end, lists:sort(NewCL2). is_error({error, _}) -> true; is_error({error, _, _}) -> true; is_error(Other) -> {expected_ERROR, Other}. is_ok({ok, _, _}) -> true; is_ok(ok) -> true; is_ok(Other) -> {expected_OK, Other}. get_offset({ok, _Filename, Offset}) -> Offset; get_offset(_) -> error(badarg). last_byte([]) -> 0; last_byte(L0) -> L1 = lists:map(fun({Pos, Sz}) -> Pos + Sz end, L0), lists:last(lists:sort(L1)). -define(TESTDIR, "./eqc"). cleanup() -> [begin Fs = filelib:wildcard(?TESTDIR ++ Glob), [file:delete(F) || F <- Fs], [file:del_dir(F) || F <- Fs] end || Glob <- ["*/*/*/*", "*/*/*", "*/*", "*"] ], _ = file:del_dir(?TESTDIR), ok. %% start start_pre(S) -> S#state.pid =:= undefined. start_command(S) -> {call, ?MODULE, start, [S]}. start(_S) -> {_, _, MS} = os:timestamp(), File = test_server:temp_name("eqc_data") ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(MS), {ok, Pid} = machi_file_proxy:start_link(some_flu, File, ?TESTDIR), unlink(Pid), Pid. start_next(S, Pid, _Args) -> S#state{pid = Pid}. %% read read_pre(S) -> S#state.pid /= undefined. read_args(S) -> [S#state.pid, offset(), len()]. read_post(S, [_Pid, Off, L], Res) -> Written = get_overlaps(Off, L, S#state.written, []), Chopped = chop(Off, L, Written), Trimmed = get_overlaps(Off, L, S#state.trimmed, []), Eof = lists:max([Pos+Sz||{Pos,Sz}<-S#state.written]), %% ?debugVal({Off, L}), %% ?debugVal(S), case Res of {ok, {Written0, Trimmed0}} -> Written1 = lists:map(fun({_, Pos, Chunk, _}) -> {Pos, iolist_size(Chunk)} end, Written0), Trimmed1 = lists:map(fun({_, Pos, Sz}) -> {Pos, Sz} end, Trimmed0), %% ?debugVal({Written, Chopped, Written1}), %% ?debugVal({Trimmed, Trimmed1}), %% ?assertEqual(Chopped, Written1), %% ?assertEqual(Trimmed, Trimmed1), Chopped =:= Written1 andalso Trimmed =:= Trimmed1; %% TODO: such response are ugly, rethink the SPEC {error, not_written} when Eof < Off + L -> true; {error, not_written} when Chopped =:= [] andalso Trimmed =:= [] -> true; Other -> ?debugVal(Other), is_error(Res) end. read_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S. read(Pid, Offset, Length) -> machi_file_proxy:read(Pid, Offset, Length, [{needs_trimmed, true}]). %% write write_pre(S) -> S#state.pid /= undefined andalso S#state.planned_writes /= []. %% do not allow writes with empty data write_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) -> ?assert(false), false; write_pre(_S, _Args) -> true. write_args(S) -> {Off, Len} = hd(S#state.planned_writes), [S#state.pid, Off, data_with_csum(Len)]. write_post(S, [_Pid, Off, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}] = _Args, Res) -> Size = iolist_size(Bin), case {get_overlaps(Off, Size, S#state.written, []), get_overlaps(Off, Size, S#state.trimmed, [])} of {[], []} -> %% No overlap neither with written ranges nor trimmed %% ranges; OK to write things. eq(Res, ok); {_, _} -> %% overlap found in either or both at written or at %% trimmed ranges; can't write. is_error(Res) end. write_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Offset, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) -> S0 = case is_ok(Res) of true -> S#state{written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}]) }; _ -> S end, S0#state{prev_extra = 0, planned_writes=tl(S0#state.planned_writes)}. write(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) -> Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag}, {client_csum, Csum}], machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, Offset, Meta, Bin). %% append append_pre(S) -> ?assert(undefined =/= S#state.written), S#state.pid /= undefined. %% do not allow appends with empty binary data append_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) -> false; append_pre(_S, _Args) -> true. append_args(S) -> [S#state.pid, default(0, len()), data_with_csum()]. append(Pid, Extra, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) -> Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag}, {client_csum, Csum}], machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, Meta, Extra, Bin). append_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Extra, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) -> case is_ok(Res) of true -> Offset = get_offset(Res), Expected = erlang:max(last_byte(S#state.written) + S#state.prev_extra, last_byte(S#state.trimmed)), ?assertEqual(Expected, Offset), S#state{prev_extra = Extra, written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])}; _ -> S end. %% appends should always succeed unless the disk is full %% or there's a hardware failure. append_post(_S, _Args, Res) -> true == is_ok(Res). %% rewrite rewrite_pre(S) -> S#state.pid /= undefined andalso (S#state.written ++ S#state.trimmed) /= [] . rewrite_args(S) -> ?LET({Off, Len}, get_written_interval(S#state.written ++ S#state.trimmed), [S#state.pid, Off, data_with_csum(Len)]). rewrite(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) -> Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag}, {client_csum, Csum}], machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, Offset, Meta, Bin). rewrite_post(_S, _Args, Res) -> is_error(Res). rewrite_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S#state{prev_extra = 0}. %% trim trim_pre(S) -> S#state.pid /= undefined andalso S#state.planned_trims /= []. trim_args(S) -> {Offset, Length} = hd(S#state.planned_trims), [S#state.pid, Offset, Length]. trim(Pid, Offset, Length) -> machi_file_proxy:trim(Pid, Offset, Length, false). trim_post(_S, [_Pid, _Offset, _Length], ok) -> true; trim_post(_S, [_Pid, _Offset, _Length], _Res) -> false. trim_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Offset, Length]) -> S1 = case is_ok(Res) of true -> NewWritten = cleanup_chunk(Offset, Length, S#state.written), Trimmed1 = cleanup_chunk(Offset, Length, S#state.trimmed), NewTrimmed = lists:sort([{Offset, Length}|Trimmed1]), S#state{trimmed=NewTrimmed, written=NewWritten}; _Other -> S end, S1#state{prev_extra=0, planned_trims=tl(S#state.planned_trims)}. %% Property prop_ok() -> cleanup(), ?FORALL({I, T}, {shuffle_interval(), shuffle_interval()}, ?FORALL(Cmds, parallel_commands(?MODULE, initial_state(I, T)), begin {H, S, Res} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds), %% case S#state.pid of %% undefined -> noop; %% Pid -> %% machi_file_proxy:stop(Pid) %% end, pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res == ok)) end) ). %% Test for tester functions chopper_test_() -> [?_assertEqual([{0, 1024}], get_overlaps(1, 1, [{0, 1024}], [])), ?_assertEqual([], get_overlaps(10, 5, [{9, 1}, {15, 1}], [])), ?_assertEqual([{9,2},{14,1}], get_overlaps(10, 5, [{9, 2}, {14, 1}], [])), ?_assertEqual([], chop(0, 0, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([{0, 1}], chop(0, 1, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([], chop(1, 0, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([{1, 1}], chop(1, 1, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([{1, 1}], chop(1, 2, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([], chop(2, 1, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([], chop(2, 2, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([{1, 1}], chop(1, 3, [{0,2}])), ?_assertError(_, chop(3, 1, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual([], chop(2, 3, [{0,2}])), ?_assertEqual({0, 1}, chopped_left(1, [{0, 1024}])), ?_assertEqual([{0, 1}, {2, 1022}], cleanup_chunk(1, 1, [{0, 1024}])), ?_assertEqual([{2, 1022}], cleanup_chunk(0, 2, [{0, 1}, {2, 1022}])), ?_assert(true) ]. -endif. % EQC -endif. % TEST