[ {machi, [ %% Data directory for all FLUs. {flu_data_dir, "{{platform_data_dir}}/flu"}, %% FLU config directory {flu_config_dir, "{{platform_etc_dir}}/flu-config"}, %% Chain config directory {chain_config_dir, "{{platform_etc_dir}}/chain-config"}, %% FLUs to start at app start. %% This task has moved to machi_flu_sup and machi_lifecycle_mgr. %% Number of metadata manager processes to run per FLU. %% Default = 10 %% {metadata_manager_count, 2}, %% Do not delete, do not put Machi config items after this line. {final_comma_stopper, do_not_delete} ] }, {lager, [ {error_logger_hwm, 5000} % lager's default of 50/sec is too low ] } ].